Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..


Showing 17 responses by pauly

" The fact that people are still blind enough to find that funny is truly remarkable."

Yeah, I’m blind because I can see the ice sheets are are supposed to be gone. 😂🤣

Okaaaaaay ...
Somebody needs to pay for government expenditure. If they cannot take your wealth directly by way of taxes, inflation is the next best.

Economics 101.

In another 18 months those boards will be over $100 a pop.
“Economic output just grew by 6.5%. ”

Quite a rapid decline given president Trump achieved a 34% 3rd quarter GDP growth in 2020.

D O H ! 

“The U.S. economy experienced the largest quarterly increase in history in the third quarter, according to the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow tracker.”


But no worries, Liden and Kamalatoe will ensure high inflation to compensate for the rapid decline in economic growth … it’s all going to even out.
Thats life don't cry.

Socialist politicians are fortunate that their supports are so exceptionally stupid. 

Not my problem if you lack the cognitive capacity to understand the concept of a quarter … but Liden and Kamalatoe are grateful for that..


D O H !
The only reason for the 33.8% 3rd quarter 2020 increase in GDP was because it followed the -31.2% (decline) in the 2nd quarter GDP in 2020. Ya can’t just tell part of the story

Agreed, social arts derived economic comparisons are pure stupidity. 

However, if you had read the thread you’d have seen my post was in response to a post crowing about Liden’s 6.4% quarterly growth; which the poster compared to president Trump’s yearly GDP numbers. I was simply putting it into perspective. 
I doubt we’ll see a yearly GDP growth of > 2% under Liden, nor another 6.4% quarterly growth number. 

Such a tool.

Again, the childish behavior of resorting to vitriol when not being able to argue against somebody more capable.

Tut tut. You need to grow up. 
There is about one third of one ounce of gold above ground for every man, woman and child on earth. The gold standard only works in a closed ecosystem with a limited populace. 

Your reasoning is incorrect. The amount of gold is irrelevant. The value per ounce of gold would increase to compensate for population growth. (Increase in demand)
That is how crypto currencies work. The amount of currency remains consistent, the value increases to as the demand increases. 
At least Nixon listened to someone intelligent during that dark time period in history.

That is correct. Unfortunately the intelligent people Nixon listened to are evil and self serving people and the world is much darker now.
Since we moved off the gold standard, the Fed is free to print as many USD as they please with no backing whatsoever. And they do. Each time they do, your salary, your savings and your pension loses value. 
Since we’ve gone off the gold standard, our money has been losing value faster than our incomes have risen. 
The Fed is a private organization that is never audited, and the public has no insight as to who owns the Fed. 

Beaten to the punch, again!
Here, from the very same site good ol’ pauly cites is the evidence of his cherry picking:

Are you under the influence perhaps?

You compare Liden’s quarterly numbers against Trump’s yearly number, and I am cherry picking? Are you really too uninformed to understand that comparing quarterly numbers to yearly numbers is apples to oranges? (That’s a rhetorical question)

Until the Fed releases the GDP growth for 2021, which will probably be sometime Feb 2022, you have nothing to say sunshine. Let’s see where he ends up before you spout off …

President Trump’s 34% GDP growth in the 3rd quarter of 2020 is the most rapid growth in US history. Period. That’s just how the ball rolled, that’s how the numbers turned out. That’s what’s in the books. That’s part of US history now. Deal with it sunshine. Trump was well on track to break 3.5% GDP growth for 2020 if not for COVID. But COVID did hit, and he didn’t achieve 3.5%. That’s life.

Best leave economics to those who understand. Stick to what you know best, you know; emptying bins, busting tables and spending on that EBT card of yours.
To think I just wanted to build some speakers. Even the speakers went up,

I knew a lady who worked for the Rhodesian (now Zimbabwean) government, retired in 1980 and then moved to Ontario.  She was getting a pension which was enough for a car payment and a little spending money. In 1995 she told me that her pension which was more than sufficient to cover a car payment in 1980, could not even cover the cost of a single loaf of bread anymore. 

