Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


Showing 50 responses by nonoise

Oh, look...an ally of kota1 tagged my posts as being offensive, when I was merely pointing how offensive he was being in his posts after he came back from that short suspension for being offensive (see his last post above with his remark about "budget worthy" only possible for those that post their systems).

The ASR force is strong with these ones.

All the best,


This is on the page preceding this one:



  • Go to the very top of this page and to the right of "discussion forum" is a small triangle.
  • Click on it. A drop down will have several options
  • Click on Virtual Systems
  • Photos of systems will be shown and at top of them are options
  • Click on Create System and your name will appear with a"start" prompt
  • Get busy

All the best,

All the best,


  • Go to the very top of this page and to the right of "discussion forum" is a small triangle.
  • Click on it. A drop down will have several options
  • Click on Virtual Systems
  • Photos of systems will be shown and at top of them are options
  • Click on Create System and your name will appear with a"start" prompt
  • Get busy

All the best,


When the conversation stops being about the music, I’m out. I think it’s time this thread died.

You should have taken your own advice before posting what you did, earlier, which wasn’t about the music, but hey, that’s progress.

One has to love all the drive by posts, taken down after a short time. 

I'm still not going to post my whole system but for those that missed the parts I did post, here is what kota1 went and had deleted:

and the two extra ones to show how one can get great color saturation and detail even in low light:

Let's see how long these stay up.

All the best,


I’m in a thread about photos on an audio website and I have both.

You got nothing....

The thoughts you express with the photos you post don't make sense. What are you trying to say? Empty rooms signify...what? Also, that phrase you keep repeating, "you got nothing", is that something you heard all your life? Is it a cry for help?

All the best,

@bikeboy52 As you can see from kotex's post right after yours he needed to have the post taken down to continue with his false flag narrative.

@kota1 What's with your obsession with audio and cars?  Were you concieved in the backseat of one? Is that where the trauma's from?

All the best,

@bikeboy52  You're not doing anything wrong. It's just that kota1 flagged the post and had it taken down about half a day after it went up. It was too much for him, I guess.

All the best,


Give it up son. Two days ago I did post some photos of my system in an attempt to tutor you in how to take a decent shot of your system. Remember? 

I pointed out just how dark, out of focus and poorly composed they were on your systems page and with just using an old iPhone 8s, I posted some rather nice shots of a speaker, my integrated and the gear on my audio rack from an overhead shot. 

The integrated was with no lights on in the room save for the TV and the units meters and it came out beautifully, showing tons of detail with great amounts of gradation from dark to light. The speaker and rack were done with just one light on in the living room, showing what can be done in low light conditions. I even threw in a couple extras of a bust and a calevera skull done in low light that came out in fine detail. The only decent shot of your system is one you took from Canuck Audio Mart (the logo is still on the lower right).

And what did you do? You reported the post and had it deleted so you could have something to complain about. What you forget is that it went up quite early in the evening and wasn't taken down until after 6:00am the next day so everyone who follows this thread saw it and had a good laugh at your expense.

All the best,


The fact that you follow cretans like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens, taking to heart what they say over there and applying it here, is downright weird. Did you think that even mentioning their names would win anyone over? 

Those two are the king and queen of mean tweets and insults as for them, cruelty is the point (which is probably why kota and coralkong fit right in). That explains a lot.

Also, catty, effeminate behavior is the calling card of those that inhabit the spaces that Tucker and Candace dwell in. Where have you been for the last three or four decades?

Thanks (I guess) for that window into your inner self.

All the best,

Gee, thanks @jetter.  I've been holding back a lot. Every time he says I have to listen to my system in my car, so many mom jokes come to mind...and they're not nice. 

All the best,

You are spot on of course about who the wanna be's are in this thread. Hell, if I had to listen in my car I wouldn't post anything either.

Ah, there's that 12 yr old wit.

All the best,


You just realized that? Looks like you’re trying to put some distance between you and kotex as he’s not doing your original proposition any favors.

He went way overboard with me and now he’s doing it to bolong. You latched onto him as a crutch and now you want to distance yourself from him. Good on you to recognize a failed partnership. Hope you learned something from it.

All the best


Thanks for that. I know I shouldn't respond and sometimes I don't but this particular troll just got under my skin. Sometime gadflies bring out the worse in me.

Kids belong at the kiddie table and should be kept away from keyboards.

All the best,

Well, I for one know that mine are being deleted just like I described a few posts ago by kota1 and maybe even mc1969 (who's actually a former member who's been banned many times). 

Earlier, kota1 was taken out behind the woodshed and made to look more than a bit foolish and now he's just trolling away like a 12 yr old. It took him a long time to respond from last night.  

I wonder if he's on the spectrum or addicted to Adderall and just can't make it through the day without dosing. That would explain the long pauses between his posts.

All the best,

It’s a shame those wonderful shots were taken down.
It was so much fun putting them up.

Just did two edits on my Mac and everything worked as promised.

All the best,

I post pics of my hobby, what's yours? LOL📻

Well, right now it's you.

Hey jetter, long time no hear. 👍

All the best,

So you posted whilst I was composing. Doesn't everyone have an iPhone or the equivalent? Besides, I only use it as phone. Any serious photos I'd take are done with a camera and even the ones I take with my iPhone don't look as amateurish as the dreck you post about your "system". Not one decent shot in the bunch.

