What integrated should I upgrade to?

Hi folks,

Firstly, my apologies for yet another "what should I" post.  But I'd like to seek the advice of my Audiogon brethren.  

Currently, in my second system used mostly for TV viewing, I have a pair of Wharfedale Reva 3 floorstanding loudspeakers, a Cambridge Audio CXA80 integrated amp / DAC and an Auralic Aries Mini streamer.  Wired with transparent Music Link / Wave cables and Shunyata Hydra Talos conditioner and Voodoo Fire power cable to the CXA80.  

I've been itching to upgrade the integrated amp, as I figure it is what's holding things back from a resolution standpoint.  I moved a better DAC (PS Audio Direct Stream Junior) to the second system and it didn't make a discernible difference given the existing gear.  I then moved the Reva 3's up to my reference system and plugged them in and they sounded wonderful!  I've got a Luxman 590axII integrated in that system with the PS Audio Direct Stream Junior DAC.  The power foundation is nearly the same; using Shunyata Denali there.  

So it leads me to conclude that the CXA80 needs upgrading.  

I have been considering a nice used Luxman 550ax or trying the new PS Audio Strata integrated.  I kinda know what to expect with the Luxman.  The PS Audio would be a greater unknown, but has the nicety of everything in one box: DAC, Preamp, amp and streamer.  The money outlay will be more for the Luxman, but not a huge difference.  It will be used rather than new.  Though, I would need a cheapy DAC just to accept the optical from the TV.  

Thoughts on this?  

i disagree with the hegel bashing below

luxman may be made better (it also costs a lot more) but it doesn’t sound better than top hegels - as you probably know, majority of cost in these units is the case/cosmetics

my long time retailer/hifi nerd bud carries both, says unapologetically that if you want dimensional natural clear non-abrasive solid state sound, then it is hegel all day long over luxman within the same price classes

luxman offers excellent sound in their super high end stuff, their tube amps are wonderful... but they don’t compete on value for SQ

i own a hegel rost and h390 currently, owned a lux 507-2 last year, sold it after about 9 months, sounded too smoothed over/veiled in my system - of course ymmv as always

no financial affiliation to either...
The KI Ruby has a very good blend of a sweet tube like sound but with tons of current on demand .the Ruby is grossly underrated in power it says 100 wpc
in fact it is 170wpc into 8 ohms and almost 280 into 4.
i have been into audio over 40+ years the mstched parts quality is very high 
and the active preamp ,with seperate power supplies and seperate power for linesr microprocessor volume that is out of the circuit once done adjusting
and excellent analog section the 2 dual mono N  core amp modulesare direct coupled to the a Loudspeaker terminals ,and all connections Copper.
And copper clad chassis for extra magnetic isolation ,it has exceptional build quality and made in Japan ,not China ,Ken Isawada had just retired after 40 years 
with Marantz,passed away several months later ,RIP Ken.
this was his final effort , the KI 10 is  2 x more powerful still , please note upgrade the 2 fuses and good power cord for a noticable increase in resolution .
since it is a bit warm if you want a bit less buy the Hifi tuning supreme  fuses
and buy next size up for stock fuses can vary over 15% , and to have a fuse pop on start up is $$, 
Thanks. Hard to change now!  I think the retail on all my cables could pay for a new 509x. 
It just sounded great when I first connected it up and just forgot about it all. 
The power cables are Shunyata and Voodoo power cables connected to a Shunyata Denali conditioner. 
I think the next logical upgrade are the speakers. I am thinking a major upgrade will be needed there to better what I have. So, lots of saving and researching. 
That's good to know Jason. Full loom Transparent cables. Since it's XLR between DAC and Luxman, all should be good.
Thanks for the words of wisdom!

I didn’t know it was sensitive to cables. I have never tried any other cables with it. Since I had separates before the 590axII, I just used the same cables. I only use and have Transparent Cables. For the 590 I use Transparent MusicLink Ultra XLRs from DAC to the Luxman, then Transparent MusicWave Ultra to the speakers. Transparent MusicLink Ultra from CD player. Transparent MusicLink Super on turntable and external phonostage.

For the 505uxII I use Transparent MusicLink Plus XLRs from the DAC and the Transparent MusicWave Plus (newest Gen5) to the speakers.

Hegel is midfi compared to Luxman and Gryphon.

The build quality of Hegel is like lo-fi in comparison to the Luxman. Sound quality-wise Luxman is on another level as well especially the 509 and 590 series.
I see you are a Luxman fan having both L-590AXII and 505UXII in separate systems.

