Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..


Showing 50 responses by oldhvymec

I understand this, MY money doesn’t buy 1/2 what it did 18-24 months ago.. I understand you can’t just print money. I understand this government, no matter WHO is in office, continues to NOT pay the bills of the people sense Richard Nixon. I know the last balanced budget was proposed by Jimmy Carter.

I know the last time we had a FAKE surplus was when Clinton was in office. We went from an 11 trillion dollar FAKE surplus to what ever we are now.. STUPID STUPID STUPID in debt..

I barely trust Ran or Ron Paul. The ONLY ones close to my way of thinkin..

The only thing that didn’t go up was my house payment. It will be paid for in short order 6-8 month. And a rental or two. I kept the rents the same for 10 years. Same renters for the last 15 years.

My income is the same. I hate to pass it on to my renters.. Ones a car mechanic. I know he hasn’t seen a raise sense forever..

That’s what I know.. Thanks for the info, I’ll give it a good looking over.. BUT I see Greenspan. He was WAY off the mark.. From what I remember and still is. Da#n Idiot!!

A budget means you spend what you have

An Economy is dependent on what should come in, BUT greed always make people over spend what hasn't even been collected.

I say JAIL the Economist and anyone who doesn't support paying bills out of coffers, not projection.. That is the only problem I see.. No one we hire is held accountable, just like the last year of burning down 220 towns, looting towns.. NO one was held accountable. ZERO.. STILL going into stores and just having at it.. Looting is a punished on the site. It is one of a few capital offenses that can be carried out by any property owner. OR Law enforcement..

Jeez.. I’m just a common man. Making me think like this.. LOL

It is 450.00 per week in CA. I've never drawn unemployment.

I did have to collect on a broken neck the last 4 years though. The only time I've ever had to use my EARNED benefits.

It cost me a LOT of money being injured. It didn't cost my employer a nickel AND he fired me..

BUT it did cost him his franchise. No one was qualified for the work... LOL they terminated his contract and sent ME an Email explaining why..
He owed 2 million in unpaid parts bills.. TRUE "Travelholic" 5-70k every 3 month.. Ruined a cool 1-1.2 million dollar profit per year business. It made over 12 million gross. To just paying some of the bills and 1-2 million in sales. So sad the addicts that screw people.
Gamblers cut from the same cloth. I've worked with TWO, that I knew of just horrible to see what a real gambler will do just to gamble..

I remember having to explain to a guys wife why he was being arrested.
I was a shop steward at the time.. Stealing company fuel by the thousands of gallons.. Gambler...

I'll take a drunk or heroin addict over either.. Most of my European counterparts were one or the other.. Tough being a HD mechanic. ;-)

When was the last time anyone saw a pay raise unless you work for the government OR the gouging bunch that's taking advantage of JOE American. Price increase? Surely not their workers.. JUST the sale price.

Home Depot or Lowes has NOT removed the "NOW Hiring" sign from in front of their store for 10 years..

I use a local lumber company when he has stock.. 

I'm going back to work.  Start organizing again!.. Need some Union order back in things.. I knew I saw Hoffa the other day.. Little rough around the edges, BUT He was born in 1913.. BIG stereo guy too.. LOL

Oh BS, Hoffa was on one side, and Elvis on the other, of Marilyn Monroe.

JFK was in close third..

and no Paul in NOT dead.. :-)

LOL How about we hire people that can ADD and SUBTRACT.

There is so much debt flying around, EVERY one thinks DEBT is the same as money.. LOL We print money to cover our DEBT.. It has no intrinsic value when you GIVE it away. OR let people steal it away and say nothing about it.. Again It's OK TO STEAL... Everyone see it and no one does anything about it BUT take pictures...


Like I said we have ONE problem. NO ONE is accountable.. ZERO! NADA!!!

Congress FIRST job is to pay the bills of the PEOPLE. It hasn’t happened sense the Eisenhower/Kennedy error..

The last president to propose an actual balanced budget was Jimmy Carter, Say what you will. Jimmy Carter tried to be honest.. It just can’t work and be a president too.

I liked Trump because he was so dishonest to tell the truth.. I knew he was a scum bag.. Just my kind of president.. I hated him at the beginning and LOVED him in the end.. BUT I got really pissed when he LOST.. Should have been paying better attention.. He will win next time.. No doubt.. No one will hire the VP for president and Joey ain’t gonna make it through the next runoff. Sorry..

Ross Perot died.. So who is left.. ME!!!

Trump needs a dog too.. Just ain’t right, maybe he know he’s not a good dog person. They are special, dogs.. Not presidents they come and go....

You did the classic "I don’t like the guy so anything good he did must have been fake" bit. Sorry, but Clinton had 4 balanced budgets and even ran a surplus. It wasn’t fake and he and Kasich deserve the credit. Just because Bush II came along and blew that out of the water by starting two wars doesn’t mean Clinton doesn’t deserve credit.


I thought that was the case too. BUT in reality Mr Nixon raided the SS fund and added it to the GDP. Never before done. Adding purely dedicated monies to the national coffers to off set the (out of control then) deficit spending. Mr Clinton money surplus and the actual (fake) unemployment figures were because Mr Reagan added the military TO the employment roles as being employed also.

Those two act alone, 1.Raiding the SS fund for every unfunded project on the books and 2. Lying about unemployment figures.

Changed the very unfavorable view of an out of control government to "THANKS for all the FREE money" SS has been turned into a slush fund for everything..

Think of the income into that department ALONE, BUT it is being given to any flake in this county. I’m not kidding I know a pair of females from MD that came to CA in their 20s. Both worked 2 years each (less for one) as security guards. Then out of the blue BOTH get their knees fixed and have been drawing SS for the last 27 years.. BTW 10-12 MORE people came on out to join the money give away.. NOW 3 more grandchildren..

The one kid that I tried to help raise a bit.. He’s the one that stole my Mac gear.. 43k and they did nothing because why.. NO IDEA.. I caught the guy with SOME of my stuff in his front yard at a yard sale.. NO $hit..

Pics, Cops, Everything.. it went no where.. It’s ok to STEAL.. Don’t you understand.. That is the only problem.. Lying and stealing is the same a KILLING.. 10 commandment the punishment was the same... Think on that..

Like I said I didn’t take pens or pencils from work. Others had totes of stuff they just STOLE. Never thinking a thing about it as they walk away blabbing away on a cell phone on company time, were 30 minutes late this morning or took a one hour brake at lunch BUT wrote in 1/2 an hour..

I see it all the time at the local Luckys.. I was a bag boy.. (one of many jobs).. I loved tips.. It’s tough just to keep the checker from blabbing with the bag person.. Neither one bagging my double price food. just blabbin’ away... Checker setting on a stool, A STOOL!!

Is it hard work? YES. NOW let’s make it honest work.. RARE these days..

Like I said, you spend from what you have. NOT what you think you MIGHT have.. That is the only problem.
Way to many people saying this is how to make money instead of working and showing how to make money..
The "I deserve" crowd.. BECAUSE I got an education..