The joys of inflation

I'm just waiting for the booster, shot LOL

Keep in mind, it's not going to protect you from the new variant. Even worse, it could possibly hide the symptoms of COIVID but still render you infectious - meaning you could inadvertently pass it along to loved ones.

Just imagine, children unknowingly infecting their aged parents, or a pregnant mother not displaying symptoms, unknowingly passing it to her unborn child. 

A meager government pension from a defunct government?
The Zimbabwean government is not defunct. Google Zimbabwe and educate yourself.

Yes, it was meager and the lady wasn’t wealthy, but there is no need to be disparaging about it.

An amount set 41 years ago? Really?
1995 was only 15 years after 1980, and the concept of inflation is as relevant today ad it was than.

(Apologies, I didn’t mean to bombard you with geography and math at the same time. I suspect that’s what’s putting you off your game)

And what retiree should have a car payment?
Taking a wild guess; how about one that has purchased a car?

It takes about $3 today to buy what $1 would buy in 1980. You talk about the price of bread then versus now, its probably more like $5 today would buy what $1 then would have

Well, this will come as a huge shock to you, but Zimbabwe has their own currency.

Let me alleviate some of that there ignorance.

Different currencies have different inflation rates. Currencies with high inflation rates tend to drop in value v.s. currencies with lower inflation rates.

Zimbabwe has had double digit inflation rates for decades, often as high as 50% and even 24,411% in 2007 (no jokes - look it up). Inflation was so bad, that they issued a 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note.

Zimbabwe $100 trillion 2009 Obverse - Zimbabwean dollar - Wikipedia

The CA dollar has been at around 4% - 5% level.

Do the math. (yeah I know, that’s pushing things)

Additionally, your Covid example is complete rubbish

Indeed? Is that because the new variant COVID is not infectious?

Or the fact that people who have received so-called vaccines are now being asked to wear masks but only as a fashion accessory as they cannot possibly get ill or spread COVID?

US inflation rates for 2021

2021 Jan 1.4%
2021 Feb 1.7%
2021 Mar 2.6%
2021 Apr 4.2%
2021 May 5.0%
2021 Jun 5.4%
2021 Jul 5.4%

Don’t be disheartened though. You can still buy a holiday home in Kabul for a very reasonable price ...
the Greenland ice sheet is melting

Are you talking about the same one that Al Gore said would be gone in 5 years … back in 2006? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

That sure aged well.

PS. I hope you are not using tubes … you know tubes contribute to global warming right? 😂🤣


" As I am in my late 60’s, I most likely won’t live to see the worst of climate change but my children certainly will."

You were supposed to have seen it already, you know, back in 2013 when the polar ice caps were going to disappear.

Within the next 30 years, it’s predicted that half of Florida will be under water and much of the East Coast will be losing their beaches due to increased water levels and erosion.

I believe most coastal US cities were going to be flooded by 2013 too right? That's what Al told us. Walking down W 57st NYC a few minutes ago, I didn’t see a drop of water. Did somebody come around with a shop Vac when I wasn’t looking?

Tell you what, when half of Florida floods, we get the same guy with the shop Vac to fix half of Florida too. 

The storms are getting stronger and stronger as well.

Only on CNN. Do you remember this genius who suggested a near earth object could be a result of global warming? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

CNN anchor suggests meteor hurtling toward Earth could be a result of global warming | Daily Mail Online

Don’t take this the wrong way, but at 60, you really should stop watching so many Bambi reruns.


You mean to say it was raining on an ice sheet that disappeared in 2013? That's something new.

Now if you excuse me, I need to put on my wetsuit as I need to go to the building next door for a staff meeting. 
So the fact that the effects of global warming are happening but didn't happen 7 years ago is funny?

No, what is funny is that you actually expect to believed after you have been lying through your teeth for decades.

Seriously wake up dude warning signs are everywhere you look.

Yeah, I just looked out the window and saw how NYC is flooded ... oh wait, it isn't. 

Will I see the signs if I walk ... sorry swim down to 58th?  😂🤣

Sorry, no other way to put this; your ignorance is mind boggling.
And no, I shall not respond to a single thing you say.
There really is no point.

You mean to say the ice caps did disappear in 2013? Google maps is pre 2013? 😂🤣