I had posted my audio system components from the last year...Headphone based system and Active box speakers system...
I posted ONLY generic image of my components...
I will not post for example the 6 modifications at NO COST and homemade i did to transform a good pair of low cost speakers on a new level : their OPTIMAL possibilities... The stunning M-Audio AV 40... It beat all headphone i ever tried save the mythical AKG K340 optimized but beware i owned them for 12 years and i never liked them right out of the box at all , i decided to opmize them in the last 2 months because i had no other choice of speakers anyway and they are small as i need ....
My main audiophile system is headphone based ... My speakers are for casual listening but they are near audiophile level now... For exemple i had 50 hertz from them instead of their 85 hertz measured specs ... I dont need a sub at all... If i want to listen Tuba or organ i go headphone...😁
Results of my homemade optimization :
Improve bass extension a lot...
Improve imaging...
Improve timbre...
Decrease vibrations...
Decrease crosstalk mechanically...
Increase high frequencies direction and focus....
Isolate and shield from EMI ...
To do that i bought no tweaks and do it all myself with average materials...I used my valready designed "golden plates", my own creation , : ( shungite+copper tape+ quartz )
Why did i will not post that ?
Because i was abused in the past by many idiots here, publicly and in private mail and a seller of costly tweak and cables here even did it repeatedly ...😁
I will not repeat this experience...Sorry... My optimization are not convenient for everyone and not esthetical anyway ... But they work magic, only sound matter for me and cost... 😊
I dont fear ridicule as my past here proved it , but i am not masochistic dude either...😊
Dont wait for photos of my speakers with their 6 modifications in their acoustic corner...
Anyway most people believe price tag and dont know anything about acoustic nor about mechanical and simple electrical solutions ... They dont need "a tin foil hat " like me to educate them... 😁😉😊
Beautiful room indeed...And welcome...
I finally posted my system.
You are more wise than i ever could be...
I welcome you a second time... 😊
Happily, when one has no pride, they can feel no shame...
I am too enthusiastic...An innate defect...
I am too friendly...
I am a bit lacking in self control...
And i am retired and i was used to spoke with many people all day long ( my job) and i like all people here, even those which which i disagree...
Then it is possible i chime in uninvited ... Dont hate me for that... 😊
@mahgister : No problem buddy. Go for it! Although sometimes it is OK if you don’t chime in
You just said too much...
I will stop here...
I apologize... I am not always self conscious...Thanks for your help...
@mahgister : let’s see if you can achieve 10,000 posts mark TODAY. 🤦♂️
15) i just lost my dog eating my negatives and i am too sad to post here
14) my wife just ask for divorce and she kept the audio system
13) I was developing all my images in my own photo laboratory but a fire begun and i lost my camera , the images and the laboratory...
12) my acoustic room is not finished yet
11) i am too ashamed to post it with images from my actual low cost 10,000 bucks camera
10) my system is in my pocket usually but i forgot it somewhere...
9) my system is made from temporarily borrowed parts
You are the opposite of me.... Welcome here... 😉😊
Truth be told, I was gonna say that, but I'm even more humble than I am lazy 😎
8 ) my system is all made with stolen piece ... 😊
7) i dont want to shame everyone with mine... 😊
This was my excuse but i posted it anyway... A lack of modesty?
Tammy is an angel of patience and of dedication...
I thank her and all the staff...
There is problem with the site....All will be taken care tomorrow i thing... Be patient...
I feed my two dogs at a combined weight of 40 pounds together 1/2 texan a day...
But these days they starve a lot...😊
Very good pics ...
But i will keep my icon it is more discreet...
Pics help you

«Some are too clever for their own good»--Groucho Marx🤓
we must NEVER segregate people on this basis...
we must NEVER segregate people on this basis...
1) If some people feel this is facebook and just like to talk, fine. (segment 1)
2) Then you got trolls that just want attention (segment 2)
3) Then you got noobs that generally need advice (segment 3)
4) Then you got "enthusiasts", the members with audio "kaizen" (look it up) that are saesoned experts. I don’t always agree with them, but they got their system down like THEY want, good (segment 4)
The people in segment 2 never post pics cuz they got nothing.
The people in segment 3 got no pics cuz they are noobs, all good.
