Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..

Post removed 
The moderators are not deleting the post. The members are..

IF we kinda stay on track about the cost of goods and people taking advantage of the situation. Nothing would get deleted.. AG is a whole lot better than the, poor me crowd, SAYING "they deleted my post".

Don’t call names and we’ll be alright. BUT if the shoe fits as they say, enjoy the thread.. BUT hold back on the name callin’

Remember the song "Wild wood Weed".

Who was settin’ on that sack of seeds again?

The bag was full of seed not money.. Paper/alloys come and go, LAND is forever.. Trees in the Americas are the lifeline and backbone of this country.. Canada has always been the 51 state.. Even I know that..
Mexico is number 52. One supplies lumber, one supplies hard working manual labor.

Go ahead deny it all you want.. The US itself can sustain all the wood it need on it’s own.. No problem. The problem as discussed, is when the governments LEASES the land and it’s clear cut at the tax payers expense.. Tax payers don’t see a dime but the monies pour into the coffers with ZERO accountability for were it’s coming from, but worst of all where it’s going to..

AGAIN, Iran Contra and DRUGS (I mean tons and tons of cocaine) for guns (traceable military weapons) winding up in other countries and on our streets killing US citizens, not to mention the killings of all the unreported illegals in our country. And the legal citizens in their own country..

The land grab has just started... WATCH.. CUBA.. state # 53 coming up, 20-30 years at the most..

There is so much fake money flying around what is 1%. unaccounted for just a trillion or so..

The LOVE of money (not MONEY) is the root to ALL EVIL.. Loving OTHER peoples money, what do you call that, double EVIL..  NO its called coveting, one of the BIG 10 right there with killing, not one bit different..
Leave it for skypunk’d to exit with insults, perjoratives and provably false statements like this one:
Also with Joe letting all those infected people invading the southern borders in, it will get worse as they are relocated all over the US.
Turns out that vaccination rates among immigrants are at around 90% (it’s conditional for entry) compared to the average Texan, which is around 43%.

But, by all means, do go gentle into that good night and stick to audio, if you can.

All the best,

Post removed 
Who's lying?
Also with Joe letting all those infected people invading the southern borders in, it will get worse as they are relocated all over the US.
Your words, skypunk'd. You forgot to delete before you lied, again.
I just happen to read real news and those that are in, or who are to get in, get vaccinated. Just ask anyone in Texas, besides yourself.

You've never been really good at this, so do us all a favor and jump in your pool and dream one day of seceding from the union. That should make you happy.

All the best,

Mr @nonoise you are a doing such a wonderful job of disinformation and being such a wonderful job as a propagandist for the Xi-Biden Administrations.

So when Joe is catching and releasing how are 90% how would the know that 90% are vaccinated and screened when CBP is not screening them because they crossed illegally? (Rhetorical) Could care less what your lying answer is.  

Thought you would like just a little truth and facts to sprinkle in your lies and propaganda. Mr All Noise






And I am using DATA from your lovely propaganda agencies in the MSM.

Now I am done with your BS @nonoise.

I find it terribly depressing when I realize that there are still so many people who actually believe that the world is round.
And here we go...
The first link describes what everyone knows. People trying to get in and being turned back. Those eligible go thru the process. The only mention of Covid is from all the CBP personal who got infected and died from Covid. No mention as to why they didn’t get vaccinated. Is that because they didn’t believe in it? They were very loyal to Rump.

The 2nd link. Apprehensions are up. Duh. We all know that. Rump had them all sitting at the border, refusing to process the claims and left with Biden to hold the bag. Why didn’t you say anything while Rump did that?

The 3rd link. Under Rump, in 2020, there were only 15,000 waiting to get in. His screw up amounted to over 117,000 waiting. Thanks for pointing out what a horrible president he was.

The 4th link. Sorry, it has a paywall so I can’t comment.

The 5th link. You posted the 4th link twice.

You need steadier hands. Don’t fly for awhile.

All the best,

Post removed 
Post removed 
Don't you have a farcebook account, or one at Parlor or some other hole in the wall chatroom where you can have all the morons in the world to agree with you? 

You have all the bearing and maturity of a spoiled 12 year old child. I wonder when you're going to snap and pull a Andrew Joseph Stack stunt and fly your turboprop into the local Planned Parenthood office nearest you. Or maybe, like your hero, another IRS office. Or better yet, you can buzz the border and pretend to strafe all the immigrants on the other side.