TRADE SCHOOLS.. Biggest problem we have is the absence TRADE SCHOOL options from grade 9-12..

Separate the wheat from the chaff. Higher Schools of education, Trade school, Military, PRISON.. There are you options..

People that want to be homeless and unemployed, no problem, road clean up for a tent stay at the local WC. Work Camps.. No permit No stay.. within a boundary of a city.. County land only if they clean up and stay off private property, and county or otherwise owned land. Water to drink and somewhat bath is ok.. Rent a shower.. Truckers do it all the time..

I have never turned away a person asking me if i had work.. EVER.. I always found something..

I’m thinkin three lawn mower jobs a week is close to 3 days in the gym.. But I get paid....

I’ll mow a lawn no problem.. I think.. If the ol ticker can keep up.. Where is that nitro pill.. LOL Turn on the O2 machine for the return trip.. LOL

Get loaded on O2.. :-) Cop pulls you over and ask you to stop huffin' the O2.. Poor cop doesn't really know what to do.. You can get high on air.. LOL

Yea nonoise EVERYONE should be vaccinated. Like I said in the early stages of Covid. Killed a very good man, a friend of mine, a family member. It breaks my heart to think he's gone.. He really got me into HO railroads. He liked air shows and chewing tobacco when we went fishing..

Most of all he use to just listen real well, no matter the problem.. The world is a lot smaller after Covid for me and a whole lot of folks..

I still have a LOT to be thankful for.. No doubt.. Still hindsight is 20/20

Ok I agree with everybody. Until I don’t agree with anybody.

I hedged my investments with land.. Their not making any more that I can afford. It was the only way I’ve ever made money in the VERY long run.

Everything including gold and any of that sort of stuff is still only as good as what someone else is willing to exchange for it.. A pound of gold for a pound of rice in a famine. But an acre of land can feed a family..

My American Irish upbringing. Just plant the potatoes BOY-O and keep the powder dry...

There is a reason for my two old Victrolas, Crank um up boys, we’re havin’ a shindig!! Fire up the stills we’re in the fuel making business. Where’s them taters? Sugar beets for HIGH sugar and sorghum.

Mini Standard Oil Company.. :-)

For the record EVERY agency I’ve contacted in our Federal government is not taking face to face appointments with anyone who has a SS number. ONLY if you do NOT have SS number can you get a face to face meeting with someone. NO $hit is what the federal employee is being paid to tell you. "There are no face to face appointments or appointments over the phone UNLESS you have no SS number... Send in your paper work in, we will review it as soon as we can.. EVEN selling a house and trying to pay the FED taxes on the sale.. CLOSED to the public.. BUT getting paid to say it... NOT WORK.. They don’t even ask your name.. IT’S BROKE...my friends..

Any one test positive for Covid in the new school year they close the school for 10 days.. You have to be kidding.
There has to be a threshold, just like anything else.. Escalation in moderation.. Does Everything deserves the hammer approach.. OFF/ON geez.. No in between?

I just wanted to build some speakers, fix my house and invite everyone over to listen.. :-)
10k air fair from SoCAL to NoCAL the way prices are going..

Like I said fellas we only have paper/alloy money to cover debt. It has no intrinsic value.. Corn for potatoes or sliver for gold. You can EAT corn and potatoes but you can't eat gold or silver.. 

Again who has been sold the bill of goods.. EVERYONE..

Keep your eye on the 100 year plan that is the biggest issue on this planet. LAND and FOOD.. Everything else is just a ploy to keep YOU from seeing an Economy will starve a county to death and a budget will feed the world.. 

Nothing has changed from the time of King David.. He knew there would be famine so they SAVED for the 7 years prior to the famine. Because he saved everyone in the region was able to eat.... 

Everyone came with GOLD and trade goods for the stores of FOOD.. 

Again what is paper/alloy money worth.. only a debt..

Water, Land, Food is forever.. Dry powder ain't a bad idea either..:-)

Maybe a trebuchet or two.. and for sure a Victrola.

Yup dog is in the dog house. Pounced on Junior the rabbit.. Ticked me off. I never had a rabbit.. The rabbit come running up to me all beat up and the dog giving me the "Who done it?" look.

That dog, didn’t hunt at ALL.. She learned though (the dog).. Don’t mess with the family.. gets personal.. Even when it’s family doing the messin’

Me Mums (GRHS), the dog and now the rabbit.. What else is in a mans life? Kids, wife? Stereo system.. LOL

I think that’s right..
For instance, 50% of those who frequent this site have illusions that they are one percenters….or they would be if the gubment would just get out of the way.


What constitutes a 1% and who said the government was in the way?
I say money grubbin' greedy people and ZERO interest from the a government to not call a thief a thief a pretty serious issue.

If you look at fuel for an example. In ONE weekend a gouging gas station can and DOES make 40k for 3 days an someone else is pumping fuel into their own car. NOT a word said.  That's 20,000 gallons if he pumped 40,000 double that again.. 

I ask you WHO owns the gas stations? These people don't just get buy in America the become multi millionaires building brand new gas stations and mini marts. The only clean food in the store are the daily deliveries of milk. They offer ZERO in real world. They might have a car wash that cost another million or so to install. BUT LABOR.. ZERO. I can't get most of them off the phone to take the money. If you aren't family or indentured (and most of the workers are) YOU or ME CAN'T get hired..

Try to get hired to work in a gas station.

I'm tell everyone. Pay attention to the little thing that are really REALLY big. Like who owns you local fuel stations? NOT rents the land OWNS the land.. Who do you think is buying up huge lots of land in Canada, USA and any one who will sell in the Americas?

Why do you think Cuba is all in an uproar?

There are land grabs going on all over the world BECAUSE, Trump lost, not because of Biden WINNING.. One of sweetest deals on the planet right now is CUBA..

So when all the "Philosophers, lawyers, economist, politicians, (most) actors, and all nonprofit organizations are seen as the problem they are verses the problems they cause vs who actually profits from their actual existence. THEN do something about it.  Things will change.

I think it's time to have a voice that is held accountable. 

Giving away money and people getting paid to say "WE'RE CLOSED" would stop Monday morning.. Report to work and work. Or stay home and not get paid..

If manual labor is a problem in this country, then lets pull together and do the work, get the mills back up and running and PAY the workers.
Set up OUR 100 year plan..  I'm not as worried about workers from the Americas I'm very concerned about the other 3/4 of the worlds population buying AMERICA. From the top of Canada to the bottom of Brazil.

How do you think the world EATS.. Eastern blocks have reindeer. When was the last time you ate Reindeer. I know NEVER. When was the last time they ate BEEF.. Yesterday.. Do you understand..

Again gold and silver will not feed a town or a family, BUT an acre of land will. Who owns the land? Who controls the fuel? Who controls the food?
Who controls the medications, vaccines and the medical tech? Who manufactures and maintain enough Rare Earth supplies for computer gear? Who has the most satellite in orbit? GUESS who has control of the UPPER, mid and lower orbit skies? A flip of a switch.. the world is turned OFF

Think Toilet paper for just one minute. Again WE as a nation have a very short sided view.. Like two weeks if most are that SMART.. Not lucky, that smart.. I mean I read the whole thread..

