700.00 speakers new or used

any 700.00 that you can listen all day and not  get  tired
Little Maggies!
If you don’t like them, send them back, or one of us will buy them from you for $500. What’s to lose except the chance to hear what a bipolar can do for your music?
ADS 810s or Just about any of their line from the 70s thru the late 80s early 90s
I'd look for a second (or 3rd or 4th) hand Klipsch Heresy, Forte, or Quartets.  At some point you might want to replace the crossovers and consider swapping out the tweeter.  Bob Crites is a great source for aftermarket parts and there are others.  There are some other inexpensive mods you can do to make them sound better like damping the baskets with Dynamat.  I think that would be a much better value than their newer cheapo stand mounts.
Too bad there aren't more apogee duetta or signatures out there, you can listen to them all day and get better bass than the maggie's.
At that price point, I have a couple recommendations.  The KEF loudspeakers from the late 1970s are wonderful.  The tweeter they used back then got used by a lot of people and was certainly one of the very best of the day.   A buddy of mine runs a pair of the KEF Calinda being driven by a Marantz 8B power amp and it's just magical.  The Calinda can be had for about $500 and the bigger Cantata for $700 or less.   

Here's a link to a Cantata pair for $650.

Another speaker I think is a terrific value in this price range is the floor standing Thiel line.   You'll readily find the CS 2.2 for $700 or less.  Very natural with excellent detail.  They sold for much, much more than that when new and worth it then.
@oldschoolsound If there was any pair that I regret selling it is the Forte--I had a pair - I think they were possibly the first iteration. Got them for 250 I think it was .. ordered the Crites upgrades. I think I put the Crites in there but was moving stuff in and out back then on a mission and sold them for really a bargain. Was doing a lot of that though 15 yrs ago. What a bargain esp compared to Fortes now.. I only realized a few months back that they re-started production and that is a lot of $$ .
Couple months back picked up a pair of used (like new) Tekton Lore Reference (with upgraded caps I think and something else which escapes me at the moment. I paid 500 ,, shipping was a bear but being that FEDEX charged me uneven pricing on 2 packages the same size and weight I called and complained and the agent refunded me 85 on the bill which reminds me I need to go check on that refund . Yep , its there.   They are back in stock @ Tekton and shipping included for 750. I have my system on daily for 8 to 12 hrs. These are for my low wpc amps primarily as I do have Harbeths sitting next to them but it seems the Ref Lore’s are getting the brunt currently.
Someone already referred to Klipsch if you like the dynamic sound typical of a high efficiency speaker.  These type speakers mate best with tubes and don't need much power, i.e., a good amp with 5 - 35 watts.

For your price range consider the Forte I or II, they are very close to the Forte III Klipsch recently brought out to satisfy the nostalgia crazy and many are happy to pay around $3000 for them (see recent reviews).  With a nice oak cabinet, they are also one of the best looking speakers in this price range, (if you like that old school furniture look).

With my Forte I's, some nice refinements where made with Bob Crites's tweeter diaphragms and crossovers.  You can also build your own crossovers using ALK's suggestions.  Raising them about 6 inches also helped with midrange and up clarity and balance.

Proper room treatments made a much bigger difference, as it will with all speakers.  Now friends are surprised at the clarity and sound stage these 1980s Fortes provide with good recordings like Steely Dan, and there is no more listening fatigue for long periods at higher listening levels.

Whatever you decide, play around with speaker placement and sitting position and enjoy the music.
There are some really good used speakers sin that price range.  I have heard that DefTec (SP?) sounds pretty good for the money, but I favor B&W, at least with subs.  KEF should be really good.
So the consensus is Maggie LRS. I can’t argue with that. A new speaker for less than $700. Unreal
Kef 104/2. Found a pair for $440 three years ago. Drive them with McCormack DNA 0.5 and a Manley Jumbo Shrimp pre and steam Spotify via Cambridge 851N.  I am very happy all the way around. 
thank you all for this wonderful  info  have not answered  ,as i have been ill.i   live in a house.10 by 16  room  listening   space                  nad pre and crown amp  class d  , music hall 5.3  turntable  . but things change   and  now looking  up to 1000.00 once again thanks for all the info  I like to listen for hours  thanks crashmars
Considering selling my Focal 807W in red and mint cond. Never play music loud and looking for something with a smaller footprint...a smaller standmount.  Will post on usaudiomart in next week or so.  Great speakers but everything in apt is being downsized.
The Dahlquist DQ10's I scored for $375 two years ago.  Easily the "most bang for the buck" audio money I have ever spent.
Make the bargain of your life:
Boston Lynnfield 300L, the most underrated speaker ever made, and probably one of the best ever made.There is an ad for a second hand couple at https://www.canuckaudiomart.com/details/649645998-rosewood-boston-acoustics-lynnfield-300l-series-ii... for 850 canadian dollars (about 640 USD).Tonino
I picked up a pair of vandersteen model 2ce signature II’s for 700$ on eBay. Local pickup turned into my best two channel buy ever.
Bought pristine B&W CM5’s for $500. They were only good until I added an Arcam SA20. Freaking wow.
hilde45 did the job for you.

