Bully pulpits

It’s pathetic that so many alleged audiophiles use a hobbyist site like Audiogon as a bully pulpit to express political or conspiracy opinions. Thank you for spoiling so much of what an enjoyable hobby forum used to be. 


Bully pulpits


And you wonder WHY there is such great division and  no compromise?


Let the games continue

I am thankful to those who contribute and provide valuable input. If you notice the "Bully Pulpits" say nothing.


certain topics initially open the door, others drift into .... along the way.

once it drifts, I typically follow along for a few reasons (ignoring or discovering idiots if they pop-up)

1. it might get back on original topic, further wisdom to gain

2. exposure to different opinions. the status quo surrounds you but you cannot imagine the ’other’ unless it finds you, or you seek it. ’East Village Other’ an example from the 60’s.

3. Fuller understanding of other members whom I have come to respect.

4. a chance to pass on who I am to others, if they care, then my comments in threads can be understood ’better’.

@hhscott , you might want to look for another HiFi discussion forum that better suits your needs/tastes. I've found the Roon community forum to be more consistently civil and on-topic than some others. The focus is on Roon, but it still covers a wide variety of HiFi-related topics.   

Post removed 

Unfortunately, this occurs in other hobby forums too. Someone always manages to interject their political views which ticks off several people---and there it goes! It usually gets really nasty before the posts are removed. Go to the political forums if that's your thing. 

Reading the daily recap over breakfast is one of my daily pleasures; love you crazy Americans

Self installing oneself to an invented pulpit on an anonymous internet forum recalls Caesar's walk to the Senate. Or maybe a hunting trip with Dick Cheney. Or even being hired by 45. 

Not Ray Bradbury.

...what gets me is that there’s the group that would like to play the shell game with real shells and everyone gets to lose....😒

I t occurred to me yesterday that if we can just hold our fire for a bit longer, the planet will deal with both sides....as well as the independent and uninterested.

Remember: You, me, and all y’all live in an organic soup called an atmosphere.
It’s nursed our sorry selves from another soup called the oceans.
If we think the planet can’t strike back in it’s own (maybe Not so leisurely) fashion..

I can’t wait for the chase scenes in this RT movie....;)

It might help to be a ’bot.......



Instead of posting something worthwhile... Why do you keep posting weird graphics? Or just insult people?

How do you know what I listen to or watch? Just because I don't agree with a lot of the stuff that you post?

It never ends and just keeps repeating itself, over and over and over,

All the best,

In a sad way, it is may be more entertaining than "how do you know when a DAC sounds good?".

 Controls is an end-all word. HAARP electromagnetic waves stimulate geophysical changes that can modify the weather as in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and such. It HAS been shown. Also I hate to burst that bubble you live in, but more and more are waking up to the complete hoax that is NASA. Wise-up wise guy. 😄

Hey folks, we have some James Bond level stuff going on, or is it Austin Powers level stuff? This is so confusing.

All the best,

yep - "Let's go Brandon!"


not sure about the past, but it sure has flipped - whatever you want to call them, democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, cancel culture, technology elitists, etc. are the ones stomping out / censoring free speech, thought, and an exchange of ideas.

I thought that democrats were the ones that protected free thought and were against "the man." Now they (the democrats) are "the man" and try to shutdown any thought that does not align with theirs.

So typical to do the things you accuse others of and simply swap out who's doing it as a matter of deflection. Did you learn that from watching Tucky on Animal Channel? You know, the guy who went to break bread with Viktor Oban, the last self professed dictator in Europe? Tucky wants to bring that back here to America.

You can work for their propaganda channel if they ever overturn our government. And keep up with the infantile chants: they suit you to a tee.

All the best,


jond, Controls is an end-all word. HAARP electromagnetic waves stimulate geophysical changes that can modify the weather as in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and such. It HAS been shown. Also I hate to burst that bubble you live in, but more and more are waking up to the complete hoax that is NASA. Wise-up wise guy. 😄

LoL! I am still laughing. EBM thanks 🙏

EBM said…

‘Very sad lets all CRY!!’


Jussie Smollet?

Haha, that's too funny! Yeah, he is really an embarrassment.


yep - "Let's go Brandon!"


not sure about the past, but it sure has flipped - whatever you want to call them, democrats, liberals, socialists, communists, cancel culture, technology elitists, etc. are the ones stomping out / censoring free speech, thought, and an exchange of ideas.

I thought that democrats were the ones that protected free thought and were against "the man." Now they (the democrats) are "the man" and try to shutdown any thought that does not align with theirs.

Next level trolling, to complain about trolls and a controversial topic in the same post.  

Tips hat to OP.  Couln't have done any better except if he found a way to mention Tekton in some way.  Then God Tier. 

You can let it fluster you.


You can ignore it.


Or you can use it to your advantage.

Kind of, sort of, on topic query...


I would like to have "sock puppet" capability, but I don't know how to go about it.


I would also prefer to maintain my moniker "DeKay/Dekay" as it's easy to remember and I would also like to maintain my password (again - easy to remember).


Any tips will be much appreciated (even if it means forking out for springs).



Ozzy that's just OAN playing in the background of wherever you are.

And Iso seriously common sense? Pretty sure you once said NASA or some govt agency controls the weather.

And Ted Denney starting to understand why certain folks here are your fanboys.

19,749 posts

Yes it’s very sad when people insist on making fools of themselves in public then double down only to  appear twice as foolish. 

Jesse Smollett?

tubebuffer said: "Why my post get delete. Talk about bully. People jealous because I got it. I coach you along to be security confident famous. I got new sneaker and comb."

Maybe it is because you talk like Tonto, although he makes more sense than you do. (no disrespect at all to the Native American community)


Some gladly swallow scripted information fed to them. Seek the truth and you'll deserve what you get. What's so funny about peace love and understanding? What's wrong with ethics morals and common sense? 

You're welcome, anything I can do to help.. If I can assist any further let me know.
I think I'll stand in the backyard naked. Well a hat!


Problem I have is it only becomes objectionable to many when a view is posted with which they disagree. It isnt that it is said as much as what is said. People who actually think for themselves are only those that follow a particular narrative. A total waste of time, but sometimes you just have to respond if for no other reason than to remind the extremists that not everyone shares the same sentiment.



wait find out maid member of moral majority. moving van Texas plates with sister riding gunshot. Anixous on ten thousand opportunity rat out . Wonder if generator can heat pool blizzard power grid supercede my spelling, spelting 


i am a Borat robot for Jesus

Tubebuffer must be a Liberty University graduate, communications and biblical sex education degrees. Dual major. Very impressive. Guessing he carried MC’s books.

I am a Robot with a copy of The Handmaid’s Tale

Awwwww Blesssss @tubebuffer

u No Hot Tubby Pool pARTy with No1 Jiggy Jiggy and LoVe You LONG Time , PumP Iron N Eat DuriAN … No Need Sildenafil

Post removed 

                  Sock Puppet
                 Posts Matters!

Why my post get delete. Talk about bully. People jealous because I got it. I coach you along to be security confident famous. I got new sneaker and comb.

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