I would buy it ASAP.
Wilson Alexx V
The new Alexx V is to be released at the end of this month 3/29/21. Any thoughts or predictions on how this one will compare to the current one. I know no one will know for sure until it’s out. They say it’s based off the XVX. I believe this one may rival the XLF in a smaller package. New tweeter, midrange and increase in bass enclosure size and the new Xcaps. More efficient? Any thoughts?
71 responses Add your response
I know it is a competitive business but I wonder what type of development work speaker manufacturers do and how much they spend on R&D. I imagine a lot of the work is simply hours of listening to the speakers since measurements cannot tell the whole story. Developing robust manufacturing processes and tooling for relatively low volume production can be costly too. It is a high risk investment of time and money to service a fickle market. I have a lot of respect for many of these speaker manufacturers including Thiel which exists now only in the history books. We have benefitted in the advancement of this 100 year old technology with CAD and modern manufacturing processes. It is reassuring to see these companies work to further the art and hopefully delight us with some new surprises. |
Tremendous research goes into a new Wilson. First they have to determine just how big, ungainly, and expensive their market will tolerate. Then considerable effort goes into making sure the final result is just hard enough to drive that someone with enough money and determination might just be able to do it. Finally of course the top end must rip your ears off, or Fremer will never approve, and there goes that one down the memory hole. You can see by the way the boxes are stacked and connected together they have this routine down to a fine art. But still every new one we have to wait and see just how colossal a mess it will be. The suspense is killing me! |
Why all the a..hol# comments. The guy is asking about some new speakers coming out that I’m assuming he may be interested in. I’m sure they probably sound pretty damn outstanding as they should for a luxury product. Jealousy? I can’t afford them either without a 2nd mortgage but that’s ok for someone who it’s not an issue for. If I could... well... may be on my list. |
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@carey1110, I believe you'll find more of a favorable response and level of genuine interest if you post your comments on the whatsbestforum.com Audio section. You won't be greeted with snark and sarcasm. There are Wilson Audio speaker owners as well as others there who'd share your curiosity. Charles |
@tomic601 Totally agree, gotta watch out for parts or gear from right wing fascists too. |
Wilson makes great sound loudspeakers. I personally do not care for the look but that is a mater of taste. I do not think any dynamic loudspeaker can hold a candle to a proper ESL. Given that you can get the best for between 30 and 40 grand this makes the 100 grand Alexx severely overpriced. But, no matter what any of us say Wilson has been successful for decades and has a dedicated clientele. The market decides. |
@charles1dad Recommending WBF forum is a tad laughable these days. There are only horn lovers over there who are convinced that their all seeing all knowing guru can lead them to the promised land! He is doing this by knocking anyone with cabling that costs more than a few $$ and by being completely immune to any moderation by the so called 'mods' over there. Today, the place is one big BORE! Usually we have a much bigger and diverse opinion/experience base here...but maybe not on this thread, LOL. |
I have say the Wilson speaker it look like the R2D2 in star war but it beat up all over most of cheap speaker people on this site that use old refrigerator box and 79 cent tweeter. please let me know how you like that Wilson I think they make outstanding product but everything must be in fine order from AC to DC to cables and dac otherwise you feel like you go to the dentist and get drill. goid luck and please post result. |
@daveyf, Well I'm not familiar with the specific thread or "guru " poster you reference. There are hundreds of threads and dozens of topic sections to choose amongst. I don't question your encounters on WBF (Unfortunately not pleasant for you) and am only relating my more positive experiences there. So not surprisingly we are two individuals with our own perspective and opinions of that forum. Anyway carey1110 had a good experience there and I'm glad my suggestion was helpful to him. Charles |
@charles1dad There are indeed hundreds of threads on the WBF, i used to commit threads with regularity. The place changed a few years ago, at that time one of the founders was pushed out and another member replaced him. Seems like after that everything went downhill quickly. The new owners appear to have an agenda, one that caters to the guru member who will throw ad hominems at anyone and get away with it. Nowadays, if you look at the membership, most of the original members have left, there is no longer any reason to contribute! Perhaps carey1110 could get some advice, but I seriously doubt it, more likely he will get into a run in with the guru...lol. |
@roxy54 I meant their...meaning their ( a pronoun for possession) and not they are or they're, but who's talking grammar!!! \.. |
@daveyf, Again I'm not doubting what you've written but rather I haven't come across someone acting as the forum "guru" or know it all. Granted I'm not on WBF that often however when I do drop in I haven't noticed this particular behavior. I have noticed some previously frequent posting WBF members seem absent these days but attribute that to loss of interest or simply inevitable turnover of membership. There are people on this site who've disappeared or are no longer active and I miss their contributions. Perhaps just the ever churning lifecycle of online open forums I imagine. @daveyf I appreciate your comments on this site. Charles |
@charles1dad I find this forum to be much more accommodating and less agenda driven...enough said. So, lets get back to the OP, and discuss the upcoming Alexx V--which if my experience with the current Alexx is anything to go by, should be an outstanding speaker, if one can budget for it. |
Who is the guru? The site has moved a few degrees from serious to slapstick, but it still has a descent cast of characters. If you sort through the witch doctors, luddites and sycophants, arcane knowledge can be found. Wilson makes a great speaker. Like anything in the high end returns diminish as you work your way up nut that's the rule thumb for almost every industry. I look forward to hearing the new Alexx, hopefully in crowded convention center elbow to elbow. |
