"This is down to set up, something you can quickly ascertain by looking at a photo"
This is another laughable nonsense.
How in the world can anyone ascertain a setup from a picture? Really? Do pictures now position you in a room and allow you to carefully listen the room’s acoustic signature and how well the speakers are positioned relatively to the listening position?
I wander what despicable assault @ted_denney will come up with🤣 to defend this nonsense
PS: for how long one does something has relative relevance on knowledge, one can be doing something for very long and doing it wrong all along.
Thank you for the thoughts, I rather do this quietly.
2 more questions, where are the forum rules and how do I reach a moderator?
I looked in the General part of the help, but there is no mention to the forum rules.
Thanks... the policy page is unreachable. so I will use the contact us
The page you were looking for doesn't exist
You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved
@mitch2 that is right! +1 with Ted Denney. I do not know what he knows or does not, except that he was not able to discuss in a technical level about Ethernet, PCIe, SLIP, (other bus protocols) or electrical engineering with me. When I presented technical facts, he became personal and later on I found that he was the owner of some company.
This forum needs the ignore user feature so bad, because I like to read and contribute with my experiences but some gentlemen here are so angry, bias and take threads into a negative place that takes away from the experience.
English as my latest language.
@mahgister do you have some instructions on how to build the lenses/resonators you built?
I am back in the US for a couple of weeks and I will like to try some of your tweaks.
@pesky_wabbit he is probably deleting them as more people that I thought are calling out his bs, this one is not disappearing unless it gets censored..
I started this thread because I honestly did not know how to proceed with his aggressive behavior and when I found out he sells some of the nonsense it all made sense.
He has no scientific/technical way to defend some of the things he sells and claims, so when someone brings up something that contradicts his bs, he chooses to get personal and abusing instead of focusing on learning and selling better products.
I am just glad I don’t live my life like he does.
@mahgister Thank you!!! I will give it a try. HRs always fascinated me.
@bubba12 because some of them don't disclose who they are and go on to make nonsense claims, or claims that completely unfounded in facts and science.
Thus when someone, with actual knowledge, kindly and respectfully disagrees with their statement and then presents the facts as they are, supported by Ethernet's IEEE specs or PCIe specs for example, they make things personal because they either they don't have the knowledge to defend their nonsense, or they know they are wrong and make their living out selling nonsense.
For example @ted_denney, he starts threads making grandiose statements with absolute no basis on the technology, that then he has to delete because he gets called out way too many times, but not before making it personal, and viciously accusing others of whatever he feels at the time.
At the time I responded to one of his threads, there was no disclosure of who he was, so I respectfully brought up a few things about his claims that are not true. Since he could not technically defend his nonsense, he went on to the personal offensive and degrade me.
How do I know that some of the claims @ted_denney makes are not true? Well I have been contributing to different IEEE working groups, Ethernet, IB, FC, PCIe, SAS, SCSI, SLIP, and a few more specs for over 2 decades, in the different specs authorities.
I do not own the absolute truth or knowledge. I daily seek knowledge from those who know something different and can respectfully discuss things and educate me or allow for reciprocal learning experiences.
@ted_denney attacked me a few times, one of his attacks questioning my integrity was based on the fact I don't post pictures of any of my systems.
He also demanded I prove things to him, well I don't have to prove anything to him or anyone because all you have to do is go and read the different specs for yourself.
I even presented the links to pertinent parts of the different parts of the specs where the facts are in black and white and the specs clearly contradict his claims. He even went on to question the IEEE, which is laughable and then deleted the thread.
Later in this thread, I found out he sells his nonsense; if I would have known I would have avoided the thread and him and approached people privately.
Then I started this thread because I honesty did not know how things get handled in this forum and found out that that is how he operates. Insulting and degrading people like @mahgister for example.
I have yet to find a thread where @mahgister has not been respectful; he does his thing, he shares the abundant knowledge he gains from his experiments. His system probably sounds better than most because his dedication to learning.
I just started in this forum, but we need more @mahgisters, more @nonoise, @tomic601, @pesky_wabbit and many many others, than @ted_denneys here. I do not agree on everything they say, but they give their opinions it in a respectfully manner and when there is something to be learned they graciously listen and learn.
