About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?

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I like that dealers are on this site offering up options. I'm not certain why it rubs people wrong. it's just an opinion but they tend to know a little about their products.

i don’t hate him. i will call out a bully and a hypocrite anytime. When i make those same errors, may God grace me with the emotional intelligence to hear that from others. Your tolerance is admirable but your stated abhorrence for hypocrisy rings a bit hollow… 

Back to the music


You are right about the created division...Any too big ego will create divisions...

But remember that toxicity is one thing, and contagious disease another one...

Toxic aspect of one personality did not give us the right to scapegoating someone and creating polarising alternatives around him like : for or against MC...

Worst than toxicity of one ego is the contagious hating polarising hysteria of many or few ...

All is not black or white here....


Ok i will mute myself for now...I apologize for my stance...

I like everydoby positive aspects of all people here....It is my way to love everybody...

 To be frank i like to have friends here.... All people here are interesting for me in their own way....




As the saying goes “ Even From Beyond The Grave “ this Toxic individual engenders Fractious Disharmony upon this forum … Good Riddance


As the saying goes “ Even From Beyond The Grave “ this Toxic individual engenders Fractious Disharmony upon this forum … Good Riddance


I am not going to engage with his haters, a relatively small group that are very vocal.

That is one of the silliest posts I have seen on Audiogon in 20+ years.




I dont defend MC bad behaviour...I hate it...But i dont hate anybody MC included...Every people has a positive and negative side, even idiots, save hypocrits but i will not answer their post anyway...Silence is better than attack in these case...

Otherwise polite discussion and arguments are the best way....

I dont like the systematic gangbang in a consistent manner against someone... ANYBODY...

Any adult confront someone who abuse him without appealing to a crowd...

You wrote to me one time because i dare to speak to him about audio....What do you call that? I know that you wanted to act friendly toward me and i thank you for that, i have greatly appreciated it, but i cannot go with one against another one save in exceptional abuse case...

Dividing people in groups against ANYBODY is what i hate the most...

I am able to confront big ego ALONE....

No need to call a crowd...

 I apologize if my post hurt you...It was not my intention but instead clarifying my own position....You are a very sensible and honest person....

My deepest respect to you...



please do explain the tolerance for hypocrisy displayed by the large box of Chinese tweeters…..

go back and read his posts…

you claim to have taught critical reading ?

please do explain the tolerance for hypocrisy displayed by the large box of Chinese tweeters…..

go back and read his posts…

you claim to have taught critical reading ?

If you dont understand the difference between love and hate and judging others too harshly you will distort with sarcasm any wise sentence to your own agenda...

Try to understand before mocking...

I dont defend MC harsh manners at all, i hate them,  but hating someone and pointing to him always is useless...

And my point about moral imagination and topology is deeper than some sarcasm..

Ask me i will explain it to you if it exceed your brain power...I will draw an image for you because it seems you like them a lot...

Me too i can use sarcasm.... 😊😊😊😊😊😁😁😁😁😊😊😊😊


Is martyrdom a thing in audio? Sounds like some are preparing for the second coming. jeez.




Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but please don’t assume you know the whole story and are in a position to instruct others. You do not.  Also please stop talking about haters.   We are done with that!


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I like this one sentence a lot...

It is almost like the Brouwer fixed point theorem in topology a theorem in moral imagination theory....

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Oh @grislybutter I know I am with a lot of sin.


his tone -- always touting his own superiority, speaking down to others

his mistaken belief that his own findings are truisms, panaceas applicable to all


these are true for 25% of the posters here


In love we stay free....

I only cannot stand hypocrites...

No problem with big ego here...

Perhaps mine is bigger than most ?


But i try my best to stay polite and it make a difference...

@jjss49  - +1 right on the money. I am not going to engage with his haters, a relatively small group that are very vocal. If you don't like him. just don't read his posts. No need to complain about him - of course disagree if you have a problem with what he is saying about a component, tweak or whatever.

I think with his new role as a paid endorser he will have to play nicer in the sandbox when he returns. It seems that the people that like him being a contributing participant in the community are not as vocal as the haters, but I would bet they signifcantly outnumber them.

“ MC stated in a previous post before he was asked to take a break from the 'Gon that he works for Townshend. “

A somewhat mealy mouthed way of conveying that MC actually had his posting privileges revoked for constant rule infractions , attempting to manipulate the forum to his will, and generally being more trouble than he was worth ! 

