Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..


Showing 50 responses by nonoise

Sorry to hear how you've been mistreated with on the job injuries. I've had both shoulders operated on and what they paid out was a joke. 

To this day my shoulders are messed up to the point where I can't even do a single, proper pull up and I was deemed 100% recovered.

Based on my experience, you will need a good lawyer. I hope you've got one.

All the best,
A big yes on the shipping and container costs that only a few economists bothered to notice. The rest are busy crying that the sky is falling. In about half a year we can all look back and see this as just noise.

All the best,
I agree with some of what you’re saying except for the communism part as it adheres to a very old and strict interpretation that has been misused and appropriated by the right as a means of attacking the left, as if they were actual communists. That’s way too simplistic a stance to take.

Russia is no more communist than the Chinese in that they’re using a system that has been long in place in order to exploit it and are nothing more than gangsters who enjoy all the benefits of capitalism without the burdensome regulations. Just ask Nigel Farage and Arron Banks. Russia and China believe that autocracy should supplant democracy and are doing their level best to see it happen worldwide. They don't want any democratic ideas to gain a foothold in their countries. The sorry thing is, is that they're many supposedly on our side of the equation helping them as best they can. 



All the best,
So the world doesn’t work like you think and you throw your lot in with the radical right because not all left leaning politicians are honest, leaving your with totally dishonest, anti democratic right wingers financed by Putin in his quest to discredit democracies world wide.

Have you forgotten how the British Empire made it’s fortunes?

Also, wasn't it Thatcher who privatized industries via libertarian concepts and famously stated that there is no such thing as society? Didn't she attack and destroy unions? Doesn't sound left wing to me.

All the best,
There was a time when it was taboo to invest in vice stocks (tobacco, booze and gambling) and the smarter investors realized that no matter the situation, people will always drink, smoke and gamble, and then everyone was investing in them.

Nowadays, all one needs to do is observe what the idiots are doing, who benefits from that, and invest in that area, or shorting the good investments that end up suffering as a result of their madness. 

Once they learn how easy it is to manipulate the sheeple, they invest accordingly. Take a look at Fl. Gov. DeSatan: he and his staff are supported by a big donor who invests in Regeneron, so DeSatan tells his flock to ignore masks and the vaccine and just get the monoclonal drug instead, because the Feds will pay for it.

These idiots won't take an unofficially approved but safe vaccine for low cost but will take an unofficially approved drug that costs much more, just to piss off one side and make a politician filthy rich. No wonder his approval rating is going down.

All the best,
It was so nice to take a week off from this crap. On my last post, I was referencing how it is when dealing with fundamentalists and it was then that it occurred to me that no amount of rational thought or discourse (backed with facts and logic) can remotely begin to change their minds, let alone penetrate.

They are in lockstep with each other, even across the world, impervious to the truth as they only believe in what is convenient for them at the moment. Reading these childish and misinformed remarks are no different than one of them punctuating the conversation with Allahu Akbar or Death to the Infidels and learning that you've been discussing audio with an ISIS member. 

What they have in common is disdain for math, science, facts and community. They'll take any opportunity to lie, deceive and mislead.

Madness is transmissible. Look at Mississippi. 70% of 911 calls are for idiots ingesting Sheep Drench and other brands of Ivermectin. They won't take a safe vaccine, but will ingest toxins. One Alabama Dr. said at the present rate, the hospital system in his state will most likely collapse.
Just like the Tea Bagger Party, parents discuss tactics online and show up at school board meetings, screaming, threatening and spitting on other parents and teachers because they want to be free to send their children to school like little suicide bombers spreading infection, so as to discredit the present administration. Sacrificing one's family for a cause is some pretty sick stuff but hey, they can laugh about owning the libs.

All the best,

Clear Channel (now iHeartRadio) owns 1,207 radio stations reaching 201 out of 287 markets and they decide what gets air time and it's not according to ratings and ad revenues. They run practically all the right wing shock jocks even when they lose money on it. That's called domination of a market.

Dissenting voices from the mainstream are stifled across the country. There are states where you cannot hear anything but right wing hate radio. One must go to satellite or the internet to get an honest broker to listen to.