A word on the L-590AXII. It is very sensitive to cables. If you want to bring out the best performance from the Luxman, do not skimp on cables particularly interconnects connecting the DAC to the Luxman. Consider balanced connection if your DAC can take balanced. You won’t regret it.
Oh getting new Speaker cables in on Monday. So that might just get me to the next level with my current speaker / amp combination. 
Yeah. That’s what I was thinking too!  Netflix shows like Dark have great soundtracks and dialogue is effortless now. 
Loving this new Luxman 505uxII. So much it has me itching to make a speaker upgrade now. I guess that would be a new thread. Lol

Nah...lots of movies have good music and sound production in them. A stereo setup for movies is pretty nice in my opinion. Plus you get all the detail, nuance from spookier scenes (like in the movie Hereditary) and the impact of explosions and the like.
Yep. I do listen to music in my family room, but will use it a lot for watching TV.

I will not be listening to records or CDs in this room. All those are upstairs in my reference room. Though, I also have a big 75in TV up there. So watching TV and movies are great in either location.

You think I'm nuts getting a Luxman for mostly TV?  
Cakyol is right I've owned the int 60, and now I've own the 250. Why you may asked, did I own both. It was the 60 just couldn't power some of my speakers. The 250 will drive anything. The thing is that they are both outstanding amps
Thanks Nitewulf. There is a 30 day return on the Cambridge CXN v2. So I will give it an audition. If it is rubbish, I will be sending it back for a full refund. 
My requirements for a streamer are: have at least one optical input (for my TV), be Roon ready, and have balanced XLR outputs (I have some nice cables I want to use). Oh and be able to power it on and off via a remote. 
The PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC was also in the running. But with that I would need to continue using my Auralic Aries Mini as a streamer. 
I was gonna suggest the 505. Good to see you got that. I’m not a fan of CA dacs, I’d have suggested a Topping or a Schiit. But hopefully it’ll work out.
Folks. Decided to try a Cambridge CXN v2 series 2 to replace my Auralic Aries Mini. It will serve as both streamer and DAC for my TV.
I think the DAC section should be an upgrade from the built in DAC of the little Aries mini.
Thanks Geoffrey. But I’ve already acquired the Luxman 505uxII. I hadn’t considered Music Fidelity, but thanks for the suggestion. I which I would have had a dealer near me to audition one and the many others that have been recommended. I know the sound of Luxman well, having lived with a 590axII for over a year now. I have grown found of it: sound, fit and finish. So decided, to go with another Luxman for my family room system. 
At the moment I’m in need of a good inexpensive DAC. 😁
What about Music Fidelity?   They are always getting great reviews. They are not over  priced either.

Krell makes great stuff

Bryston too.

Best Integrated amp for the money would be Music Fidelity.  You could all their stuff new.

Luxman integrated amps are super but are twice the cost
Thanks Don Jr. i would really like to check out Accuphase someday, but they seem hard to find here in the states. I’ve never come across any in all the times going to Capital Audio Fest or the FL show. I might have missed them, but cannot remember ever seeing or hearing them. 
Thanks to all for the kind and thoughtful advice and recommendations. 
Now I need recommendations for a nice DAC. This is mainly for my TVs optical out. So not looking for high end. I stream music straight from my Auralic Aries mini and use its built in DAC. Sounds rather good to me. So if a reasonable DAC can upgrade that so be it, but if not I am fine with using the built in DAC. 
Was considering 

Cambridge DAC magic (similar time my old CXA80s built in dac I presume)

Topping E30 ( has a remote which is nice)

Parasound zDAC version 1 used

Wyred 4 Sound DAC2 v1 used (a stretch in what I really wanted to spend, given the outlay for the 505uxII)

Good choice with the Luxman. I had Hegel and I wasn't a fan of the build quality or sound. Luxman is on a different level. I have an Accuphase, also on a different level.
The Luxman 505uxII is an amazing amp for the price. When putting a new system together I demoed one, loved it so much over others I snagged a nearly new L509X for a good price, and have been extremely happy :-)
I use a Parasound Hint 6 in my TV system driving a pair of Tyler Acoustics Highlander 2's. It works extremely well and doesn't cost a fortune.
Erik and others...

Down to:

1.  Used 550ax - $2925
2.  New 505uxII - $3300

Some folks tell me there is a big sonic difference between Mark I and Mark II versions of these amps.  I only have experience with my own Mark II version of the 590, so have nothing so go on confirm this notion.  

