Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Another strawman politically driven post against truth by promoting half truth...

Even a child understand that a new technology always is born by a STRING of scientists works, not one..But is this contradict the fact that there exist a man who devise the first idea? No save for someone reading self promoted "fact chekers" employed by the censorship google itself...It is easy to verify who has the idea of mRNA technology...It is a year date in all books....Even biased wiki said so....



Newsflash: Robert Mallone did NOT invent mRNA vaccines. He was simply one of many who had a hand in their development. He sounds rather sour-grapes-ish about things.

Who is behind mass forced insane vaccinations here?

Do you also believe that it was FAUCI, of all people, who had Mullis killed.....?



Another insane post politically motivated, taking a non proved, probably and certainly false fact, and putting it in my mouth and attributing it to me...All that to hide a verifiable fact about Fauci reputation...

But someone unable to think inevitably will destroy even the branch where he sit unbeknownst to him and visible to all...

Insulting is not thinking sorry....But it is well known that some has no care for truth...Only count political points in their game...

Quoting your post like i did is stupid on my part i agree...I am not perfect for sure...

Discussing with fools is itself a fool business...

My best to you ...

Do you also believe that it was FAUCI, of all people, who had Mullis killed.....?




One man's opinion - based on previous scientific disagreement - hardly constitutes a "verifiable fact" about "Fauci reputation".

It verifies the opinion of one guy who didn't like Fauci's use of the PCR test to link HIV and AIDS.  Nothing more, nothing less.   

Your attempts at wisdom do, however, carry a measure of amusement.  However disjointed, deflective and hypocritical they are.

Perhaps you should take your own advice.......?

The opinion of many ...and among them of 2 Nobel winner prize who know this man are not a proof but they had more value than your opinion about Fauci promoting him here...

Then read my opinion like you read your own...

You dont know who is Fauci, these 2 guys know him professionnaly ...

Call me an idiot but keep your hypocrital acusation for yourself...

you have only post political motivated attacks here...


There is no attempt at wisdom by the way....Wisdom is wisdom...

Even a crook could spoke and mimic a wisdom seer...

Wisdom is simple for sure; for example "dont insult" maxim ...

if a crook say "dont insult" ; the fact that a crook say it, substract nothing to the value of the advice itself ...

Then accusing me of "faking" wisdom speak about you not about me...


You are completely ignorant of facts about the power and greed implication of corporations in Fauci business control...Easy to verify...



hartf36 Are you conscious that your post content is a political rant like those you attack rightfully or not?

Sorry mahgister, but this time you're painfully wrong on this one. HIs post was a medical one based on his expertise on the subject. The fact that he points out how wrong others are due to their politics doesn't make his doing so political.

And, don't you just love the censorship going on from the snowflakes who rail against it? What blatant hypocracy and cowardness on display.

All the best,


You learn a lot from threads like this in a hifi forum.  About people.  That's about it.

Easy to verify...

Oh, I fully expect they are!

Kind of like that Federalist article "documenting" how masks were hazardous to children! Maybe we should just peruse a few issues of that one - I’m sure we’ll stumble across something that talks about Tony Fauci’s iron-fisted control of Big Pharma (in partnership with George Soros) and his minority interest in the Rothschild’s space lasers! ⚡⚡




Your reaction resemble a child reaction when he "proudly" spot an error in the discourse of a grown up...

Uhmm OK, so read further in that asinine post by @artemus_5:

"Why is the vaccine mandated or lose your job?"

Why have vaccines always been mandated for children if they want go to school? Same reason. They don't call it PUBLIC HEALTH just for giggles, you know?

"Why do you still need a mask IF the vaccine works?"

Because vaccines are NEVER, EVER 100% effective, and you can be transmissive anytime you are infected, whether you are symptomatic or not. Exactly as with Influenza, measles, etc. etc.  As pointed out ad nauseum by every expert everywhere, while ignored in the fever swamps of the internet.

"Why is ivermectin, hydrochloroguine et al not allowed to be used despite its efficacy rate?"