Who is suspiciously absent from this conversation?

People who are in the KNOW? I think so... The bunker crowd is what all of America need to move towards. 6-10 weeks will outlast this lazy world.

You'd have to hold your nose for the next 2 years. Pigs and dogs would be a problem.. Who is hunting who?

Crank up the Victrola.. We're on the mend...

Time to feed the chickens..
To think I just wanted to build some speakers. Even the speakers went up, I've been using for 15 year, from 111.00 if I bought 4 or more to 174.00, I think.. Best 10" driver on the market.. 


How much of a mark up is that? 63.00 per driver? That's NUTS!!
I guess they ran out of aluminum cans or something. A shortage of CANS, really.. That driver is made of just that..

I get ticked but it is a heck of a driver even at 177.00. 12 drivers cost 800.00 MORE.. 6 per column. About 700.00 increase per column.

Worse than 9-11 by a long shot. I've never seen that much money waisted in my LIFE.. The Waste watching bridges for a year.. The nutsy Koo Koo waste of overtime payments for doing nothing.. Totally out of control.. Now setting and getting paid to NOT WORK.. NUTS.. 

Both sides and not a sane one in the bunch.. Really really broke..

Just to build a set of speakers and fix my house. My Lord..

I'm just waiting for the booster, shot LOL
You didn’t go deep enough on your research. What the government does when it appears to take money from Social Security is skim off earnings of the surplus that is invested in bond funds. Money that comes in today goes right back out tomorrow to pay benefits.


Let's put it this way if you're happy with what you "THINK" is going on. Good for you.  I'll remind you of the movie called "The Matrix".

Though you're not physically plugged in, you sure are living off the "FAKE dream".  This is truly how America is currently working..

My protest is the American way.  Agon has no reason to erase the thread. Seldom do the moderator's step in. Usually deleted post are self deleted.  There is the deliberate poster every now and then that chooses to try to derail honest conversation about WHY material cost is so high. Unfortunately people in general are willing to welcomed the disgusting practice of GOUGING and call it supply and demand..

Middle man America, always with their hand out and their "Earned surplus" .. But not willing to ad any value to the product, BUT COST. 

The "Skimming off the TOP" Is exactly what is wrong. That money was designed for SS not one other thing.. BUT somehow guys just like you think it's alright to STEAL the money via a law change and slight of hand.

How many illegal SS contribution are returned to the sender? or for that matter even TRACKED. It's thought to be a license to steal, when in reality it's just plain stealing and apparently no one gives a CRAP about it either..  I guess I must have hit a nerve..

2008-2009 and could be headed towards another bursting bubble in the next couple of years. Government fiscal policy plays a part, but Congress controls the purse strings and spending, not the President.


Another great example of stealing and no repercussions. How many walked away from homes and owned 100 of thousands of dollars and not a single one had to pay back a nickel. Two years later walked up bought a bigger house with two more kids and three new car payments, too boot.

NO people don't remember. It only cost people that stayed in their homes. Not buy a home and spend every nickel of equity in a HOME on Harleys, Vacations, 100k weddings.. You name it, people spent it like they could always pay it back and NEVER did. 

4 bail out in my life. Not a soul held accountable, not a soul went to jail..

S and L, then the insurance companies, then the automotive companies, then the 2006-8 melt down. 

Everyone owing money just walked away.. Left the HONEST tax payers with the bill.. Plain and simple as that.. It's ok the STEAL. Don't you understand?

OPS Poor Martha Stewart. What a joke that was.. Why did they EVER do that to her? Same with General Flynn. Put that bunch in the penitentiary for what they did to General Flynn. EVERY ONE... Cowards..
That was malicious prosecution and a total abuse of power. Jail is way to good for that bunch.. I don't even know their names.. 

The greatest supply of lumber in the world is right over our heads.

A price hike is a price hike call it what you want.. What drives up prices is someone RAISING the price..

I’m not stupid. BUT I guess those that are raising the prices think I AM..

They are gouging and making record profits because no one is calling it what it is.. They are thieves.. Gouging the public and TRYING to tell me it’s supply and demand.. It’s pure and simple BS.

Just like the fuel that went up yesterday for the weekend.. close to 5.00 a gallon now.. 1.50 cent in 30 days.. It will drop back 20 cent by the end of the week. The price of a barrel of fuel hasn't changed 5.00 dollar either way in a 90 day period in over 5 years... It's pure manipulation. not one other thing..

There is no price change only price GOUGING...

Record making profits for all that WANT to work... I’m a capitalist all the way, but I’m no sellout crony capitalist in any way...

I’ll tell you how you can tell the difference. Do you stop at stop signs and use your turn signals? Simple question. Do you talk on your cell phone in public on a speaker phone or while around others AT ALL?

Your a person that WILL gouge people and normally the worst type of neighbor, employee and in general "PERSON" on the planet..

Is it ok to be scum bag? Let’s put it this way, It didn’t use to be..
Bad behavior is bad behavior.. GREAD is a one up on that.. Gouging is one up on that.. It’s not ok. It’s not the American way.. It’s not MY way...

Like I said as soon as there there is accountability for stealing. And a THIEF is called and treated like a thief, then things will change. Two shopping carts is Grand Theft.. Think what we let happen every day...

We are our brother's keeper, If not, who will be...??? That's right someone with a gun and a badge.. 

I just wanted to fix my house... and build some speakers... :-)

Well now that you have explain who is raising the prices, I know who is gouging who? Is that your point?

No body had to raise anything but peoples wages and that has been due for 10 years..

I know exactly what you and every body else is SAYING.. The fact is they raised the prices WAY WAY WAY higher to gouge people while they CAN.. The purchasing agents at Lowe’s still passes on the cost to the consumer.. There is a reason for a purchasing agent? It’s not to find the product, BUT to keep the market as stable as they can for their company without earing a reputation for being price gouging thieves.. It’s pretty simple..

The price is high because the SELLER is charging that much.

Eggs, 3 times the price? Because they can, NO, Because we let them...
A pie in a store is 8.00. Do you understand what is in a pie?

What was put in stores to attract people is now there to GOUGE people.
A bakery in a food store with 8.00 dollar pies that cost 1.25 with labor and overhead.

NO, There is a lot of gouging going on and more so over the last 18 months..

No it’s not going to get worse.. IT WILL GET BETTER.. People are going be held accountable for gouging.. I may get in trouble for calling a thief a thief in his own store, but I don’t have to go their either.. SO who is the big winner as I stand outside and picket the joint...??? That is the American WAY!!! IF you or me has the stones to stand a picket.. I sure have... Nasty one’s too..

Come to think of it, when was the last time there was  picket line for better "something or other"?

Do people even protest their screwed up wages and ZERO bennies and no retirement? UNIONS.. YES!!!

