Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..

To think I just wanted to build some speakers. Even the speakers went up,

I knew a lady who worked for the Rhodesian (now Zimbabwean) government, retired in 1980 and then moved to Ontario.  She was getting a pension which was enough for a car payment and a little spending money. In 1995 she told me that her pension which was more than sufficient to cover a car payment in 1980, could not even cover the cost of a single loaf of bread anymore. 

The joys of inflation

I'm just waiting for the booster, shot LOL

Keep in mind, it's not going to protect you from the new variant. Even worse, it could possibly hide the symptoms of COIVID but still render you infectious - meaning you could inadvertently pass it along to loved ones.

Just imagine, children unknowingly infecting their aged parents, or a pregnant mother not displaying symptoms, unknowingly passing it to her unborn child. 

Post removed 
Well, if everyone knows that without Covid, things will return to a somewhat normal way of living, then we should be asking why all the hesitancy from those that are refusing to get it, and how they parallel the ones complaining the most about the economy.

Just read this morning (and you'll all be hearing it today) that the Delta variant is almost as contagious as chickenpox (R0 of 10-12). It has an R0 of 8-9 compared to an R0<2 for the initial strain. That makes it much more contagious than Smallpox (R0-3) and Polio (R0 of 4-6) folks.

Even those who are vaccinated get it and spread it as easily but don't suffer the consequences like the unvaccinated do.

The CDC was preparing a statement but some newspaper got ahold of and printed it. Makes a lot of sense to go out and get the vaccine but then, what would some have to complain about if they did? Lots of things would improve overnight but then someone you don't like would get the credit for it and that pisses you off? Now, that's a real death panel and not some made up stuff.

Right now New York has 970 people hospitalized from Delta and Florida has 7,763 and it's all policy driven for, reasons (can't say that word or people will flip out).

All the best,
A meager government pension from a defunct government?
The Zimbabwean government is not defunct. Google Zimbabwe and educate yourself.

Yes, it was meager and the lady wasn’t wealthy, but there is no need to be disparaging about it.

An amount set 41 years ago? Really?
1995 was only 15 years after 1980, and the concept of inflation is as relevant today ad it was than.

(Apologies, I didn’t mean to bombard you with geography and math at the same time. I suspect that’s what’s putting you off your game)

And what retiree should have a car payment?
Taking a wild guess; how about one that has purchased a car?

It takes about $3 today to buy what $1 would buy in 1980. You talk about the price of bread then versus now, its probably more like $5 today would buy what $1 then would have

Well, this will come as a huge shock to you, but Zimbabwe has their own currency.

Let me alleviate some of that there ignorance.

Different currencies have different inflation rates. Currencies with high inflation rates tend to drop in value v.s. currencies with lower inflation rates.

Zimbabwe has had double digit inflation rates for decades, often as high as 50% and even 24,411% in 2007 (no jokes - look it up). Inflation was so bad, that they issued a 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note.

Zimbabwe $100 trillion 2009 Obverse - Zimbabwean dollar - Wikipedia

The CA dollar has been at around 4% - 5% level.

Do the math. (yeah I know, that’s pushing things)

Additionally, your Covid example is complete rubbish

Indeed? Is that because the new variant COVID is not infectious?

Or the fact that people who have received so-called vaccines are now being asked to wear masks but only as a fashion accessory as they cannot possibly get ill or spread COVID?

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I was at the local Publix grocery store recently and saw some boutique brand of potato chips for sale at $7.00 a pop. The bag appeared to have maybe 5 ounces of product, judging by its size. When there are families that are struggling to pay $3.00 for a loaf of bread, this is insane. The cost of living has steadily spiraled toward the stratosphere going back to the mid1970s and personal debt is now multiples of what it was back then. I think it's possible we've already forgotten the lessons from 2008-2009 and could be headed towards another bursting bubble in the next couple of years. Government fiscal policy plays a part, but Congress controls the purse strings and spending, not the President.
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You didn’t go deep enough on your research. What the government does when it appears to take money from Social Security is skim off earnings of the surplus that is invested in bond funds. Money that comes in today goes right back out tomorrow to pay benefits.


