Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


Showing 9 responses by ghdprentice

Yes. Virtual systems is the place where it is easy to post photos. 

It is a great place to,help folks understand where you are coming from.


Click around your userid and the menus. You will eventually see Create a virtual system. After that, it is pretty easy.


Nice system. Clearly well chosen. I have a Prima Luna integrated and think it sounds great. I don’t think you need be hesitant at all to show it. Pride of ownership comes from the passion and effort you put in carefully choosing and integrating your system.


One of the principles that Robert Harley points out in The Complete guide to High End Audio is that you need not spend a fortune to put together a great system. The comparison is really to what is typical… which I guess is tv speakers… or PC speakers. I am sure yours sounds hugely better and can serve to help other folks building modest systems or starting out,



That is not how it normally works.  Maybe there is a temporary glitch, but while the menus are a bit tricky to navigate to the right place it is simple to create one or more systems, attach photos, and identify components.


You are very sensitive. Especially for being on a free forum.


When they turned on the new security of having phone and address I could no longer post… although both were there. Then it dawned on me to click on edit my address, and simply save it again… it validated and I have access again.


I was in charge of IT for global companies… I demanded extensive testing before software releases… zero unexpected consequences. But we had thousands of users and millions of dollars of transactions. They are casual about software updates here… but the world does not end when they do.



Sorry you have been having so much trouble. I am not aware of any of my posts being deleted… well, except accidentally by myself.

@vonhelmholtz …”Your concern seems to me to be a difficult way for thieves to target wealthy individuals…”

+1 Not a realistic concern.

High end equipment weighs a ton. Not exactly ideal to extract, transport and fence. Also, a lot of us are retired and don’t leave  home often, have security systems…