Are you arguing for Socialism? I think you're just angry that some people have figured out a way to make some money and you haven't been able to either take advantage of it or beat them at their own game.


I could not have said it more clearly..

I don't take advantage of people, you clearly think that if there is a will there is a way? If there is a a scam take advantage of it?

I see exactly where you're coming from, just like with skimming the coffers of SS, you think it's alright to take money from someone else's interest earnings and call it your own because of what reason?

Because a damn thief wrote a law and did just that? I called Nixon what he was A THIEF. Remember "I'm not a crook"? I do , HE was a crook, of the highest magnitude. The worst of the worst...

If you can justify that alone your probably ok with 9.75 % sales tax too.

10 cents on a dollar? ARE YOU KIDDING?

The "illegal SS contribution"? You are thick.....

People in this country use false SS numbers to obtain employment.

Where the HECK is the money going? We are talking BILLIONS of dollars being siphoned to WHERE?

WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING?... That is the issue I'm having?

Receiving stolen monies into our coffers, you're ok with that? Then it is stolen again by some thief posing as an agent for OUR GOVERNMENT to do with as they see fit?

Does Guns for Drugs, Ollie North, Iran Contra, Mena Arkansas, Bill Clinton and George W and Jr Bush, ring any bells.. THAT is what happens when people with OUR money , that aren't watched do behind the American people's backs.. Very  BAD THINGS... 

America is still the greatest country in the world, now let's clean it UP..
And act like it is.. The language when I walk outside.. When was the last time YOU told someone to watch their language? WHEN???

Gouging is NOT American.. But Picketing is...
I wonder how GRs prices are doing? Option for the speakers anyway?

Now the house? Maybe I’ll go with adobe brick.. Make my own.

Hope the price of digging up mud hasn’t gone up.

Gouge myself and see how that feels, a double screwin’

There is no doubt that a person that will work his butt off for half the day and picket his own job site the other half a day is a person in conflict.. I’m not that bad yet..;-)

Now look, no Admin step in. WHY? We all stayed civil and voiced an opinion that affect us all.. 

Stereo Stuff!!! Cost more... WHY??

Everyone.. My health is just fine. I'm saying what needs to be said.

We can make excuses all day long. We've let what passes for good business sense to nothing more than stealing when at all possible from an already stressed out people..

NOT the system, the system can print money and enact relief packages for people that choose to live on a coast line with hurricanes. 75 years ago you couldn't give that crap land away, now people are building 25,000,000.00 homes in that God forsaken mosquito, infested, crap HOLE. WHO picks up the bills? Same thing with CA wild fires. Do you know how many times the Oakland Hills have burnt to the ground, and they still rebuild.. Who do you think gets subsidized. The land owners?

They actually have insurance. Someone insured that property, at YOUR expense, for the 4th time...

The give away, take away is just the icing on the cake.

Governments position;  I'll give away 2500.00 to someone that didn't work for it and then not do a thing about fuel, and every other price in the country being raised and costing Joe taxpayer 35-40% more to live that year because of it. 2500.00 given to anyone for any reason was just plain wrong..

I have no problem with charity. But our government is in the cherry pickin' charity business at the expense of Joe and Josefina tax payer.

I'm still having a tough time digesting an Full blown Urban Assault Vehicle setting in most police stations with oil dripping out of them. Then approving 15k a year for maintenance cost. That's starting it 12 times a year. Just so you know..15k subsidies to start TANKS at the police stations..

What happened to "When we get to Bagdad we can capture their oil supply and they will PAY US BACK.. WTF is US. That war only cost me money.. AND A TON of it too..

We're close all right, and not because I'm mad, because I'm calm really calm to the point of quit talkin' calm.. That's really good for everyone..

I'm ready to show people stealing ain't ok.. I feel really good about spreading that word too.. Just tell people that are stealing, PUT THAT $HIT BACK, NOW. And everyone walk up and help that person return what they thought they could get away with..

I'm willin' to help any time..
I'm 67, with a broken neck, gentle hands and a gentle voice. Ask my dog or rabbit, GO AHEAD ASK UM.. I'm a good Dad..

Like I've always said I never met a man I didn't like.. What they do or say is a different story..

Maybe I can hire someone to help fix the house and make the speakers.. Idea.. Never actually though about that.. Hiring someone... 

Well you see how I afford it.. I make it.. :-)

As far a social programs I’m all for the old work crews and keeping it local.

I send my water bill payment to a town 45 miles away, 1/3 the size of our town? Come to find out they couldn’t find someone honest enough to receive the water payments from the people an pay for the water bill from the water district. I’M NOT KIDDING. They found a way to get their hands in EVERY sort of money in this city.. Serious messsed up way of thinkin’ at the local city counsel. They didn’t even know that city police are paid from property taxes.. 3 of them argued with me that ity police are state funded.

They were trying to buy apartment complexes to house the homeless IN TOWN. AND use public tax money to fund the project.. I swiftly recommended they ALL get EXIT only TATTOS on their back sides. They were all going to need it in the penitentiary they were ALL going to if they diverted a single dime from the city tax coffers... They thought I was kidding..

You can’t just pass a law and divert TAXES already spoken for to ANY charitable organization.. That is the reason for the separation between charity and city taxes collected for fire, safety, police, sewage, water, storm water run off, city workers and RETIREMENT. NOT ONE had an answer for the unfunded workers already on the books for our fair city.. NO idea how to fund retirement.. BUT wanted to BUY 25,000,000 dollars worth of apartments in the oldest part of town.. RIGHT next to 3 different different schools. 1 private and two elementary schools.

Anyone else would go to prison for even proposing it.. Give share holders money to charity. You’d be arrested on the spot..

The newest one is if you own property other than your own home you need a business license. A BUSINESS LICENSE, for every piece of property. If there is more than one domicile on the property, rented or as a storage, you pay for a additional business permits..

A TOTAL perversion of the laws intent.. To collect state Taxes from goods and products sold

Mad NO Aware YES..
Come on The Covid thing.. Get vaccinated.

I've been all over the world.. Get your shots and keep up your boosters.

We can talk all about how the sky is falling, BUT when it really starts fallin' you better have more than some statistics in your back pocket to prove you are vaccinated.  It could mean your life or death and how your treated in an ER. Just like the guy from Soundsmith, some weird stuff can happen. BUT like my wife's Uncle that died from it, One lived and one died. If the vaccine would have been available, neither the Uncle that passed or the kid that gave it to him would have even gotten sick..

Does that make sense to be hardheaded after that simple fact.. One lived one died.. Neither would have IF they all had been vaccinated..

Kinda like the guy in the crosswalk walking REAL SLOW, then POW.

Having the right to walk slow still doesn't stop a moving BUS.


No offense intended but if you rent property to a disinterested party, it is a business. You owe taxes. It’s pretty simple.


You owe for personal income tax. Not a business. This is over and above what you already pay in property taxes and income from the property. There are NO taxes collected for the state on rents. That is offset by interest and a 27.5 years of depreciation.