Let's put it this way if you're happy with what you "THINK" is going on. Good for you.  I'll remind you of the movie called "The Matrix".

Though you're not physically plugged in, you sure are living off the "FAKE dream".  This is truly how America is currently working..

My protest is the American way.  Agon has no reason to erase the thread. Seldom do the moderator's step in. Usually deleted post are self deleted.  There is the deliberate poster every now and then that chooses to try to derail honest conversation about WHY material cost is so high. Unfortunately people in general are willing to welcomed the disgusting practice of GOUGING and call it supply and demand..

Middle man America, always with their hand out and their "Earned surplus" .. But not willing to ad any value to the product, BUT COST. 

The "Skimming off the TOP" Is exactly what is wrong. That money was designed for SS not one other thing.. BUT somehow guys just like you think it's alright to STEAL the money via a law change and slight of hand.

How many illegal SS contribution are returned to the sender? or for that matter even TRACKED. It's thought to be a license to steal, when in reality it's just plain stealing and apparently no one gives a CRAP about it either..  I guess I must have hit a nerve..

Look throughout our country’s history,and you will see MANY great ideas that were designed to truly help people and our country,get perverted by greed.  SS rises to the top of that list. 
I used the potato chip story just to point out how skewed everything has become these days....of course there were other brands for sale at all price points (I gave up potato chips for the most part about two years ago). I try to be the glass half-full kind of guy, but it's hard to be an optimist in the face of a poisoned political environment that pits 45% of the country against the other 55% over made-up or imagined grievances, while climate change is making it progressively more dangerous for everybody (but very few seem to take it seriously). I am not a member of the greatest generation, but am not far removed chronologically, having been born in the mid-20th century. I do believe that as a nation we will overcome most of the challenges facing us, IF we can manage to retain a civil, considerate, and moderate tone for dealing with our differences. Lacking that, we will continue to travel down the road that leads to real trouble. 
Post removed 
I can't stop eating BBQ flavored chips. 
Gave up sodas decades ago.
Gotta clean up my act.
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2008-2009 and could be headed towards another bursting bubble in the next couple of years. Government fiscal policy plays a part, but Congress controls the purse strings and spending, not the President.


Another great example of stealing and no repercussions. How many walked away from homes and owned 100 of thousands of dollars and not a single one had to pay back a nickel. Two years later walked up bought a bigger house with two more kids and three new car payments, too boot.

NO people don't remember. It only cost people that stayed in their homes. Not buy a home and spend every nickel of equity in a HOME on Harleys, Vacations, 100k weddings.. You name it, people spent it like they could always pay it back and NEVER did. 

4 bail out in my life. Not a soul held accountable, not a soul went to jail..

S and L, then the insurance companies, then the automotive companies, then the 2006-8 melt down. 

Everyone owing money just walked away.. Left the HONEST tax payers with the bill.. Plain and simple as that.. It's ok the STEAL. Don't you understand?

OPS Poor Martha Stewart. What a joke that was.. Why did they EVER do that to her? Same with General Flynn. Put that bunch in the penitentiary for what they did to General Flynn. EVERY ONE... Cowards..
That was malicious prosecution and a total abuse of power. Jail is way to good for that bunch.. I don't even know their names.. 

Some wiseacre remembers 2008, everyone thinks he's some kind of sage. Get some perspective people. Please. https://youtu.be/LtFyP0qy9XU?t=77
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I have a friend who invests in commodity futures and about three years ago he told me he was investing in lumber, as he found out that, in 2016 a few Canadian investors then owned 41% of the lumber-producing capacity in the U.S.  He told me that he suspects they "engineered" the price hikes after the U.S. slapped tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber imports.
Big rip off !!!  Plain and simple , the rich get richer and the poor get poorer .Help globe warming ! Lease the new 500 Horse power 5000 pound SUV.  "" You only die once ""
@oldhvymec.Supply and demand.

Companies have labor/manpower shortages and it is systemic across the globe. Transportation costs have quadrupled at a minimum in the last year.

In this country we need to cut the unemployment and COVID funds so people get back to work.

