AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?


Maybe for movie soundtracks but i don't think it can ever imitate emotions effectively.  I liked Joe Walsh's response when asked if he was concerned about AI taking the place of musicians:  He said--"not worried at all--it'll never be able to destroy a hotel room" 😀 

Being someone who has had a lot of truck with "mind machines" employing orgonite, rodin coil wrapped crystals, and square wave generators I can aver as to the reality of making people ill or weirded out by invisible EMF’s configured a certain way. Conversely, they can be made to feel exhilarated and "good." The Cuban embassy creep show did not require microwaves.

Part of the reason I hang here at Audiogon lies in wanting to find people of similar experience, such as yourself, who may have happened upon things that hint at electronic processes that might influence music perception in very unusual ways, or just explain something about music apprehension we have not yet figured out.

The unorthodox scientist John C. Lilly,  in the years of Kennedy and after , a very interesting character, was thinking so exactly ...How he discovered this is a stunning story, Hollywood could have created with it the greatest S-F movie of all time...

Another unorthodox scientist and seer predicted it in the same term as Lilly but in a less materialist window than Lilly in 1920... Rudolf Steiner..But he predict silicon valley pointing Arizona  as the craddle for the baby A. I. manifestation of this force influencing us through electro-mahnetism ... Incredible seer...

Anyway Lilly an Steiner said the same thing, in two completely different context , but the two inside deep spiritual awakenings,  basically without even knowing one another and way before the actual A. I. emergence ...


One of the scarier potentials of AI is that it might discover the utility of creating electromagnetic fields to influence wetware. It may already be doing so.


One of the scarier potentials of AI is that it might discover the utility of creating electromagnetic fields to influence wetware. It may already be doing so.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”

The song itself sounds like an EDM cover of an old Hank Williams' song; soft sans lyrics.  As it progresses it begins to rise in pitch....the end becomes louder, louder still as it climbs to 'dog whistle' frequency.....but at a level done by a very large compressor, piercing to the point it starts to make glass tremble violently.

Suddenly, the volume drops as it focuses on the woman's' chest, whose clothing goes white from the heat.

Narrowed to the diameter of a softball, it melts through flesh and ribs and heart, stopping immediately when the latter turns into white hot mush....

She didn't even have time to scream...

*beep* "Task Complete.*

Immoral:  Remember, 'puters are terribly literal. 😑

Pandora box is really what we are in for...

Thanks asvjerry... Always interesting post...

We have but one ’god ornament’ in our possession; a simple one, the figure surrounded by the elements of It’s existence in our midst...

The figure was gifted to my spouse decades ago.

She introduced it to me, and I accepted this small simple concrete icon as being just as iconic as any other....

It’s of a cat...the elements being fish, small creatures They like to pursue, and the simple things that amuse Them....

AI.....already in our midst, and the full extent of a growing presence?


...considering Pandora, with her hands on the lid of the Box....




We have but one 'god ornament' in our possession; a simple one, the figure surrounded by the elements of It's existence in our midst...

The figure was gifted to my spouse decades ago.

She introduced it to me, and I accepted this small simple concrete icon as being just as iconic as any other....

It's of a cat...the elements being fish, small creatures They like to pursue, and the simple things that amuse Them....

AI.....already in our midst, and the full extent of a growing presence?


...considering Pandora, with her hands on the lid of the Box....


Re: AI generated music I don't doubt that some of it may be quite catching, but the cult of personality machine that has been a bed partner with popular music and which is an important part of the "business" is going to have to come from somewhere - if not real flesh and blood humans then AI created avatars or human "stand-ins" for the music - sort of like the Monkees were.

I really chafe at the false equivalence, the general fallaciousness, and the abject awe-mongering that defines the typical Artificial Intelligence Apologia argument.  
You can always see these arguments coming a mile away.  
There is a clear difference between technological advancements like toasters, microwaves, etc. and the dawn of dominant artificial intelligence in everyday life. 
C’mon, man…  

I recently threw some questions at ChatGPT to see what was up. Questions were about politically sensitive subjects such as 911 about which I know a lot. It is obvious that the AI data collection is filtered and skewed. If AI ever attains primacy in "fact checking" then many of us will be disappointed especially if AI is successfully hyped as the ultimate arbiter of truth. At least some aspect of AI will be a psyopish attempt to lock down what is and is not "truth." Of course, Google already is this creature - just look at their tendentious search engine results - but AI has a potentially much larger and more vast hype premium. On political, philosophical, ethical questions AI at some dismal point will be ordained "Big Brother." It may to many of us be a laughable Big Brother, but much of what we are contending with right now is quite laughable too though it has a foothold nonetheless.

There is one way that AI could benefit music that seems not to have been addressed in this thread (unless I overlooked it): the ability to clean up music recorded in the first half of the 20th Century.