All the best,

So you alert me with a message and then delete it before I or anyone can read it?
How brave.

You know you're not winning over anyone with your antics or making that many friends and to have a hobby is to share that hobby in a peaceable fashion or is that too antiquated a concept for you?

All the best,

Tammy told me the editing of a post should be up and working by tomorrow.

There was a system wide security verification that you have to do in order to post. All I did was to go to my home page, get the drop down menu and hit "edit". Make sure your phone number and address are correct (or entered) and hit "update" towards the bottom. It should work fine after that.

All the best,

I haven't received any notice from A'gon to post my phone number or address to continue posting. All I have listed is my country. One would think it'd be a site wide issue and everyone would have been asked to post that info. I hope you weren't scammed.

All the best,

I could yammer and stammer for a while OR yammer and then...

I could drone on...

You're doing a fine job of it already.

All the best,

Gotta love it when some wanna be weak tea authoritarian thinks this is his sandbox and tries to run roughshod (look it up) over others. This is the very same attitude he displayed on his first posts of this thread, like he was laying down the law. He deleted those. Never liked a wanna be bully, especially one who hides behind a keyboard.

Despite being put in his place (this is a very old argument) a few times already, he does what most do when confronted. He goes quiet, gets his nerve back up, and starts pounding his chest like some ape in the bushes.

Kind of reminds me of what those from ASR tried to do here. Dude, go right ahead with your silly stipulations but rest assured, not many, if any, are going to follow you on your silly crusade. If you get off on this, please seek help. Move on. You're going to embarrass yourself.

All the best,


You need to practice what you preach. If you're not going to talk to anyone who doesn't post photos of their system, why do you continue to do so? Such a hypocrite.

Obviously I hit a nerve (several, really, but it's just a saying). You're going around here with a tape measure, taunting like that 12 yr old I alluded to. You keep repeating yourself, trying to get the better of me and think you're making progress. Beat me up? 😄 That's a good one. 

Your clumsy attempts at snark are nothing more than "I'm rubber and your glue..." levels of arrested development on full display here for the members to see. Like I said many posts ago....grow up, move on. You're not the threat you think you are.

All the best,

Bet you have. Bet the lot of you have. This place is notorious for the anal crevasses that reside here. 

Great, another 12 yr old.

Hey @kota1 In your fanatic quest to be all consumingly correct, your field of vision must narrow a lot. The "code" I was referring to were the inane statements you made right before mine (see your posts above @10:19pm and 11:17as) and have not much to do with the OP’s premise.

All the best,

For someone who laid down the gauntlet and proceeded to betray his own code in his very next post and then go onto some massive projection is a strange thing to behold.

Amusing, but strange. Please, by all means, stick to your code and stop posting.

All the best,


When one corrects incivility and is called out for it by someone using bothsiderism as an argument makes me weep for my fellow man.

All the best,

@kota1 All anyone here needs to do is go back and look at your posts and try to remember the ones you deleted and they'll know who to believe.

All the best,

kota1 has turned into quite the troll, hasn't he?

The reason I posted the way I did was due to the holier than thou attitude that came with some of the first few posts, which I see have been deleted. Hey, we still remember the gist. If you want to show your shrine and demand obsequence, then expect the agnostics to sound off.

All the best,

@jjss49 Thanks for the heads up on checking on the questionable ones.

All the best,

you shouldn’t make decisions re what to post based on feedback from lowest common denominator types.  seems like it says more about you?

Great. Another lowest common denominator heard from.

All the best,

By the way we cannot judge a system by the "virtual system" image...


The last time I posted my system online in a discussion here, some idiot who disagreed with something PM'd me about how my system couldn't possibly do what I said and that my listening position was X° off just by looking at my photos and couldn't possibly recreate the soundstage as I described it. He even "knew" the distance I sat at from the plane of the speakers without any showing of just where I sat. Must have been one of those remote viewers the military employed back in the day.

I read him the riot act in the thread. He never bothered me again. Do I want to go through that again with some know-it-all? Or join some exclusive club? Heck no.

If some here want to limit their discussions only to those who post their systems online, do me (us) a favor and use the camera emoji at the start and end of your post, alerting those who've done the same that only they will be responded to and taken seriously and the rest of us can bother not responding, wasting our time in the process.

All the best (you have to trust me on that one...no pictures),

Looking at the reasons people don't post pics of their systems I notice they all have something in common, all of the excuses are lame, really lame:

1) I don't know how to take a picture but I use my phone every day.

2) I have a bunch of stuff on a shelf

3) Uhhhhhh, I am a man of mystery and only share my system in secret.

It goes back to the old "do what I say, not what I do" because you got no game, just talk. 

Someone get their fee fees hurt? Grow up, move on.

All the best,

Please make sure your post is correct before posting as it still doesn't allow editing afterwards. Tammy is working on it.

All the best,

This is a test of the emergency broadcasting system....
it is only a test.....

All the best,

@grislybutter Sorry to hear that as it must have been frustrating. The new security system was most likely going thru some birthing pains. 

All the best,