Man oh man do you understand what a business is vs a piece of property.  I'm not growing produce and taking it to market. Nor is there a business on the sites. There is a home. 

According to your way of thinking. Anyone owning property would need a business permit to live in or on a piece of property. That is why it is called a residence. And that is why it is not a business. There is NO product being sold for taxes to be collected on for ANY, ZERO, good or services.

There are different taxes my friend for different things.. This is one that is going through the courts right now..  IF there are no goods or services why is it being called a business and where are the taxes being collect from, IF it is a business. There aren't any.. It's a hollow law made to collect monies, under the pretense of collecting taxes. The only TAX is the business License it's self..

This is where it gets really weird because you have to SUE yourself to stop YOUR city attorney from defending the unlawful act...

He/She is not for anything BUT dragging it through court and keeping his/her job.. Doesn't mater if it's right or wrong.. IT'S MONEY, and WE WANT IT... WE PASSED A  CITY (something) so it means you pay...
BUT it does not make it legal in ANY way..

Clearly taxation WITHOUT representation..  That is what it is, that is what it's called..

LOL of course someone that won't stop at stop signs or use his turn signals, or swears like sailor in public, or throws garbage out his window as no one is looking, is the one making light of my hard work. I worked my A$$ off to buy those little homes..  Businesses? They are someone home for over 15 years to boot.. I've owned the one for 30 years now.
The second one is in a wrap around land trust. Keeps the lender from calling the 13k first and the sweet little escrow/fire insurance deal that is in place.

Like the guy that fired me for breaking my neck. I'm 67, he's 72-3. The second he blows out his last breath the state/fed/international creditors will take the bed he died on.. 

When I move on, I'll leave LAND that you can actually live off of and not be dependent on a soul.. I (ME) not someone else, dug those water wells and installed the casing and pumps.. MY two hand.. I built it...

Every nail in the homes I owned, I drove the nails, not someone else. ME, my brothers, my kids..

I bought books and watched.. That is how I did everything in my life..
No time for school.. Maybe a 3 day classes 6-10 times a year for 6 years while getting my stripes through Mitchell for my masters.. 1973-79.

I grew up in the farm fields right in Brentwood CA. I worked every summer picking fruit and the winters in a gas station and a dog kennel.
7-10 grade.. 11-12 grade well I didn't go much..

I married a girl.. Different story.. Wound up not being my kid.. Sure change my life.. No DNA testing back then just blood test and the rabbit died.. Then the baby was born. OH YEA.. wrong blood type..

Married at 17 divorced by 19 and wouldn't have graduated yet..:-) BOY did I step in that one. Yup 75 dollar divorce. The guy setting next to me told me what to say..  He told me he did it every 5 years or so..

Now about those speakers...
You are probably right but for better or worse, somehow I ended up running a $150 million dollar business. I will be the first to admit though that that doesnt mean I know what I’m doing.


What can I say.. It beats welfare? :-)

Someone had to do the dirty deed.

Owning the business and the land was all I was EVER interested in. I've never leased or rented property sense I was 19 years old.. The year I got divorced the one and only time. I bought a pair pre government owned 700 SF houses on the same lot for 5K. I was living in one and rented the other for 55.00 dollars a month and I paid the garbage.

The X wife got the 65 mustang GT.. She was happy.. I kept the old 55 post. The houses were bought the day a decree was entered..

4 years later the first housing BOOM. 34k profit in my pocket. I'm not kidding. Donald Trump would have been my # 2  goal if not for a turn of events and an 89 day stent in Panama. He would have thought real estate tycoon.. LOL I wouldn't have EVER stopped until I owned California or a good part of it..

I like 150 trillion.. I couldn't start counting now and get to a billion much less a trillion.. BIG numbers being tossed around..  :-)
What’s with the "Gramps" stuff?

Gramps.. Ok I’ll be take a nibble.. I’m a buck 85 soppin’ wet..

The girls and boys still go WOW when this shirt comes off.. It’s the twisted nose, missing tooth and the top of my ear missing that throws them off.
I'm with you jnovak if not to just make my hip feel better. :-)

Prices have never been this high or climbed this quick.. 

They just jumped on the bandwagon. I won't forget WHO raised the prices the highest the quickest.. Same with fuel I remember who gouges who.

I'm looking at 30 4x8x5/8 T-111.  Tripled the price, sopin' wet, and maybe 10-15 in a store at a time..  Warped, corners tore up, JUNK.. 56-74.00 each for b/c stock. It's so bad I won't even buy it..

I'll go with stucco before paying those kinds of prices for that kind of garbage..

FROM 15-19.00 per sheet of grade a/b (very few plugs) to 50+ no no no
Your right you belong somewhere else. Your very welcome to leave if you're happy with the cost of building materials.

Remember Chuck had to put bacon in his pocket to get the dog to like him too..

Put some bacon in your pocket, JUSY maybe you'll find a friend..


I never said a word about "scam".


I did, the scammers just like you have been around encouraging bad behavior for a LONG time. I wouldn't expect any different now. I remember you. 


$3.5 billion, so totally insignificant in the $6.55 trillion budget of the U.S. government.


Ignorance abound, You say 3.5 BILLION is insignificant?

The figure is 5 times that, and 3.5 billion is not insignificant. Good Lord sense when is 3.5 billion dollars insignificant, only to a thief that want's more.

What happens to the monies? Where did the minuscule 3.5 billion GO?

That's 350.00 dollars to every tax payer in the country

6.55 trillion dollar slush fund. NO its the property of the people it was designed for. The people that paid into it. That is how it was sold to the people. There has never been a problem with SS. Just the thieves that are skimming the interest and the people that support it. You know any one that supports that, I bet YOU do...

Been stopping at stop signs lately, how about turn signals.. Answer that question truthfully.. You park on the wrong side of the road too. Talk a LOT on that cell phone when you drive, do you? I'll bet money on it.. AND I never EVER gamble with more that 30.00 a year.
Lotto tickets.

The moderators are not deleting the post. The members are..

IF we kinda stay on track about the cost of goods and people taking advantage of the situation. Nothing would get deleted.. AG is a whole lot better than the, poor me crowd, SAYING "they deleted my post".

Don’t call names and we’ll be alright. BUT if the shoe fits as they say, enjoy the thread.. BUT hold back on the name callin’

Remember the song "Wild wood Weed".

Who was settin’ on that sack of seeds again?

The bag was full of seed not money.. Paper/alloys come and go, LAND is forever.. Trees in the Americas are the lifeline and backbone of this country.. Canada has always been the 51 state.. Even I know that..
Mexico is number 52. One supplies lumber, one supplies hard working manual labor.

Go ahead deny it all you want.. The US itself can sustain all the wood it need on it’s own.. No problem. The problem as discussed, is when the governments LEASES the land and it’s clear cut at the tax payers expense.. Tax payers don’t see a dime but the monies pour into the coffers with ZERO accountability for were it’s coming from, but worst of all where it’s going to..

