

Responses from skoczylas

looking for bookshelves - Another usual boring speaker discussion
I would try something totally different than the Wilson’s to give you some variety - have you thought about a British sound? Perhaps the small Harbeths or splendors? These go great with Hegel. Very different sound than what you have now.   
Off-axis compensated for by balance adjustment
Yes for me it works well   
Looking for recommendations for integrated with a more “organic” sound.
Have you considered it might be your speakers more than the amp holding things back?   
Those singers you enjoy,....that don't really have a great voice?
Dinosaur Jr   
BS Node N130 USB to External DAC won't work
Sorry I  can’t help but I found the bs Facebook group to be super helpful for these questions.   
Speakers with deep/powerful bass
Totally agree - classic L100s and cerwin Vegas were called party speakers for a reason.    the track I like is “coming in from the cold” intro by bob Marley. It’s by big bass speaker test track.   
Warm and accurate bookshelves that can handle volume
I also love Harbeth but would question them for orchestras at volume. I always feel I start to hear the case resonance limits when I listen to orchestras on them but perhaps a better amp would help as suggested.     I can’t think of any bookshel... 
Primaluna or not Primaluna
Tannoys are unique speakers. Not a lot of tannoy fans here. My guess is your speakers need some power to sound their best and you might get some ideas at a dedicated tannoy forum. I would generally agree that PL would work but won’t give you the w... 
50 vintage speakers that give odds to modern acoustic systems
That’s a really good list. I can still recall the sound of a lot of these in my friends dads systems…   
New Dedicated Line - Almost No improvement
I’m not an expert but if I were to go down this particular rabbit hole, I would look into battery powered options - potentially using whole house battery power backups from Tesla and others. Just seems a more promising route.   
klipshorn speakers
I’d personally not want to hear those very loud unless the source room and equipment were all totally dialed in. Horns can get ear piercing fast. More wiggle room to go loud and enjoy the sound with mellower speakers. Just my opinion. Keep us post... 
Great Recordings, Sonically Speaking - and Why.
Two things for me: - can hear the tamber of the instruments- can hear the room or hall in the recording. So you get the ambience of where it was played. There are scratchy and imperfect recordings that I turn to time and time again bc they have th... 
Lack of popularity of Chord???
They are strange looking products  
Rega DAC ?
It’s pretty average. Mines in the closet bc it’s not better than the cheap blue sound node internal dac. Wasn’t better than the audio engine d1 either. Pretty disappointing. Ran it with a red wine amp then a Hegel h200. Tekton speakers then tannoy... 
British Integrated Amps
Depending on your power needs I find Croft very hard to beat anywhere near the price. Supposed to be a good phono stage too but I don’t play records. Listened to it many times but never owned one. Small form factor.