Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.

My CT GE speaker cables and power cables continue to open up and tighten up. They are amazingly great cables...
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jmcgrogan2...Yes and no..I did have the 'red' CT GE pc on my Lumin...where I use the CPT-300 and found the CPT better...I cannot..due to space constraints..have a CPT on my amps...but , that being said, the 'high current' blue CT GE pcs are superb on my SET amps. I like what the CPT does for the blackness and instumental separation.
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I now have about 160 hours on the power cords and IC's.  These have really opened up.  I wish I didn't post my first impressions,  and instead just waited to get some time on them before posting.  In short, things have really opened up, no longer is the stage constricted and the tone, texture, dynamics and frequency  extension is all VERY good.  Very happy with these cables.  
I'm glad to hear that additional burn in time did the trick.
Dod you have to alter the positioning of your speakers?

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I have enjoyed reading through this discussion, and want to give these a whirl. Which power cords would be the best choices for my Jolida 3502 integrated amp and Empirical Audio Overdrive SE DAC? Yellow and red? Yellow and blue? Blue and red?

Any input would be appreciated.

Bob From Cerious...Best would be BLUE High Current for the integrated and Red (Low Current) for the DAC...
Sorry...after researching this DAC I would go Blue as its regulators draw a fair amount of current...
I just received full loom of Cerious Graphene Cable and i must say i am impressed out of the box. Improvement on details, background and imaging. 

Cant wait for them to break-in.



The main thing is to try to avoid unplugging them and moving them.

I think you will really enjoy them.


Just ordered a set of speaker cables, jumpers and digital cables - can't wait!! 😁
Hey Bob, sent you 2 emails about ordering some power cables, etc.! Hope you were on a vacation. Now get back to work!

How do you guys get in touch with Cerious? I sent email to get pricing and order CT GE speaker cables two weeks ago and still no response. What is the current pricing for speaker cables, power cords? Are there any price list?

Bob if you that busy and business is booming, may be you should hire some help to communicate with customers. No matter how good your cables are, your customer service should be more efficient.

Thank you.

Agreed, been waiting for than a month to hear from Bob after exchanging emails, one indicating he would call me the next day. Glad his business is doing gang-busters but perhaps some additional personnel to help put things in order would benefit both his business and his customers (potential or otherwise).
This is why I blew this thread off weeks ago. Yeah I've read some comments from time-to-time but I posted early on there was an issue with the website which in my opinion is unbecoming of a company, no matter who good their actual product may be. Real turn off to the end-consumer, wouldn't you say?
How does Audiogon notify you that you've received a message...Oh yeah, email!!
Sorry guys...My daughter got married on Saturday and my forwarding did not materialize. I am back in the office and will get to everyone tomorrow morning! I will leave ti up to everyone to decide if attending one's daughter's wedding is unbecoming. Working on the website and my apologies again.
Bob from Cerious...Hugs!

Oh sure, like we haven't heard the daughter's wedding excuse before.... please.

Probably an emotional day for you Bob.

Bob yes indeed congrats on your daughters nuptials and I am sure you were and are  a very proud poppa!
If I might change the subject, Modwright owners take note.  Bob Grost made a graphene umbilical for me as an alternative to the "Truth" umbilical that Modwright provides.  Used between my Modwright modified Sony 5400es and its separate PS 9.0 power supply, it is more resolving than the very good "Truth" cable. 
hi, to those waiting for Bob's reply, please stay clam and don't vent your frustration here. Kindly give him a break for whatever he maybe busy with. 
We all have a life, be it in work or play. Try to use alternative email methods, perhaps audiogon system work for him. 
some suggested to him getting more staff to handle communication and sales etc..  so whom is going to pay for that extra person salary? guess that it would be us to pay in the end when Cerious raise price for the cables, isn't it ?
Yep, to hire another person, even for an assistant role would almost certainly drive up the cost of the cables.   He has a lot of demand right now, but there is no guarantee it is going to that will continue 6 months from now and beyond.

Oh sure, like we haven't heard the daughter's wedding excuse before.... please.

Just move on if not happy with the service.  Power of the purse!

152 posts
07-16-2016 3:10am
hi, to those waiting for Bob's reply, please stay clam and don't vent your frustration here. Kindly give him a break for whatever he maybe busy with.
We all have a life, be it in work or play. Try to use alternative email methods, perhaps audiogon system work for him.
some suggested to him getting more staff to handle communication and sales etc.. so whom is going to pay for that extra person salary? guess that it would be us to pay in the end when Cerious raise price for the cables, isn't it ?

Well, one has to decide if this is a business or hobby.   It's disrespectful can't reply to POTENTIAL customers inquiries in a timely manner.  This is one of the reason this hobby remains a boutique business.

In my business, I already am saddled with a large enough payroll as it is. I don't blame Bob if he doesn't want to grow any bigger than a one man operation and have all of the headaches that go with it. It seems no matter how much you grow, you will still not please everyone and I tell some customers there are other choices in the marketplace for them to choose from. Bob is very honest, he has stated how his operation works. Rather than calling Bob disrespectful perhaps another cable manufacturer will fill ones immediate needs. I hear they're cranking em out in China.
453 posts
07-16-2016 9:25am
Yep, to hire another person, even for an assistant role would almost certainly drive up the cost of the cables.