Cable TV is another can-o-worms due to reach and variety they offer so that's another story. The one thing you have to understand is you are not what I'd call a conservative. The only platforms being censored, demonetized and/or de-platformed are the ones spewing hate, promoting violence, and lying their pants off, which seems to be the ones you're supportive of which is why I say there's no way in heck you're a true conservative.

You're just occupying the space vacated by the real conservatives who refused to go along any more with the madness. Real conservatives are still there warning us of what's to come. They happen to still love our country.

All the best,
I understand the frustration you feel as I too think this place should be an audio only place. I really don't care to know I'm discussing audio with horrible people but they keep posting nonsense to the point where I can't take it anymore. 

To be honest, I've thought of abandoning this place many, many months ago as it's gone to the dogs.

I only said that if anyone, you should see the difference meaning I took your post to be a kind of false equivalency in what I do in response to what they do. I wouldn't utter a word about politics if they'd just stick to audio. If I'm mistaken, I apologize.

Soon I'll be getting my next and hopefully last acquisition and I intend to go down periscope and not come back for some time. This place gives me the creeps.

All the best,

Just caught your post, roxy45, after I composed and posted.
No, it's not the same thing. You, if anyone, should see the difference.

There are plenty of platforms out there for the leftists as well, probably more than the right, seeing how social media just ban people on the right. A sitting president gets banned, but the leader of the Taliban can tweet.
Yes there are but it's the right wing media sites that dominate the landscape. I, for one, post on one particular center/left site on YouTube but that's about it.

I only reply to those right wingers who post on this site. You don't see me having their posts removed but they sure as heck have mine deleted to save their hurt fee-fees. 

A sitting president was banned for continually lying and fomenting violence, just like the Taliban is now. Funny how the two complain about that. Maybe it's why those here are called Vanilla ISIS and the American Taliban because they have so much in common being fundamentalists.

Right now we have R. rep Boebert giving props to the Taliban and retired  Gen Mike Flynn asking his cult to pay attention to how the Taliban took over, saying next time to be as heavily armed as they are and maybe then they can take over this country. A lot of right wingers are posting on some of these sites praising the Taliban on how they achieved their goals and how they're not all that bad because they're anti Semitic and hate women as well. 

I'll stand up to these jackals any day of the week. How about you?

All the best,

When they use an audio site to post lies and inflame dissension points to motivation. Why would they continually do that? Why would they censor those who speak up and point out their fallacies?

There are plenty of platforms out there besides an audio site where they can feel right at home. They should try GETTR (set up by Rump's press secretary) for those that support right wing platforms.

There's also Twitter and Farcebook and all manner of sites where they can glad-hand each other.

All the best,

"Everything is not left or right, fascist or liberal,...".
The way you worded it, you were making a comparison.
The way you reason goes a long way towards demonstrating how you could come up with this kind of explanation.

And I see my post explaining how the infrastructure bills are not going to add to the debt due to its relatively small proportion to the GDP and how the debt ceiling works and how the right are going to exploit it with lies has been deleted. It violated none of the criteria for removal. 

We've got some really dangerous people lurking here with an agenda other than audio.

All the best,

"...fascist or liberal."
You're a piece of work.
You've just shown that you are that "piece of work" by cherry picking what I said on the post directly before you, tying to imply that I think there's only two choices, which I didn't.

You really are out of your element, aren't you?

All the best,

@td_dayton, I understand where you're coming from but these topics have a way of popping up, uninvited, as a way to get weird, erroneous and dangerous ideas and memes out there in the public sphere and I like to knock them down when I can. Then, these types of discussions grow.

Like you say, everything is not left or right, fascist or liberal, but one side needs an enemy, being conditioned like Pavlov's dog to believe, behave and react to anything that threatens it's mind hive mentality.

We're living in dangerous times and to blithely go about one's business or hobby is what's called "whistling past the graveyard." I'm sure that music they played when the Titanic went down kept a lot of peoples minds off their fate.

All the best,

real meeting of the minds in here huh. lmao
Did you pay out of pocket to have it put back in the wrong place?

