Audio stops pain

Scientific evidence the sound as music reduces chronic pain and migraines


Barry Thornton -


@wolf_garcia I agree and sorry you've had to deal with that your whole life. I'm fortunate to never have had a migraine but my wife occasionally has a bad episode. The first thing she says, "I have a migraine coming on, please turn off the music".

I've been a musician for decades and a "classic" migraine sufferer since I was a gets better as you age so no biggie now...but music will not, never will, never has, and absolutely can't help soothe actual migraines...whoever claims otherwise is lame and kinda stupid.

@waytoomuchstuff ....measure, *meh*. Create, you bet... ;) *LOL*

@mapman , Yoko is a great prelude to a satisfying primal therapy screaming session, however....

Lady does some great shrieks...😏

Trampsta - Work

Get your therapy down 'n done.🙌

Yes, that's why Music Therapy is a legitimate healing profession helping many that suffer.

I agree, a great stereo system,a carefully selected playlist,and some cannabis of your choice. Best stress relief there is!

Music is transcendent for many. And when it sounds great it’s all the more so. 

@ ebm

"Sounds fills history: Om, the mantra of the universe. Tibetan singing bowls. Tribal chants and drums. Aboriginal digeridoos. Ancient Greeks using vibration to heal. Aristotle’s De Anima written in 350 BC detailed how flute music could arouse strong emotions and purify the soul."

Or, were you referring my attempt at humor about the guys on this forum being able to measure it?

The physical and spiritual benefits of sound have been known for thousands of years.

It took the advent of this forum to discover how to measure and quantify it..

@serjio Why did I write this? Because it is my personal opinion.  Bad sound is as annoying to me as bad music, but I feel relaxed when music is beautiful and sound is great.

My parents reported a lot of personal pain from my music choices in the 60's & 70's......


why did you write this!?
I remembered how I damaged the headphone wire and one speaker wheezed ... it's so disgusting)))

the phenomenon does exist ... nevertheless it is only part of the formula ... usually the effect is cumulative (poems, melody, playback quality)

Sound of bad system IS the cause of pain and migraines, while sound of good system takes them away - choose wisely.


What's so bad about it? Maybe you're paying attention to the wrong things.