Audiogon member suggestions for a speaker that sounds good at low volume!!!

I am looking for speaker suggestions (new or used) in the $1000-$4000 range that sound good at low volume (45-50db).  I listen to mostly jazz and classical music late at night while everyone else is sleeping so the volume is low.  My current speakers are Vandy 2CE sigs and they sound good at higher volume levels but I listen most critically, at low volume and hope to do better.  My amp is a Classe CT-2300 with a Classe CP-800 preamp. I have a larger room 20ft X 20ft but seldom listen to music loud. Monitor of floor standing is fine.  

I understand the limitation of human hearing (Fletcher-Munson Curve) and also an appreciation of the synergy of speaker design, speaker placement and room effects.  Anyone out there have a speaker they like at low volume?

Thank you in advance.


Your mostly right. However from my experience an Amp with a volume knob that has many steps will allow a high efficency speaker to work at low levels. The Lyngdorf 2170 is a great choice for instance where as the Primaluna Premium Dialogue was terrible at low volumes, mostly because of the high gain and lack of volume knob steps.
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My sound meter is a cell phone app.  I do not think a "two point calibration " is an option, so it is a very questionable number. :)
52 dB in the listening chair with a high efficiency speaker = no range on the volume control....

just math
Diapason Micra and Ateris are beautiful sounding but also very revealing speakers for low volume. Totem Sky is another. I use them regularly driven by a Paradigm PW AMP and sometimes added with small sub. You may also like the active pro-speaker Neumann KH80 (a bargain). Just a thought - are you really sure about your listening level - 45-50 db is very low.
I want to thank all who replied,  I will search the threads and see what makes sense to me. 

Initial thoughts - No headphones, yes to high sensitivity, maybe a sub?

I have been a stereo listener and enthusiast for many, many years and feel that there are a great many audiophiles out there who do listen al lower volumes. (I no longer wish to hear "Stairway to Heaven" at 100 db.) I hope that speaker companies might start to look at designing speakers for low volume listening. 

It is 9:30 pm and I currently an listening to the European Jazz Trio (Sonata) at 52db -  wonderful.

I heard Zus playing at Music Direct at low volume and I was blown away. Never heard speakers so alive, detailed and dynamic at such a low volume.
Quad, Tannoy and Ref 3a Decapo, all have great low level resolution. I’m sure there are others examples outside my experience but something to keep in mind in considering your options, the fewer obstructions in the signal path the more articulate and clear the presentation particularly at lower levels.
You could go with an integrated with a nice loudness control, like some of the current Yamaha offerings, if you want to keep your speakers, otherwise I find that some of the Dynaudios fit this profile.
Any LS3/5A type of speaker should sound good at low level listening. SPENDOR, Harbeth, Stirling, Falcon, etc., etc.!
At the higher end of your budget would be DNA2's by DecWare, they run $3800 and would be competitive with speakers in the $8-10,000 range. I own a set and at both lower and higher listening levels they are outstanding, very efficient I'm thinking around 96-96db, also check out their guarantee and trial, Good luck in your search.

Another vote for high efficiency speakers. I have a 2.1 configuration using Omega speakers/sub paired with a Decware amp. Low level listening is a joy with this combination.
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I also prefer low volume listening. I have Tannoy Legacy Eaton and uses a tube amp with them. I absolutely love them. 

Amps are important here. For example in my system newer Bryston amps are more "efficient" at lower volume levels than older ones. There is a technical reason for this which I cannot remember, but it does impact on easy listening at lower volumes. 
I have low powered 15w valve playing into LS3/5a falcon 15ohm - great for near field but as others have said (and you are sitting fairly static) headphones could make better choice

esp headphones that are less tiring - I use AKG712 keep my toes tapping and might be more immersive
I too prefer lower listening levels. 65 Db is perfect for me
I use near field Tannoy FSMs in a 14 x 18 room pulled 30"
off the back wall and using a 1-1.2 arrangement ratio.
Sounds pretty good to me even at the lower volumes.
The points mentioned about hi efficiency and quality power
merit attention.
I like my ESL’s. Quad 2905’s. But there is a cautionary thread currently active. Still, with your taste in volume, you might be just fine, as I am.

