AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?


Showing 3 responses by rettrussell

Perhaps it’s already happened, but I’m having difficulty imagining A.I. coming up with an authentic blues song.


gotta admit I did sweat a little during a few phrases…

I would advise that AI songwriter to kinda toughen up a little….get a lil full sun on those capacitors in the field for a few long rows.

Robert Johnson rests easy wherever he is….


well, we’re getting closer but, to me anyway, no cigar yet.

A blues song should take you to a new, though still familiar, emotional state; that A.I. “song” had the recognizable signposts but possessed no true emotional weight IMHO.

(listen to Statesboro Blues and rejoin the convo)

A.I. brings to mind a homunculus, a not-quite-there human being.

As long as we’re here we might as well bring up drum machines; now THAT was/is a controversial topic. I still remember finding out one of my favorite 80’s recordings utilized a drum machine…..and it was confusing emotionally trying to decide if I still liked it the same….