About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


Showing 9 responses by nonoise

I recall back when MC was touting the Townshend springs but some here were concerned about the price. I, and others, commented on how good the IsoAcoustic  devices worked for ourselves and it was then that he went into overdrive with the Nobsound springs citing them as the alternative to the Townshends if cost were a factor and to ignore the offerings from IsoAcoustic.

I found that more than a bit strange.

All the best,

rbstehno, When I said "more than a bit strange", I was comparing that to his usual behavior, which was largely of a strange nature.

All the best,

@astolfor , Members can delete their own posts within a 30 minute window (the same for editing). What it takes for one to have someone else's post deleted is to complain (whine, cry, etc) to the mods by having it flagged and it usually is deleted without any real review.

I've had posts reinstated by contacting the mods to have them take a good look at the posts and how they fit it with the context of the thread and not differ with others.  Lately, I've given up on it due to the effort it takes and I don't want to have the mods spend all their time on something so small a matter, so sometimes I post what I did, above. The offenders know it and as a result, those in the thread can appreciate it.

All the best,

Amazing how some posts get deleted and others stay up. Nothing's going to change around here as long as there are thin skinned people who like to speak their mind but censor others.

All the best,

Thanks for the clarification guys. I've never had the need to delete a post and assumed that what applied to edits was the same for deletions. 

All the best,

so you see something, make an assumption, and in your role as judge, jury and moral guardian of the the’’Gon decide to chastise and publicly ‘out’ someone whom you believe has offended your fine upstanding moral code.

What, just what if you got it totally wrong…….

hope you’re feeling truly righteous bro’

Nope. You've got one hell of an imagination and an axe to grind, bro.

No communication has been made by me with moderators in an attempt to censor any post made on this thread. If posts have been removed this has been done so by the author or at the behest of another party.

the allegations of censorship on my behalf are both baseless and malicious. A request was made to desist. Period.

Just who accused you of that? It wasn't me.

All the best,


@pesky_wabbit , You're correct in assuming it wasn't about your post. It was directed at whoever censored my posts which were basically, me defending myself from some false accusations. Sorry if I came across as too defensive as well. It's hard to read intent and context in a forum such as this.

All the best,

It wasn't that long ago that there was this big brouhaha over cables, subjective vs objective approaches and the like and Audioholics was taken to task by the members here at A'gon.

Did the other shoe drop? I recall that most here called out Gene from Audioholics and his merry band of objectivists who tried to run roughshod over A'gon, trying to take it over with their arguments and ended up losing.

Did some reinvent themselves to have a go at Ted? When Ted started his threads, he was taken to task over them and I pointed out (quite a while ago) that all he was doing was what everyone else does and why all the acrimony. 

Something fishy is afoot.

All the best,