Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.



I have owned or tied most of the high end cables before I installed the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables.These are at the end of my journey.

I will say that moving the CE cables takes them time to resettle before they again sound there best due to the liquid slurry inside so A/B comparison will be tough.


I am very happy for you to find a system of cables that is bringing an increased joy to your listening.

I hope everyone who is evaluating and comparing cables can obtain the use of the Audio Dharma Cable Cooker to fully condition their cables. With it's Ground Breaker attachment, this device conditions Hot, Neutral, and even Ground. The improvement in even in "fully broken in" cables is significant.

Broken in cables take three days to fully settle in just from connecting and disconnecting. Rigorous cable evaluation is a slow process that can not be rushed.

David Pritchard


I did own the Audiodharma cable cooker for quite some time. But once I bought the High Diamond cables with their extreme rigidly I ended up selling the Cooker. I never thought I would take them out of the system again to recondition. Now, with the CE cables which are more flexible  I could have used it. 

I totally agree that cables need time to break in. But, the CE cables sounded pretty good right away. However moving them around does take time for them to resettle.

Could we all agree to stop using the term "loom" when talking about a set of wires from a single source? There's enough lingo in this slightly crazy hobby to at least partially turn off anyone other than certified audiophiles. And, this application of the word "loom" makes no sense and does not fit any definition.
You realize that if we agree that "full Loom" only makes limited sense then we will have to come up with another name. My vote is for the "full Monty"...I guess that would be the stripped down version...

Sorry Brownie I prefer "loom". We all know what it means.

But then again I have been called loom(n)y.

Post removed 

Wow, its been a week since the last posting, just  trying to keep the thread alive.

Has anyone else received Cerious cables recently?

just got the speaker cables.  okay, I am very confused on how to hook these up right.  The blue cables have a plus sign, which I take as positive.  however, my speaker terminals have a plus sign with red coloring on them which is of course for red, not blue.  So do I hook up blue cable to the red terminal?  So do I pay attention to the colors or the signs?  I would normally hook up red to red and blue to black or white or whatever color is not red.  Very confused.  Help!!!!  Thanks.  

kclone...red to red and blue to black...that is what i was told ..works great for me..
calloway and ozzy, you both gave two different answers.  Hopefully Bob will pipe in. 
I received a one meter xlr pair of the graphene extreme cables this week. Initial impression is very good. Bob told me about 100 hours of play will get them near their maximum potential. If they improve as expected, I will look to get others in the line.
Connecting the speaker cables:
As long as both speaker cables are color coded the exact same way to the amp and speakers it doesn't matter how you do it. Just do it. The exact same way on both the left cable and the right cable.

my amp (McIntosh MC 452)doesn't have any colors on the terminals just positive and negative signs.  

I think what lak means is to make sure whatever way it is connected at the Amp to connect the speaker cables the same way.

In other words. If the + Amp terminal is connected to the blue lead then makes sure the blue lead is connected to the + on the speaker.


Congrats on the purchase. I think I started with the interconnects too. With each addition of the Graphene cables the sounds gets better and better.

well speaker + and amp + match as does the negative to negative.  I was just little confused the blue speaker cable would have the + sign on it and the red cable would a - sign on it.  There is nothing wrong with the sound anyway, I just wanted to make sure there was no harm done.  
okay, I talk to Bob and he set everything straight for me.  It is way simpler than I was making it.  
And what was the response Bob gave you?
Always good to know for others with the same dilemma!
Hi guys,,,Bob From Cerious. We are now on our 3rd set of graphics on the speaker cables because many customers were getting confused. This is why we were getting different answers how to hook them up because I have tweaked the labels trying to make it as easy as possible. The latest has every connector specifically labeled as "Right +" or "Right -" or "Left +" or "Left -". I kind of thought we would have no more questions after this but if any confusion occurs feel free to call me directly. Kclone called me on a Sunday night and I was happy to get him relaxed and hooked up properly. He admitted after he understood that he was making it harder than it was. Just follow the label on each connector and you will be "GOLDEN!!!". BTW no sonic or internal changes on the speaker cables, just tweaks to the connector labels to try to make it clearer how to hook them up...Thanks.
Couldn't be clearer :-)

Bob, do you monitor your Audiogon message box for new orders or can I contact you best in another way?
I do try but the best way is to go to our website and hit the contact button which will take you directly into my email...

"Wow, its been a week since the last posting, just trying to keep the thread alive.

Has anyone else received Cerious cables recently?"

Ozzy - I purchased: An RCA Digital cable (CD transport to DAC); RCA IC's; Red and Yellow PC's; and Speaker cables w/spade ends. 