@daveyf if you’re going to bad mouth another forum you should let people know the reason you’re not posting on WBF is because you were banned and more than once after sneaking in under other names and not because you chose not to. The last time you wanted in so badly that you snuck in as a girl and still got found out! You should get your facts right if you’re going to accuse someone, the guru only advises specifically against specific overpriced power cords because of their coloration. david |
@dkarmeli Nice for you to join us here---I wasn’t going to point out who the all seeing, all knowing guru is--but since you have graced us with your presence... Do tell us how your ching cheng power cord garbage is working out for you-- Trust me, I have never sneaked back on that forum, no reason to do so...it’s such a big YAWN these days!! |
Dear @carey1110 : Other than in this thread in other coming from you you asked for Wilson vs Magico so you are looking for speakers at these quality level performance. I think that no one can really argue against Wilson or Magico quality that’s it’s not only reflected in its prices but in its intrinsecal performance levels. I look and had at my place the " born " of the Watt " small/big " monitor that was just a " new " world for speaker design ( at least for Wilson Audio. ) was a departure from the other extreme where were the very well regarded WAMMs. Then came the Puppies to mate the Watts because something was not there: wider bass range. From those old times I started to learn about good designs of small monitors ( as the Watts. ) mated for a pair of self powered subwoofers and learned that these combination it’s truly hard if not imposible to beats specially in the critical bass frequency range. WEilson never took that speaker design alternative and for very good reasons: they have a wide number of owners of their top big speakers but other speaker manufacturers did it as Evolution Acoustics. @mikelavigne owns its flagship model with that critical design characteristic: integrated self powered bass frequency range. Maybe he can chime here to help you. Here you can see his set up: https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/615#&gid=1&pid=7 and here you can take a look to the diferent models where maybe the M3 could help you: https://www.evolutionacoustics.com/?doing_wp_cron=1615494785.5244429111480712890625#Loudspeakers The key at this speaker quality level performance belongs to the difference in the bass range true quality levels because as better the overtall bass frequency range as better the overall speaker quality level performance because it’s the bass frequency range and its developed harmonics whom modulates all the speaker listen quality performance and does not exist any single passive full range speaker that can outperform an active one and it does notmatters the amps in those passive speakers. Difference is that in the active speakers the frequency bass range is hadled by dedicated amplifiers designed to fulfill the woofers needs characterisitcs. When buying any speakers in that price range listen it before/each one is mandatory. Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS, R. |
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@rauliruegas Another thing to add to your post, would be to attempt to listen in the room that the speaker is actually going to be placed in. IME the room makes such a huge difference, that anyone who is contemplating buyer a speaker at these price points really does need to listen in their system, and with their ancillary gear. I'm sure we all know fellow listeners who have acquired their dream speaker, only to be disappointed because they cannot make it work in their room, due to size constraints, poor amp/speaker synergy etc., |
@daveyf the thing with the big Wilson’s is they are quite the chameleon. A friend of mine has the Alexandria XLF’s and a Thor’s Hammer in a fairly small space. The setup dominates the room, but in a beautiful way, amazing system. Conversely, they would be right at home in a much larger space as well. |
Dear @carey1110 : Other alternatives can be: Focal where @albertporter can chime because he owns these top speakers and Tidal is other good option as could be Sonus Faber: https://www.focal.com/en/home-audio/high-fidelity-speakers/utopia-iii-evo/floorstanding-speakers/gra... https://www.sonusfaber.com/en/products/aida/ http://www.laassoluta.com/intro.htm So Wilson or Magico are not alone out there and exist other options that not only can compete but even outpermos it. The speakers market offer is truly wide open from the " humble " ones to the " dream " designs. A totally diferent but good " humble " option are a very good small monitors along a pair of good designed self powered subwoofer with an external Xover crossing at around 80hz-90hz. Here one of this alternative: https://www.kerracoustic.com/k300 with this Xover: https://www.fmacoustics.com/products/electronic-crossovers/fm-330-series/ these could be the subs, these are a true subwoofer: https://www.evolutionacoustics.com/loudspeakers/mini-series/minisub/?doing_wp_cron=1615566000.556648... I can tell you that this last option could even or outperfors the V or the Magico, at least has the rigth characteristics and really good overall designs to do it. R. |
Dear @carey1110 : Other great advantage to own/buy that posted last alternative is that you can choose between different mid/high frequency ranges monitors where you can find out in an " easy " way the kind of sound reproduction ( in that frequency range ) you are looking for. You can listen different monitors coming not only from the manufacturers I posted the links but many others very good options out there. Even in the future if you like a new monitor model for any speaker manufacturer you can buy it and you can sold/sale the ones you own a lot more easy that any of those expensive big speakers. Other advantage is that your main amplifier or amplifiers not only will increment its headroom but that will performs way better " looking " only the easy mid/high frequency ranges and not the bass range that even in the amp intrude in the quality sound level and distortion levels of any amplifier. Obviously that everything is up to you. R. |
The new Alexx V looks awesome!, Wilson has released some pics and more info on their Website. The open more ridged Gantry will ,I think, give a cleaner clearer sound. Also the dissimilar midrange drivers will blend better with the bass. I really think this Alexx V will be much improved, we shall soon see. SUCH a better look IMHO. I can’t wait to hear it. Yes I’m a Wilson fan http://https//www.wilsonaudio.com/products/alexx/alexx-v |