Most of this is not the rich getting richer it is truly that our costs are skyrocketing in the life during COVID.

I think it will get worse before it get better. Talking Carter Era inflation.  
It's going to get much worse.  Only one side gets a voice. You don't agree, you're cancelled!  I understand we all can't agree on everything, but to label and censor,and cancel those you don't agree with??  When did this become acceptable on any level??  
The greatest supply of lumber in the world is right over our heads.

A price hike is a price hike call it what you want.. What drives up prices is someone RAISING the price..

I’m not stupid. BUT I guess those that are raising the prices think I AM..

They are gouging and making record profits because no one is calling it what it is.. They are thieves.. Gouging the public and TRYING to tell me it’s supply and demand.. It’s pure and simple BS.

Just like the fuel that went up yesterday for the weekend.. close to 5.00 a gallon now.. 1.50 cent in 30 days.. It will drop back 20 cent by the end of the week. The price of a barrel of fuel hasn't changed 5.00 dollar either way in a 90 day period in over 5 years... It's pure manipulation. not one other thing..

There is no price change only price GOUGING...

Record making profits for all that WANT to work... I’m a capitalist all the way, but I’m no sellout crony capitalist in any way...

I’ll tell you how you can tell the difference. Do you stop at stop signs and use your turn signals? Simple question. Do you talk on your cell phone in public on a speaker phone or while around others AT ALL?

Your a person that WILL gouge people and normally the worst type of neighbor, employee and in general "PERSON" on the planet..

Is it ok to be scum bag? Let’s put it this way, It didn’t use to be..
Bad behavior is bad behavior.. GREAD is a one up on that.. Gouging is one up on that.. It’s not ok. It’s not the American way.. It’s not MY way...

Like I said as soon as there there is accountability for stealing. And a THIEF is called and treated like a thief, then things will change. Two shopping carts is Grand Theft.. Think what we let happen every day...

We are our brother's keeper, If not, who will be...??? That's right someone with a gun and a badge.. 

I just wanted to fix my house... and build some speakers... :-)

Clearly you are angry and I understand it.

Facts are facts. 
Tree gets cut down a TRUCK that the freight company owns and charges 4 to 16 times to haul it to a mill.

The Mill has to cut that into boards and they have to pay a guy greater than the current unemployment/COVID government cheese rate to make toothpicks out of those logs (Walmart is paying $17.59 an hour for stockers who is paying for that? YOU and Me) 

The boards now have to get to the Lumber Yard and the go back on a truck at 16 times higher freight rate and land at 84 Lumber. That has to pay a guy $17.50 an hour to offload the boards and put them in the rack. 
COGS have skyrocketed and who pays?

You and Me.

please pick up few business rags and read them. Supply chain and labor are a mess globally and we are going to pay for it.

The world cannot afford anymore shutdowns and the welfare has to stop. 
" The world cannot afford anymore shutdowns and the welfare has to stop." Its refreshing to hear folks speak rationally. Unfortunately,look at what’s going on around the world. More lock downs are coming. People have been taught that there is no reason to go to work when they can make more sitting home. Now, I have no problem helping people when they are down and out. As I’m sure everyone here believes the same. The problem is,this helping hand has gone too far, and our economy will probably not recover. Hyper inflation is here to stay IMHO.  I truly hope I am WRONG! 
Well now that you have explain who is raising the prices, I know who is gouging who? Is that your point?

No body had to raise anything but peoples wages and that has been due for 10 years..

I know exactly what you and every body else is SAYING.. The fact is they raised the prices WAY WAY WAY higher to gouge people while they CAN.. The purchasing agents at Lowe’s still passes on the cost to the consumer.. There is a reason for a purchasing agent? It’s not to find the product, BUT to keep the market as stable as they can for their company without earing a reputation for being price gouging thieves.. It’s pretty simple..

The price is high because the SELLER is charging that much.

Eggs, 3 times the price? Because they can, NO, Because we let them...
A pie in a store is 8.00. Do you understand what is in a pie?

What was put in stores to attract people is now there to GOUGE people.
A bakery in a food store with 8.00 dollar pies that cost 1.25 with labor and overhead.