All the best,
@nonoise GOT YOU!
You started this noise Chief.One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest eh Chief?
Going back to page one you started up on MC and kept it going.Only child is you pal and no I no nothing about social media never have never will.Later ALL NOISE. err sorry Chief!

You are owned.

Hay Mr Moderator may want to kill this thread as me@nonoise is done now.
I figured 100,000,000 Tax payers..

What is 100,000,000 into 3,500,000,000.

Ops I figured 350 billion to many zeros.. My mistake.

The fact is it's WAY over 3.5 billion from (at least) 15 million they admit to. In reality 20+ million.. There is a lot of cash flying around and not a soul is willing to say. Our politicians LOVE the money we don't have to account for... Why do you think they are there? TO STEAL and siphon and divert dirty unaccounted for money.

I know it's flush with corruption, I don't have to agree with it or put up with it, others can, I DON'T.  Gouge people and GO TO JAIL. Support those that gouge you get to join them. Pretty simple. Fill the jails with the right people not the wrong ones..

Vice has no place in our jails any more than the mentally disturbed.
BUT because of cowards laws, is easy pickens to OVER FILL and OVER PAY a privatized  prison system. Just as corrupt as can be...

They charge a lot, they give very little.  The turn out and return is double that of normally State and Fed ran pins..  Remember we still have the highest incarceration rate in the world..

How many are thieves, perverts, murders, rapist, extortionist and deal in human slavery.  NOT NEAR ENOUGH... But sling a little dope or sell that bootie..  Legal in one state 3-5 in another?

I just wanted to build some speakers..

BUT If I gotta overhaul the world to do it. I'll give it a shot..

The squeaky wheel gets the oil...:-)

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Hay Mr Moderator may want to kill this thread as me@nonoise is done now.


I got a better Idea, YOU close down your own thread and mind your own business. It’s not up to you to call on Mrs Tammy to close anything..

Things on the thread are fine, you want to argue with nonoise, that’s your prerogative, BUT it’s not yours or anyone else’s to ask to close anything.. If you don’t like the conversation, leave. You can leave mad, but just leaving would be fine.. Yea bucco you don’t ask to shut down sites. PERIOD. You put up your own thread and pose a question. NOT sequestered the answers you don’t want to hear on this one..

You stop at stop signs and use you turn signals? I know the answer..:-)
How about park on the wrong side of the road, or blab on your cell phone in the doctors office? You one of those people? Be truthful..

Everyone.. that is the measure of a gentleman/lady. What you do when people AREN'T looking.. That is the measure of a person.. GOUGING and cheating cussing and swearing aren't ok..
NO I'm not sorry to HAVE to explain to the youngsters..

Just haven't been brought up right.. What can I say...People will have manners and they will learn to be polite..
pretty simple..

@oldhvymec. Was sarcasm, dude you are wound a bit tight. Cranky old bird.
I think we know who the real Jacka$$ is, and it aint nonoise or Oldhvymec....
"Cranky old bird"  You have a tendency to step deep into the dung when you get to spoutin' off.. Older and wiser is just fine, younger and dumber seems to be the trend though..

Again DO you stop at stop signs? Is it that hard of a question?

When was the last time you told a loud mouth, to pipe down and be of good spirit. Be a good person, act like a good person..

I can spot one that doesn't an internets distance away...
Post removed 
You wrote: "@ps to (sic) funny!"

Sarcasm clearly eludes you, but perhaps I was not sarcastic enough.

I neglected to mention the many millions of those very same "round-earther" folks who actually believe humans can die and are dying in horrendous numbers from this latest deadly virus, aka THE Pandemic.

FYI, I am definitely not a flat-earther, am fully- vaccinated, and am hoping to get a third booster shot asap. 
Just back form egg rolls and dumplings. Hey guys, thanks for chiming in but it was all under control. Kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. 

Is he drunk typing? His spelling, syntax and grammar are way off as the day continues. Love the way he blinked, flinched, and retreated. Thanks for that. 👍

All the best,
@mr_m Never said that @oldhevymec was a Jack A.
Mr @nonoise you bet!
And you I will cal Mr_Butinski.
Have a great night I have been sent to bed by Mr oldhevymec without desert. Tricks on him I am a fitness nut and never eat desert anyway.
Nice chatting with you Mr @mr_m hope we can meet when you are not defending an agent for Chairman Xi.