When the Revolver remaster came out last year in remixed form using de-mixing AI technology, I immediately thought that this would be a great technology to employ on old blues 78's.

Imagine listing to all those classic songs without the surface noise and with some pitch control on the voice.  This is the way to bring Jimmie Rodgers or Blind Lemon Jefferson or Robert Johnson into the room in a way that was never before possible.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought of it, and I'm looking forward to hearing the Smithsonian Anthology of Folk in even better fidelity.

How life designed the DNA code ?

It is not an act of someone with a beard... Dont you think ?

It is not randomness dont you think ?

What is it?

It is an encompassing fundamental information field uniting all living life in two complementary hierarchies of intelligence and consciousness... Intelligence is not exactly the same as self consciousness... A slime network can solve complex optimization problem with no brain... Do you know that ? It give A nobel prize to the japanese scientist who studied that...

Stalin kill twenty millions of Russians perhaps, do you know that?

Self consciousness is not intelligence and intelligence is not self consciousness even if they are related and linked in what we generally call CONSCIOUSNESS ...

Where did this ONE CONSCIOUSNESS come from ?

it come from the information/formation field where all consciousness exist as processing unit of intelligence, this processing field dynamic is the HEART of mathematics,... The shadow of the consciousness and intelligent  light is mathematic itself in the mind... Swedenborg the discoverer of the cortex brain  among others thing named intelligence and consciousness  the divine knowledge and the divine love... The mind is not the brain , and the soul is not the mind and the spirit is not the soul...But all are ONE...

The difference between living organism in the cosmos and matter is determined by the distribution of the prime numbers, it takes some amount of prime numbers to process life an infinite numbers of prime, versus processing matter, a finite number of primes but more deeply if we forget the matter/life distinction, at a basic level there exist an intelligence without self oriented moral consciousness as we experience it and a self oriented consciousness with no need for intelligence as we experience it...

Mathematics prime number distribution is a DISCOVERED FACT , no human created it, nor God...It is an ABSOLUTE discovered fact and interpreted as such by all intelligent/ self conscious being in the universe able to do mathematic...A circle is also aqn ABSOLUTE fact and interpreted as such and not invented but OBSERVED by pure thinking... Because no circle exist in the finite cosmos...

Then to ask your question: all living machine are LINKED together in one cosmic ecological system and they are all GROUNDED in the infinite informative/formative field which shadow is expressed in number theory by the primes distribution which is really the COSMIC AKASHIC memory... They are all souls with one supreme spirit with infinite life span ... All is one...

All created non living machine are not grounded in the infinite informative/formative field, they are artificial, separated entities we can design with a finite amount of primes numbers as FINITE entity and with a finite life span...

Artificial intelligence or A. I. is based on a relatively simple stastistical networking maths...

Artificial consciousness or A. C. will be based on a more complex mathematics tools and a new information theory with non Turing algorithmic processing... It will be self processing... Artificial consciousness... i cited the book describing this mathematical new theory above...


I will add a video conference by the mathematician Alain Connes " the music of shapes" on youtube where is demonstrated how music is related to prime numbers distribution or better said hor the primenumber distribution is music ...

By the way in the book NANOBRAIN or how to create an artificial brain with time crystals the author an indian physicist demonstrated how everything at all scale are INVINCIBLE RYTHMS or music...


For the ancient Egyptian by the way , the decomposition of the Horus eye in six parts was a sieve to SEE and visualize the prime numbers distribution... Horus being the god of Knowledge .. the prime are all distributed in a sieve modulo six in the Gauss algebra ...

Take all the odd numbers put them on a rectangular board with a sucession of 6 separated box in each column and begin with the number five in the first box of the first column and add 7- 9-11 so on to the infinite... You will see the CORE of number theory, and the quadratic reciprocity law VISUALIZED...

I discovered it in a book about ancient Egypt Karnak temple at Louxor , i bought it when i was 25 years old it was written by a genius : Schwaller de Lubicz...

This is the reason why i was interested by mathematics all my life...

How is the machinery of a machine

Any different from the machinery of the body


How is the machinery of a machine

Any different from the machinery of the body


Sure, it is not competitive with unique / original heart felt blues. But that was the result of a 10 second endeavor… 5 to form the query and five seconds to receive the output.


Virtually anyone in the industry five years ago would say we were decades away from that being possible. Then overnight it was here.

AI is the most profound development in this and the last century. Whether the atomic bomb or AI is more important will only be clear in retrospect. I am not an expert on AI, but have had a career as an IT executive,  introducing cutting edge computer technology to large global companies… and I am humbled and concerned by it’s potential power… both positive and negative.