Crap! I can't believe I just spent all this time writing something in English trying to explain out of principle why, to me, is important that we know how these @ted_denney s are so we can enjoy this forum by completely avoiding them.
It is done I guess.
@mahgister I should have said better than some of the systems I listened. I am sorry for the note about your system.
@nonoise I started to notice that. I wander how the deleting works? Is it censorship or the authors deleting them?
FYI I have not deleted anything.
@pesky_wabbit We all deserve an opportunity to acknowledge that we were wrong, comment on what we learned and apologize to those we did wrong to.
@ted_denney, probably and sadly, will not take the opportunity to acknowledge any of it.
Now he is saying he did not delete his threads?
It is suspicious to me, but at the same time is time for focusing on more fun things, like listening to my recently NHB-458 upgraded to NHB-468 before I fly back on Friday to the USA for a couple of weeks to connect my new Pathos Heritage, AvantGrade DuoXD and AS Montana TT.
To be frank, I whish him the best.
It is never to late to learn, maybe he will.
@ted_denney interesting that you can’t, because I just deleted one of my threads with a few comments.
@ted here we go, and stop pretending you don’t know

I do not understand the censorship in this place. I posted a picture with how it is possible to delete a thread with comments and now it is gone?
@pesky_wabbit , maybe my English is missing in translation, are you saying I can delete someone else’s posts? I can only delete the thread or my posts. Even if I did I would.
@jjss49 here is my problem 😵💫 I am new to the forum and took interest I 3 threads, now gone, where @ted_denney did not have any information that he was a seller so I respectfully commented one a few things that are just not true about Ethernet and I posted the links to Ethernet’s governing body specs and IEEE specs.
I do not need to prove anything because it is in black and white documentation from the Ethernet gv and IEEE. It is all there for anyone to read.
I had known that he was selling the nonsense I would have not made further comments.
At no moment I was rude or unreasonable or Un respectful. But @ted_denney when he realized that what he was saying had no engineering or science facts became personal, aggressive, made fun of my name, and asked me to prove all of it. He also questioned my integrity which he has no base for it.
He did not do this with me but with others, and many of them called him out by name which I had no intention to make his name public. I am better than that.
i do not know everything or am the ultimate authority, I seek knowledge from those who know more than me, and there are Multitudes of them, when I can share my knowledge I do it in a respectful and kind way, because even those who do not know as much as I do in a topic, know a lot of things I don’t.
i know English is not my language so I apologize for bad grammar and using wrong words, but I hope that I provided you with a fair explanation. There are so many kind people in this forum that made me sad he treats people the way he does when the don’t agree with him.
@bjesien I would not want or expect anything from him.
In this thread, which I started to find out how to handle the situation privately with the forum administrators because I did not know the forum's protocol, he was called by name by many others sharing their experience with him, he continued to degrade others like @mahgister for example.
All I did, after he was named by others, was to explain my situation, because like you, asked to explain what happened. The sad thing is that multiple threads, like the one I respectfully commented, are no gone so you can't corroborate.
I know I have never degraded him, or anyone, because achieves nothing but to highlight unkindness. All I did is to point out what he was saying is not true by summarizing the specs, which I have contributed to, and shared the links to the governing bodies, like IEEE and Ethernet, documentation for everyone interested in understanding and maybe learning.
Frankly, it is sad that all this energy spent in this thread was not used to share knowledge on more pleasant things; but at the same time, for myself it is important to share not just good experiences, but bad ones so others don't have navigate through them.
This is particularly important, because in this forum there is no way to ignore some users that are just rude and degrade others for no good reason other than having to do so to defend false statements supporting the products you sell and continue to lead threads in the wrong direction.
@jerryg123 as you know being autistic is not easy. It is so shameful that this guy is so unkind, ignorant and callus that goes on attacking people in such pathetic way.
For myself, being highly functioning autistic has proven, despite all the challenges, to be a gift. By learning how to manage my triggers, I learned how to navigate through difficult times, help others to understand that with compassion and kindness we can get through things that one would have never been possible.
