Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..

Hey Capt. Fly by Night, (earlflynn, skypunk, whatever)
All the hesitancy was being done by just about everyone until they heard from the CDC. This is known history. Look it up. Couple that with the thousands of lies that Rump made, along with his absolving of China, promoting chlorine injections and somehow getting intense light into your body, and many a person was hesitant to believe him. Remember, he didn’t want to do anything about the virus as he thought it would hurt his chances of winning and spook the economy. We all know how that played out.

Besides, you said you weren’t for Rump or anyone, for that matter, so why the turn around and attacks for one group and groveling subservience for the other? Do you fancy yourself taking over Keith Schiller’s job of following Rump around with that briefcase full of Adderall and diapers?

It is said that a wise person can change their mind. As the facts on the ground changed, so did their (the Dems) positions on getting the vaccine which Rump could have sped up but refused to do so.

On another note, you gotta stop banging you head on the laps you swim. Stick your arm out instead.

All the best,
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@nonoise you are a legend well I guess that's what those Stewart Smalley tapes tell you to keep saying and thinking.
Well you see how I afford it.. I make it.. :-)

As far a social programs I’m all for the old work crews and keeping it local.

I send my water bill payment to a town 45 miles away, 1/3 the size of our town? Come to find out they couldn’t find someone honest enough to receive the water payments from the people an pay for the water bill from the water district. I’M NOT KIDDING. They found a way to get their hands in EVERY sort of money in this city.. Serious messsed up way of thinkin’ at the local city counsel. They didn’t even know that city police are paid from property taxes.. 3 of them argued with me that ity police are state funded.

They were trying to buy apartment complexes to house the homeless IN TOWN. AND use public tax money to fund the project.. I swiftly recommended they ALL get EXIT only TATTOS on their back sides. They were all going to need it in the penitentiary they were ALL going to if they diverted a single dime from the city tax coffers... They thought I was kidding..

You can’t just pass a law and divert TAXES already spoken for to ANY charitable organization.. That is the reason for the separation between charity and city taxes collected for fire, safety, police, sewage, water, storm water run off, city workers and RETIREMENT. NOT ONE had an answer for the unfunded workers already on the books for our fair city.. NO idea how to fund retirement.. BUT wanted to BUY 25,000,000 dollars worth of apartments in the oldest part of town.. RIGHT next to 3 different different schools. 1 private and two elementary schools.

Anyone else would go to prison for even proposing it.. Give share holders money to charity. You’d be arrested on the spot..

The newest one is if you own property other than your own home you need a business license. A BUSINESS LICENSE, for every piece of property. If there is more than one domicile on the property, rented or as a storage, you pay for a additional business permits..

A TOTAL perversion of the laws intent.. To collect state Taxes from goods and products sold

Mad NO Aware YES..
I had no idea who Stuart Smalley was until I looked him up. I stopped watching SNL way before his time, which is probably around the time earlflynn started pitching his tent watching him. Hence, the projection.

All the best,
Kids kids settle down please enough insults and name calling! And dammit @ghasley don't you know common sense and facts don't matter?! ;)
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The "140 of 141 hospitalized patients had been vaccinated" claim is from a Bitchute video that appears to be heavily manipulated/overdubbed. Bitchute seems to be an extreme far right video hosting service that caters to conspiracy theories and hate speech. Is that where you actually get your daily news? Really?
I found this from an actual epidemiologist that deals with all the latest data, info and insights:

All the best,
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Still tying to "own and libs" and failing miserably.
Of course you're bored: you're not winning any points here. 

All the best,
Yes, you do have the right not to get vaccinated but you don’t have the right to infect others.

If your vaccinated you should have nothing to worry about, so why are you worried about being infected.


I think you’re missing the whole point.  I am vaccinated, and I have very little concern about my susceptibility to Covid-19 at least for the short term.  What I am concerned about is the health and welfare of TENS of MILLIONS of Americans and BILLIONS of people in the world that are not vaccinated.  Comments posted earlier in this thread literally can and will likely contribute to the deaths of uncountable people after false information is posted and reposted elsewhere.  It spreads.  This spreading of false, politically motivated crap has a very dear cost in very real terms.  People are dying from this disease that don’t have to die.  It’s as simple and as complicated as that.

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No offense intended but if you rent property to a disinterested party, it is a business. You owe taxes. It’s pretty simple.


You owe for personal income tax. Not a business. This is over and above what you already pay in property taxes and income from the property. There are NO taxes collected for the state on rents. That is offset by interest and a 27.5 years of depreciation.

Man oh man do you understand what a business is vs a piece of property.  I'm not growing produce and taking it to market. Nor is there a business on the sites. There is a home. 