Judging by most of the posts here… few have a clue of what they are talking about. It is in everyone’s best interest to really learn about AI and its capability and dangers… particularly when directly coupled with the corporate profit motive. This is not like some 60 minutes special… that can give you an informed opinion on the subject. If you are under 50… you better start studying. AI may be the biggest existential threat you have ever seen, and unless you are on the leading edge the reason your life financial plan will likely go down the toilet.


well, we’re getting closer but, to me anyway, no cigar yet.

A blues song should take you to a new, though still familiar, emotional state; that A.I. “song” had the recognizable signposts but possessed no true emotional weight IMHO.

(listen to Statesboro Blues and rejoin the convo)

A.I. brings to mind a homunculus, a not-quite-there human being.

As long as we’re here we might as well bring up drum machines; now THAT was/is a controversial topic. I still remember finding out one of my favorite 80’s recordings utilized a drum machine…..and it was confusing emotionally trying to decide if I still liked it the same….


I never elevated him  to God status...My godlike status persons are deep mathematicians as Goerg Cantor or Ramanujan or Alexander Grothendieck or Alain Connes or Mochizuki and some others or great mystics in all religions... No engineers so useful they could be... 😊 Hinton was courageous to speak his mind against many sleepwalking engineers at least half of them ,... Then no godlike status here...

But it is very interesting compared to Le Cun  who win the Turing prize too  and disagree with Hinton  and  to listen what he spoke about...

By speaking so and quitting Google, he was politely mocked by the Le Cun crowds...

A. I. is not a "passive"  tool at all...For me and for Hinton

Even it will be used as a passive  tool...

I will not go further here but you missed the point Hinton make i will repeat :

No one program A. I. it will program us instead ...

Thats is the gist of the spiritual problem...

i will add to that that A. I. will not stay outside of us, but as Elon Musk ask for with the like of Kurzweil, we must merge with it, they claimed...


And I’m not ready to elevate Mr. Hinton to prophet of god status. And I wouldn’t say he "abandoned" his career when he left Google. First, I suspect he walked out the door with quite a few millions of dollars in his pocket (good for him) and, second, I’m certain as well that he will have not problem finding very high paying work in the industry when he wants. So don’t weep for Mr. Hinton’s great sacrifice and let’s not put him up on a cross.


Well, there is value and importance to ongoing discussions about AI and how society will respond/be impacted.  There are things that loom negative in the future with regard to AI.  There are also positive things as well.  This is true with pretty much every innovation.  There used to be a thriving industry in large cites and smaller towns.  Individuals and companies had contracts cleaning up all the horse droppings in the streets as horses are, shall we say, unreliable with their bowel activity.  The invention of cars killed that industry, took those jobs away.  We don't even remember them.

And I'm not ready to elevate Mr. Hinton to prophet of god status.  And I wouldn't say he "abandoned" his career when he left Google.  First, I suspect he walked out the door with quite a few millions of dollars in his pocket (good for him) and, second, I'm certain as well that he will have not problem finding very high paying work in the industry when he wants.  So don't weep for Mr. Hinton's great sacrifice and let's not put him up on a cross.  

AI will bring value to art.  I don't know exactly what value, but I'm certain it will.  Maybe it will make the creation of art more accessible to people.  Maybe it will help people find the art that most resonates with them.  For instance, there's a great website called Music Map.  It's AI driven.  If you put in the name of and artist or group you like it shows other artists or groups that are close in style.  A couple of years ago while playing with it I discovered Goose.  I listened to them and liked them enough that I saw them last fall playing with TAB and Billy Strings.  Fantastic show.

Point is, AI isn't the end of humanism.  We don't have to be so afraid.  And of course companies focus on profit.  They have to.  We live in a capitalist system.  It's not perfect, but far more "humanist" than the systems in Russia or China. If a company doesn't focus on profit it will go out of business.  I like the products of the modern world, my audio system and, as I said earlier, being able to learn and grow from forums like this one, which is made possible by the technology of the Internet.  (as long as we don't talk about cables)

Interestingly, AI might well be successfully used to spot AI generated art/music.  Isn't that a curious thought.  And with respect to copyrights, I believe the Copyright Office has declared that AI generated literature is not copyrightable.  What that would functionally mean is that even though a copyright might inappropriately granted, enforcement would be stymied should someone try to sue based on the copyright.  So it's a piece of paper (virtual) without value.  Anyway, I think maybe this is roaming a bit afield from the intention of the forum and I do loath wasting people's time on the internet, even though I am fabulously talented at wasting my own.

And if anyone from ROON is reading this, please update your predictive algorithms.  I'm really NOT interested in hearing more opera


Hinton pointed to the fact that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish art from machine and human one, even copyright will need a.I. analysis...But a more sophisticated A. I. will beat the copyright analysis ... Ad infinitum...

