Warm, rich but detailed SS preamp (made you give up tubes)

Anyone come a cross a warm, rich but detailed solid state preamp that engaged you and gave you that spatiality of a good tube preamp?

I suppose im thinking of C900u or Accuphase?


Thank you so much for the very detailed response. I think it’s a super cool looking preamp, wish I only needed 2 inputs though. I still do vinyl, cassettes, and CDs in addition to streaming. I usually have a tuner too but got rid of it last year.


While it’s always system and room synergy that counts, how well your systems components get along with each other, in your set up and room environment, I’m sure I could be happy with any of these SS preamps, even though I’ve never actually heard any of them (except for the Museatex):


Motif MC7/8, Klyne, Dolan PM1, Nova CPA-100, Threshold FET 2, Spectral DMC10, Krell PAM 7, Museatex AVC-1


@bluethinker What tube pre and power did you have?

Did you find you lost anything going from that chain to 590ax2 ?

I’ve found the Luxman 590axii class an amp delivers a warm sound when paired with the proper speaker and Dac.


I also own a high quality all tube system - tube preamp and tube power amp - and the Luxman 590axii delivers a soothing and warm sound signature. Nothing is etched or mechanical sounding. 


Speaker pairing, of course, is crucial. 


Originally I had a ML 38s that I really liked very much until I wanted to start going with tubes and chose ARC. And finally upped it to a REF 6SE. The ML 38s is a very good sounding SS pre. And a very good bang for the buck. 

I am still using it presently! I bought it on the strength of reviews that I read. I ordered one new from Mr. Morrison for $700.00. I was coming from a passive with a stepped attenuator, and it was a revelation to me. Of course. like any audiophile, I had to try other things. 

First it was Joule Electra. All fixed up with new tubes (by me from Vintage Tube Services). It had weak dynamics compared to the ELAD, and was bland overall. Next came the Lamm Deluxe. I bought it, and had it sent directly to Vladimir in Brooklyn for a checkup. The sound was a huge disappointment. It sounded grayish, and more solid state than tube. Sold it and went back to the ELAD. It sounded great as always. Had a few extra dollars, and decided to try a Canary Audio pre, based on affordability, build quality and reviews. It was the best of the tube ones I had tried, and had a more "filigreed " treble presentation than the ELAD, but still lagged behind on silence and dynamics.

If I had to describe the sound, I would say very natural and non-electronic, big stage and wonderful instrument separation. Good depth and wonderful color and reproduction of instrumental timbre. It's just a great pre. 

I am certain that it can be bettered, and I would never try to say otherwise, but it is just one of those pieces that is a real find for someone like me who isn't wealthy.

If you can find one, I strongly recommend that you buy it. I am very glad that I didn't sell mine. Oh, and with the money that I got from selling the Canary, I bought a carbon fiber bike. That was a good move too.


Have always been curious about that little Morrison Elad preamp, looks so cool!  How is it & what did you use it with?

Yes I own one of the FM155 copies.It is much better than say A Mystere CA21 tube preamp I have on loan and a class or two up on a Musical Fidelity A3 Cr I owned [which is a pretty good SS preamp].Not quite in the Supratek league but nothing I have used is.It does not sound SS-it just sounds really good.


Do you own one? I've seen them on aliexpress and always wondered what they sounded like.

The FM Acoustic FM 155 copies you can by from China [Ali Express]  for around $300 sound staggeringly good.Not just good for the money but good by any standards.The real things were around $20,000.

Morrison Audio ELAD. Bargain of the century, but you have to buy it used because he isn't making them anymore, just speakers.

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For what it’s worth, I really love my Audible Illusions L3.  No, it’s not SS, but has only 2 tubes.  Engaging (you’ll want to listen for hours and hours), warm (but not slow), spacious (lots of air, wide, deep soundstage).  Doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
Never gave up tubes!
have the Carver designed Sunfire amp, w the 1 Ohm resistor out to the speakers....
it has the boomy bass of tube amps, crunch of the mid, and highs smooth.

Great amp!

