Mention the most unique song that you have ever listened to.CHOPSTICKS the happy song https://youtu.be/ojNl-xJF_2w
"Baby Let Me Bang Your Box" by Doug Clark & The Nuts, a 7" 45RPM single in 1963. How on earth did that get by the censors?!

My friends and I rode our bikes to the record shop in downtown San Jose (which had a bank of record players hooked up to headphones) and listened to the song.
Troglodyte by The Jimmy Castor Bunch. Funny. Awesome funk baseline.


Happy Boy by the Beat Farmers. Possibly the only song in history to include a gargling solo.


@clearthink The New Oxford American Dictionary usage note says it is acceptable to use the word unique in the non absolute sense.

Besides, from a philosophical standpoint everything is unique since even two identical things are not the other thing. As in: Remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else. ;-)
"most unusual"? No contest. "Rosie" by Jackson Browne. The ode to onanism and the only one ever written as far as I know.
Pretty much anything by Godspeed You! Black Emperor.  The music collective from Montreal shows there is beauty in chaos.  
Roads to Moscow is like reading a novel ..... That guy could write lyrics ..
And I loved his music... Something about his voice was kind of sissy, but we can't all be macho men ....
+1 to Schmitty for Inca Roads.

"Roads to Moscow" by Al Stewart, more for subject matter rather than musically.
Not really sure, but if there is a good chance of being one, it might have been by the Eels.
Jon and Vangelis - The Friends of Mr. Cairo. First heard it when I was probably 14 and listening with headphones. Freaked me out a few times.


Alice Cooper...Ballad of Dwight Fry....
Cooper REALLY does sound like a crazy when he says "Don't TOUCH ME " .
Here's one that is both unique and intense. There is so much going on in this song once you think about the lyrics.....

Here's another one from one of the world's best guitarists who captured lessons from a street preacher....


Number 9 (Beatles), though it's hardly even a song.

There are many more lyrical songs that after hearing just the first few notes, I can immediately recognize even if I have not heard them for many years.  Like the first 6 notes of Aqualung (Jethro Tull).  But if I were more knowledgeable, I bet one could come up with influences to show very few songs are all that unique.  They're all re-using the same musical scale and the same rather small set of musical instruments (which nevertheless can be re-combined in a virtually infinite number of ways.)  Otherwise it'd probably just be noise.  We seem to expect a balance of familiar and new.
Forgot all about Napoleon the 13. I'll add Hitchhiker Joe by The Rugburns
Chantilly Lace by the Big Bopper....First lyrics that I could understand as a small kid, made me smile!
All songs are unique, or should be.  Except those that are plagiarised, which is many.

By the way, 'most unique' is not a useable expression.  'Unique' means that there is no other item the same.  A thing is either unique or it is not.

OP should have written 'most unusual' or suchlike.
Maori, wedding chant.. Very emotional. Everyone in the party began the Huca Huca Huca, it slowly became more and more intense. Then a climatic HUCA, HUCA, HUCA and STOP..... I’ve never seen anything like it.. I was very honored... They became one family from two... A thousand years old tradition...

BTW no pictures... steal your spirit... no jokin’ matter, wind up "part of" the wedding feast.. Yup they use to eat folks... Long Pig...

I was about 14 and my brother brought home an Elton John album before any of his music was on the radio. I had never heard of him. “Where To Now St. Peter”
i remember thinking, “Who is this British guy, and boy can he play the piano!”  For that window in time, he seemed unique to me. Obviously, unique is in the eye of the beholder, and one’s opinions change with time. Similarly, all of us can think of novels that elicited a very strong reaction within us, and when we try and re-read them years later, some of them do not age very well. I still like the EJ song!
Last Plane Out, Toy Matinee

Industrial Disease, Dire Straits

Head Like A Hole, NIN

Cuts You Up, Peter Murphy
’Fish Heads‘ by Bill Mumy of ’Lost in Space‘ fame is hard to top.


Childhood stardom does different things to people........
 "Irreversible Neural Damage" track on Kevin Ayers "The Confessions of Doctor Dream and Other Stories" album. A rather creepy number with vocals by Kevin and Nico.
The Necromancer...... RUSH

To name just one.

"Unique songs" is kinda what they do