AGAIN, Iran Contra and DRUGS (I mean tons and tons of cocaine) for guns (traceable military weapons) winding up in other countries and on our streets killing US citizens, not to mention the killings of all the unreported illegals in our country. And the legal citizens in their own country..

The land grab has just started... WATCH.. CUBA.. state # 53 coming up, 20-30 years at the most..

There is so much fake money flying around what is 1%. unaccounted for just a trillion or so..

The LOVE of money (not MONEY) is the root to ALL EVIL.. Loving OTHER peoples money, what do you call that, double EVIL..  NO its called coveting, one of the BIG 10 right there with killing, not one bit different..
I figured 100,000,000 Tax payers..

What is 100,000,000 into 3,500,000,000.

Ops I figured 350 billion to many zeros.. My mistake.

The fact is it's WAY over 3.5 billion from (at least) 15 million they admit to. In reality 20+ million.. There is a lot of cash flying around and not a soul is willing to say. Our politicians LOVE the money we don't have to account for... Why do you think they are there? TO STEAL and siphon and divert dirty unaccounted for money.

I know it's flush with corruption, I don't have to agree with it or put up with it, others can, I DON'T.  Gouge people and GO TO JAIL. Support those that gouge you get to join them. Pretty simple. Fill the jails with the right people not the wrong ones..

Vice has no place in our jails any more than the mentally disturbed.
BUT because of cowards laws, is easy pickens to OVER FILL and OVER PAY a privatized  prison system. Just as corrupt as can be...

They charge a lot, they give very little.  The turn out and return is double that of normally State and Fed ran pins..  Remember we still have the highest incarceration rate in the world..

How many are thieves, perverts, murders, rapist, extortionist and deal in human slavery.  NOT NEAR ENOUGH... But sling a little dope or sell that bootie..  Legal in one state 3-5 in another?

I just wanted to build some speakers..

BUT If I gotta overhaul the world to do it. I'll give it a shot..

The squeaky wheel gets the oil...:-)

"Cranky old bird"  You have a tendency to step deep into the dung when you get to spoutin' off.. Older and wiser is just fine, younger and dumber seems to be the trend though..

Again DO you stop at stop signs? Is it that hard of a question?

When was the last time you told a loud mouth, to pipe down and be of good spirit. Be a good person, act like a good person..

I can spot one that doesn't an internets distance away...
Hay Mr Moderator may want to kill this thread as me@nonoise is done now.


I got a better Idea, YOU close down your own thread and mind your own business. It’s not up to you to call on Mrs Tammy to close anything..

Things on the thread are fine, you want to argue with nonoise, that’s your prerogative, BUT it’s not yours or anyone else’s to ask to close anything.. If you don’t like the conversation, leave. You can leave mad, but just leaving would be fine.. Yea bucco you don’t ask to shut down sites. PERIOD. You put up your own thread and pose a question. NOT sequestered the answers you don’t want to hear on this one..

You stop at stop signs and use you turn signals? I know the answer..:-)
How about park on the wrong side of the road, or blab on your cell phone in the doctors office? You one of those people? Be truthful..

Everyone.. that is the measure of a gentleman/lady. What you do when people AREN'T looking.. That is the measure of a person.. GOUGING and cheating cussing and swearing aren't ok..
NO I'm not sorry to HAVE to explain to the youngsters..

Just haven't been brought up right.. What can I say...People will have manners and they will learn to be polite..
pretty simple..

Geez I’m a Mac guy. I forgot. I’ll give them a look see..

I just looked!

I remember those. I've never listened to a pair. 

Mr ps you can leave any time you like, and take your post with you as for the thread, this is an experiment.

As long as YOU self govern with at least some moderation the moderators won't kill the thread. Why on earth would they. 

I just took a nap and woke up to a ghost who's father is 20 years younger than his son.  Isn't that kinda what happened with the first Terminator.
The kid Connor was actually older than his DAD? Something like that.
Any ways No problemo!

All from stuff costing to much? I'll never take another nap as long as I live.. I woke up the washing machine was leaking water all over the place and the dog was tuggin' on my hand..

The water pump in the washing machine had a rock go through the pump and tear the heck out of the impeller.  149.00 and I get it by tomorrow.. 18 years old Samsung. Outlasted my Maytag and 149.00 fixed it... 

Now back to the cost of parts.. and Gouging SOBs. I found 24 1 1/8" ring domes brand new in the box and 18 ribbons in the box. Maybe I'll do up a LS of the two..

I've never done a narrow baffle LS with domes..  I've never even seen one. They were all real wide front baffles. QLS1, or Genesis. I sure like the Genesis Forte.. Buddy has a pair.. I'd buy a pair If I couldn't make make better for 10th the price.. BUT if I was gonna pay for speakers..
Genesis would be the one..

I wonder how much they have gone up in the last 18 months?

Master M how are you doing my friend? Has the cost of goods slowed down your endless pursuit of "The sound". It sure has slowed mine..

The human factor, ya just never know.. The best of the best on AG.. pretty dog gone versatile I'd say..

The thread has HELD.. :-) Not like the story of Troy and Gilgamesh, "And the walls came DOWN"!.. :-)

I can still hear my grandmother in her Gaelic/Texas accent.

With a ma gleck ma glock thrown in every now and then..

There was a thread where someone was talking about TWO sweet spots. It reminded me of something you said in one of your experiments.. You had two different listening positions in the same room..

Be well.. Master M..

Feeding pigs? mercy.. For real, feeding pigs, or "feeding the pig" as in piggy bank?

With great respect.
As always Master M your approach is value minded and very enlightened.

I’ve been watching my nickel and dime projects turn to 5 and 10.00 dollar and now to 100-1000.00 dollar projects.

It did take 50 years though.

As for the 2 X sweet spot I’m just trying to stretch mine as I stand up.

The Bass just swells as I stand and the HF just goes away.

I’m convinced it’s possible, BUT in doing so I did make a discovery by turning the ribbon HF driver from a horizontal to a vertical plane. I had forgotten the NUMBER of degrees between vertical and horizontal like 45/225 and 215/135 degrees the X vs +


That really change the way my ears collect the HF wave (5khz >)
Especially 215/135 degrees vs 45/225 / degrees.

I’m just wondering what a line source of / or \  would sound like with 8" tall x 3 wide drivers.
The clocking combination are endless top to bottom

The G1s are 900 to 40,000 khz


Single drivers clocked differently on a vertical plane in a narrow baffle..

I think this is the one.. Now to get the visual correct. :-)


asvjerry my grandmother was called PaPaw pretty common. she lived from 1889-1988 she was 99 when she moved on to heaven..

Played the piano for the Southern Baptist church for 75 years or so. 

I can here her playing "Just as I Am" just like it was yesterday..

She was greatest influence in my spiritual and really my WHOLE life.. She would reach out and cup my ears and whisper, "It's not what you know, It's who ya know" Then she would wink, give me a kiss on the forehead and smile.


Not me buddy. Not to often I use the "Report" button, though there is one individual giving a few of us poor fusers a run for our money.. LOL

Like the Grand Nagus Zek said, "It’s like trying to teach Klingons" DS9.