NO, There is a lot of gouging going on and more so over the last 18 months..

No it’s not going to get worse.. IT WILL GET BETTER.. People are going be held accountable for gouging.. I may get in trouble for calling a thief a thief in his own store, but I don’t have to go their either.. SO who is the big winner as I stand outside and picket the joint...??? That is the American WAY!!! IF you or me has the stones to stand a picket.. I sure have... Nasty one’s too..

Come to think of it, when was the last time there was  picket line for better "something or other"?

Do people even protest their screwed up wages and ZERO bennies and no retirement? UNIONS.. YES!!!


"I guess I must have hit a nerve.." Not so much. I can’t tell you why I do this, but I do have a small urge to set people straight who have said something that was incorrect (and there are countless of these people on the Internet). Taking money from the earnings on the surplus is not stealing. The surplus is the money that was paid into the SS program, was set aside for SS benefits, and has not been touched, so you were just wrong. You were also wrong about Bill Clinton and balanced budgets.
Now there are plenty of things wrong with the way things are done in the U.S., but what are the alternatives? Are you arguing for Socialism? I think you’re just angry that some people have figured out a way to make some money and you haven’t been able to either take advantage of it or beat them at their own game. If you had, you wouldn’t be so upset or feel like you live in the matrix. As for me, I don’t live in the matrix and deal with reality as it comes my way. It has worked out beautifully for me so far. If you were smart, you'd start a lumber company and charge $2 less per sheet of plywood than your competitors. That's how the system works.
I have no idea what an "illegal SS contribution" is. It appears maybe you were having a meltdown when you came up with that one.
Moderators delete threads all the time that veer far away from music and music systems, as this one has.
Like I said,I truly hope I'm wrong. I've never wanted to be more wrong in my life. 
Are you arguing for Socialism? I think you're just angry that some people have figured out a way to make some money and you haven't been able to either take advantage of it or beat them at their own game.


I could not have said it more clearly..

I don't take advantage of people, you clearly think that if there is a will there is a way? If there is a a scam take advantage of it?

I see exactly where you're coming from, just like with skimming the coffers of SS, you think it's alright to take money from someone else's interest earnings and call it your own because of what reason?

Because a damn thief wrote a law and did just that? I called Nixon what he was A THIEF. Remember "I'm not a crook"? I do , HE was a crook, of the highest magnitude. The worst of the worst...

If you can justify that alone your probably ok with 9.75 % sales tax too.

10 cents on a dollar? ARE YOU KIDDING?

The "illegal SS contribution"? You are thick.....

People in this country use false SS numbers to obtain employment.

Where the HECK is the money going? We are talking BILLIONS of dollars being siphoned to WHERE?

WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING?... That is the issue I'm having?

Receiving stolen monies into our coffers, you're ok with that? Then it is stolen again by some thief posing as an agent for OUR GOVERNMENT to do with as they see fit?

Does Guns for Drugs, Ollie North, Iran Contra, Mena Arkansas, Bill Clinton and George W and Jr Bush, ring any bells.. THAT is what happens when people with OUR money , that aren't watched do behind the American people's backs.. Very  BAD THINGS... 

America is still the greatest country in the world, now let's clean it UP..
And act like it is.. The language when I walk outside.. When was the last time YOU told someone to watch their language? WHEN???

Gouging is NOT American.. But Picketing is...
I wonder how GRs prices are doing? Option for the speakers anyway?

Now the house? Maybe I’ll go with adobe brick.. Make my own.

Hope the price of digging up mud hasn’t gone up.

Gouge myself and see how that feels, a double screwin’

There is no doubt that a person that will work his butt off for half the day and picket his own job site the other half a day is a person in conflict.. I’m not that bad yet..;-)

Now look, no Admin step in. WHY? We all stayed civil and voiced an opinion that affect us all.. 

Stereo Stuff!!! Cost more... WHY??