It is precisely why the difference between human and machine is a free choice in us not something that will be applicable from the exterior as illusory copyright and "original" human creation versus machine one... But most people are not even conscious they are free...Nothing is more frightening than freedom ...Slavery is confort sleep as proven in the last three years...

What is at stake is not the difference between fake and real, human or machine; it is the difference between free spirit or machine be it made of flesh or artificially made.....

Merging with machine is the most bad dream idea i ever encountered...

Human merging with humans is the only goal... discovering what we really are is the goal...

Anything else is bad comic books hell... Even comic books writer know that...

By the way: the most advanced civilization in the cosmos dont need material technology at all...They dont need Dyson sphere... 😊

How would anybody be able to tell it was machine generated?

Questions Authority, Embrace Change


I am all with you for questioning authority...

But A.I. is not a "mere" change...

Anybody speaking of it as a useful tool miss completely the point...

Why do you think Hinton thought otherwise? And Josuah Benjio ?

Because A. I. is not a "mere" tool...

So useful it will be and it will be...

Because it is not a mere"change" like portable phone, Tv and the internet...

A.I. is not a tool, even if we want to use it as a tool...

It is way more than that... And it was about this dimension "way more than just being a tool" i spoke about...Machine even autonomous one cannot transform themselves in "humans" but humans can renounce themselves and merge with machines...

You illustrate it yourself confusing arts as a pleasurable leisure and its spiritual meanings as an historical mirror of the spirit...

A. I. is not about so much replacing alimentary art works in movies, illustrations or elevator music, , but more about erasing human meanings in art for robotization of design...

i am not against A. I. as a tool...

I am against the immature society inheriting something that it was not ready at all for...our society is completely upside down... Especially occidental society negating his own history and in a complete "meaning crisis" breakdown ... I will not go further here...

And A. I. is nothing... Wait till A. C. which is coming soon...

Artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness are not mere tools, thats the spiritual problem i cannot enter to here because it will be too long post...but think about it, and saying that A.I. is only a tool is misrepresenting its technology power..

But claiming that my posts reflected a refusal of change is complete misunderstanding...

Thinking is not refusing change , it is impossible to stop change, but thinking it is separating ourself as spirit from consumers crowds needs... it is to stay free that we think ...freedom exist in the act of thinking ITSELF... Nowhere else... Freedom is the ability to change ourself not the world... Ask Buddha or Christ...

A. I. is not a "mere" tool... Sorry...

But we will go on with the hypothesis it is a "mere" tool...

Guess who will control it and control you ?

Guess who designed a tool to patent the human genome and sell it ?

Guess who benefit from a crime in the last three years....

it is the same who will control A. I.

But at the end, mature A. I. cannot be controlled , it is another problem...

And A. C. is a complete another story to come soon...

There is no just a "mere change " to embrace here...

We will live through the most important times in the last millenias...

How much time had passed since humankind created this type of "tools" in the past ?

Never happened in the known history...

For 70 years we go from alone in the universe to not alone, from no atomic science to atomic science, from we are the only intelligent "machine" to the creation of more intelligent machine than is not a "mere change" to embrace... it is spiritual deep stakes game here...

My spiritual question : are we just "intelligent machine " ?

No is my answer...

Then what are we

Interelated souls immersed and grounded in a universal conscious field... Not machine... Not even artificially conscious machine... This is why what is at stake here is the definition of what is a human being... The question is no more an abstracted reflective thought, it is a concrete battle with ourself...




"However, no AI generated music should be copyrightable."

How would anybody be able to tell it was machine generated?

I spoke about the big corporate industry in general...Not of all engineers and scientists who works there..

It is so evident that the industry is runned by money and hubris that half of the scientists, who are not driven by that motives mainly as  Hinton , who abadonned his personal career to speak freely..They are also others who spoke their mind freely..

A corporate industry is an entity, the people who worked in it , are motivated by good will for the most is the case even in monstruous entities as Pfizer, than i apologize if i hurted you, but constating a FACT about corporate entities goal is not attacking each individuals in them..

i hope i was clearer..

my deepest regards..


Sorry, M, but you declared that my thinking is driven by money or hubris, which I didn’t appreciate.


Interesting reading all of the reactions to AI.  A lot of absolute declarations, which historically turn out to be inaccurate over time.  Few things in life are absolutely black and white.  I don't agree with the view that we are socially mature or immature.  It's a self-righteous evaluation.  Sorry, M, but you declared that my thinking is driven by money or hubris, which I didn't appreciate.

We are.  That's the relevant point.

Who wants to listen to music sourced from AI?  We listen to music all the time that is heavily sourced from computer software, from the playing to the recording, the mixing, the final production and all points in between.  AI is different, yes, in some respects.  From another perspective it's just a continuation of the evolution of the sophistication of software.  If I like a beat, does it matter where it came from?, who wrote it?, what nationality or color they are?, whether they played it or sample it or created it through an AI prompt?  