Don't let people tell you that you should listen to music loud. So what if you have better hearing? They're your ears!
Generally speaking I think higher efficiency speakers play better at low volumes vs inneficient speakers. Though I wouldn't underestimate the influence of a power amplifier. For example, I was very impressed by the Modwright KWA-150SE which has excellent inner detail, resolution and control at low volumes. Plus that amp sounds tube-like and musical, and is very well built. Just the addition of an amp like the Modwright might very well give you the sound you're looking for.

omega speakers sound wonderful at lower levels, I  recommend the High Out Put versions though for more complex music though and the regular ones for jazz and the like.  wonderful speakers for the money, huge sound scape (I use sound scape as they image better then any speaker I've heard your in the  performance). 

Tannoy, Tannoy and Tannoy - not only they sound incredible but they keep their value as well.
If you buy anything else you will loose money in the long term - like most the audiophiles on this forum. There is a good reason why Vintage Tannoy speakers keep increasing in value, although there are plenty of those speakers made ( more than studio JBL, Altec Jensen.....).  So, you can't loose if you buy vintage Tannoy speakers - if you don’t like them you can always resell them on the open market and even make an extra cash for yourself. However, keep in mind that most the audiophiles who had sold their Tannoy speakers, have eventually regretted it later. Good luck.
Those quoting spl would help by stating how you are arriving at that...
RS analog SPL
and calibrated b&K into Audio Tools RTA on the iPad 

the ipad built in mic, and my iPhone are off by a scant 10db

of course, yourmilagemay vary

As some have already suggested mains & sub 2.1 setups are great for low level listening. Nice thing is, you get to choose your response. A lot of listeners have and are moving to 2.1 speaker setups.


I would consider adding something like a Schiit Loki, so I can adjust the amount of bass/treble.
Listening a very low levels will impact the lower frequencies most as the woofers aren't being pushed to the same degree as when listening at normal levels.
Of course, you could always add subwoofers and add bass to taste.
Hi 2tubey,

I agree with Inna that good speakers should sound good at low volume. 

If you like the Vandys otherwise; then maybe you need to look at the amp/preamp?

Thanks for listening,

I use a pair of Wharfedale 80th Anniversary Dentons for low level classical listening in my bedroom at night and these sound as if there is full bandwidth at sub 50 dB SPLs. Save yourself some bux and try a pair. They are a great value for low level listening. I power them with an NAD 326BEE integrated and it is just right.
In a 20'x20' room, assuming a normal (7'-10' triangle) seating/speaker arrangement, you won't hear much music at 45-50dB, just like elevator background music. I may be the first person to say this, but I wouldn't waste time//money on quality speakers  and get some good headphones instead. If you insist on speakers, I'd suggest stand mounts with a pair of subwoofers.
I suggest you  take a look bache002 ,  if you go to Brooklyn to listen and like it 
you can get 2 weeks trial time
I would recommend looking at Harberh and Tannoy speakers. 

On the recommendation for high efficiency speakers, in my experience with Tekton and some expensive horn models, they did not sound good at low volumes - it became all tinny treble. I understand in theory they should work better but that hasn’t been my experience. 

Treo or the new carbon tweeter VLR
i listen at low levels at nite in our condo to Treo CT
working your room and system noise floor

Any good speakers should sound good at low volume , excellent at modest volume and at least very good at higher volume. But you lose bass at low volume, not all of it but enough, perhaps it's not a concern. Also, I would suggest speakers with woofers located away from the floor, at the top half of the speakers. I prefer this design, anyway.
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Start by narrowing down your speaker choices to those with high efficiency (94db+) and you'll be okay. 

Two that I have experience with are Tonian Labs TL-D1s and JBL 4319 monitors. Both really come alive at higher volumes (all speakers do) but they play very well at low volumes.

All the best,
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