The people that pretend they are in segment 4 that got no pics I reshuffle into segment 2. If they can’t even use a camera how in the hell can they operate a turntable or a streamer? Not. They got no business advising anyone, especially segment 3 cuz poor noobs will just burn a hole in their pocket listening to segment 2 trolls. Thus, a pic is generally a good way for people to see if someone is just in segment 1 (fine), or a flaming troll from segment 2. In other words a pic verifies if you are real segment 4 member or not.
In general, there is no need for someone to post images of his room...
He can always specify his system details on demand if he need to...
There is many reasons why someone could not dare to post his private room...
As i said , believe it or not, i even received harassing posts by some in my private mail box...
I am thick skin and i let my room posted and my experimental devices...
But not all people are like me...
There is many others legitimate reasons...
But nevermind the reasons, we must NEVER segregate people on this basis...
This posting thread was a good idea, i thought it could be an anecdotal reviews of each opinions and experiences ... But some came and proclaim papal inquisition proclamation... This inflame the spirits toward quarrel over a tea pot..
«Society are born by two but died by one»-- Groucho Marx 🤓
«Society begin with three»--Anonymus Charles Sanders Peirce student 🧐
You are polite and wise... I feel safe speaking to you...
There is others that express symptoms of zombiness...😊
Seriously, i can see how the general situation reflected in each one of us...
Even here...
This is just an audio forum. You’re safe here.
I am terrified by the last three years easy CONTROLS of the population..
Those who are not fearful only sleepwalk...
No need to come from a dictatorship to fear the censorship and sheep brain working... I do, and i live in a country directed by a dwarf liar of the WEF..
The moderators here seems to me to do a good job...
But many in the crowds here ask for censorship because they are brainwashed...
Is the site old fashion for his design ? yes, but i could managed it easily...
There is a difference between acting SILENTLY on a principle , which principle is to not give an info to someone who did not post any information about his system ... I can understand that , after all you need this info sometimes to advise someone... But remember that you can also received by private mail this information if the person who ask the question mean it and do not want to post his private room image here ... ( as i said i posted my room acoustic image and i received even insults by private mail )
But repeating ad nauseam in a strong voice that YOU WILL NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION TO PEOPLE WHO DID NOT POST THEIR SYSTEM PHOTO, is presuming that people here will be interested by your "so sensible" urge to help them to begin with, and it presume that you are so important with your advices that it sound like a threat to any member...
Perhaps it is better to keep for yourself your decision and principle...Once this is said ONE TIME...
Here we are ALL friends in principle , and we must help if we can , photo or not...
I will help you even if you dont have any images if i can help you...I hope you will understand the point...
I wish you the best sincerely...
I am not going to make audio recommendations to people that don’t post their system.
i will speak to anyone and listen their opinions with or without photos...
I did not believe a second an image could convey the soundfield experience no more than the price tag and the listener real happiness...
And to be frank and candid i only trust for great soundfield heavily modified small dedicated acoustic room, which exclude almost everyone here...😁😁😊
Being on headphone now i am myself excluded from my own trust ... 😊
I will listen to myself in spite of this as i will listen to you even if your speakers are in a living room and even if there is no image of this ...
«Sound is a very light but real impression »--Anonymus deaf and blind audiophile
Great system... Congratulations!
But if your system is perhaps mi-fi as you say mine is top hi-fi...😉
You cannot see it in the images... It must be listen to...
The reason why is because i tuned it and modified it ; it is not in my image because it is also inside some components, and to be not attacked by sarcasms i will not show what is over some component... Then i refuse that someone label my system low-fi or mid-fi because of price tag...
Dont take my half joke personal...
Welcome here... Your room is very hospitable and inviting by the way... I cannot say that for mine, i live in the basement of my new house with headphone and my last 500 books and two visiting dogs 🎧....
A lot of window shoppers om AGON. Stand behind what you say and have. iWelcome you all to look at my mid-fi system.
Adults trust adults on their words...
So useful or meaningful photos of a system could be, we are supposed to be friendly and polite..
I dont understand the bullying and blackmail and threats to anybody...
Why ?
Because it is evident people proud of their audio system will put it here in image anyway ...
Some prefer discretion because their own average system is not in a so beautiful room...That means nothing about their life experience...Some had very beatiful room and system and dont want to put it here... They are free and i will listen and speak to them anyway...
My first system photos here were with average components in a completely "crazy/" homemade laboratory acoustic room... I learned acoustic with one year full time experiments each day...
I am confident in myself and for the sake and motivation of others who dont own costly system , i posted mine, so ridiculous it appear to be for the eyes here... The title of my virtual system page is " top audiophile experience for the non wealthy "
Most commentaries i received even by private emails were sarcasms by idiots...