According to your way of thinking. Anyone owning property would need a business permit to live in or on a piece of property. That is why it is called a residence. And that is why it is not a business. There is NO product being sold for taxes to be collected on for ANY, ZERO, good or services.

There are different taxes my friend for different things.. This is one that is going through the courts right now..  IF there are no goods or services why is it being called a business and where are the taxes being collect from, IF it is a business. There aren't any.. It's a hollow law made to collect monies, under the pretense of collecting taxes. The only TAX is the business License it's self..

This is where it gets really weird because you have to SUE yourself to stop YOUR city attorney from defending the unlawful act...

He/She is not for anything BUT dragging it through court and keeping his/her job.. Doesn't mater if it's right or wrong.. IT'S MONEY, and WE WANT IT... WE PASSED A  CITY (something) so it means you pay...
BUT it does not make it legal in ANY way..

Clearly taxation WITHOUT representation..  That is what it is, that is what it's called..

LOL of course someone that won't stop at stop signs or use his turn signals, or swears like sailor in public, or throws garbage out his window as no one is looking, is the one making light of my hard work. I worked my A$$ off to buy those little homes..  Businesses? They are someone home for over 15 years to boot.. I've owned the one for 30 years now.
The second one is in a wrap around land trust. Keeps the lender from calling the 13k first and the sweet little escrow/fire insurance deal that is in place.

Like the guy that fired me for breaking my neck. I'm 67, he's 72-3. The second he blows out his last breath the state/fed/international creditors will take the bed he died on.. 

When I move on, I'll leave LAND that you can actually live off of and not be dependent on a soul.. I (ME) not someone else, dug those water wells and installed the casing and pumps.. MY two hand.. I built it...

Every nail in the homes I owned, I drove the nails, not someone else. ME, my brothers, my kids..

I bought books and watched.. That is how I did everything in my life..
No time for school.. Maybe a 3 day classes 6-10 times a year for 6 years while getting my stripes through Mitchell for my masters.. 1973-79.

I grew up in the farm fields right in Brentwood CA. I worked every summer picking fruit and the winters in a gas station and a dog kennel.
7-10 grade.. 11-12 grade well I didn't go much..

I married a girl.. Different story.. Wound up not being my kid.. Sure change my life.. No DNA testing back then just blood test and the rabbit died.. Then the baby was born. OH YEA.. wrong blood type..

Married at 17 divorced by 19 and wouldn't have graduated yet..:-) BOY did I step in that one. Yup 75 dollar divorce. The guy setting next to me told me what to say..  He told me he did it every 5 years or so..

Now about those speakers...
Re: millercarbon’s prior post “Science? In Australia last week a health minister read off the following shocking statistic as if it didn’t matter: 140 out of 141 patients hospitalized had been fully vaccinated. 5 out of 4 in ICU were fully vaccinated.”, this would seem a relevant link: https://www.aap.com.au/no-hospitalised-covid-19-patients-in-nsw-arent-all-vaccinated/

As for the 5 out of 4 claim, I’ll have to keep looking. Science indeed.
So typical. The statement was actually corrected during the news conference but that doesn’t matter. When the facts and science aren’t on your side you have to make sh$t up. 
False – Content that has no basis in fact.
Gotta love the conclusion. Thanks for the link.

All the best,

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Come on The Covid thing.. Get vaccinated.

I've been all over the world.. Get your shots and keep up your boosters.

We can talk all about how the sky is falling, BUT when it really starts fallin' you better have more than some statistics in your back pocket to prove you are vaccinated.  It could mean your life or death and how your treated in an ER. Just like the guy from Soundsmith, some weird stuff can happen. BUT like my wife's Uncle that died from it, One lived and one died. If the vaccine would have been available, neither the Uncle that passed or the kid that gave it to him would have even gotten sick..

Does that make sense to be hardheaded after that simple fact.. One lived one died.. Neither would have IF they all had been vaccinated..

Kinda like the guy in the crosswalk walking REAL SLOW, then POW.

Having the right to walk slow still doesn't stop a moving BUS.


You are probably right but for better or worse, somehow I ended up running a $150 million dollar business. I will be the first to admit though that that doesnt mean I know what I’m doing.


What can I say.. It beats welfare? :-)

Someone had to do the dirty deed.

Owning the business and the land was all I was EVER interested in. I've never leased or rented property sense I was 19 years old.. The year I got divorced the one and only time. I bought a pair pre government owned 700 SF houses on the same lot for 5K. I was living in one and rented the other for 55.00 dollars a month and I paid the garbage.

The X wife got the 65 mustang GT.. She was happy.. I kept the old 55 post. The houses were bought the day a decree was entered..