There is no established "efficacy rate" for either of these. Just anecdotal nonsense. YOU tell ME why anti-parisitcal medications *would* be efficacious against a VIRUS? All real studies have shown hydroxchloroquine to be ineffective. Both have side effects as well. Yes, vaccines have side effects, but they are also efficacious.

"Why is the vaccine mandated even on those who have had Covid and have better immunity than the vaccine gives?"

Evidence is now clear that in fact, "natural" antibody response is not as effective as the mRNA vaccines. And no one knows the length of antibody activity at this time.

So, @mahgister6, you tell me whether, in light of the baseless nonsense in the rest of his post, I should assume he a) obviously knew what he was talking about, but made a simple ommission, or b) he's clueless about biology and vaccines?  If you choose a) then I submit you are hopeless. And, it's not my job to pick out the rare omission out of a trough of swill.

Sorry, but we "children" are wont to read and react to the tone and content of the entire post/response, instead of instead of working ourselves up into a slathering froth on perusing merely the response lede.



is your freedom threatened by mass Covid vaccinations?

Do you not believe they've saved lives? (Perhaps you don't .)

Or do you believe massive loss of life is worth it for your freedom?



Some are putting words in my mouth i never said i will not answer and repeat what i just said above...



Other false non sense about medecine  and the drug observed efficacy in observational studies worldwide  and random trials ...

There exist studies about the value of observationnal studies versus random trials studies and their very different function ...

I will not go further because it will serve no purpose at all you dont want to think... You want to be right ...



is your freedom threatened by mass Covid vaccinations?

Do you not believe they’ve saved lives? (Perhaps you don’t .)

Or do you believe massive loss of life is worth it for your freedom?



Another accusation resembling a fact put in my mouth...

I never contested the usefulness of vaccine i contested the MASS INSANE forced politic mandates obligation...my refusal of mandates is based on mass evolution  dynamic  of mutating viruses in epidemiology first, then on democratic freedom second, yes...Not on Trump or Biden clowns politic...

Vaxx are tools like any drug( ivermectin and others)

Dividing people between "vaxxer" and "horse paste" user is insanity...

Dont put me in these 2 groups of people with words you put in my mouth...

It seems someone who dont take for cash all the " black or white" opinions by these 2 insane group: mass vaxxers and fools " who think Mullis was assassinated" is no more understood...

count me out...

In a schoolyard where there exist two groups of foes ANYBODY is compel to choose.. Sorry i am not one children in your ball park...i think then i am with no groups of extremists: insane political vaxx mass action is not for me nor is negation of the existence of this virus...



Evidence is now clear that in fact, "natural" antibody response is not as effective as the mRNA vaccines. And no one knows the length of antibody activity at this time.

This is correct. 

Funny, I just took a phone call yesterday from a business owner who I have dealt with in the past.  She wanted to know about the status of the federal vaccine mandate (it's lingering, no immediate action pending anytime soon - likely be 1Q 2022 before anything is decided - it's going to SCOTUS regardless of what the Sixth Circuit decides).  Any way, she also wanted to know if vaccinations would be required for those who already had Covid because, you know, those people are "27 more times protected against a re-infection as those who are vaccinated".  I had to gently tell her "no, m'am, that's not the best information available."  I advised her that, while "natural immunity" based on prior infection is certainly valuable, and that it could surely be enough to prevent one from being re-infected, there is no credible data out there to suggest it's better than vaccinations.  Data is piling up by the day that vaccines are more effective at preventing infection than "natural immunity".  It's better than nothing, sure, but it's not better than a double dose of one of the vaccines (which, as has been pointed out, are NOT "experimental").  There really is no substantive scientific debate about it.  A few outliers with agendas, sure (Scott Atlas, anyone?) but.........it's background noise.  