Now my system had improved esthetically 😊 because i did no more own a dedicated acoustic room but headphone... I posted images of my three components... I am proud not of my components so much, but about the way i optimized them MYSELF to reach a TOP soundfield at peanuts costs... but it cannot be seen in an image..
I dont judge people on their virtual system image or not...
i will read any good faith poster, and i am here to discuss with "friends" not only about specific audio questions but more general one about music and sound...
My main interest now is no more improving my system , it is done to my utmost satisfaction... My main interest is about the question : what is sound ? What is hearing a sound ?
I dont appreciate "totalitarian" demands for images and blackmailing people insinuating they are not worthy of trust because they dont put their room in display...
I dont like those who despise other people for this reason...
Trust, respect, fair discussions matter more than image of your supposed "competency" because you own a 50,000 bucks system...
I smile at this "naiveté"... Audio is about acoustic not about gear cost or appearance... And by the way acoustic did not reduce to costly panels on a wall... I learned this in my experiments.. And photos dont tell this story at all ...
By the way the OP question is a legitimate interesting question...
We are free to answer it or not...
«Some are so proud to have quit their mother basement even thirty years after the fact that they cannot resist to post images to prove it» Anonymus audiogon poster 😁
«Our mother womb is the best dedicated acoustic room » -- Groucho Marx 🤓
I forgot to say that because as you said you are a part-timer here , you dont know that Audiogon is ALREADY an high end site covering all aspects of the experience , then nobody need your opinion about what Audiogon must be , because reading your simplistic description , Audiogon is already that and more...
What we need is posters who think before whining about someone or about this site... We dont need your feelings about my arguments, we need your arguments about any posts, and nobody in audiogon will ask you how to transform audiogon in an high end site... it could be news to you, but audiogon is already one high end site..
I'm a part timer here as well mainly because of some of the posts like the 2 above and others wanting to know what is the best sounding speaker. Of course the post will receive tens/hundreds of replies all indicating that their speakers are the best which more confuses the OP.
For example, What a more high end site would be discussing are the values of:
We can read a post in two ways: for the positive content or intent or to confirm our own bias or to whine for the sake of it ...
The focus main point and the most important fact in audio hobby circle around acoustic and psycho-acoustic more than gear engineering which come in second...
This is a FACT... Psycho-acoustic science rule design not the reverse...
Prove me wrong instead of whining against my post...
Second You ask why i know it is not so common to know that MOST people dont know about the 4 components of a soundfield ?
Simple ; if you are of good faith look for reviews, more than one, where it is CLEARLY suggested that there is not only imaging and soundstage but also holographic volume of each sound sources and immersiveness as defined by the ratio and timing between the sound sources dimensions and the listener position...GIVE ME CLEAR EXAMPLE...
Knowing concretely something is also being able to create it and control it...I discovered these 4 aspects in my own room axcoustic experiments..
I dont remember reading a review where there is much more than Timbre experience, the most basic factor and two of the soundfield factors not four CLEARLY described ...FIND ME ONE WHICH IS EXPLICITLY SAID THAT THERE IS NOT TWO... Among all thousands reviews on the net probably only very very few mention these 4 aspects... Reviewers focus on the GEAR they must sell not on acoustic experience...
Try to be friendly first, second give me an ARGUMENT if you think i am wrong... Not your whining, but argument ...Good luck...
i never complaint myself without ARGUMENTS... because it is that will make this site bad not my enumerating evident facts...
acoustic matter more than the cost of gear...
There is 4 components aspects of the soundfield not two...And not only most people dont know it , they dont know how to control them in a room this is why they dont experience them ...
You know why ?
It is very HARD and complex to do...
You know why ?
Because small room acoustic cannot be optimized by general recipe as there is all over the internet...
you know why ?
It is because all small room differ a lot by size, geometry, topology and acoustic content, and the owners hearing differ too...
Then forget general recipe for children...
Experimenting in small room acoustic is not buying panels and changing the speakers location...
Much more to do than that..
By the way my post intent was also to put at ease those of us who dont have costly system in dedicated esthetical room and invite them to put their system image without being ashamed because how a system sound for his owner is not on an image ..