MC stated in a previous post before he was asked to take a break from the ’Gon that he works for Townshend. He is also working on a couple other things since he retired from his "normal" work and when he returns he will provide more details in addition to some articles he intends to post on the hobby.

When he comes back, I expect him to be less confrontational/ignore his haters. I am not a fan nor a hater - I appreciate some very good information he passed along that improved my system for far less than the cost of upgrading components, and of course I passed on a number of things that he recommends because they didn’t make sense for me to buy (fuses, Schuman resonators, subwoofers, HFTs, etc.) but many people do use and keep them or else they would have taken advantage of a money back guarantee) or the people that sell them (the Ted Denny’s of the world) would not be in business.

MC is very enthusiastic about the hobby, and I think he exaggerates the benefits of many tweaks, but I do think he cares so much that they are significant in his mind. I look forward to his future contributions and hope his confrontations with his haters don’t return (at least in both directions).

my take on miller carbon is that he is a long time dedicated audiophile, pretty smart guy, figured out a lot of useful, positive stuff for himself in this hobby - in this respect he has a lot to share and can be a positive contributor to the a-gon community

the problems have been

1) his tone -- always touting his own superiority, speaking down to others (those of us who have lived a lot of life recognize this as a sign of his own frailty, and it would engender some compassion, except that it makes his persona so darned unlikable), and

2) as mentioned below, his mistaken belief that his own findings are truisms, panaceas applicable to all, just because they may have been for him (refer to point 1 above)... thus he delivers all his commentary on this forum with such a heavy hand, without restraint, on blast all the time, especially with respect to his favorite products du jour

combine 1) and 2)... the response and animus he engenders is entirely predictable, and deserved

all this said, it would be a good thing if he returned with a milder, more restrained version of himself, though, as another old dog, i am not sure that that particular old dog can learn the good new trick...


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Enough of the "haters" references. We are all sick of it here.


If someone draws consistent ire from many others best they take a look in the mirror. Period. If one feels hated and actually cares about it, then do something about it. It will probably work. Hint: Spreading it around and blaming everyone else will only make it worse.


“A relationship without trust is like a car without fuel, it can’t move ahead.”


NPD is a mental illness. Not much can be done about it in many cases I read. People just need to be alert and educated.

Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia




MC stated in a previous post before he was asked to take a break from the 'Gon that he works for Townshend. He is also working on a couple other things since he retired from his "normal" work and when he returns he will provide more details in addition to some articles he intends to post on the hobby.

When he comes back, I expect him to be less confrontational/ignore his haters. I am not a fan nor a hater - I appreciate some very good information he passed along that improved my system for far less than the cost of upgrading components, and of course I passed on a number of things that he recommends because they didn't make sense for me to buy (fuses, Schuman resonators, subwoofers, HFTs, etc.) but many people do use and keep them or else they would have taken advantage of a money back guarantee) or the people that sell them (the Ted Denny's of the world) would not be in business.

MC is very enthusiastic about the hobby, and I think he exaggerates the benefits of many tweaks, but I do think he cares so much that they are significant in his mind. I look forward to his future contributions and hope his confrontations with his haters don't return (at least in both directions).

Where have I disparaged you? I’d like to see it. 

you just deleted all those threads Ted, remember ?

If he has been shilling for a product and been coy about it, that would not be cool.

if a Townshend dealer/rep, très uncool..

New to the thread.  Random thoughts after reading all.

1) Dealers should ID themselves.  I don’t know if that is written anywhere but it certainly seems to be an expectation here.

2) Being a dealer doesn’t mean they have to check their personality at the door.  Audio Troy can say what he wants.  At least he is clear about what he does.

3) I enjoy reading MCs posts for their pungent sarcasm even though I usually disagree with him.  If he has been shilling for a product and been coy about it, that would not be cool.  He certainly has attacked others here for doing the same.

4) Budget audiophilia is cool.  It is more interesting to make a quality product with financial constraints, and assemble a like system takes more planning.  

too true tsush, who would want to line the pockets of an individual driven by vain dynastic neuroses..


Indeed , I wonder how just many members, who have witnessed his online persona and posting style here .  have been entirely put off from purchasing anything that he pedals … Que the “I get enough orders anyway” weenering  responce 

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People just need to spend more time listening to music. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Have fun and make this only for fun...

But TRUST your ears and educate your listening with each modification effects...

Almost everyone think that hearing is a skill limited and ruled only by a decibel scale resolution and a frequency scale limits...