Thankfully, as she always has been when I've had to correct her misinformation during prior interactions, she was very receptive, not argumentative at all.  She wanted to know what information I was working from ("CDC?"), and I politely explained that the CDC is the clearinghouse for all the in-house studies being done by teaching hospitals, healthcare foundations and institutions, regional health departments, etc.  They're crunching their numbers and passing them on:  some are on a community-wide basis, county-wide, state-wide, even hospital-wide.  All manner of numbers are coming in daily from anyone and eveyone who has a hand in tracking, diagnosing and treating Covid cases.  It's unfortunate that the other side just keeps making stuff up at almost the same pace in their zeal to deny reality.  A large portion of the garbage being pushed out is nothing more than Russian and Chinese propaganda.  You don't think they're busily taking notes on how easy it would be to effect a massively successfuly biological attack on America, do you?  Hell, now they see how easy it would be to kill off hundreds of thousands of Americans because...................."freedom".  Very easy to politically divide and conquer with simple propganda.  Make it about..........masks.  Make it about something that Americans of all stripe have gotten for DECADES:  vaccinations.  Little Johnny play Little League?  He needed a "forced medical procedure" in the way of a simple physical exam.  "Forced immunization" to attend grade school.  Now suddenly this is new?  Time to plant a political flag about "too much government control!"?  

They're now calling it a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" for good reason.  When 99+% of serious hospitalizations and deaths are of the unvaccinated....well. 

Look at this way:  if you walk into a casino and have a 99-to-1 chance of winning  $1,000,000 on a $10,000 bet.........who's NOT going to take those odds in a New York minute?  You'd be crazy not to, right? 

Nobody thinks Mullis was assassinated.

Except for some people who use his beef with Anthony Fauci to attack Fauci's credibility and are engaged in a massive character assassination attack on him.  

Not you, of course, mahgister.  

A large portion of the garbage being pushed out is nothing more than Russian and Chinese propaganda. You don’t think they’re busily taking notes on how easy it would be to effect a massively successfuly biological attack on America, do you? Hell, now they see how easy it would be to kill off hundreds of thousands of Americans because...................."freedom".




Insane....Too much insanities claims to rectify...

No comment ....

I go back to Pat Martino guitar....


I'm asking questions to find out your opinions.

I'll rephrase less pointedly:

Do you believe mass vaccinations have saved lives on a massive scale?

if you don't we can stop there.

if you do, then how do you balance the loss of freedom incurred?




Get vaxxed. You are going to die anyway......Thats my view on the whole thing.

I had COVID, got jabbed x2  and just got a booster while in Omaha this week.

Masks are a joke though.


I’m asking questions to find out your opinions.

I’ll rephrase less pointedly:

Do you believe mass vaccinations have saved lives on a massive scale?

if you don’t we can stop there.

if you do, then how do you balance the loss of freedom incurred?


First i apologize to you...

i misread your intention sorry...


Yes vaccinations have saved life...

but vaccination on a massive scale in the actual conditions is not science it is political control...

Especially with a very mutating viruses..A non mutating viruses can be adressed by  massive vaccination of a precise designed population yes but a mutating  reoccuring virus like flu is not... vaccination of ld people and some other people at risk yes and preventive solutions for others are the way...

We then need with vaccination for at risk people on all earth low cost drugs for the non immune compromised majority of people..


This is in a word my position...



The World According to maghister:

Sane: Anthony Fauci controls Big Pharma and has for years!

Insane: Russia and China promote false propaganda on social media in attacking America’s national security (never mind what our national security and intelligence apparatuses say....).

Hey, Fletcher, at least you like Pat Martino! 🥂

Kind of like that Federalist article "documenting" how masks were hazardous to children!


You don’t even have enough research skills to even know where that article came from. Yet, you expect anyone with any sense to believe you know anything else except what you have heard parrotted by someone else. Sure Polly. Sure. Get off the perch and learn something


First Fauci control is a fact...useless to debate about a fact...

Second i dont negate Russian and chinese propaganda EXISTENCE..

I claim to be insane the way you use this fact in your post frantically like mcCarthy used the REAL communist propaganda in america to DIVIDE people in 2 groups: vaxx anti vaxx......

you catch it?

