Recommendation for a modern Duntech Sovereign 2001 replacement | ronboco | 9461 | 32 | |
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!) | nonoise | 30073 | 233 | |
Footers under big heavy speakers (Stillpoints Ultra 5, Sistrum rack, Finite Elements,..?) | mains | 10701 | 34 | |
For the owners of NAD M25, what was your next step, if any? | jazzonthehudson | 2240 | 1 | |
Help needed for isolation under the power amps | jazzonthehudson | 5514 | 23 | |
Sony 9000ES or DVP S7700 as transport? | jafant | 3961 | 5 | |
Tube amp modding | jazzonthehudson | 5674 | 4 | |
Tube amp repair shop in/near NYC? | ebm | 5846 | 8 | |
Recommended 5.1 processor + amp under 10k | jazzonthehudson | 5360 | 11 | |
Audience powerChord SE / AU24 vs HiDiamond P3 / P4 | loftarasa | 4063 | 1 | |
TELEFUNKEN E88CC-TK | jazzonthehudson | 9381 | 5 | |
Audience AR 12 TS vs Tesla PowerCell 10SE Mk III | wig | 5302 | 11 | |
Duntech Soverign 2001 owners | tbg | 2515 | 1 | |
Duntech Soverigns - help needed | tbg | 6181 | 8 | |
Duntech Black Knights to Martin Logan Summit X | jazzkid | 18492 | 9 | |