
Responses from bolong

The (never ending) Quest For “More”
@nonoise  That made my dinner.  
If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?
The Spectrum This Reddit conversation amusingly suggests some music conversations/arguments we have all heard before or become embroiled in, and it also reflects on the topic of "AI" in an oblique way.  
The (never ending) Quest For “More”
It's a global village, and we all know how village life can be.  
Keep light equipment from tipping up from cable weight?
I misunderstood your issue - thought you were talking about loose plugs. I use lead bricks and spray paint them to my color "scheme." Added benefit is that with sufficient mass the component sounds quieter.  
Keep light equipment from tipping up from cable weight?
Fatten the plug with self fusing silicone tape. It gives a grip effect similar to the Shunyata plug shims that come with their cables. 
The Psychology Of Collecting
"I Buy Old Records" One of my favorite Youtube characters doing the rounds. Of course, most "collections" now reside on servers, pc hard drives, etc., so our heirs can, if they wish, grab our music collections off the servers if memberships are ... 
AI-Written Stereophile Articles
You're not a true audiophile unless...
@abnerjack It's subtle and not worth lingering on too much, but the subject of subliminal "triggers" can be fascinating. My post was intended to be more of an "aside" than some grand revelation.  
The (never ending) Quest For “More”
They say that "letter writing is dead." Not true.  
AI-Written Stereophile Articles
A Google engineer says AI has become sentient. What does that actually mean?   "If we think consciousness is important, it probably is because we're concerned that we're building some kind of system that's living a life of misery or suffering in... 
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
@gavin1977 Anti-cables Lvel 5.3 XLR Interconnects "Design Concept: Typical interconnect cables usually have a signal wire surrounded with a thick plastic dielectric material, which is then surrounded by the ground conductor to shield it from EM... 
The Psychology Of Collecting
The Squirrel's Dilemma "Thus, it may be that compulsive hoarding and compulsive gambling can be at least partially explained by evolutionary bet hedging. In its strictest form, if diverse gambling and hoarding behaviors were the result of randomi... 
You're not a true audiophile unless...
You seem to be under the impression that I was "likening" audiophilia to pedophilia. I was merely pointing to subliminal influences of words. A audiophile is also sometimes called an audiophiliac which is also the name of Steve Guttenberg's Youtu... 
Is There Some Problem With Shunyata's Everest Power Conditioner
I bought my old Hydra 4's (with the Trident Defense) used on Ebay about 5 years ago. Current prices are the same as when I bought mine - about $900.00. They can come in very handy especially when the local grid is sagging. They are also a handy pl... 
No discussion about the Synergistic Pink fuse?
A word to chronic skeptics of everything at all - please come up with some better and less cliche snark. We need better entertainment.