America political choices are not directed now by Russian and Chineese propaganda save for reader of comic books..

Communist propaganda exist but dont explain corporate greed and control in america and world wide...save in super heroes book...

My best to all i quit this thread...

I hate threads where anti-vaxxers show up with their sneering certainty about all things scientific.

I'm not spouting off to anyone about my pro-vaccine beliefs (founded 100% on science & extensive reading, not to mention common sense and an unwillingness to die unecessarily). So please, whenever you get the urge to post vapid, hostile anti-vaxx garbage--DON'T.

You don’t even have enough research skills to even know where that article came from.

Are you referring to the German study that you hung your Federalist hat on?
That got laughed out of publication........?

Party on, Garth!

Second i dont negate Russian and chinese propaganda EXISTENCE..

Pick a place, Fletcher.  You’re very confused. Very confused.

Some people have strange definitions of "fact".

Kind of like how others redefine "insurrection" as "patriotism".



I'm still not clear.

Is vaxxing a means that the government has to exert control over the population?

To what end besides saving lives?

Do you believe mass vaccinations have saved lives on a massive scale?


No. Turn off your CNN type news channel and do your own research. 

My writings and belief will not wake up those who are in a deep coma from fear and fake news. 

4 jabs then 4 more and remember your booster. 

Ban Ivermectin and HCQ and take your 33 jabs and 75 boosters.

It would be great if we could talk and have conversation. But we cannot. We cannot talk and we will not agree. So what are the choices? A nation divided against itself cannot stand. Maybe the saddest part is that one group wishes bad on the other. Here’s some

I would be happy that you are not vaccinated. Good riddence. I won’t reply as you are not worth the bytes and energy. hope your life is short

This has been ongoing for years. Nothing new, except now that side is enboldened to say it. I don’t really care about myself. I’m 70 and have lived a very good life. I can’t imagine Anyone who has had more fun than I. Life owes me nothing, I’m thankful to have had the freedoms I have had. But i can’t imagine freedom spreading or even surviving when we wish death on someone with whom we disagree.

BTW, IF the above is offensive to some here, then pay it no mind. it would be nice to take time to really think. but thats a lot of work for some


I hate threads where anti-vaxxers show up with their sneering certainty about all things scientific.

I'm not spouting off to anyone about my pro-vaccine beliefs (founded 100% on science & extensive reading, not to mention common sense and an unwillingness to die unecessarily). So please, whenever you get the urge to post vapid, hostile anti-vaxx garbage--DON'T.

 Yes sir, we obay your command, sir. 



But i can’t imagine freedom spreading or even surviving when we wish death on someone with whom we disagree.

On that we definitely share common ground. A lot of animals on the other side of that fence however.

I've spent 4 1/2 decades in the Pharma world - still in it - including many vaccines like Flu and Smallpox. There are no "conspiracies" that I've ever seen. Like corporate America in general, the motivations of companies range from heartfelt desire to help people to unbridled greed (like the pharmabro clown).  The latter, except in very rare instances (e.g. branded companies colluding with a generic manufacturer near patent expiry) makes the idea of the companies colluding mostly laughable. FDA reviews and approves vaccines, Fauci is not involved in any way with that.  And once you've seen a few dozen actual clinical trials, the anecdotal claims of wishful thinkers pretty much laid bare the folly in correlation being used as causation.

Anybody remember Laetril?

rvpiano i know for a fact that you are an honest person in all meaning of the words..

Please dont be offended if i dont want to answer a very complex question with only few words that will be only sources of misunderstanding between irrational warring political groups here...

By the way i am not in conspiracy theory...No need for that to explain and understand why technological power and greed has steward humanity in a crisis...

i read philosophy and science and i can assure you without conspiracies facts ,true or wrong, that i could for example describe why all history of philo and science through the nominalism phase in the 13 century lead us to this crisis...No need for right wing or left wing american propaganda...pure historical science teach us WHY there exist a worldwide crisis... This was already partially explained by thinker like Goethe and Cassirer after him...