  • When was the last time YOU told someone to watch their language? WHEN???
I’m with you on this one. As for me, I’ve set people straight a number of times at our local high school football games. Idiots. Teens and grown men using foul language when women and children are present is a no-no as far as I’m concerned. Oh yeah, I’ve been given "The Bad Eye" a number of times, but they seem to shut their mouths after I’ve said something. What surprises me is, I’m the only one who seems to care.


PS:  Check out the social security system in Chile. 

Anyone notice how the only voices you now hear about ending UI is from the people here, and that it's no longer a big thing with the right wing media and politicians anymore? 

I haven't heard it once in the last couple of weeks except for here, in this echo chamber. Could it be that the benefits that companies got from the CARES act expired in June? You know, the one that allowed companies to deduct 50-70% of what they paid their employees up to $10K/quarter on their tax liabilities? When that ran out, they had nothing more to whine about so it's now onto the next manufactured crisis.

So now it's lumber? Canadian lumber is heavily subsidized by their government and dumped here at prices so low, it undercuts US suppliers. So where's the thievery coming from?

And as for welfare, why are public lands with publicly owned trees subsidizing the logging industries with below market rental rates on the land and with taxpayers paying for the logging roads to be built?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

In the late '90s it was almost half a billion/year in taxpayer subsidies for the logging industries. I wonder what it is now? Nothing like socializing the costs and privatizing the gains. Don't you people see that it's always been socialism for the rich and unregulated capitalism for the poor? Why do you think they hate the idea of socialism so much? Hint: because it works so well when you twist and pervert the use of it.

They've got you all fighting and complaining about the crumbs that fall on the floor but no one's smart enough to look at what they're feasting on at the table. And, that feast is the biggest, propped up by government racket going. In the past, the aristocracies used to employ extreme levels of violence to maintain their positions, but now, all they have to do is buy off their favorite politician.

All the best,
one 2" x 8" x 16 ft pine board:     $52    I choked and bought it for a project for my wife.  The porch will just wait...
I get some of the anger but hope the O.P. finds some relief from the anger; it's not good for one's physical being (or mental).
Hey folks it's very simple if you don't want lockdowns everyone needs to GET VACCINATED.
Now look, no Admin step in. WHY? We all stayed civil and voiced an opinion that affect us all..
@oldhevymec +1
+1  on vaccinations for all
Let's allow science a chance. It'll help get us out of many current problems.
I have been vaccinated and every one in my family has.
However I am going to respect a persons right to not vaccinate. Your body your right!
Just saying.
Do not kill me and hit with a bunch of political crap cause many on the left were not going to get vaccinated because of their opinions of the Administration in power, that was responsible for getting this vaccination pushed through.
But once their guy one they embraced the whole thing.
I do not care I did not vote for Trump or Biden.

Science? In Australia last week a health minister read off the following shocking statistic as if it didn’t matter: 140 out of 141 patients hospitalized had been fully vaccinated. 5 out of 4 in ICU were fully vaccinated. CDC documents show 35k cases a week among fully vaccinated. Blood analysis shows the vaccine does not stay intramuscular (as other vaccines do) but immediately starts rising in blood, reaching alarmingly high levels in the ovaries. (The chart is eye-popping.) The CDC has finally admitted it causes myocarditis in pediatric patients. Pediatric means under 18 by the way. Myocarditis in this population is rare. So it shows up easily, and became so obvious the CDC was finally forced to admit it. No scientific reason to think myocarditis is not also happening in older patients, just hasn’t been studied scientifically.

More science? ALL viruses become LESS lethal over time. Simply put viruses, in order to survive, require a host. Kill the host and you kill your reproduction. That simple.

That is the science. I could go on. Why bother? No one interested in actual science. Only like to use the word, never the thing itself.

Case in point, key features of the scientific approach are logic, reason, methodology. The subject of this thread was inflation. From price inflation it has veered off into viruses. Without hardly anyone along the way seriously addressing the actual, you know, subject. Like I said, love to use the word. Really wish more would Just Do It instead.
If you don’t want people to "hit you with a bunch or political crap", why oh why, did you do it yourself, to others with the statement that those on the left didn’t want to get it because of their opinions of the Administration in power, when that is an outright lie meant to deflect what lots are doing now, for that very same reason?