Acoustic experience matter more than esthetic and cost of the system...PERIOD...
hese kind of comments are what diminish the value of this site: "Acoustic and psycho-acoustic experiments are the heart of audio not the esthetical living room with impressive gear components , generally costly we can see..", "For example i discovered in my experiments 4 aspects of the soundfield, all reviewers know only two... And they can afford the best gear ever... Why ?".
My reply to comment 1 is: you can have both and the people I know have both. I have built 5 dedicated listening rooms in 5 different custom homes with acoustics, golden ratios, and power requirements in mind before driving the 1st nail.
Comment 2: how do you know others haven’t discovered more than 2?
I second the proposal... it will be comical to see ... 😊
If some here want to limit their discussions only to those who post their systems online, do me (us) a favor and use the camera emoji at the start and end of your post, alerting those who’ve done the same that only they will be responded to and taken seriously and the rest of us can bother not responding, wasting our time in the process.
By the way we cannot judge a system by the "virtual system" image...
At all.... Save evident TOP of the world system as mike lavigne ...
Because i am hot temper i gave only images of my components now, not of my embeddings devices and modifications...Idiots were like flies over me with sarcasms... Answering all was tedious.. 😊
Anyway to judge a system we must listen the strucked cymbals attack , sustain, decay time...
We must hear the rise and sustain and decay of tonal timbre microplaying of an instrument , his varying texturing spectral envelope through the time envelope ..
We must listen piano note transients sustain and decay and the way the bass note reverberate and his sustained decay ... Each piano note must strike as a rifle bullet in slow motion aimed at our heart..
And we must feel the big turkisch drum halo of bass sound coming through our body... ( it is so with my headphone by the way.)..
We must locate the microphones position from the recording trade-off and then sense the location and not only the direction of sound sources...
Do you think you will see this on a photo of my 700 bucks system ?
i almost never look at the member system photos..
The only interesting detail for me anyway is the room acoustic...
The first rule to impress woman is to never ever spoke about sound qualities in audio...
This very masculine recognition function about high quality sound all across the spectrum is perceived as a feminine characteristic , because woman are naturally very sensitve to high pitch sounds (babies)...
Then eric_squires is right... 😊
«Someday i will change my wife for a better speaker, but i am afraid that she will throw me off for a better microphone soon »--Groucho Marx 🤓
I posted my acoustic room images, which was a homemade mess, only in the beginning state , not with the one hundred resonators, to motivate experimentation for those who can use a dedicated room...I mostly attracted sarcasms... My thin is thick but my temper is not ... i answered 😁
Now no problem with anyone, i borrowed images of my three components , anyway i dont have an acoustic room, one top headphone can do the job happily and surprizingly for me ......And i dont judge people on appearance... I dont mind photo of their room , anyway what interest me in a room is his acoustic content not the price tag and luminous dials of shiny components... 😊
And malher 123 perhaps you sense a slight lost in hearing with age as we will perceive most of us one day with ourself but you had kept your musical understanding at a very high level , and thats all that matter to us...Imagine the reverse ? 😁😉😊
«My hearing is perfect, i hear my wife snoring even when she dont snore»---Groucho Marx 🤓
Just added one in virtual systems. My room is a mess and I’m not sure that I got the speakers in there so I will redo it after I clean it.
So the next thing I think we should be required to add is our Audiograms and/or hearing aid equipment. My ability to hear speech has really deteriorated, especially in loud restaurants. I still think I can hear music unimpeded, but I know that I am fooling myself. I can definitely hear my wife snoring
I had the same "correcting" glitch...
Tammy said it will be solved by tomorrow..
Audiogon give great response to help demands..
I received the exact demand for bot protection...
The problem is no sites are secure... It is easy for hackers to access a site...
Imagine the problem when hacker will use A. I.
Previously, some posted that they did not post their system because they feared that this might result in security issues.
As of this morning I was required to enter my phone number and address to continue posting. This must be part of an ongoing effort to limit trolls from posting. I don’t know how securely this information is stored, but it does open the possibility that your address could be revealed through someone hacking this site. That said, I suspect that anyone that has valuables realizes that cameras, fencing, security doors, big dogs and things that go bang go a long way towards protecting you and your family. Of course, insurance helps after the fact, but home invasion when residence are home have a high chance of someone getting hurt..and it isn’t the bad guy.
Some brands names and some price tags for sure indicated something in the quality design scale ...