4 years later the first housing BOOM. 34k profit in my pocket. I'm not kidding. Donald Trump would have been my # 2  goal if not for a turn of events and an 89 day stent in Panama. He would have thought real estate tycoon.. LOL I wouldn't have EVER stopped until I owned California or a good part of it..

I like 150 trillion.. I couldn't start counting now and get to a billion much less a trillion.. BIG numbers being tossed around..  :-)
What’s with the "Gramps" stuff?

Gramps.. Ok I’ll be take a nibble.. I’m a buck 85 soppin’ wet..

The girls and boys still go WOW when this shirt comes off.. It’s the twisted nose, missing tooth and the top of my ear missing that throws them off.
@winnardt... some people have figured out a way to make some money and you haven’t been able to either take advantage of it or beat them at their own game.
This is something I learned back when people were criticizing oil companies for high gas prices. Instead of complaining, I bought stock in oil companies. Same thing in March 2020. From experience I knew what was going to happen, so when the market crashed I loaded up on stocks - mainly Dividend Aristocrats for safety, but also a few speculative plays like Six Flags, Carnival Cruise, Delta Airlines, Dave & Busters, etc. Even the vast majority of my Dividend Aristocrats are up over 100%, while producing unheard of dividend yields, and some of the speculative stocks are up almost 200+%.

You can't change the world or human nature, but sometimes you can take advantage of it. Complaining might feel good, but in our world, unless you have power or critical mass, complaining about major issues is a rather useless endeavor. Instead of complaining about the companies or markets, become an owner of them.
Why are you using someone's age as a weapon of insult?
Do you believe because someone is older that is somehow a weakness or something to be ridiculed?

I was at Lowes in Bethlehem, Pa. yesterday. They had plenty of 2 X 4 X 8 studs available in the $5.00 range. I remember a builder I hired in 1996 complaining about studs costing .89 each! Can't one of you guys build a Wayback machine! Joe

I'm with you jnovak if not to just make my hip feel better. :-)

Prices have never been this high or climbed this quick.. 

They just jumped on the bandwagon. I won't forget WHO raised the prices the highest the quickest.. Same with fuel I remember who gouges who.

I'm looking at 30 4x8x5/8 T-111.  Tripled the price, sopin' wet, and maybe 10-15 in a store at a time..  Warped, corners tore up, JUNK.. 56-74.00 each for b/c stock. It's so bad I won't even buy it..

I'll go with stucco before paying those kinds of prices for that kind of garbage..

FROM 15-19.00 per sheet of grade a/b (very few plugs) to 50+ no no no
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I never said a word about "scam". A scam implies an illegal activity. Have you been able to show that the prices being charged for lumber are illegal? If not, there's no scam and no reason for you to insinuate that there is.

And then you think you know what sales tax rate I support. Why would you even go there when you don't have a clue about me?

And why are you concerned about money being paid into the Social Security system using fake Social Security numbers which will never be paid back out to those who paid it? At most it likely comes to about $3.5 billion, so totally insignificant in the $6.55 trillion budget of the U.S. government. You should be happy those illegals are paying into the system and not taking the benefits, which likely means a lower tax rate for you. Your arguments are silly.

"America is still the greatest country in the world". Watch and learn something: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fTkA3dvpPM

If you want to enjoy free speech, then you have to take the bad with the good. Just remember, you don't have to deal with those people who curse all the time if you don't want to (so no need to tell them to watch their language), but you can rest assured that they likely lead pitiful and ignorant lives and those who do have to deal with them likely can't stand them. It's sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy that they will likely never be successful in business or surrounded by people who really care about them.

Now to the main point and the one you totally neglected to reply to. I said if you want to beat them at their own game, why don't you open a lumber yard and charge $2 less per sheet of plywood than your competitors? That's how the system works and that's the one you should have attempted a reply to, but you just ignored it because apparently you didn't have an answer for it. Of course I also said "If you were smart" and that may or may not be the case.
"Bet your fat arse can’t do 3 laps"
I knew it was just a matter of time that you’d show your true colors of your previous username....
And I see you’ve used your usual mode of deleting your nastier posts.
Forgot this one, did you?
You cannot change who you are simply by pretending to be something you are not. No matter how many times you come back with a new username.
Woke up to read that Texas just passed New York in the number of Covid deaths and to think there was a time when they were 29,000 behind. To think this is all policy driven, and cruelty is the point.

Not to be outdone, Florida just had a one day record of 21,683 new cases, right after DeSatan passed an ordinance saying schools cannot force kids to wear masks. 

All of this was preventable. We could have reached herd immunity with none of the downsides and be 100% open for business.