This health crisis is not different than the crisis in our understanding of acoustic for example... What is a sound? What is human body health? Why we forgot or hide what it is and what it was...Why do we change our idea about sound and body and what are the consequences?

But i hope that you will understand that a 10 pages post explaining the parallel between the "sound" question in science and the health crisis now, will be a useless enterprise here..

In a word no, Biden dont conspire to kill Americans or to control americans, it is an old man thats all... .... For the rest i cannot go further here about that crisis for the time being especially in this insane thread...


My deepest respects for you....



I’m still not clear.

Is vaxxing a means that the government has to exert control over the population?

To what end besides saving lives?

I personally I belong to neither party....I vote for who ,I want to....that's our right....I had my shots and booster shot.I had cancer Grist  cancer in 2018.i should of died and didn't so.i got my shots....every year I had a flu shot....I'm a personal chauffeur, I had 6 clients ,No one wants to go to plays, or concerts or a night on the town....this coronavirus has cost me plenty....all i hear is ,stories and stories and more stories....most of the people who died were either old or not in the best of health  and that's a fact...Good luck to Ron and his family....

Yes vaccinations have saved life..

They're not V. Turn off the news. NOT Vax.



They're now calling it a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" for good reason.  When 99+% of serious hospitalizations and deaths are of the unvaccinated....well. 🗣💩

They? For good reason? 99.8 survival rate. 

Glory I will title it Pandemic of the stubborn who refused to follow PPE protocol and Pandemic of misinform both Vaccinated and Unvaccinated.i am also a frontliner.

To be honest my friend took care of patients who got sick after the vaccines , I wish it’s a coincidence .Only time will tell. 

Glory this are not vaccines they are genertic therapy, maybe why people don’t want take them. Most of the people I know , they don’t believe vaccines  can be made in less than  a year , they say 5 to ten yrs is the minimum,The survival rate you post is for the children correct?why some scientist said children don’t need the vaccines.Let’s hope for the best. 

@jayctoy - You were misinformed then. These mRNA vaccines are indeed vaccines. They stimulate the production of T and B lymphocytes that key on the spike protein the RNA codes for -that is what vaccines *do*, evoke the immune response. This mRNA platform has been in development for over a decade, and its whole thrust is to be able to rapidly adjust *the platform* to code for different proteins, and thus for different organisms and viruses. There is nothing, whatsoever, in the vaccine that's *from* the virus itself. Unlike Flu where portions of the deactivated virus are used to stimulate the immune response, the mRNA vaccine does it by having the patient cells build and express the spike protein that forms part of the viral capsule. It's not FROM the virus, as traditional vaccines are, hence its ludicrous for anyone to claim you can get COVID from the vaccine. Literally impossible. With mRNA platform you need only isolate a protein, or proteins from the viral coat, code the mRNA strand to produce the protein, and incorporate that into the delivery platform.

This is totally different than virus based vaccines, like Influenza that require infecting chicken eggs and growing the virus so it can be harvested and deactivated, and purified.  Or the Smallpox vaccine which is very old tech using a live virus as the sensitizing agent. Smallpox is caused by a Variola virus while the vaccine is a live Vaccinia virus (hence the name Vaccine) that's related to cow/monkey/camel pox. Again, you have to grow the virus (and they are very picky about growth media, unlike bacteria), and *that* is the rate limiting step for development, clinical trials, and commercial manufacturing. COVID is the proof of concept vaccine for the mRNA platform, and will likely overtake all old platforms going forward.

It is absolutely true that had this not been a pandemic, approval would not have been fast-tracked the same way it was, and FDA would've required longer phase 3 studies before approval (in this case an EUA), because they are very risk averse. However, the data now available on the mRNA vaccines vastly, by orders of magnitude, exceeds the the data available prior to approval of any other vaccine. Keep in mind also that there have been Phase 1 and 2 studies being conducted under INDs (investigation new drug application) for the mRNA platform for over a half-dozen years, and all that data was before FDA for years prior to any use for COVID. This was not developed in a year, that's just a fact, easily verifiable by anyone.