But when i look at virtual system, which is very rare , i look more at the room than at the pieces brand names...😊
What someone can say about my actual system sound quality , now headphone based for reason of space in a smaller house, looking at my Sansui Alpha , My low cost battery/bank Hidizs dac and my Headphone AKG K 340 ? NOTHING...😊
He cannot understand nor see all my optimizations and modifications to the audio system parts..
Worst , i did not need an acoustic room , then he cannot disparage as ridiculous my acoustic room now with his ignorant sarcasms as some did ...😊
If you want to know if someone had a good sound , look at his room first, next read his posts to measure his satisfaction level versus his upgrading urgency rthytm , learn if he is obsessed by price tag, and draw a conclusion...
Or be a jerk as the seller who ridicule my peanuts cost dedicated acoustic room and audio component because it was more easy to ridicule my system than to answer my objections about the artificial sound of his main costly room tweak with an artificial soundfield so evident we can hear it through youtube... Acoustic cannot be bought with a costly tweak...
i never bought tweaks , i created the one i used , and i dont need upgrade now more than ever...Even if some upgrade could be possible for me for sure at twenty time the cost of my actual system ..
is it possible to hear top hi-fi at under 1000 bucks for a system ? Yes... It ask for serious work and experiments but it is possible...I did it...
And sometimes miracles happen... I own one of the best designed headphone ever now... To beat it you need an acoustic room and very refined components...
How do i know ?
it is because i know how to define 4 elements in the soundfield after my experiments in my room, most reviewers identify only two of them clearly in their reviews, and this indicated something about their acoustic experience 😊 ...
Four soundfield characteristics as experienced in a good system ( i dont put the timbre experience as one of the soundfield characteristics , because it is so basic , it must be First and LAST criteria.. :
---imaging differentiation between sound sources
---Soundstaging three dimensions VARYING sizes because it MUST BE recording dependant and contain all sound sources together...It must not be fixed once for all...
---the Holographic volume of EACH sound source in his own space, it is called holographic because it is 3-D
---Immersivenes : acoustically defined as the balanced ratio between the sound sources holographic volume dimensions and the listener envelopment, or the way a listener is included in the "extent" soundfield which is represented by this abbreviatons ratio in acoustic ASW/LV ... To do this someone must control reflective surface/absorbing/diffusive one ratios and the timing of all reflective surfaces, some are useful other destructives.. The dimension of the room and his geometry, topology and content is the start point, the timing of the waves the end point... The pressure distribution zones of the sound must be tamed..I used Helmholtz resonators tuned mechanically to do so ...
Then why judging people on some esthetical images and brand names ?
The room acoustic controls , the owner satisfaction as a sign of experience , and the poster explanations are my three indications... For sure some marvellous dedicated room say it all.. the sound must be good... But trust me, an image is not enough at all, the 4 characteristics of a soundfield cannot be evaluated without listenings...
By the way if i had plenty of money my dedicated room would had been very esthetical not a mess.. But i am proud of my soundfield at the end not of the look...
Never judge people on appearance.. never judge system by prices or esthetic...
Judge them by their arguments, and experience and knowledge...
When i had my acoustic dedicated room and speakers, i posted mine, just a glimpse of the beginning of my experiments, I received more insults than praise...
One seller of costly tweaks attack me about my system for a week...
I know that it would be so...
Acoustic and psycho-acoustic experiments are the heart of audio not the esthetical living room with impressive gear components , generally costly we can see..
i learned so much creating my room...my journey culminated in one year full time experiments ...
I lost my room selling my house... My new less "intimidating madness " virtual system is headphone based...
I did not take a photo of all i did around it, guess why ?
Anyway for 700 bucks i laugh the last...My system is the best possible i can imagine and dream of for his S.Q. /price ratio...
But the photo dont give all details of all i experimented with...
Most people buy and they judge with no acoustic knowledge, they dont experiment...
For example i discovered in my experiments 4 aspects of the soundfield, all reviewers know only two... And they can afford the best gear ever... Why ?
it is because they never perceived clearly the other aspects, being unable to create them in their living room... Buying is not experimenting...
The center of audio experience is acoustic not the gear price tag...
But most people cannot even understand what i speak about... They laughed seeing my "crazy" few images in the past ... The complete room was hard to photograph because of light exposure and 100 helmholtz resonators from 8 feet to few inches distributed all around the speakers and my listening position......
My adult children invite friends to reveal how mad the room was but also how good...
Yes i am mad...How to stay "sane" in this insane world ?
Bach is an answer or indian ragas ...Between Chet baker and Bill Evans and Scriabin...