Sound is subjective until it intersects with science, and science is not subjective. It is at this intersection where some, like Ted, can’t discuss things without becoming offensive and degrading; maybe because their lack scientific understanding, manners, class or arrogance; or a combination of all of them.
Very few showcased this so elegantly, specially in English, as Floyd Toole; with whom I had the opportunity to have a few deep technical discussions about sound reproduction when he was doing a research study in signal integrity about 18-20 years ago.
@jerryg123 we are in very good company. Once a doctor of mine who had one PhD in history and another in Autism, told me never in the history of humanity there has been an autistic person leading the world to war or genocide; and that the vast majority of transcendental scientific achievements that have made this world a better place to live, have been the product of people in the spectrum. I can live with this :)
Acoustics play a big part on sound reproduction, and it is a science too. Just like with painting, music, photography, glass blowing and cooking, you need to understand and have a relationship with the basic principles that govern your art.
Knowing about harmonics does not mean you can make music and the opposite is true. If you don't know harmonics and rhythm it is extremely likely your music will not stand the test of time.
@oldhvymec I am glad that pictures work for you.
IMHO making decisions or even believing that you can judge a room’s sound acoustic signature by a picture is nonsense. Clearly, I am talking about rooms that properly arranged and not with armchairs or refrigerators in-front of speakers, turntables set up in flimsy tilted racks, or running machining tools in the room, with everything plugged in a power strip that was meant to be used to power Christmas lights. If this is what you are suggesting then I would, to some extent, agree that you can provide some feedback.
But then you have @mahgister ‘s room and system that looks like a mad scientist, who he is 😊, lab/room in search of the ultimate solution; and by looking at the pictures arrive to the wrong conclusion because one has not listened to the room and his style different different to ours. BTW @mahgister your room looks like my office and labs, all kinds of things that for most of the uneducated are trash, junk and complete chaos; when in reality they are the results of very valuable experiments. BTW I have many reasons to believe that your room/system sounds celestial.
Now, if you are saying you can make an opinion in pictures about my rooms? Clearly you can, is it going to have any value from the acoustics perspective? absolutely not.
And I hope you are not suggesting to trust someone’s opinion that can’t discuss things without making fun of and degrading people, making rude and despicable comments about people with autism because they call him out on his nonsense, or anyone’s for that matter, based on a picture; over the engineers that design, including the new Munich symphony house, and tune most of the symphony houses in Europe, Japan, and Australia?
I am not afraid to say that I am ok using every tool/process possible, which includes measurements, to achieve the best sound I can out of my room and systems, without having to making the rooms look like a recording studio because it is not our style.
When I hire the sound engineers that come to accommodate my rooms, I am glad they bring measuring equipment and not cameras. So they can take a bunch of measurements, make recommendations on how to move some things, have my partner and I sit in our listening positions, we play our music while they measure all along; so after the process we chose what sounds best to us, and they finetune the speakers, subs and very few set of treatment.
Ears can’t care less on pictures; ears are blind, they do not see or look, they hear or is it listen?
I apologize for my English as it is not one of my native languages.
@lemonhaze he will not. He will continue to go through life making fun of people, because since he can’t argue with facts, his only way to feel important and superior is degrading people, calling autistic people ass burgers, and making fun of anyone that does not agree with him.
What a pitiful way to live life.
@oldhvymec I never claimed to be the pinnacle of anything, or that my sound is perfect because it far from it.
This was the sole purpose of joining this forum, to exchange ideas, learn as much as I could and have fun.
But all of the sudden, some gentleman that I do not know, got personal, aggressive , made fun of my name, for the sole reason that I posted links to the IEEE and the Ethernet governing body that contradicts a lot of what he had to say in that thread he deleted.
I never called him names, or was disrespectful to him in any way.
Good for you that you can see a room from a picture and tell what to do with it to make it sound better. It is an admirable ability, which I don’t have.
I totally understand that a little knowledge goes a long way, but at the same time I am not satisfied with a little knowledge on the things I am interested. I am curious, eager to learn as much as I can, my brain and time will allow me.
the one thing I learned from this thread is how easy is to get sucked in a sea of negativity and end up wasting energy all along the way.
Completely unworthy.