And some wonder why there are people I refuse to acknowledge with a response no matter what they do. Maybe now a few may begin to see the wisdom of this?   
@millercarbon I enjoy tossing grenades. Loved it in the Army love it here.
And some wonder why there are people I refuse to acknowledge with a response no matter what they do. Maybe now a few may begin to see the wisdom of this?
The absence of your responses has been a respite for us, and wisdom has never been a part of it, for you impart none. 

All the best,

Post removed 
@thecarpathian you are obsessed with making my son into me.

you really need a therapist.
Such a great life you lead having to dig up my dead son.

Such a p_ick.

Well earl, if I am mistaken, I shall apologize profusely.
But let’s look at the facts, shall we?
Through verifiable posts, you and skypunk both have sons going to the exact same University (Notre Dame) at the exact same time, they are both musicians, and they are both studying the exact same major. What are the odds of that! A father and son with kids the same age, at the same University, majoring in the same thing.
First you claimed you had a son who passed away two years ago, then you had a son (skypunk) who just passed recently. Then he suddenly turned into your step son. And here’s a real poser:
skypunk in more than one post stated he was 60+ years old.
You, in a post stated you were in your 40’s. So, you’re a 40 something year old man with a 61 year old son/step son. Amazing.
Also, we all know already your system pages are the exact same room with mostly the same equipment. I really don’t feel the need to go on. So, if I am incorrect in my assumptions, I shall indeed apologize. If I am not mistaken, what you are doing is not only sad and pathetic, it is repugnant.

earlflynn460 posts07-24-2021 3:05pm@kob I agree. Both my Father (Korea Vietnam) and Grandfather (WWII Korea and Vietnam) were career Army one a ring knocker (Dad) the other CW5.
Both instilled a lot in me about hard work and earning your rank and station in life.

I am just a young punk here in my late 40’s.

skypunk499 posts12-29-2020 6:36pm

"61 still skydiving (4 world records and 4 time national champion) still racing motorcycles ( I am a way better skydiver but love knee dragging for fun) and still playing hockey (yep a no check old man league and we play harder than we did in World Juniors)

age is BS just ask Biden lol!"

Post removed 
skypunk499 posts12-17-2020 6:55pm 
"60 going on 16....
still skydive, race motorcycle (knee dragger) and play hockey."

"My oldest is a Musician and a PHD in Bio Molecular Chemical Engineering at Norte Dame and could care less."

Quote from earlflynn

"I know who this schitt work, and if I need advice on chemistry I will talk to my son who is working on his PHD at Notre Dame of and his girlfriend is working on her PHD in EE. "
Quote from skypunk

Don't worry, that deleted post was flagged before it was deleted.
Admin has it.
@thecarpathian you are obsessed with making my son into me.

you really need a therapist.
Such a great life you lead having to dig up my dead son.

Such a p_ick.
No earl, I’m really not. What I have posted cannot be denied.
If you care to disprove any of this, please do.
The earl, formerly known as punk and who knows what else- the name may change but he "soldiers" on as the very big star in his very own movie.

Quick, somebody pass him another grenade!

Mods. I think it's time to end this thread.  And,  please feel free to delete this, my final post on this one.  

Mr ps you can leave any time you like, and take your post with you as for the thread, this is an experiment.

As long as YOU self govern with at least some moderation the moderators won't kill the thread. Why on earth would they. 

I just took a nap and woke up to a ghost who's father is 20 years younger than his son.  Isn't that kinda what happened with the first Terminator.
The kid Connor was actually older than his DAD? Something like that.
Any ways No problemo!

All from stuff costing to much? I'll never take another nap as long as I live.. I woke up the washing machine was leaking water all over the place and the dog was tuggin' on my hand..

The water pump in the washing machine had a rock go through the pump and tear the heck out of the impeller.  149.00 and I get it by tomorrow.. 18 years old Samsung. Outlasted my Maytag and 149.00 fixed it... 

Now back to the cost of parts.. and Gouging SOBs. I found 24 1 1/8" ring domes brand new in the box and 18 ribbons in the box. Maybe I'll do up a LS of the two..

I've never done a narrow baffle LS with domes..  I've never even seen one. They were all real wide front baffles. QLS1, or Genesis. I sure like the Genesis Forte.. Buddy has a pair.. I'd buy a pair If I couldn't make make better for 10th the price.. BUT if I was gonna pay for speakers..
Genesis would be the one..

I wonder how much they have gone up in the last 18 months?

heavy there was ( going from memory, which is sometimes fuzzy ) a pretty narrow baffle Mac line source w domes… XRT-20 as i recall, but it was designed to be mounted on a wall…
Geez I’m a Mac guy. I forgot. I’ll give them a look see..

