
Discussions simna has started

Power cable from wall socket to power strip720863
Interconnect advice needed441849
Question to those believing in speaker break in196723
Questions to Klipsch Heresy IV owners278912
Primaluna or not Primaluna1783887
Tannoy Legacy Eaton with Primaluna EVO 300 Integrated 27049
Has anyone gone from Tannoy to Zu Audio?560624
Loudness or high sensitive speakers?10825
Need suggestions for another pair of headphones (Have Sennheiser HD600)242619
Where to go from Grado Gold?411317
Klipsch Heritage Range544233
Need speaker advice1028273
Speaker cabels for dark sounding speakers?390548
You can't have too many bass traps...995328
Pre amp and Power amp advice needed377528