Starting with the digital cable, I incrementally added the others. I haven't used the speaker cables yet.  I don't have a practical way to run them in, so I'll just put them in and listen.  Part of the delay is my need to rig up an adapter to connect the spade to a barrier strip terminal.  I have other amps/speakers that have conventional terminations; I just happen to be using a speaker with a barrier strip at the moment.

So far, I am very happy with what I have hooked up.  I don't have any desire to substitute another cable.  I am used to the organic, natural flowing sound and spatial attributes.

I have had the speaker cables running in since Sunday night.  They sound fantastic!!  Well balance, extended, lively, yet relaxed.  I'm very happy with them. 
Here is something I found interesting which in all likelihood would be well received info for customers and potential customers of this product. While I was doing some reading - completely unrelated to cables - about the Synergistic Research Black Quantum Fuse, I noted the description indicates "...featuring a patent pending UEF coating and Graphene with 8 million times the conductive density of copper." Wow. :)


135 posts
08-04-2016 1:34pm
Here is something I found interesting which in all likelihood would be well received info for customers and potential customers of this product. While I was doing some reading - completely unrelated to cables - about the Synergistic Research Black Quantum Fuse, I noted the description indicates "...featuring a patent pending UEF coating and Graphene with 8 million times the conductive density of copper." Wow. :)


Yes, but what is the function of the Graphene in the Black Fuse? That’s the $64K question. Also, what's a UEF? ;-)

Any reports on the yellow or blue PC's. I'm looking to try one on my P10 regenerator.
I have both a yellow and blue pc.
I use the yellow on my amp and the blue on my Equi=Tech Q2.
If I remember correctly I believe the blue pc is better suited to handle the greater power needs. If I'm incorrect, then someone please assist.
lak...you are correct. Robert suggested the 'blue' for my amps. They are the HC 'high current' version. They are great on my amps.
I am using a yellow PC on a power conditioner.  I am not sure what the differences are between the yellow and the blue. Presumably, Bob has a reason for specifying yellow for power conditioners.
ozzy and kclone I would concur as good as the interconnects are, and they are really great cables, the speaker cables are truly special. I can't imagine a better sounding speaker cable anywhere near the price point or many times higher. I also love my nano-reference power cables for me the first power cable that truly made me a believer, but I've not heard the GE power cables as of yet. Quite happy with the mix of nano and GE I am running now.
Hey just to confirm, there are 3 types of power cables? Red for low current, blue for high current and yellow for distributors/conditioners?
Hi guys...Bob from Cerious. So I surprised my wife this last weekend and flew her to the beach for her birthday (out Friday night and back Monday morning). I did not worry about mail forwarding as I would just be gone for the weekend. We flew Delta...Monday morning their system crashed and they cancelled all flights. Now two days at the airport and they think they can get us home on Friday! My wife wishes to thank Dekta as she will now get a week on the beach but I want to let everyone know that I can get my gmail so if you need to contact me rgrost@gmail.com or call me at 623-703-9771. Thanks...
Post removed 
Just send my details to Bob.  Waiting for PDF invoice.  Trying the ic first, and if all good will give a try the speaker cable.
I had the opportunity to compare Bob's HC pcs ,that are on my amps to a very well known and respected PC today that retails for $3000/ 2m cord and the comparison was almost identical in all areas.


Give us a hint as to the other cable and the comparison differences you did find.

I would rather not release the name of the other cable. It would not be politically correct to do so...The other cable..as mentioned retails for $3000 and the differences were amazingly very limited,and amounted to splitting hairs, which speaks well of Robert's cables.The audio friend, who owns the other pcs, agreed that there was not any significant audible difference and was truly amazed at that finding.I do have another friend who just ordered a complete 'loom' of Robert's cables.Can't wait to hear his findings.
Hello Calloway,
Your results are not that surprising considering how well the Cerious Graphene cable compared to your highly regarded High Fidelity CT cables. 
I have ordered the speaker cables and when they arrive I will compare them to my Morrow Reference Elite cables. I will be happy if they're are even close to the multi thousand dollar Morrows.

Does anyone who has tried the Graphene Extreme ICs also have experience with Crimson Music Link ICs? I have the Crimsons and am pretty happy with them. They are both neutral AND musically involving. I am intrigued by the GEs, though. Especially at a price where I can afford to try them.

The CT speaker cables are now in my system. I will give them some time to settle in but right away, they are better than my Synergistic Research Element Tungsten cables and right up there with my Morrows. Let's see what a couple of days does.