I just looked!

I remember those. I've never listened to a pair. 

Interesting "experimental " thread where "self control" is the true implicit goal!

Thanks to the OP....

Ah, bienvenue Mon Ami!
Je peux deja sentir le fil se calmer....

Salutations to you  with cold mate because i like it more than hort one in summer....

I am not sure that it will be the "calm"  case tough if i speak too much here...

I will then stay mute....

And feed my pigs......
Master M how are you doing my friend? Has the cost of goods slowed down your endless pursuit of "The sound". It sure has slowed mine..

The human factor, ya just never know.. The best of the best on AG.. pretty dog gone versatile I'd say..

The thread has HELD.. :-) Not like the story of Troy and Gilgamesh, "And the walls came DOWN"!.. :-)

I can still hear my grandmother in her Gaelic/Texas accent.

With a ma gleck ma glock thrown in every now and then..

There was a thread where someone was talking about TWO sweet spots. It reminded me of something you said in one of your experiments.. You had two different listening positions in the same room..

Be well.. Master M..

Feeding pigs? mercy.. For real, feeding pigs, or "feeding the pig" as in piggy bank?

With great respect.
Master M how are you doing my friend? Has the cost of goods slowed down your endless pursuit of "The sound". It sure has slowed mine..

The human factor, ya just never know.. The best of the best on AG.. pretty dog gone versatile I’d say..

The thread has HELD.. :-) Not like the story of Troy and Gilgamesh, "And the walls came DOWN"!.. :-)

I can still hear my grandmother in her Gaelic/Texas accent.

With a ma gleck ma glock thrown in every now and then..

There was a thread where someone was talking about TWO sweet spots. It reminded me of something you said in one of your experiments.. You had two different listening positions in the same room..

Be well.. Master M..

Feeding pigs? mercy.. For real, feeding pigs, or "feeding the pig" as in piggy bank?
My deepest respect for you....

I like all your posts colored style....

You have a big heart....And it is more important than being right or not....

And i am also a bit worry by the way about the actual economic inflation and deflation problem to come...

I know that you would figure out my metaphor about piggy banks....I always feed them well and with never any debts i survive feeding my "pigs"....
You always figure out anything relatively well it seems....


By the way 2 sweet spots are not exactly what i spoke about, because near listening and regular listening position are not so much 2 "sweet spots" but instead 2 always possible locations of the body for any speakers listening... A " sweet spot" for listening is an optimal very precise location which concept is linked to measures with an equalizer and a microphone for some specific frequencies and where the head/ears position exact in millimeters is critical...

My mechanical equalizer dont work with a small set of frequencies but with a wider band set like in a human voice timbre , and is not fine tuned by a feed back microphone method but tuned by ears.... Then i own 2 optimal locations because my room was tuned rightfully mechanically with my ears....Neither of them is a "sweet spot" in the electronicallly measuring sense of the words...For sure there is always a singular "sweet spot" for imaging in any room for any head being between 2 speakers...But the width of my "sweet spot" in my regular listening position is not too small but a bit larger unlike in electronically measured frequencies feedback guiding rules....And my mechanical equalizer tamed the bass frequencies unlike an electronical one...Then the timbre perceptive experience is better and way more natural...We must remember that any Helmholtz resonators is at the same time a diffuser of some frequencies which are not absorbed by the device which always own, relatively to his precise ratio parts, some absorbing quality for the other frequencies... ..... Like you already know the cost of this grid of resonators is peanuts....Which is a great price to pay by these days....

I apologize if i seem pedantic here.... I respect you too much to pretend to anything with you.... But i like to speak my mind with a friend....
(Ah....maybe balm has arrived @ this corner of AG.....we'll see...;)...)

Have a simple kvetch over the $/lumber morph into a series of 'slap-squabbles' is a truly amazing thing to scan, really.....🙄

...all this time I've been more curious about o.h.m.'s speaker project, which Finally surfaces (kinda).....being a woodbutcher of sorts....*S*

So....what up with dat? *L*
’.... her Gaelic/Texas accent.’

I’d have loved to have heard her speak......but I’m just a fan of ’accents’ in our voices. *s* ’Audible DNA’, that sort of thing....

Me? SoCal, overlaid w/SF~NoCal+HOU+Appalanchian of late...

(Mid Century SoCal meaning y’all grew up on ’radio/TV’ as an influence) ...a rather homogenized ’non-accent’ that might be one of a sort...

...or a crass move to nudge this into ’calmer waters'....;)