I read them, I just don't remember what they said. Something about rigged elections or something.. Probably self deleted. I didn't read anything to wild.. Moderators usually look for multiple repeated post. A little finger pointing.. LOL I don't think so..

We they your? I glanced over them I didn't see anything crazy.. I just didn't pay attention who wrote what..

The last election.. Kind of yesterdays news. Sure ain't gonna change a thing, about who's who in the ZOO.. That's for darn sure..

I got important things to think about, like the cost of rabbit food doubling..
and a 4 x 8 x 3/4 sheet of MDF costing 55.00 dollars a sheet.

Why would a fixed election be a problem.. At least you know who's gonna win.. Like any of the real (lifer) CLOWNS in DC don't know how to maneuver an election around.. Been going on (that I know of) sense the Kennedy's. Trump just got out flanked.. Tricky bunch, the old guard in DC. Any 5 there, there is 150 years between them.. Slimy is more like it though.. YUK...

I just wonder if they ALL spit after a big meating. That is spelled correctly.. :-)

There is always a next time. Watch..
Kinda like Clay vs Liston, where did that punch come from?
I loved Muhammad Ali, BUT that KO didn't happen.. Someone fell down, he just wasn't knocked down.. LOL

"Close encounters of the 5th kind" watch it.. Especially the part about the guys HEARING... July 4th 1976 for me my wife and 3 other people. Of course come to find out the trifecta lights were seen by 1/2 of the town and CA. 30 day that went on..

Up in the Buttes too, reservation land (good sweats up there also)

THIS is important.. Don’t worry about the election.. I’m gonna be the next president anyways.. :-) One vote, one president.. At least at my house..
SHE can vote for herself.. Two presidents in the same house.. OK!!

Now ET phone THEM, to come home..


You see that 626R I want to do it with a neo 10, AC G1 G2 or G3 with a rear firing neo 8 and a 8" HO reference bass driver.. (30 hz no problem) 60hz to 40KHz

Not a fan of bass in the monitor cabinet, we'll see..

Two years I've had the drivers. Now to come up with the energy.. :-)

Now now.. I got a funny felling bologna never touched his mouth..

Though I heard he was a fast food eater..

Looked a lot like a burger, fries and shake kind of guy to me..

I'll take that over a VEGAN, that just ain't American.. (My sister in law for 50 years). But she does look 40 and she is almost 80.. No kidding. Retired from the Pan Am era on up in flight attendants.

Yup a lot of great stories.. like the King from Tonga. She weighed 105 tops. He was looking for a NEW Tongan queen.. LOL. Three seats wide..
she sat in part of the 4th one. 747 back then..
5-600 pounder.. Little fluffy!!

She told him she was already married, didn't really care to be # 5 or 6..

Simple didn’t like Roosevelt, Liked Truman, Liked Eisenhower, didn’t like Kennedy, Johnson, or Nixon, Ford was just a question mark? I liked Carter, couldn’t stand Reagan and Liked Bush Sr. From then on forget it..

I hated Trump when he started, I loved him when he finished, I just got ticked because he wasn’t paying attention.. He lost on purpose I think.. Needed to dip his fingers back into the business.

4 years without being in charge of his companies.. He couldn’t stand it..

The only reason I liked him is because I KNEW he’s a NO GOOD, plane and simple.. Crap sturrin’ SOB.. I liked him.

The new guy.. Mercy what a mess.. He won’t make through an 8 year term and no ones is gonna hire his VP.. Never happen..

You got it.. Trump in 3 years a and a few months. No way around it.. Health problems are the only unknown.
Cruz, Carson or Rubio for a VP. Pence is OUT of there for sure..

I just want to build a set of speakers and fix my house.. :-)

Fuel did drop 20 cents per gallon. People were getting ticked around here, REAL ticked.. My neighbor drives 190 miles a day 6 days a week in a less than 20 mpg PU full of stucco/plaster gear. He's a saint.. 300.00 a week for fuel.

500.00 for food, 1200.00 for fuel per month. Something is wrong...

I can say this without reservation, anyone that boasted "what ever it takes" and professed their participation in what took place in LOT of major cities, would never see the light of day until their last breath.

Looting and burning is a straight up life sentence. On mass looting, LIFE, no parole. Just like what’s going on all over the country.. They would walk in a loot a store ONE TIME...

The rest of their lives they would work by the sweat of they’re brows or not eat. No Work, No Eat...

They like starting fires, they can stoke boilers for the rest of their lives..

They like stealing and wrecking others peoples property.

The rest of their lives they would be cleaning with mop buckets and rags to pay for their behavior..

They would change AND tell everyone what a mistake they made.. I promise THEY would.. No matter the person’s age, race, GENDER. or religious profession. The worst of the bunch were females and not even American Citizens some of them. YUP.. "What Ever It Takes" Would be my moto..

The Border crisis, LOL It would last for 15 minutes at the most..

Helicopters and pepper spray. I’d clear the WHOLE border in 15 minutes.

Got one choice.. MOVE BACK... Form two (2) lines... First come first serve.. Perverts to the left and the rest to the Right. The left line has no openings EVER BUT will be identified and turned over to the family that was affected, no one else either.. just them.

NOW The people in the right line, What you got to offer? Don’t care WHO you were, but you better know what you’re gonna become.. A GOOD, Tax paying, hard working, want to be American.. Stay out of trouble..
Step over there you'll be given a whole slough of inoculation and quartered for 30 days while being processed Stamp, Stamp. Stamp WELCOME to the USA. NOW what is the name you want to be called?
Make the world proud..


Biden is doing a great job.

He is doing a job. 20 years ago MAYBE! and Dick Cheney as a VP.. LOL

The sensible people don’t want Trump back.

I’m not sensible when it comes to politics, he’s nuts I like him..

Prices aren’t really going up, it’s a delusion. In fact prices are going down in the UK.

We’re in the US, people here gouge because they get away with it..

The Lockdowns worked and made great sense.

The lock down helped and it made good sense in certain areas. Of course they made NO sense in most areas.

The vaccines also worked, and made even greater sense.

I agree 100% so did face mask and hand washing and social distancing.. It ALL helped. You don’t want the vaccine get your brain examined. IF you’ve had Covid and test good with a higher immunity. No need for a Covid vaccine. Pretty simple.. People keep saying Covid, that is not even what the NEW variant is, it is different, BUT still SARS. SARS is very communicable.

Some things you don’t mess with, STAPH, Hepatitis, Certain Flus and Smallpox are a few..

Malaria still claims 1-3 MILLION per year.. Every year....

No clue on this one. Did you get a notice from the mods? Usually unless someone else is getting report happy. As I remember it wasn't anything that caught my eye other than a too many "greats" in there.. LOL

Great and presidents in the same sentence, That's a mouth full.