 Love this amp! Class H, but power to spare, never clips!!

I the highend segment ii went from AR: 40 th Anniversary to Ref 10 with DR tubes to Dan D Agustino Momentum and updated to the HD version.
i my ears it was one step up the lader every time.
the 40 th is quite romantic but  takes many houers to warm up and get somehow transparent. Got rid of it a year after which is about the time i need for having tried all my tweaks on a item.

the Ref 10 is very good but compared to Momentum not quiete enough as well as more technical playing. I ended up with a very good preformance and had it for 3-4 years.

The Momentums are more organic, a little warmer and much more holografic , the HD version expands the soundstage to infinity.
I expirience the Momentuns as more tube like compared to the Ref 10 which only worked well with DR tubes.
The powercord is however Extreme importaint on the Momentums as well as the fuse but i guess it common in this highend level.
i am using my system all i can ( No TV in the house and dedicated lisining room) so tubes like the DR’s actually are rare to find and now i dont think on the running tubemeter.
happy lisining
Another + for Sutherland.  I'm using the N1 preamp and it is stunning.  A true straight wire with gain.  If you can find one you will never look back.  It is full featured and awesome.  Engaging in spades!
Otherwise, if you can live with the compromises, Klyne...as roxy54 so simply stated.
Don't go around i circles with the same old brands, Europeans have been working hard and not just on their Cars

Do yourself a favour and listen to AVM from Germany, they have both Solid state and Hybrid. I have the Ovation PA8.2 with Tube output and I've never heard anything so musically satisfying anywhere else. 

I also sell SPL (also German made / coincidence...) Solid State that has amazing harmonic richness and the best 3D imaging I have heard. It's crystal clear, not to be mistaken for lean, it has great controlled tuneful bottom end as well. All SPL gear work on 120VOLTs circuits ! Unique to them.

Going back to AVM and their Proprietary Tube (T803) output. I have not been a tube guy ever before, too many shortcomings for me, but when I heard these from AVM I was blown away. The best of both worlds!!!
They only use tubes on their low level outputs or inputs on some of their amplifiers. They designed their own Tubes because they didn't like the issues that I don't like with tubes. 

Yes I'm a dealer but I'm very hard to please, ask the women in my life - LOL
If you are truly after the warm, spatial sound of tubes, go McIntosh and be done with it.

I agree Sudgen is great, have owned and own several pieces.  Actually still have an A21SE among others.  However, the OP queried about preamps, so that suggestion might be redirected to the Sugden Masterclass LA-4 which I’m sure is terrific.

Another ridiculously cheap and frighteningly good SS preamp is the ATC newer version.  I own that too.  It is quite good without being clinical.  Doubtful anything SS will quite pull off the warmth and acoustical properties of well designed AND executed tube gear.
Contact Steve at SMc Audio. All the sexiness of tubes, without the hassle. He will work with you to create solid state nirvana. He built me an amp and preamplifier and I am very satisfied.
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Museatex AVC1, beautiful spatial quality to it.  I’ve had many different tube & SS combinations over nearly 40 years in this hobby, and if you don’t want a tube preamp, then try to find one of these.

  I’m sure there are many other SS preamps that are nice sounding as well, but if I were you and I wanted the sound of a tube preamp, I’d buy a tube preamp.

Ok, but how about using a tube input for something like a modern class D output stage, like the Purifi 1et400a. Would this be better then a traditional all round ss amp?    
I am partial to the Ayre MXR-Twenty or the KX-5 Twenty. The KX-5 is hard to beat for the money. There is one currently listed for $5500.00 This is, in my opinion the best deal anywhere. 
Absolutely love my Wyred4Sound STP-SE. 
It's very neutral without the sterility you sometimes associate with neutral. The new Benchmark LA4 has the same design philosophy and I'm sure would be another great choice.
The only solid state preamp I've owned that gave most of what tube preamps offer was a Classe DR-7, but they were rare (100 and something made) and would be hard to find.

One was for sale a couple of years ago and I include the URL as the description may be of interest.  It had a separate power supply the size and weight of a power amp, and two phono stages.