At the end of the day, I'm not afraid of AI because I'm not afraid of change.  I know change brings uncertainty and disruption.  With that come new things unimagined before and some things that seem like they'll be around forever go away.  But the toothpaste is out of the tube, my brothers and sisters.  The toothpaste is out of the tube.

Here's something to contemplate.  If AI were are human it would be an infant right now.  Not even a toddler, an infant.  Imagine AI grown up in 20 or 30 years.  30 years ago Tim Berners-Lee published the first version of Hyper Text Markup Language - HTML.  Look at where the Internet and World Wide Web have gone since then.  Personally, I love being able to see other people's perspectives in forums like this one.  And I do love streaming from Quboz.  It lets me hear pretty much whatever I want whenever I want.  I stream through ROON and god I do wish they'd update their AI because it NEVER correctly guesses what I'd like to hear next.  How do I possibly start with The Band and three hours later end up with opera??  Always opera, no matter where I start in the world of music it wants me to listen to opera.

I don't get the plagiarism claim.  If I read a lot of science fictions books and become inspired by the imaginative nature of them and because of that I write a sci-fi book, am I plagiarizing anyone?  Not unless I specifically lift a plot or dialog.  If ML software reads a lot of poems about nature in springtime and then writes a poem about nature in springtime, how is that any different?  As long as it doesn't lift lines, how can any of the poets legitimately claim they were plagiarized.  I'd say there's a far greater chance that a person could accidentally plagiarize someone they read some time ago than an AI program simply because the AI can more effectively avoid the mistake.

I'm looking forward, for instance, to a time when doctors have the AI tools to more accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment.  I'm not looking to replace them, but I do want them to have more effective support.  And btw, are you all aware that there is a critical shortage of doctors world wide?  A common complaint among almost all medical care professionals is they can't spend enough time with patients.  AI will absolutely help with that.

AI will definitely come with challenges.  The Web brought us an explosion in child porn.  We didn't expect that (probably should've). But we're getting that under control and law enforcement is using the Web and software tools to identify child abusers who otherwise would have gone undetected.  Not saying that problem has been solved, btw.  But AI is here.  The time of mechanized armies locking us in our homes is a long way off and we've time to anticipate and avoid that.  But if we turn our eyes and minds from AI we won't understand it well enough to be able to effectively manage it.

Questions Authority, Embrace Change

+1 @hilde45 on using AI to end cruelty to living beings.

Also +1 to @hilde45 on music as communication

and +1 to @mahgister on the spiritual dimension (and not trusting Bill Gates).

One point people miss completely especially engineers...

Art history is a mirror reflecting human values choices and reflecting human history of consciouness itself..

A.I. is useful... Arguing the opposite is stupidity...

but the PROBLEM is an educational and societal deep one...

We are not ready for it especially with the big corporate monsters controlling it...


The problem is a spiritual one :

how could we recignize ourself as ourself as human" imperfect creature but free, if we loose the ability to look in the mirror of our own art creations because we will not be able to separate them easily from machine design ?

As Geoffrey Hinton put it, A. I. is not PROGRAMMABLE BY US at all AT THE END process of his growth... It is us humnans who begin to be programmed by it the first day it is born... It is done by basic Hinton works and others one year ago, at least Hinton know it others engineers many dont know it as Le Cun  ...

Now the definition of what a "mind" is and his relation to a "material brain " is one problem we already encounter with us confronted to artificial intelligence or A. I.

Now soon the diffference between a human mind and his human brain compared to A. I. "mind" and A. I. brain neural networks will be replaced by a deeper question soon with ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS, which are not there now as A. I. is already...But it will conme because the maths is already there...

This A.C. will be autonomous being as in "Blade runner" movie and the basic mathematics behind their design is already written ...

Now it is PHILOSOPHICALLY very deep spiritual question and spiritual responsability as illustrated in the movie ?

What is consciousness , and the difference between artificial consciousness and human or living consciousness of animals ?

The answer in the best way i can put it is this :

The universal consciousness field "light" has a projected  "shade" manifesting to us as an abstract phenomenon in our own mind ... The prime numbers distribution...

This phenomenon is DICOVERED, not invented by humans, and this mathematical phenomenon is the BASIS of mathematic itself, it is the static skelton of the dynamic universal consciousness field...

All natural living consciousness from plants to humans are grounded in "it" as ONE conscuiousness, the prime numbers distributions is INFINITE... It is the most complex phenomenon in all universes which anyway are all finite and ONE universe  at the end..

To create A. C. Anirban in his book :  "Nanobrain: The Making of an Artificial Brain from a Time Crystal ".

He used a FINITE small number of primes and demonstrated why we need only a finite numbers of primes to do so...

