Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?



with respect, i would remind you (and all of us) that trolls, like the ones on this thread, live off the oxygen that others give them

i know it is hard to not do tit for tat with these sad, unconstructive folk, but i do think it is best to just not engage (even though i fall into that trap sometimes too, but i try to catch myself)

after a while, without oxygen, they get bored and move on to some other thing to disrupt


Thanks for that. I know I shouldn't respond and sometimes I don't but this particular troll just got under my skin. Sometime gadflies bring out the worse in me.

Kids belong at the kiddie table and should be kept away from keyboards.

All the best,

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Why is it hard to avoid responding to provocations?  Didn’t people have mothers that taught them “If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything?”


seems to me that the provocateurs here don’t play by those rules, tit for tat is what they hope for, it gives them energy, sates their appetite for turmoil and vitriol

for the rest of us, normal users here to be informed and entertained -- yes indeed, we are wise to be reminded about what our moms tried to teach us

Well I’m very disciplined about how I apply my laziness.


Honestly, photographing and posting photos of le gear chez xeno just doesn’t occupy a position in priority space beyond the domain of my laziness. Heck, I could barely muster the motivation to post that I’m lazy...


edit: now in triple digit posts 😂


honest and funny! 👍

party at my house in 2041 when you reach 200 posts!!! 🤣

Ah man, Xenolith...you had me cracking up after reading your posts and then checking out your virtual system. That’s priceless, man. Best two responses by far on this thread.


Well free cocktails occupies a position well outside the domain of my laziness...better plan for me to beat that 2041 timeline! 🤣


Ha! Forgot I mustered the ooomph to create a "my system" page a couple years ago...didn’t get very far with that did I? My laziness is very reliable! 🤣

So far we have:

1. Don’t want to

2. Can’t figure out how to

3. But if I post, bad guys will steal my system

4. Room is a mess

5. I’m lazy

Did I forget any other responses?

@vonhelmholtz : You forgot one for sure…


6) What system? I don’t have any. I am here to troll the deluded audiophiles 



7) i dont want to shame everyone with mine... 😊

This was my excuse but i posted it anyway... A lack of modesty?


Truth be told, I was gonna say that, but I'm even more humble than I am lazy 😎

You are the opposite of me.... Welcome here... 😉😊


Truth be told, I was gonna say that, but I'm even more humble than I am lazy 😎

11) i am too ashamed to post it with images from  my actual low cost 10,000 bucks camera

13) I was developing all my images in my own photo laboratory but a fire begun and i lost my camera , the images and the laboratory...

You just said too much...

I will stop here...

I apologize... I am not always self conscious...Thanks for your help...


@mahgister : let’s see if you can achieve 10,000 posts mark TODAY. 🤦‍♂️

@mahgister : No problem buddy. Go for it! Although sometimes it is OK if you don’t chime in

I am too enthusiastic...An innate  defect...

I am too friendly...

I am a bit lacking in self control...

And i am retired and i was used to spoke with many people all day long ( my job) and i like all people here, even those which which i disagree...

Then it is possible i chime in uninvited ... Dont hate me for that... 😊

@mahgister : No problem buddy. Go for it! Although sometimes it is OK if you don’t chime in


1. Go to the top of this page and click on the small triangle denoted with the red circle.

2. A dialog box will open. Click on "Virtual Systems".

3. On the Virtual Systems page that opens up, go to the gold banner at the top of the page and click on "Create System"

4. Follow the instructions.

So while we are shaming those who won’t post their systems, we might as well require people to update the photo every time they change a component.  Heck there is one poster here that must go through about 40 DACs a year.  I hope his camera is in good shape.

You are more wise than i ever could be...

I welcome you a second time... 😊

Happily, when one has no pride, they can feel no shame...


ok i see what you are doing now, trying to get free cocktails at my house ALOT sooner than 2041... 


Well, there is a certain wisdom to laziness...I think of it as a form of efficiency...



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Given the increasing ease with which hackers can bore into sites like this and get names and addresses, I would hesitate to post photos of my system that might tempt home theft.


Your concern seems to me to be a difficult way for thieves to target wealthy individuals. Will they fly, or drive to your area? They will require some real muscle to move a system. Why not just use google maps, or Zillow to locate areas with large estates and find a house with a ten car garage. Oh, let’s make it someplace local, so that they don’t need a plane ticket and have local connections to dump the stolen goods.

Honestly, someone that can hack this site will go after someone in the digital domain. Make sure that you don’t use the internet for any transactions and keep your money under your pillow.

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"Why not just use google maps, or Zillow to locate areas with large estates and find a house with a ten car garage."

That works too except that it won't reveal exactly what is in the home.

You see, I have known three different people who had their entire home audio systems stolen, and I have heard of many more over the years. The funniest theft I know of happened during a party when everybody got quite wasted out in the back yard, and the thief just waltzed out with the living room system.

My home insurer strongly suggested I insure my system against fire and theft. Call me paranoid.


Let’s just suggest that your posts on this thread are just a prank.  You certainly don’t want to avoid posting your system on one hand and then suggest it is because your system is so very valuable.

You don’t have to be paranoid to use insurance.  I always lock my doors and am careful as to who I associate with, so being careful is just being prudent/responsible.


My system is mid-fi by the standards here, and I still would not like to have it stolen

"I always lock my doors and am careful as to who I associate with."

Read your statement again. You're being, if anything, more paranoid than I am.

@vonhelmholtz …”Your concern seems to me to be a difficult way for thieves to target wealthy individuals…”

+1 Not a realistic concern.

High end equipment weighs a ton. Not exactly ideal to extract, transport and fence. Also, a lot of us are retired and don’t leave  home often, have security systems… 

My friends systems were heavy enough, but carting components out to a car or truck - well, even the old codgers here manage to pull that off. Speakers maybe not so much, but I would not be heartened to come home from a vacation and see only my speakers in my living room.

This conversation has now become officially silly.


This conversation became silly when you stated your mid-fi system was in danger if you posted a pic💤