Talk about projection. Get your facts straight.

And yes, you do have the right not to get vaccinated but you don’t have the right to infect others. Anyone notice the rates of vaccinations going up in red states now that their jobs, schools and local businesses are mandating it. They wouldn’t let the gubement do it but when it came to their pocket books, they’re lining up like kids at a Chucky Cheese, or better yet, like those pharmacies handing out Oxy.

All the best,
I love how Miller Carbon claims 5 out of 4 patience in ICU were fully vaccinated. Idiot. 
Agreed. A cursory check on his stats shows nothing of the sort. Some of his numbers looked to be borrowed from actual reporting and then fudged, like he always does.

Here's where he probably stole the numbers for the base of his lies:
And here are the real numbers from Australia:

And as for his citing of all the cases of those breakthrough infections, the last I read was literally a handful (<5) requiring hospitalization and the rest just had minor symptoms. The vaccine works as intended.

Some links would be nice to go along with those claims.

All the best,
@nonoise WHATEVER!
Not playing.
We all know where you stand. And frankly could careless.

MC lies and lies and lies see below from the CDC:

As of July 26, 2021, more than 163 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

During the same time, CDC received reports from 49 U.S. states and territories of 6,587 patients with COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection who were hospitalized or died.

@nonoise how about this All Noise?
The vice presidential candidates’ debate was Harris’s highest-profile appearance of the campaign. She took the opportunity to explain that she would not get a vaccine pushed by Trump. That is what got the habitually placid Pence’s dander up. He turned to Harris and memorably admonished, “Stop playing politics with people’s lives.”
COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection
I guess this D Variant is more contagious but not a debilitating as the original strain.

Love it when quotes are taken totally out of context. Kamala said she would take a vaccine recommended by Dr Fauci but not if it was being pushed by Trump. Which basically means she would listen to someone who was using science and facts as a basis but not from someone who didn’t. 
Everyone.. My health is just fine. I'm saying what needs to be said.

We can make excuses all day long. We've let what passes for good business sense to nothing more than stealing when at all possible from an already stressed out people..

NOT the system, the system can print money and enact relief packages for people that choose to live on a coast line with hurricanes. 75 years ago you couldn't give that crap land away, now people are building 25,000,000.00 homes in that God forsaken mosquito, infested, crap HOLE. WHO picks up the bills? Same thing with CA wild fires. Do you know how many times the Oakland Hills have burnt to the ground, and they still rebuild.. Who do you think gets subsidized. The land owners?

They actually have insurance. Someone insured that property, at YOUR expense, for the 4th time...

The give away, take away is just the icing on the cake.

Governments position;  I'll give away 2500.00 to someone that didn't work for it and then not do a thing about fuel, and every other price in the country being raised and costing Joe taxpayer 35-40% more to live that year because of it. 2500.00 given to anyone for any reason was just plain wrong..

I have no problem with charity. But our government is in the cherry pickin' charity business at the expense of Joe and Josefina tax payer.

I'm still having a tough time digesting an Full blown Urban Assault Vehicle setting in most police stations with oil dripping out of them. Then approving 15k a year for maintenance cost. That's starting it 12 times a year. Just so you know..15k subsidies to start TANKS at the police stations..

What happened to "When we get to Bagdad we can capture their oil supply and they will PAY US BACK.. WTF is US. That war only cost me money.. AND A TON of it too..

We're close all right, and not because I'm mad, because I'm calm really calm to the point of quit talkin' calm.. That's really good for everyone..

I'm ready to show people stealing ain't ok.. I feel really good about spreading that word too.. Just tell people that are stealing, PUT THAT $HIT BACK, NOW. And everyone walk up and help that person return what they thought they could get away with..

I'm willin' to help any time..
I'm 67, with a broken neck, gentle hands and a gentle voice. Ask my dog or rabbit, GO AHEAD ASK UM.. I'm a good Dad..

Like I've always said I never met a man I didn't like.. What they do or say is a different story..

Maybe I can hire someone to help fix the house and make the speakers.. Idea.. Never actually though about that.. Hiring someone... 