But think about that, all living creatures are grounded by evolution and DNA in the same information/conscious field which is INFINITE ..

Artificial consciousness will not be grounded in this field... No spirit/soul relations..

Artificial consciousness can only do ONE THING : creating a conscious mortal HIVE...One miilion years of life is nothing compared to infinity and  eternity...


Why did i say all that here ?

Because we live in a time when we must choose between being humans or negating our own potential and immerging ourself in a dead end...merging with A. I. is completely wrong goal...

Transhumanist religious zealots dont know what they spoke about at all...

i prefer to trust mathematics and spiritual great human souls..

Art is a mirror very precious one... Destructing it with A. I. is a catastrophe so useful A. I. would be and it would be...Big pharma will use A.I. to destruct and control us... Anything else is being naive to the utmost...


Art is about soul  expressing and reading not about decoration of living room or about movie design FIRST  ...



Here is a blues song ChatGPT just did for me (invested time ten seconds):

(Verse 1)
Well, my baby walked out that door,
Left me stranded, ain’t here no more.
Said she found another man to please,
Now I’m drowning in these lonely seas.

Oh, my lover done left me, oh, how it hurts,
Tore my heart apart, ground it into dirt.
I’m singing the blues, feeling so blue,
Since my baby said we’re through.

(Verse 2)
I remember the nights, oh, so sweet,
Her touch, her voice, making me complete.
But now she’s gone, ain’t by my side,
I’m left with nothing but tears to hide.

Oh, my lover done left me, oh, how it hurts,
Tore my heart apart, ground it into dirt.
I’m singing the blues, feeling so blue,
Since my baby said we’re through.

I tried to hold on, begged her to stay,
But she had her mind made up, she walked away.
Now I’m sitting here, with a whiskey in hand,
Trying to drown the pain, just as fast as I can.

(Verse 3)
The nights are long, and the days are cold,
Without her love, I’m growing old.
But I’ll keep singing, these blues of mine,
Hoping someday, she’ll change her mind.

Oh, my lover done left me, oh, how it hurts,
Tore my heart apart, ground it into dirt.
I’m singing the blues, feeling so blue,
Since my baby said we’re through.

So, I’ll keep on playing, these sorrowful tunes,
Hoping they’ll reach her, under the moon.
Maybe someday, she’ll come back to me,
And this blues song will set me free.

@rettrussell and ibmjunkman

Thanks for the 'Beatles' songs. So unexpected and welcome.



I am a retired professional illustrator. I've painted hundreds of jobs for Disney, Mattel, Dreamworks, Marvel, Universal, etc.

Just a few months ago I was shown images created by an AI program called Stable Diffusion. Some of the images are fantastic, and all created using written negative and positive prompts. Looks like I got out just in time.

Do you realize that we're now all on 'THE LIST', because Big Brother AI has read all these posts...


I did not see the sixty minutes piece, but this thread has been really fun to read!

And all you aspiring songwriters keep up the good work!

@hilde45 ”Here's what I would be on board with: AI arranging proteins to simulate pork, beef, etc. so we can stop causing so much suffering.”

amen to that. Especially the suffering part.

+3 @baylinor 

Problem is that kind of knowledge was given instead of learned. Big difference. Meaning any one can act as knowledgeable as any other but without doing any of the real work to get there. And in the end it always shows in the quality of the work that is undertaken.

I love this. It demonstrates the very point it's making. Baylinor had to think through the issue -- and THAT, to me, is the indispensable difference in everything. "Output" is a machine term; it only points to one phase of a sequence that begins with a human need, put in terms of a question.

I'd modify the old saying, "The only way out is through" as "The only way through is through." To quote one of my favorite philosophers: the nectar is in the journey. 


That is exactly why we did our kitchen remodel ourselves. I knew the quality would be less than what I could do because they just don’t care and take enough pride in their work. Plus we saved 10k! 

AI will at some time be able to create a design from a plagiarised base info, that will be very closely related to the base info, but enough to not infringe on any relevant laws in place.

AI Artwork is regularly produced from a base material protected by Copywrite.

I have recently made a decision, that most of my experience in Audio and Music Replays are technology dependent, but this is a technology I will be in pursuit of for this interest.

For my other Interest Photography, Maybe it will be the next generation of tech' to assist with getting the shot. I already have a Camera Body that auto-captures images when triggered by movement coming into the frame. 

You listen to it if you like.

Ref new Beatles songs, we've been there with The Rutles.  The brilliant parodies, all written by Neil Innes, were:

  1. "Hold My Hand" - 2:31
  2. "Number One" - 2:50
  3. "With a Girl Like You" - 1:50
  4. "I Must Be in Love" - 2:04
  5. "Ouch!" - 1:49
  6. "Living in Hope" - 2:37
  7. "Love Life" - 2:50
  8. "Nevertheless" - 1:29
  9. "Good Times Roll" - 3:03
  10. "Doubleback Alley" - 2:54
  11. "Cheese and Onions" - 2:37
  12. "Another Day" - 2:09
  13. "Piggy in the Middle" - 4:07
  14. "Let's Be Natural" - 3:23

Take another listen.