SS has a 3% overhead for administration cost. Private heath care insurance companies are 15-27% and they are paid to say NO, NOT fix the patient, BUT pocket the money and limit YOUR service.
That's it in a nutshell. All the countries that have some form of universal health care use some form of insurance but not for profit insurance to run things. Some feel the private sector can do it better but they are limited in the same manner as a well run public service. 

Everyone makes out, have pensions, cradle to the grave coverage, are paid better and have a higher quality of life with longer life expectancies. I could never find a downside to all of that.

Sure, it's not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than what we now have.

All the best,

The only "problem" with universal health care is that it covers everyone and lots of people are simply against that idea. They don't want certain people to be covered and are willing to take a big hit on their own well being just for the sake of denying others a better life. 

Remember what LBJ said:
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

That includes coming up with all manner of half baked reasons to justify their actions, beliefs and justifications.

All the best,
That leftist nut job had all the problems you just enumerated solved by showing the absurdities of our present medical system, designed to enrich a few at the expense of the many.

By the way, your comment on the aged is absurd and that statement about competition in the healthcare industry is just why it’s not working, or haven’t you been paying attention?

No one decides, one day, to get cancer and go out and see what his health care payments can buy at the health care competition rally. It’s not like buying your stereo. It’s a necessity. Economies of scale would expect one to pool resources and have the buying power to force down health care costs, like one would in any capitalist endeavor.

Did you notice how socialism and capitalism worked so well together in that scenario? Other, advanced countries have been doing it for over half a century and are all the better for it. We could too, if only people would not cling to those absurd zombie notions that refuse to die.

All the best,
In any other advanced nation (and there are MANY), you wouldn’t have paid a dime more than what you’d pay through your taxes and some small copay for all the treatment you needed, if that.

Check out Moore’s old documentary, Sicko and your blood pressure will rise enough to get you readmitted. In one scene, a guy cut off his ring and middle finger with a table saw. $60,000 to reattach his middle finger and $12,000 for his ring finger. He chose his ring finger.

Moore then asked another doctor (I believe it was either in Canada or Germany) how much they would charge. The look on the doctor’s face was priceless. Both fingers would be reattached and cost the man nothing since he’s already been paying into the system.

It’s all a matter of priorities as to how you’re going to do things. Nothing more. It’s just that here, stateside, there are those who don’t want them to get any coverage. It goes all the way back to the Civil War.

All the best,
Lots of unscrupulous people will use any excuse to jump on the bandwagon raising their prices. Similar amount of groceries shocked me last week only to see it all go down to normal this week (a good $10 difference). 

All the best,
Sorry dBoy, but none of my posts were removed. If you ever paid attention, you'd have noticed I'll listen to anything anyone wants to say.  

Just stop with the censoring of others POV. By the way, many universities, NGOs, think tanks and experts have pointed out what hate speech is and it's not coming from me. In the context of this conversation, that leave you.

Colder, harder, truthier (as Colbet would say).

All the best,
I was going to ask the same thing. Your post didn't violate any of the reasons laid out for deletion. Probably some snowflakes doing their level best to censure those with opposing (and profoundly accurate) points that needed to be made. Talk about cancel culture and projection.

All the best,
@nonoise  If you replaced "dBoy" with "nonoise", I could have posted EXACTLY the same thing word for word.
You could of? Wow. Thanks for sparing us the drudgery of going thru all that. I'm beginning to think that dBoy imagines himself as on a virtual slave patrol of various media platforms and sites, like this one. 

Starting fights for no reason, being the first to bring up off topic subjects and then LOLing his way to smug satisfaction, only to end with his "looking down his nose" as anyone who'd dare respond negatively. It's his MO. He's done it before. Nothing like having your own audio alt right Tokyo Rose blathering away, treating this site like it's his farcebook page.

All the best,

dBoy shows just how big a rock he lives under. They’ve got him hook, line, and sinker. Not the least bit capable of independent thought, he needs to be spoon-fed his litany of already debunked lies and defamations.

I guess every fanatic needs their bogey-man to justify their dark and twisted souls. Comfort food for the stupid.