I can vouch for Revel Concerta F12 and Monitor Audio Silver 6. Those two will not tire you after a week, and not only after a whole day. I have listened to both of them for the longest time.

Other speakers mentioned throughout the thread may have better this or that, but these two are good and as untiring as they get, I played them with different amplifiers and it is always that same untiring outcome so throw the compatibility away.
Depends upon your listening room, gear and experience/personal taste.

All of the above are MIA in your query.


Crashmars,This is a tough question to answer as you have not listed your amp nor source. Something like a Klipsch Heresy can be purchased used for your budget and rock the house with a flea watt ebay amp. On the other hand, some speakers, for instance some versions of Thiels are going to require many thousands of dollars in amplification.
Also, how big/small is the listening room?

CrashmarsThis is a tough question to answer as you have not listed your amp nor source. Something like a Klipsch Heresy can be purchased used for your budget and rock the house with a flea watt ebay  amp. On the other hand,  some speakers, for instance some versions of Thiels are going to require many thousands of dollars in amplification. Location would help as someone with time and inclination might look on your local craigslist and make a recommendation.
I would recommend Klipsch RP-600 or even the RPM-160m. Based on your listening habits and room size. Clarity at low volumes and can crank if you need to. The RPM-160m is around $400. This would leave room for a decent sub and your all set. Klipsch has done a great job with these speakers, they punch above their price point. 
First off do you live in an apartment or home?
Do you want to crank up the volume now and then?
What kind of amplifier do you have?
What kind of music will you be mainly listening too?
How large is your room?
Do you live with someone else that might object to their size?

If your like me and live in an apartment than a full range speaker makes little sense. Because if I want to turn up the volume the neighbors will complain (due to the bass). Even at lower volumes, full range loudspeakers can produce some serious low bass.

On the other hand, if you want to really feel the music, than a pair of horn loudspeaker (Klipsch) would be a good choice. Also they are easy to drive, so a low power tube amp can be used.
Magnepan LRS would be a great speaker if your not going to play them loud and have a smaller room but they need to be placed away from the walls. Great clarity but need more power.

Also remember to look into a good quality integrated amp or separate components. If you drive any of these speakers with a mediocre receiver than they will all sound unimpressive. 
Omega Super 3i Monitors $695.

Small and efficient single-driver (94.5 dB) plays well with both tubes and solid state. I can listen to these all day with or without a sub in the mix but adding a sub adds that foundation we often miss with such small loudspeakers.

Another + for the Maggies (I have the older MMG’s).
Gotta love posters that just say no or good luck. I mean, really?
Looking on US Audiomart, I see these candidates. Some of these have to be decent.

Aerial Acoustics Model 5 Speakers $700.00
Vandersteen 2Ci Speakers and Stands $700.00 and many others...
Monitor Audio Silver RX6 Floor Standing Speakers $700.00
Totem Acoustic Rainmaker Speakers $700.00
Joseph Audio RM-7si $700.00
Dali Lektor 8 tower speakers $699.00
LSA1 Monitor Speakers (Rosewood) standard edition, new $699.00
Revel Concerta F12 Speaker Pair $650.00
Magnepan LRS with Magna Riser Airborne stands $650.00
Vienna Acoustics Berg $550.00
Magneplanar 1.5QR Speakers $565.00
Emerald physics epx $600.00

I'm driving those used Maggie 1.6's with this SoundArtist SA-200IA.


It seems to work fine but I don't know anything about amps but the guy at The Next Best Thing seemed to like them and the price is right.  He thought they would be good with the LRS.  Might get them a little cheaper from Aliexpress or China HiFi Audio.  I also added in an old Velodyne CHT-10 subwoofer I had lying around on a very low setting.  It adds just a little bit of punch to the Maggies.  It is too rumbly to crank it up much since I believe it was more of a home theater subwoofer.
Dhalquist DQ-20sDCM Timewindows 1a or 3Techniques SB7000aI really love my Martin Logan Aerius set, but you would need a sub, I think...I'm buying the next set of sb7000a's that I see. Tough to make room for those.
In my experience.
LRS for sure or used .7's etc but keep in mind
to get the most out of them you need to have the correct amp to drive them
OHM Walsh 2s- got a pair for $400. Satisfied. Had Rogers LS35As, DQ 10s, Klipsch La Scalas, Leedh Psyches
I bought Vandersteen 2ci with sound anchor stands several years ago for 300.Great versatility.
+1 For the Maggie LRS or a good used pair of 1.6's. Maggies are never fatiguing. Though they do benefit from a lot of power.
I just picked up a pair of used Magneplanar 1.6's for $700.  Only had them for two days but its remarkable how good they sound. I imagine the LRS' are at least as good in a smallish room.
The Magnepan LRS are about $650 new and I find them perfectly satisfactory. I also own Vandersteen 2C (original model). They're pretty nice and also cheap on the used market.