Why?  It appears he's not meeting demand so losing PROFITS in lost sales.  So the potential lost sales can support a new position???

He has a lot of demand right now, but there is no guarantee it is going to that will continue 6 months from now and beyond.

Yep, this is where the fun starts in running a business.
It took me about 10 years of working up to 18 hour days to get my business to where it is and I'm now where I want to be.

i think Bob is where he wants to be now.
joecasey is correct in his assessment and very much on point with loosing potential customers. That lost revenue could drive a next and even better generation of cables and/or improve manufacturing of the existing line so as to drive the cost down, despite hiring additional personnel. 

as to looking elsewhere if impatient already have...
Thanks lancelock for the support. When I ran Unity Audio we had 120 dealers in 16 countries and all I did was run a company 16 hours a day with almost 5 years without a day off.I never had time to develop new product or have a life. Cerious was profitable in its second day of operations. Life is about relationships and I am attempting to forge a business model that fosters knowing my customers (and supporting them) long term. Anyone who understands manufacturing and profitability knows that the highest level of return on investment occurs at maximum production capacity. You WANT production strained. Any underutilized capacity costs you money.
As far as communication, anyone tried to get help from Amazon or PayPal lately? Talk to the computer! My first priority goes to those that have paid for product - getting them a hand made product at an incredible price. Could I miss some opportunities for sales? Absolutely. But we must always realize where these opportunities came from - incredible cables at an incredible price. This is the fundamental mission and "sales strategy" of Cerious. I am EXACTLY where I want to be. Life is wonderful (Group hug!...sorry got a little carried away there...).
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Hi Bob, hug and a belated congrats back to you! Your business philosophy is a very sound one with your current product offerings. 

As for some of the comments, I prefer a longer wait for a product with extreme price/quality ratio than what the industry average offers.

John, I thought you went through the renovations before or it this the second iteration? 
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I waited for 3 weeks to get my GE PCs and ICs, and loved them so much. Then I ordered my speaker cable and another IC (XLR to RCA special order) this time. It took a month for the delivery and I finally got them this week. But, once I received and hooked them up to my system, I forgot all my frustration for the long delayed delivery. I am very happy with every single one of them.

My only frustration now is thinking myself that I've spent so much money and time for the items that all GE SC, IC and PC have replaced.

You can't please everyone regardless of how hard you try.
+1 RGrost!

Jmcgrogan & Jazzonthehudson...I just have to smile!


Your statement is similar to Ricky Nelson's song, The Garden Party.

"You can't please everyone so you got to please yourself".

Folks I warned you at the beginning of this thread. Bob is not set up for a huge influx of orders. Never has and probably never will. But for those who are patient and appreciate the high quality sound obtained from his design you will be rewarded. Search out the video as to how these cables are produced. They are nothing like the mass produced stuff that costs much more with their high $ advertising, dealers and such.

No Bob, wants to control the manufacturing in a way that guarantees that the quality is built into each and every product.


Lack of communication can be very frustrating to potential customers.
Perhaps a note such as "current lead time is approx. 4-5 weeks" or such would help.
I don't mind waiting, I knew this going in, but communication is key.
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joecasey177 posts07-16-2016 9:56am

Oh sure, like we haven't heard the daughter's wedding excuse before.... please.

Just move on if not happy with the service. Power of the purse!

You obviously do not recognize gentle ribbing.

lets get this thread back to the actual cables.  I'm sure most people would enjoy reading about experiences with the CT GE's compared to higher cost cable brands and like discussions.  
Good idea. Has anyone used the "blue cable" for their power conditioner? Or is there another higher current version I don't know about? I have a P10 I'm considering a cable for.
lancelock, I have a P10 and I would also be interested in the use of the blue PC on it. I have tried the yellow (power conditioning) cable on it, but I still preferred the HiDiamond P4. I am using the yellow PC on my BSG QOL and it is great there.
has anyone tried A\B comparison between CE graphene interconnects and other interconnects (those in higher price bracket) ? can i know what is your brief opinions ?  Thanks in advances!
153 posts
07-17-2016 11:09pm
has anyone tried A\B comparison between CE graphene interconnects and other interconnects (those in higher price bracket) ? can i know what is your brief opinions ? Thanks in advances!

Inasmuch as the break-in times for high end cables are so long these days and the disruption of the interconnect's physical/electrical connections takes some finite time to "heal," in conjuction with the so-called audio memory issue I tend to hold a skeptical view regarding cable comparisons in general and take evaluations and comparisons with a grain of salt just as I do comments about how a cable or anything sounds right out of the box, positive or negative.


i have a different opinion from yours.
for those whom are skeptical of burn-in or "physical/electrical connections takes some finite time to "heal,"...etc  please skip my question, thank you! 

i had made A/B comparisons from cables that are already "burn-in" within the same audio system(variable are controlled) and there are real audible differences, such as bass, soubdstage etc.. 
so has anyone did A\B between CE graphene interconnects and other interconnects??