All the best,
You can count on devilboy to live up to his moniker. Don't fall for his act. That's all it is. Consider him a 3rd rate crisis actor deep in the thrall of whatever his handlers tell him to believe. All he's capable of is regurgitating what his idols say on boob tube. Just look at his atrocious word salad of recriminations.

He supposedly loves America yet supports insurrectionists beating and maiming police with Blue Lives Matter and American flags.

All the best,
Damn... I just got back to this thread now and I see that there were several posts removed immediately after mine. God I would have loved to read them. I can only imagine. LOL.
They made you out to look like a fool. LOL.

Don't worry, that deleted post was flagged before it was deleted.
Admin has it.
And some wonder why there are people I refuse to acknowledge with a response no matter what they do. Maybe now a few may begin to see the wisdom of this?
The absence of your responses has been a respite for us, and wisdom has never been a part of it, for you impart none. 

All the best,

Just back form egg rolls and dumplings. Hey guys, thanks for chiming in but it was all under control. Kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. 

Is he drunk typing? His spelling, syntax and grammar are way off as the day continues. Love the way he blinked, flinched, and retreated. Thanks for that. 👍

All the best,
Don't you have a farcebook account, or one at Parlor or some other hole in the wall chatroom where you can have all the morons in the world to agree with you? 

You have all the bearing and maturity of a spoiled 12 year old child. I wonder when you're going to snap and pull a Andrew Joseph Stack stunt and fly your turboprop into the local Planned Parenthood office nearest you. Or maybe, like your hero, another IRS office. Or better yet, you can buzz the border and pretend to strafe all the immigrants on the other side.

All the best,
And here we go...
The first link describes what everyone knows. People trying to get in and being turned back. Those eligible go thru the process. The only mention of Covid is from all the CBP personal who got infected and died from Covid. No mention as to why they didn’t get vaccinated. Is that because they didn’t believe in it? They were very loyal to Rump.

The 2nd link. Apprehensions are up. Duh. We all know that. Rump had them all sitting at the border, refusing to process the claims and left with Biden to hold the bag. Why didn’t you say anything while Rump did that?

The 3rd link. Under Rump, in 2020, there were only 15,000 waiting to get in. His screw up amounted to over 117,000 waiting. Thanks for pointing out what a horrible president he was.

The 4th link. Sorry, it has a paywall so I can’t comment.

The 5th link. You posted the 4th link twice.

You need steadier hands. Don’t fly for awhile.

All the best,

Who's lying?
Also with Joe letting all those infected people invading the southern borders in, it will get worse as they are relocated all over the US.
Your words, skypunk'd. You forgot to delete before you lied, again.
I just happen to read real news and those that are in, or who are to get in, get vaccinated. Just ask anyone in Texas, besides yourself.

You've never been really good at this, so do us all a favor and jump in your pool and dream one day of seceding from the union. That should make you happy.

All the best,

Leave it for skypunk’d to exit with insults, perjoratives and provably false statements like this one:
Also with Joe letting all those infected people invading the southern borders in, it will get worse as they are relocated all over the US.
Turns out that vaccination rates among immigrants are at around 90% (it’s conditional for entry) compared to the average Texan, which is around 43%.

But, by all means, do go gentle into that good night and stick to audio, if you can.

All the best,

So now skypunk'd is playing the race card again?

The last time he tried that tactic is when I made fun of georgie's affinity for dingos. He even quoted my joke as "proof" and said he'd send it to the mods, which I encouraged him to do. Didn't go too well for him then, won't help him now.

Just like in the song, Sky Pilot, skypunk'd will never reach the skies.

All the best,
Woke up to read that Texas just passed New York in the number of Covid deaths and to think there was a time when they were 29,000 behind. To think this is all policy driven, and cruelty is the point.

Not to be outdone, Florida just had a one day record of 21,683 new cases, right after DeSatan passed an ordinance saying schools cannot force kids to wear masks. 

All of this was preventable. We could have reached herd immunity with none of the downsides and be 100% open for business.

Won't listen to medical experts. Don't want to to admit they were wrong. Willing to kill off lots of their base to do so. Isn't that a form of genocide?
When studying ancient cultures, sociologists have wondered how and why some just collapsed. I think they have a working model here to study.