But it is simplistic assumption about hearing power who use sound in a very complex way to extract information from the source of sound and deduce many qualities of this source even his image for example in the case of blind people acting like bat....

We are all unrecognized bats.... Ask someone who become blind and must learn to SEE sounds...

And remember that the sound dont come from the speaker but from the room between your ears and the speakers...buy good speakers not 100,000 bucks speakers...

Then you will not put money on 100,000 bucks amplifier either .... I am happy for those who can throw this amount of money, but it is not necessary to enjoy music and beautiful acoustic...

Most S.Q, come from acoustic when you use basic good gear...Ask any scientist...

My deepest respects to you...

@mahgister Thank you!!! I will give it a try. HRs always fascinated me.




As I said previous with different words. Some people sell stuff, and they don't know how it works. Is that science or just luck. Mahgister and I are grasping straws, but we know how and why they work so we put them to great use as we do with minerals and metals of various shapes suspended from a ceiling or placed on a flat surface or attached to a wall. The compressive we hear is the result of the shear velocity in solids and their shapes.

My suggestion is for the listener to study up on shear wave polarity and their velocity as well as laminar flow. With some application and experimenting there is much to be learned and gained in the field of wave transmission. Tom




To make a simple fun experiment:

Take some tubes or bottles, construct for them a neck with straws of variable lenght by adding segments or substracting segments , and with straws of variable perimeter ....No need to calculate anything for this fun experiment....make some other tubes of different volume size without neck only a fabric cloth for filtering the aperture also with variable size...The first volume will absorb more than diffuse by virtue of the ratio between the volume and his neck, the other without neck will diffuse more than they absorb...

But remember that the mechanical Helmoltz control cannot replace the balance between passive material treatment with absorbing surfaces, diffusive surfaces and reflecting surfaces at the right spot in the room... I make all this by EARS listening experiments during many months each day... It was the more fun i ever have...

Make a few of them, tubes and bottles with different size and put them on various reflection point in the room..

Only this fun experiment will give you a "taste" of things to come..

Now it is impossible to design these bottles and tubes in a grid of resonators and diffusers with an priori size because of the specificity of each room content, and geometry and because of the specific needs of each speakers type...

This grid of H. R. has the goal to change the distribution of the zone pressures to accomodate the room response to this specific speakers you own FOR YOUR EARS who act like a microphone... The timbre of instrument response from the speakers is used here like a test frequency coming from an electronical equalizer, instead here the grid of tubes is a mechanical equalizer... The volume of the tubes must be varied...

I eliminate negative impact of one tube by the self correecting number of the tubes in my grid designed by adding one or two or three at a times with the response of my ears to correct mechanically each one ratio aperture or neck lenght... It is easy and fun like tuning a piano...Anybody can do it with self confidence... And we learn how to listen in the process... it is an INCREMENTAL process of correction of the room for our specific speakers...

You must experiment...

I did mine on a long time experiment each day non stop for months...It cost me peanuts...

Each room need his particular grid...

But the principle is very simple and easy to play with IF YOU HAVE A DEDICATED ROOM... If not your wife will divorce... Sorry... 😁😊

But a room need material passive treatment also ...

Helmholtz resonators and diffusers cannot replace treatment, and passive material treatment cannot in no way replace mechanical Helmholtz control...

my room is a dedicated audio room for sure and my numerous tubes look like the pipe organ distributed around my room and two listening positions...

The result is so amazing that my system of 500 bucks give a ratio S.Q. /price over the roof....

No sellers of acoustic panels sells a grid of resonator which anyway must be tuned by ears for specific ears, room and speakers..If a pro acoustician would dare to do that the cost will be more near 100,000 dollars with the time need for the tuning and the material cost of the passive treatment plus the cost of the esthetically pleasing H.R. resonators and diffusers......

Think about that: it cost me nothing save using junk materials...It is not esthetical though but i dont give a dam, i dont want and i cannot afford to throw my money...

An audiophile system was my dream beginning was i had 24 years old...life never give me the time to do it and learn it right till my retirement...

Why do you think my information dont please everyone?

For sure you need a dedicated audio room... This is the ONLY costly device need for audio , NOT THE GEAR, the room...Almost all other audiophiles claim that the gear matter first and last, but they are wrong...Almost no one experimentr with acoustic, most people buy acoustic panels all stop there at best...

The electronical engineering industry is mature for the last 70 years...A good amplifier of 1960 is a good one today...

