Come on people....BASS!'s really not that hard. It kills me when reading people's descriptions/comments about their system's, or a components LOWER FREQUENCIES referred to as BASE.  BASE is the bottom support, BASS, are the lower frequencies of pitch.  
Bass is a fish. If English is your second language, it’s an easy mistake.  Why sweat the small stuff?  BTW, English spelling is hard.
The base of this conversation has debased any notion of agreement and should be based as the base of a another conversation. 🤔

I think that it is one of the less aggravating misspellings (and misuses)often seen on this site.

The one that annoys me most? Using there in place of their or they're. I see it here every day from people who should know better.

Remember there are people on this site from other countries. There english spelling isn't always perfect. Neither is mine and I am American
Many misspellings and grammar mistakes on this very thread. The one that I see most on this forum is using "then" instead of "than". This is better "then" that. Wrong form of "their" runs a close second as above. Basic grade school grammar errors.

What bother’s me is the misuse of apostrophe’s which should be used to indicate possession and not used to indicate the use of plural’s. This is among the most common of error’s.
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I've seen college kids text using no caps or punctuation of any kind except maybe, a period along with many mis-spelled words. But then my grammar is far from perfect.
...yeah, but on an audiophile just don't misspell "bass".
That's just a no-no.
You can misspell everything else, but not "bass".

...I cringe every time I see "base"....arggghhh!
I've seen college kids text using no caps or punctuation of any kind except maybe, a period along with many mis-spelled words. But then my grammar is far from perfect.

The reason you are seeing this is they spent their youth, or rather came up through their youth..via texting. Texting keyboards require far too much effort for most to bother to punctuate properly.

It's a dead giveaway (when reading a text of mine) that I was an adult when texting became mainstream, as I do the extra work of punctuation and use all the extra characters that are on the second layer beyond the basic qwerty.

I admit that having to do things correctly stops me from texting at all. I won't willingly misspell and use punctuation incorrectly and I don't want the extra effort of dealing with this micro miniature keyboard crap, so I simply don't text.

The first company to address this issue in a simple easily utilized and intuitive way, will probably win the next bout of smart phone sales wars. Perhaps some company already has.

I don't like 'dumbing down' phones, so I stay away from them. I talk with people. I call them. I speak with them in person. I sit at computers and compose emails.
I had to interview job candidates for my company not long ago.   And writing is involved - being able to describe the products on the website for potential buyers.  As part of the interview I gave all candidates a 10 word spelling exam, nothing too difficult, words like "dimensions", "beautiful", "large", "pictures", etc.   If memory serves, 90%+ of the candidates were recent ASU graduates in non-engineering disciplines.     I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that if you saw the results, you'd think the spelling test had been administered to a group of non-English-speaking Albanian exchange students.   It was like that comedy movie "Idiocracy" happening right there in the interviews.

My biggest person online pet peeve is the word "lose", as in the opposite of "to find".   Somewhere along the way, that word gained an extra "o" and if you don't win you're a "looser".  
Regarding misuse of apostrophes I of course agree, but on occasion I (and perhaps others) have chosen to take a bit of poetic license and do that intentionally, in order to avoid possible confusion as to whether the "s" is part of a tube type designation or model name which precedes it.

But to add to the commonly seen incorrect word substitutions that have been mentioned, on a percentage basis I would have to say that among the leaders are requests for or offerings of "advise" instead of "advice."

And of course "your" instead of "you’re."

-- Al

+1 teo_audio. I always thought that emails were the biggest enemy of true communication until texting came along. Probably why they invented emoji to try to add clarity of intent to an otherwise easily misinterpreted written comment stripped of inflection and verbal cues for the sake of minimal effort.

Are we really that busy with matters of importance that a phone call is too ponderous in order to ensure the meeting of the minds?

It's nice to know I'm not alone when it comes to "smart" phones and texting. This is how AI takes over.

One. Step. At. A. Time. 

All the best,
I hear school district are going to stop teaching cursive writing as it is just "too difficult" for modern youngsters to learn. Don't tell this to the kids attending "The Latin School" in Chicago. They learn Latin language as most will be doctors and lawyers. Quoting Judge Smails: "The world needs ditch diggers too.".
dweller, I'd heard about abandoning cursive writing....
As someone who the nuns attempted to beat proper Palmer Method Cursive into and still failed to conform, I'm of mixed mind.  My personal handwriting would best serve a pharmacist...and we'd have a quieter world for it.  I gave up long ago and generally print the rare message and note.  Like most, my signature is a scrawled tangle of lines with a vague attempt at some sort of 'form following function' (maybe it should look kinda like the letters it mimics...).
Cursive is going to follow calligraphy into the 'arts & crafts'....most will not miss it..

When all that's left is emoji, will we have come full circle to pictography as in Chinese or Japanese?

do not get me started on: to, too, two!


I have terrible grammar but even I know the difference.
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Many such misspellings are a result of careless use of voice recognition and autocorrection. I am often the practitioner/victim of these word crimes. It becomes very tedious to re-read and edit texts and dictated messages. Sometimes, you make the effort, but just miss the errors.
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Part of the problem is that texting teaches bad habits, and another part is the reliance on spell checking software and simply accepting that it will know best which homonym you would want to use without you having to think about it.

When legal matters can have millions of bucks determined by a misplaced comma, the upcoming generations' refrain of "Well, you know what I meant" just isn't going to cut it.
I once found on a boutique microphone manufacturer's website, the misspelling of "base", and wrote them a semi-sarcastic email about it (attempting humor).  The company owner was not amused, and proceeded to list me his extensive credentials in the audio industry, to win my respect I suppose.  It was a bit over-the-top response to my simply pointing out that he misused the word base for bass when describing the characteristics of his $1500 microphone.  He did fix the webpage that day though!
For those who are wordsmiths, and for those who would just like to learn rules of grammar, I suggest getting the daily missive from wordrake. com  great info with a sense of humor.
People with really expensive systems using poor grammar and bad spelling irk me. How did they succeed on making so much while knowing so little?
I have encountered self made millionaires who were absolute boneheads in grammar, math, history, etc. back in high school. Go figure........