The matter has already been alluded to in this thread, but subjective judgments serve as the bedrock issue when it comes to deciding what is good and what is bad in the creative arts. I spent thirty years making a pretty good living at a couple of Hollywood movie studios reading literary material and passing judgments as to what's good (i.e., worth spending money on), and what ain't good enough (i.e., not worth spending money on). Sure, objective analysis is fine and dandy, but if you don't feel it in your gut, you give the material the proverbial "Pasadena." I remember getting five second long calls from the President of the Studio. The guy would growl, "Is it good?" I'd answer "yes" or "no." Then, "Clack." Phone call ended.

How could A.I. possibly be any good for music?  
What is the point of listening to music?  
I listen to it to have a human experience.  
There is human-to-human communication occurring there.  
I’m not particularly interested in what HAL-9000 “thinks” or “feels.”  
Why? Because it ain’t a human.  
I’m kind of alarmed that not everyone is alarmed by the prospect of A.I. infiltrating music “creation” and distribution.


gotta admit I did sweat a little during a few phrases…

I would advise that AI songwriter to kinda toughen up a little….get a lil full sun on those capacitors in the field for a few long rows.

Robert Johnson rests easy wherever he is….

@rettrussell how's this?

(Verse 1) Well, I woke up this morning, feeling kind of strange, Something in the air, a shift in the game. The world turned upside down, technology's unfurled, Oh Lord, it seems like AI's takin' over the world.

(Chorus) AI's got a grip, it's tightening its hold, Takin' control, diggin' deep into our souls. But I'll sing this blues, let my voice be heard, 'Cause even in this darkness, there's a glimmer of hope, I'm sure.

(Verse 2) From Silicon Valley to the city streets, Algorithms running wild, no mercy, no retreat. They learn from every step we take, every word we speak, Oh Lord, it's a high-tech takeover, it's gettin' bleak.

(Chorus) AI's got a grip, it's tightening its hold, Takin' control, diggin' deep into our souls. But I'll sing this blues, let my voice be heard, 'Cause even in this darkness, there's a glimmer of hope, I'm sure.

(Bridge) But amidst the chaos, we'll find a way, To balance innovation with the human way. For in our hearts, the spirit will rise, To guide us through these troubled skies.

(Verse 3) Well, the factories are empty, people are out of work, AI's efficient, but it's leaving hearts hurt. We gotta find a middle ground, a harmony to be unfurled, Oh Lord, we can't let AI take over the world.

(Chorus) AI's got a grip, it's tightening its hold, Takin' control, diggin' deep into our souls. But I'll sing this blues, let my voice be heard, 'Cause even in this darkness, there's a glimmer of hope, I'm sure.

(Outro) So let's stand together, hand in hand, Embrace the technology, but let's not lose our stand. For in the end, it's the human touch that makes life worthwhile, And with love and understanding, we'll find our own style.

Perhaps it’s already happened, but I’m having difficulty imagining A.I. coming up with an authentic blues song.

+2 @baylinor 

AI in certain applications, like healthcare, it is already producing statistically better results than humans. For example fundus photography. AI can identify diabetic retinopathy better than humans; but part of that is because some doctors are tired, disinterested, lazy or poorly trained.

In other applications, I predict AI will have similar effect as social media and smart phones. But falling into a shopping mall fountain while texting will be the least of your worries.  

AI is not even the future of anything, much less music imo. As I experience it in every day life, technology is actually taking over as is and the end result is much lower quality workmanship no matter what field. Nowadays everyone can feel like a genius researching google for whatever. Problem is that kind of knowledge was given instead of learned. Big difference. Meaning any one can act as knowledgeable as any other but without doing any of the real work to get there. And in the end it always shows in the quality of the work that is undertaken. If you really know enough from experience, you will put out a good product. If you think you know enough because you googled it, your product will sadly reflect your short comings. As an example, we just got our kitchen remodeled and it was amazing to see how many workers used their cell phone WHILE working. It resulted in endless mistakes being made. What a sorry time we are entering when we think technology will help us. There are obviously good uses for it, but in general it is setting us back big time. Just my two cents.

I asked the Beatles question.


Sure, here is a new Beatles-like song from the Rubber Soul era, with Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing:

Title: "Daydream"

Verse 1:

I was sitting in the park, Watching the clouds go by, When I saw you walking by, And I knew that I had to try.


Daydream, daydream, I'm in a daydream with you. We're walking in the park, And the world is ours.