Won't listen to medical experts. Don't want to to admit they were wrong. Willing to kill off lots of their base to do so. Isn't that a form of genocide?
When studying ancient cultures, sociologists have wondered how and why some just collapsed. I think they have a working model here to study.

All the best,

I did something similar only not the degree you did it because I don't own individual stocks, I own mutual funds. When the crash started last year I had my financial advisor move money to bond funds and then when I though it was over, I had her move money back to the stock funds. She likes to say I can't time the market, but I missed the low point by one day, so I thought that was pretty good. Saved a bunch and then made a bunch.
Socialists running amok in America, privatize the benefits, socialize the costs. And yeah, libertarians as well, I can choose to not vaccinate, what about those who choose to want to live!

The rabble in charge. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
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Your right you belong somewhere else. Your very welcome to leave if you're happy with the cost of building materials.

Remember Chuck had to put bacon in his pocket to get the dog to like him too..

Put some bacon in your pocket, JUSY maybe you'll find a friend..


I never said a word about "scam".


I did, the scammers just like you have been around encouraging bad behavior for a LONG time. I wouldn't expect any different now. I remember you. 


$3.5 billion, so totally insignificant in the $6.55 trillion budget of the U.S. government.


Ignorance abound, You say 3.5 BILLION is insignificant?

The figure is 5 times that, and 3.5 billion is not insignificant. Good Lord sense when is 3.5 billion dollars insignificant, only to a thief that want's more.

What happens to the monies? Where did the minuscule 3.5 billion GO?

That's 350.00 dollars to every tax payer in the country

6.55 trillion dollar slush fund. NO its the property of the people it was designed for. The people that paid into it. That is how it was sold to the people. There has never been a problem with SS. Just the thieves that are skimming the interest and the people that support it. You know any one that supports that, I bet YOU do...

Been stopping at stop signs lately, how about turn signals.. Answer that question truthfully.. You park on the wrong side of the road too. Talk a LOT on that cell phone when you drive, do you? I'll bet money on it.. AND I never EVER gamble with more that 30.00 a year.
Lotto tickets.

So now skypunk'd is playing the race card again?

The last time he tried that tactic is when I made fun of georgie's affinity for dingos. He even quoted my joke as "proof" and said he'd send it to the mods, which I encouraged him to do. Didn't go too well for him then, won't help him now.

Just like in the song, Sky Pilot, skypunk'd will never reach the skies.

All the best,
@nonoise I did not play the race card some one made a post, not me.

Also could care less about your liberal agenda and quotes from the Chronically Liberal Houston COVID Journal.

But since you like to lie supporting your Tyrannical agenda.

Stats are stats and per capital TX is way behind NY. Also TX is 6 times bigger than NY and has close to 9M more people (not including the 1M illegals that crossed into the Laredo District since January of 2021 a 400% increase over 2020.


Also with Joe letting all those infected people invading the southern borders in, it will get worse as they are relocated all over the US.

I am all for immigration as we are all immigrants but come through the front door like our for fathers did.

Mr Noise again you are wonderful and the smartest guy in your house. (Bet you are alone too)

And as Stewart Smalley said. Man Leeann is sleeping …..


I am going to leave you and your audience of 2 and move on to less divisive topics. Like about audio and that’s an area you seem to never contribute much to.

Good day kind sir.


So now you're calling me a scammer. I've never scammed anybody in my entire life and if you were any sort of polite person, you'd retract that. But I'm guessing you won't so maybe it's you who is the problem and not people who curse.

I'll tell you how I arrived at $3.5 billion. I assumed that on average the illegal workers make $40,000 per year, which is likely on the high side. 6.2% (the SS tax rate) of 40,000 is $2480. I have a source that says 1.4 million invalid SS numbers were used in 2019. So 1,400,000 times $2480 is $3,472,000,000 or approximately $3.5 billion per year. And when compared to the $6.55 trillion the government spends per year, it's totally insignificant. But worst of all, you didn't even acknowledge that it goes into the SS fund and never gets paid back out to the people who paid it in, so it BENEFITS you and yet you still complain about it. You're a totally illogical and completely wrong in your thinking on that one.

You have this terrible habit of ignoring the parts of my replies that are difficult or impossible for you to answer. That's how the incompetent debate, just ignore when bested. I got no reply from you on Clinton's balanced budgets, opening your own lumber yard to beat the price increasers (not scammers, price increasers) at their own game, and how illegal workers paying into SS actually benefits you. Maybe if you actually tried to reply to my actual statements, you wouldn't feel the need to go off on these bizarre tangents (see the next paragraph).

I don't have a clue why you are asking about my driving habits, but I follow all traffic laws and I never talk on my cell while driving. You make these crazy assumptions with no evidence and you just look foolish doing it, so just stop.