D'Agostino Momentum HD. I replaced all my Pass gear (XP-27, XP-30, X260.8 monoblocks) with D'Agostino Momentum electronics and love the sound.
I have the greatest respect for Nelson Pass and his products, but the D'Agostinos made my Pass stuff sound flat and greyish in comparison. Lots of dynamics and clarity, but wonderful weight and fullness as well.
Many McIntosh amplifiers get you pretty close, I have had a few including MC7270, MC7300 and currently an MC352. Matching it a good McIntosh preamplifier is best. I have had a lot of the other brands mentioned in this thread but only quit switching gear with McIntosh, and they will outlast and retain better value than most.
Late 80s NAD 1600 or 1700. They come with excellent tuner, mm/mc phono stages. Remotes are better than most of today’s.
I like my SMc Audio DNA 1, updated last year by Steve and Pat. As detailed, rich and natural sounding as I've ever heard. Not warm like tubes, but its never left me wanting them either. Never fatiguing. A different amp than the original McCormacks. Worth a look. 
The Pass Labs XP-30 made me leave the tube preamp behind.  Unless i had a change to get into a VAC Statement Pre at firesale prices!
Hello hilde45,

     I have that Keith Greeninger track as a 24 bit/96KHz FLAC file download on my hard drive, excellent direct to hi-res digital recording with very realistic dynamics as heard and felt when listening to acoustic music played live.  Carmen Gomes is also very good if you like intimate jazz recordings.
     Blue Coast is a good source of these high quality direct to hi-res digital recordings as is Sound Liaison in Europe which has a lot of Carmen Gomes downloads available at very reasonable prices.
       I think downloads are a good method for both consumers, receiving very high quality recordings at a fair price, and the music artists, receiving royalties for each download.

@noble100 I hear you! The first time I listened to "Looking for a Home" my mouth just dropped open. I had never heard anything so present and real in my room before. Unbelievable. https://dsd-guide.com/fdn/keith-greeninger-dayan-kai-0

This was interesting, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttMNfFFi_Js
Hello hilde45,

     True, it's not always easy finding good recordings on the music one likes.  I've become a big fan of direct to hi-res digital recordings due to their very detailed and natural sounding recordings with uncompressed dynamics. 
      I wish all the major artists recorded using this method.  When you buy a hi-res digital download, you're literally getting an exact copy of the original master recording.



Right-- use better quality recordings, when available, and keep things out of the signal path (with fewer interconnects). Absolutely. But there are things out there which are never remastered so, I guess it depends on what one is listening to.
I was going to post Sugden also, but audioguy above beat me to it.  It's a great choice for what you are looking for.

Riviera Audio Labs is another, but at a higher price point.

(Disclosure....I'm a dealer for both Sugden and Riviera).
The answer is Sugden, a brand seldom mentioned here, for reasons beyond me....In particular, the Sugden A21se. It is a 30 watt pure class A single ended solid state integrated. Sugden IS the pioneer of the SS class A design. It possesses all the qualities you are looking for and when combined with say a tubed phono stage, sounds sublime. Yes, it will not play loudly with inefficient speakers, but get the pairing right and it will play loud enough, with great detail and warmth. I use mine with Tannoys and it’s the best sound I have heard. Go and read all the reviews of the A21se and you will come away with a better understanding of what this amp can do. It is all analog design, no dac, no digital inputs/outputs etc...just a pure class A design by a company that’s been doing it longer than anyone. Sort of like Tannoy, the oldest speaker company. Ironically, both made in the UK/Scottland...another legend comes to mind  the Linn Sondek. All 3 form a dream system, at least to me. 

Tannoy LtdIndustryAudio Electronics and SpeakersFounded1926, London, EnglandFounderGuy R. FountainHeadquartersCoatbridge, ScotlandArea servedWorldwide

Sugden Audio is an engineering company that manufactures hi-fi and audio equipment. Founded by James Edward Sugden in Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire in 1967, the company is best known as the manufacturer of the Sugden A21 amplifier.