Sonics aside, the new 505 of course comes will full manufacturers warranty.  
Thanks Erik.  I think the 509x is a bit too rich for me at this time. ;-). Especially in a "second system" that I use mostly for TV viewing.  

I was considering a 505uxII.  Hopefully one comes up on the used market soon.  I think it would be perfect for my needs / wants.
If you are worried about heat, switch over to the 509. :)

I just read somewhere that they are less warm, which for me was a good thing. :) I went from amps that were too warm and very happy with the 507.  Idle power is 86W vs. 170W for the 550. 
Of those four options.....easy choice. #1 all day.

If worried too much about class A heat, go with the corresponding 500-level Luxman class A/B
Thanks Erik_squires!  I already have a Luxman 590axII, so well acquainted with the sound.  It's great!  I'm seriously considering a 550ax for my second system.  My concern is that, because I will leave it on for long durations (sometimes all day and night) that it will heat up my room quite a bit.  

So, I'm considering the following options, which I will also put dollar costs next too; since that is also an influencer.

1. Luxman 550ax (used) - $2925
2. Marantz KI PM Ruby (new openbox) - $1800
3. PS Audio Strata (new) - $2100
4. Do nothing and stick with my Cambridge CXA80 - $0

You should listen to Pass, Ayre and Luxman if you can.  Those three sound enough different that you are sure to have a preference.

Pass Labs INT 60.  And if you want to future proof with much higher power, then the INT 250.
So you are saying that I can connect my speakers and the sub directly to the speaker out terminals on the Marantz integrated amp?

Does a banana type termination fit inside the Marantz bare wire entry port?  I ask because I have a spare set of speaker cables that are terminated with bananas.  
REL subwoofers prefer use of a fairly simple Speakon cable that connects to the speaker terminals on the amp side. You can use bare wire or attach you own termination connectors if you wish. REL's Youtube channel offers excellent videos explaining these connections to various amp types.


I use banana connectors from my speaker cable on the amp side into the Marantz (spades on the speaker side), and use the Marantz bare wire entry port on the same speaker terminal for bare wire from the REL Speakon cable. Both can connect simultaneously. As you probably noticed, Marantz 2 channel amps do not support LFE.
For those that have recommended the Marantz KI PM Ruby, how do you connect your subwoofers?

The only way I can think of is using speaker level inputs.  Is that a good option?  
Hi Tweak1, 
Yes that is probably true.  I would have thought PSA would have lowered their prices a bit once going direct.  That hasn't happened.  

Thanks for the info on W4S.
Since PSA went direct, and kept the MSRP, they are pocketing ~ 40% more, so they get your trade for free

Now, W4S integrateds are excellent and Underwood HiFi has a couple left under $1500.

Kingsleuy many thanks! That’s sound advice!
What I have is definitely great for TV viewing and the occasional time I want to listen and cook or just don’t want to walk upstairs.
You make valid points! I should just walk my ass upstairs when I want to really listen! Haha. At least while I still have enough bends left in my knees!
Thanks to all who have weighed in! Much appreciated!
Wow.  Lots of great upgrade suggestions for a system that is "mostly for TV viewing".  It appears to me, you have a very good system right now for TV viewing.  And quite capable for casual background music.  For more serious listening, walk upstairs.  Put your dollars up there.  Your Stereo Nirvana.

If you are aiming for a fabulous Home Theatre experience for TV viewing, this would be another path to undertake.  
If resolution is your thing, then consider the Kinki Studio EX-M1 integrated. I doubt you'll find anything better without spending multiples of it's asking price.

I still have my Marantz Reference PM15-S2b which Ken Ishiwata worked on using some of the tricks he used in his Ruby series and as fine as it is, the Kinki easily wins out on the resolution front, as well as dynamics and sound staging. It all goes hand in hand when the resolution factor is upped: everything improves.

All the best,
The Luxman  550AX is a very nice choice. If you find one used, I would be all over it.  If that’s the kind of sound you’re after, your list should also include LTA ZOTL Ultralinear and LTA Z40 Integrated. Pass Labs INT-25 would also be a great choice, although a bit neutral and dry when directly compared to the LTA offerings.  

However, I would not consider the PS Audio Strata unless you audition first.  It is not in the same ballpark as the other amps mentioned in this thread.  I have a strong aversion to dry sounding amps, that’s just my personal preference.  

Third thumbs up for the Marantz PM KI Ruby integrated. I upgraded from Parasound Halo separated to the Ruby and feel it has better sound resolution and placement. It is beautifully built, with a simple, subtle interface. I considered the Hegel 190 as well, but opted for Ken Ishiwata's full analog approach.