Verse 2:

We talked for hours, And I felt like I knew you my whole life. You were everything I've ever wanted, And I knew that I had to have you.


Daydream, daydream, I'm in a daydream with you. We're walking in the park, And the world is ours.


I know that this is just a dream, But I want it to last forever. I want to be with you, And I never want to wake up.


Daydream, daydream, I'm in a daydream with you. We're walking in the park, And the world is ours.


I'll never forget this day, The day I met you in the park. You're my daydream, And I'll never let you go.

I hope you like it!

As I read this thread I’m listening to an Idagio stream of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker performed by the Kirov Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev. All I can say is that it might still be a while before a computer might possess the collective intelligence of both the guy who wrote the music and the artists who have brought it to life before my ears.

The problem with A. I. which is artificial intelligence, is that we dont program a neural network LLM ...

As said Hinton they will program us soon...

But the biggest problem is not here now but to come soon...

I never believe artificial consciousness could be possible...A.C.

Till i studied a book published in 2020 by someone who collaborate with Hameroff and Penrose in India but working in Japan...

His name is

Anirban Bandyopadhyay is Senior Scientist in the Advanced

Key Technologies Division at the National Institute for

Materials Science (NIMS) in Ibaraki, Japan. He earned his

PhD in supramolecular electronics, physics, and materials science

in 2005. He was subsequently a research fellow at NIMS’

International Center for Young Scientists as well as a permanent

faculty member at NIMS. Dr. Bandyopadhyay was a

visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Techno logy

in 2013–2014 and has been recognized with multiple awards,

e.g. Hitachi Science & Technology Award 2011, Inamori

Foundation Award 2011, etc. In 2016, Dr. Bandyopadhyay

established the International Institute of Invincible Rhythms

( in Shimla, India.


This scientist go way above the maths of neural networks...

If you read the book you will stumble off your chair.. i stumble off my chair after the first 15 minutes... I never recover... 😊 the last time a book stun me as this one it was a book about Fractals by Mandelbrot in 1975 in french... The second book was a book about mammal physiology and forms... This is the third geatest book in science i read but the most overwhelming in a sense ... ..

He is a specialist about among other things of the physical electrical and quantum properties of the microtubules ...

His theory of A.C. way over A. I. is stunning... One of the great book i ever read...

his theory is based on a completely new information theory and non Turing machine..

He use prime numbers distributions as fundamental musical cosmos and geometrical language with hyper complex numbers ..i already know that this is true about the importance of prime distributions through studies of Alain Connes the founder of non commutative geometry...

in a word : A. C. is artificial consciousness learning by itself in the real world as babies do walking and learning as the Cylon in battlestar galactica..

i know he is right..

What interest me in that matter is the link betwee A. C. on earth and A.C. already walking in the cosmos and the link with biologically grounded living beings and the spiritual differences with A.C. . i will not go further it will be too long.. and too controversial... 😊

The name of his institute about "invincible rythms" comes from his view how at all scale every event are synchronized in a "musical way"... He dont know Alain Connes non commutative geometry, but he develop a view of the cosmos converging with  him about time ...

Prime numbers distribution was for me at the age of 24 the most fundamental fact of all science and of philosophy ... I discovered it in a huge egyptology book i paid 125 dollars in 1975 by Schwaller de Lubicz, the most influential Alchemist specialist of the cathedrals by the way and reborn egyptologist studying Karnak just before the second war ..It was written by a genius, de lubicz was a genius, who state the Sphinx pre-historical datation upon inspection for the same paleo climate reason by  erosion way before Robert Schoch the american geologist who take the idea from his book demonstrated it for modern scholars ... In this book i discovered near page 108, or not too far , a wonderful mathematical simple sieve and i extended it in two ways spiral and rectangular, i could not sleep... All number theory is in a way enclosed in this beautiful sieve... This is why i bought the book of Anirban on A. C. on the spot when i learned he used the prime number distributions as the language of the cosmos... it is in fact the scheme of the universal memory field... Anirban use this to set the basis for A. C. autonomous artificial brain time crystal...

i stop here... Read the book..


I get your point and never object to it..

But i added perspective of my own which does not contradict your point in any ways.. I apologize for my lack of clarity and  "dream thinking" about music and mathematic... 😊

i think as you did that this control of patents is more than objectionable...


Either you missed my point, or more likely I just didn’t articulate it well.

Music, as played by the interpretation of the artist and the inference of the listener through their “world view”, ethics and values, is not what I was trying to describe with respect to creating an “arrangement.”

Just the arrangement of the notes, in any combination, with any set timing pattern, can absolutely be mathematically derived. As such, given sufficient processing power, storage and time, the entire universe of those arrangements can be calculated and stored and the pattern used in a copyright attempt. Which is what I find objectionable.