Washington.. :-)

His last year of life he produced 11,000 gallons of Rye Whiskey

I'll ask the mods. If you're talking about the cost of goods going UP, pretty much everything is fair game.  Add a NAME or two to a current setting president that's VERY opinionated and one sided, the red and blue flag wavers come out in groves. So do the mods, it seems. ;-)

I'm a policy guy, I could care less who supports what as long as they KNOW right from wrong.. No they don't have to practice what they preach.. But it would help..

I may like a social program that benefits the west coast flounder population for 5 billion but apposed to 50 million for Non Profit outfit down the road that hasn't done one thing for Vets other than used blankets while they hand out 250,000.00 salaries for 10-15 different board members.

Board members and "Expenses" gobble up 85% of the moneys on traveling and whatever else they want to spend it on.. While being government subsidized with funds and having tax exemptions. All the time accepting donations of undisclosed amount that are impossible to trace. 

Bad guys in this county really do come in sheep's clothing, bearing wool blankets, I'd doubt it.. More like low stitch count cotton/polyester. :-(

They go to school to actually be taught "how to set up a non profit".
PRISON... Ops did I say that..
I juice and have for 40 years. Fruits have tripled and veggies have doubled in the last 4 years. Where they had only doubled in the prior 35 years.

The same barrel that was 55-75 dollars a per barrel during the Clinton era produced fuel from 1-2.00 per gallon. When he left office it was .99 cents per gallon. That same barrel today cost the same amount but fuel is 4.50 cents per gallon. WHO is putting OVER 3.50 cents per gallon in their pockets. Taxes went up 10-17 cents I think.. .17 cent PER GALLON increase.. WHY? BUT 3.50 + profit per gallon. Isn’t fuel regulated just like Natural gas?

Think about a station pumping 80,000 gallons of fuel in 3 days.. This one station was getting 20,000 a day of diesel alone, and 10,000 in regular. 250,000.00 + dollars in profit in one 3 day weekend.. 52 in a year fellas
Now think 37 years, that's how old the station was.. He started with an Ice Cream truck from a FREE government grant. Only in America.. I couldn't qualify..:-)

The guy tore down a huge station and put in a super station with car wash, and added TWO more islands just for diesel, and showers for truckers. He’s paying cash.. 4.00 for the V8 there too.. It’s a 1.25 on Amazon. :-)

Multi millionaires from gas stations and GREED. You know what they pay those people who work there?.. I do... Do you know the only people they will hire? I do...
No fat lady singing here...

Small is sure sounding better to my back.. LOL I been moving some 375 pounders, fitting my new fangled bases with pocked rear casters. That it almost 90 lb with the two casters and one pod.. 465 lbs is heavy. 

75 lbs.. is more like it.. :-) To hot to work here. 100 or close for weeks now. Not me anymore.. NEVER again...55-75 perfect..

I agree well said cd318. If it get deleted this time we'll ask Mrs Tammy to put it back up.. She can and has done just that.. There is software involved you know. It's not a physical mod most of the time..

tomic601, interesting. Now as soon as the heat wave breaks I think I'll get back out in the shop. 2 months, I haven't done a thing.. I use to couldn't wait to work in the shop, on cabinets..

Boy have things changed. I'm looking at a plinth on the back porch waiting for a clear coat.. It took a month to find a non water base hardener for oil base urethane.  They want 100.00 for clear coat.. My way is 30.00 a gallon and sets just as hard and polishes pretty darn good.. 6 weeks of curing and wax.. Hard to beat.. for about 10.00 a plinth..

Paint and good thinner is 20% higher in just the last 6 months.

Everybody gets a 10% raise to compare with 50% increases on everything else.. It NEVER fails, like vultures. Smokes were .39 a pack for camels and .29-39 cents a gallon for 95 octane fuel. 1969 My Dad made 2 cents a gallon on fuel.. 1.00 or 1.25 an hour...for wages

Man people toss around trillions like it no big thing. If I started counting out loud I  couldn’t get to a billion before the end of my life.

Ah what the heck. They just reinstated a fire chiefs pension in Danville CA to over 20,500.00 per month. They had reduced it to 14,000.00 because of the way he stacked his last years.

One court representing the actual workers sued to have it reduced (his co workers) and won in a lower court. Only to be overturned in a higher court with back pay to the tune of 1.5 million dollars. The real kicker his retirement is greater than the salary he made when he was working full time.. PRISON!!! and whoever supports this type of thieving from the people.. Absolutely NUT

In Danville CA. The worst thing to ever happen was the hills would catch fire and that would wedged in the cattle. They new where to go in the basins where there was no grass..

250,000.00 a YEAR plus benefits.. For a fire chief in a COW TOWN converted to yippyville when the sprawl started.. When I was a kid You couldn’t give that land away.. 2 million an acre now in some places.. 20,000,000. For a 5 acre hobby farm..

BROKE doesn’t even get close to what’s wrong it’s not REDS or the BLUES.. IT’S BOTH.. No concept of DEBT.. NONE.. ZERO... They ALL spend like there is no consequence.

Raise the debt Ceiling.. NO LOWER IT NOW. Spend less than what you bring in.. Period. AND put people like this idiot who screwed EVERYONE he could, everyway he could, in a GD prison, forever along with the Judge and the lawyers that overturned the lower court decision.

Every month the spending exceeds the GDP, how is that ok? They're raising the limit. Not reducing the spending and paying OFF the interest.  All the while skimming the interest off SS for anything BUT SS and spending it like it has any place in the hands of people, who REFUSE to pay and fund retirement plans and reduce the nutso out of control spending OUT of our country alone..

Didn’t the Athenians try their leaders after their terms in office.. After all it was the cradle of Democracy..

If I had my way this type of stealing would get the worst of punishments.

The reduction in retirement payments of 6,000.00 a month to THIS fire chief is greater than the combined SS of me and my wife. His REDUCTION. for god sakes! 30-35 MAX working years.. MAX

We worked almost 90 years between the 2 of us paying social security. Glo and Me.. 90 F*&^ing years to read this CRAP.. about a THIEF Fire chief and a broken system letting him get away with it..

I had to turn on the O2 machine after that one.. Bogart the O2 machine.. LOL.

51 hours in the hospital.. 81,000.00 dollars.. Last year at this time I got the bill.. AFTER coming home and having 16 more heart attacks behind a hard clot they missed.. 12k more BTW. ALL behind a bruised thigh..

I’ll bet money it’s 110k now. Not a worker ONE getting paid a dime more..

My insurance paid all but 117.00 of a 7k ride to the hospital. Sure great people though.. God sent those Nurses, X-Ray techs and Doctors. The X-Ray Tech found the clot, that was missed.. Sharp cookie..

SS has a 3% overhead for administration cost. Private heath care insurance companies are 15-27% and they are paid to say NO, NOT fix the patient, BUT pocket the money and limit YOUR service. Just like the guy said above, pick a finger, sure can't afford both.. Total BS..

Middle man America always with their hands out, not HAND, HANDS. Only adding cost to deny treatment and make sure you use the cheapest drug on the market..

BUT Americans have been sold the line of CRAP from insurance companies.. TOTALLY worthless every one that was ever created.