All the best,
False – Content that has no basis in fact.
Gotta love the conclusion. Thanks for the link.

All the best,

Still tying to "own and libs" and failing miserably.
Of course you're bored: you're not winning any points here. 

All the best,
I found this from an actual epidemiologist that deals with all the latest data, info and insights:

All the best,
I had no idea who Stuart Smalley was until I looked him up. I stopped watching SNL way before his time, which is probably around the time earlflynn started pitching his tent watching him. Hence, the projection.

All the best,
Hey Capt. Fly by Night, (earlflynn, skypunk, whatever)
All the hesitancy was being done by just about everyone until they heard from the CDC. This is known history. Look it up. Couple that with the thousands of lies that Rump made, along with his absolving of China, promoting chlorine injections and somehow getting intense light into your body, and many a person was hesitant to believe him. Remember, he didn’t want to do anything about the virus as he thought it would hurt his chances of winning and spook the economy. We all know how that played out.

Besides, you said you weren’t for Rump or anyone, for that matter, so why the turn around and attacks for one group and groveling subservience for the other? Do you fancy yourself taking over Keith Schiller’s job of following Rump around with that briefcase full of Adderall and diapers?

It is said that a wise person can change their mind. As the facts on the ground changed, so did their (the Dems) positions on getting the vaccine which Rump could have sped up but refused to do so.

On another note, you gotta stop banging you head on the laps you swim. Stick your arm out instead.

All the best,
Agreed. A cursory check on his stats shows nothing of the sort. Some of his numbers looked to be borrowed from actual reporting and then fudged, like he always does.

Here's where he probably stole the numbers for the base of his lies:
And here are the real numbers from Australia:

And as for his citing of all the cases of those breakthrough infections, the last I read was literally a handful (<5) requiring hospitalization and the rest just had minor symptoms. The vaccine works as intended.

Some links would be nice to go along with those claims.

All the best,
If you don’t want people to "hit you with a bunch or political crap", why oh why, did you do it yourself, to others with the statement that those on the left didn’t want to get it because of their opinions of the Administration in power, when that is an outright lie meant to deflect what lots are doing now, for that very same reason?

Talk about projection. Get your facts straight.

And yes, you do have the right not to get vaccinated but you don’t have the right to infect others. Anyone notice the rates of vaccinations going up in red states now that their jobs, schools and local businesses are mandating it. They wouldn’t let the gubement do it but when it came to their pocket books, they’re lining up like kids at a Chucky Cheese, or better yet, like those pharmacies handing out Oxy.

All the best,
Anyone notice how the only voices you now hear about ending UI is from the people here, and that it's no longer a big thing with the right wing media and politicians anymore? 

I haven't heard it once in the last couple of weeks except for here, in this echo chamber. Could it be that the benefits that companies got from the CARES act expired in June? You know, the one that allowed companies to deduct 50-70% of what they paid their employees up to $10K/quarter on their tax liabilities? When that ran out, they had nothing more to whine about so it's now onto the next manufactured crisis.

So now it's lumber? Canadian lumber is heavily subsidized by their government and dumped here at prices so low, it undercuts US suppliers. So where's the thievery coming from?

And as for welfare, why are public lands with publicly owned trees subsidizing the logging industries with below market rental rates on the land and with taxpayers paying for the logging roads to be built?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

In the late '90s it was almost half a billion/year in taxpayer subsidies for the logging industries. I wonder what it is now? Nothing like socializing the costs and privatizing the gains. Don't you people see that it's always been socialism for the rich and unregulated capitalism for the poor? Why do you think they hate the idea of socialism so much? Hint: because it works so well when you twist and pervert the use of it.

They've got you all fighting and complaining about the crumbs that fall on the floor but no one's smart enough to look at what they're feasting on at the table. And, that feast is the biggest, propped up by government racket going. In the past, the aristocracies used to employ extreme levels of violence to maintain their positions, but now, all they have to do is buy off their favorite politician.

All the best,
I can't stop eating BBQ flavored chips. 
Gave up sodas decades ago.
Gotta clean up my act.