But the science of small room acoustic exist with the demand which exist ONLY for the last few decades with the production of stereo comnplex separate audio system parts...

@mahgister do you have some instructions on how to build the lenses/resonators you built? 
I am back in the US for a couple of weeks and I will like to try some of your tweaks. 

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@pesky_wabbit he is probably deleting them as more people that I thought are calling out his bs, this one is not disappearing unless it gets censored..

I started this thread because I honestly did not know how to proceed with his aggressive behavior and when I found out he sells some of the nonsense it all made sense.
He has no scientific/technical way to defend some of the things he sells and claims, so when someone brings up something  that contradicts his bs, he chooses to get personal and abusing instead of focusing on learning and selling better products.

I am just glad I don’t live my life like he does.


As I said previous with different words.some people sell stuff and they dont know how it works. Is that science or just luck. Mahgister and I are grasping straws but we know how and why they work so we put them to great use as we do with minerals and metals of various shapes suspended from a ceiling or placeed on a flat surface or attached to a wall. The compresive we hear is the result of the shear velocity in solids and their shapes.


I am the first one to laugh at my nutty room..

Why do you think i dont mind posting my virtual page photos?

But there is laugh from friends and laughs from others...

i never make innuendo about your product value like you make about my room suggesting to others that my knowledge is void because of these images..

Do you remember?

Isntead of dicussing my posts and correct me you make this inuendo, inacceptable for me...

And now another one : "or if I pointed out the fact that your days seem to be filled with posting on these boards nonstop while attacking others, often times in all capital letters, with a posting style that seems unhinged and angry, would that be disparaging you?"

I never attack people if they dont attack me i like discussing with ARGUMENTS...

My capital letters are there to underline a word...

I have more friends here than foes...because i dont attack people and if i hurt someone i immediately apologize..

And i am 70 years old and retired and have plenty of time for my audio system then i discuss here with no other AGENDA than discussing...And you, why do you take the time to create so much threads and make inuendo about my room in many posts? do you have plenty of time too to do so?

You never give me an argument only a disparaging INUENDO about my room ...

I accept laughs from friends not from sellers who refuse to discuss save for disparaging my room and who creates here many threads not so much to discuss but to fish customers it seems... It is your right to do so yes...

But dont make other inuendo about my room...stay silent about my post in your thread if you dont answer arguments...Acoustic is a science not a seller market personal possession...

or if I pointed out the fact that your days seem to be filled with posting on these boards nonstop while attacking others, often times in all capital letters, with a posting style that seems unhinged and angry, would that be disparaging you?

I for one have never seen Mahgister be anything except extremely helpful, kind, and respectful in all his postings until today’s response to Ted Denney.

Where have I disparaged you? I’d like to see it. Now if I said your system reminds me of something we might see in a film like The Silence Of The Lambs, or if I pointed out the fact that your days seem to be filled with posting on these boards nonstop while attacking others, often times in all capital letters, with a posting style that seems unhinged and angry, would that be disparaging you? Or am I simply making a factual observation?

And yes this is my room years ago , it is nuttier now trust me... 😁😊

here it is:


No need to post it a sixth time for you....

I will educate you then...

Consult wikipedia about Helmholtz resonators for example and out of the mathematical relation between the mechanical different part and ratio of them point me where they speak about shiny motor engines, and shiny body work ?

I created some H.G. with empty paper toilet rolls and straws for some listening fun experiments yes... 😁😊 Science is not marketing my friend...it is brain work...nevermind the materials save his acoustic properties and use...

And sound waves dont mind that your name is on the devices or not or if the device will please your wife... Acoustic dont discuss price tags, is it clear for you now?

Acoustic is a science not a way to make money...I never discuss myself the value of your product or disparage them like you did with inuendo for my room... Why? because my agenda is to discuss with everyone here and  sell creativity and it cost nothing... You dont like that? Eat it...

I see nothing in common aside from the similarities between a 1967 Volkswagen bug, and a 2022 Ferrari F8 Tributo, both have four wheels and internal combustion.

Use a brain before making cheap car metaphor to disparage me...


The difference between the crowd of one or many  and Mahgister is Mahgister understands that the shear velocity of any given material shape is the source for what we are hearing  in our sound rooms. Some sell devices without knowing their most basic translation from source to sound. Tom

I see nothing in common aside from the similarities between a 1967 Volkswagen bug, and a 2022 Ferrari F8 Tributo, both have four wheels and internal combustion.