Research "Fauci and HIV", Research his long association with Moderna. Research the many patent holders.

Post removed 

It's surprising and alarming how many people nowadays equate Google with research. When someone says, 'I've done my own research', all that means is I've spent a couple of hours on the internet. 

Thank goodnes both hartf36 and khuhges both decided to chime in. But I'll bet ya, dollars to donuts, that the usual suspects have already discounted what they've said and will just retreat and continue to try to convince others, elsewhere of their lies. Please guys, don't go anywhere soon. 😀

All the best,


Research AZT for HIV. The problem with quick searchs, Google (CIA) example will bring up ... "Fact-checkers" .... He did NOT .... it's been DEBUNCKED...  and some people stop at that.    I got rid of Television in beginning 2006, never missed it for a second, and have been researching more and more ever since. And yes, I would keep tabs on the MSM. I seems to me that a couple members here are PURPOSELY playing a game, sad to say. 

I guess the moderators remove comments that deride anti-vaxxers as not knowing a thing about medicine, but are fine with anti-vaxxers spewing their ignorance on this forum.

Therefore, see you.  It's been good listening to you discuss things you actually know about.

I’ve spent 4 1/2 decades in the Pharma world - still in it - including many vaccines like Flu and Smallpox. There are no "conspiracies" that I’ve ever seen.

Not one of the people in this list will take your claim seriously and not me either...

If you never see any conflict of interest in your business i deduced you are an ostrich...Grow a brain out of the sand....


I read many of these researcher articles, by far most of them top scientists, or simply doctors, whom collaborated with Robert Kennedy in his book about Fauci...

Are they all, like me, in the eye of some here, DELUDED, about what is at stake in this crisis?

Some can war against each other in static political trenchs, i prefer to think OUT OF the political stupid box...left or right...Repeating like toddlers Trump or Biden mantra is not my hobby...I am canadian i already have my own clown to deal with...

I prefer to read this list of people opinions...And for a large part of them I READ THEM already...


Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale University Professor of Epidemiology, Editor,
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Board of Editors, American
Journal of Epidemiology (2014–2020), biostatistician

Dr. Robert Malone, original inventor mRNA and DNA vaccination
technologies, NIH Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventionsnd Vaccines (ACTIV) Clinical Working Group (2020), Editor-in-Chief,
Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines (2007–2012), Salk
Institute (1986–1989)

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Senior Ebola Program Manager, Global
Alliance for Vaccines & Immunization (2015), Head of Vaccine
Development for Germany’s Center for Infection Research (2017),
vaccine developer at GSK (1995–2006), Novartis (2006), virologist

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Chief Scientist and vice-president of Pfizer’s allergy
and respiratory research division (1995–2011), respiratory

Dr. Luc Montagnier, Virologist, 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Chair of the Parliamentary Assembly, Council of
Europe Heath Committee (1998–2010), member of German Parliament
(1994–2009), pulmonologist

Dr. Peter McCullough, clinical cardiologist, vice chief of internal
medicine at Baylor University Medical Center (2014–2021)

Peter Doshi, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy associate
professor pharmaceutical health services, and Associate Editor at The
British Medical Journal

Dr. Paul E. Marik, Founder, Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance,
Professor of Medicine, Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Eastern Virginia Medical School

Dr. Pierre Kory, President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front-Line
Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, Former Associate Professor, Chief of
Critical Care Service, Medical Director of Trauma and Life Support
Center at the University of Wisconsin (2015–2020)

Dr. Byram Bridle, University of Guelph associate professor of Viral

Dr. Tess Lawrie, World Health Organization consultant, physician

Dr. Didier Raoult, Director, Infectious and Tropical Emergent Diseases
Research Unit (France), physician and microbiologist

Dr. Peter Breggin, National Institute of Mental Health (1966–1968),
Harvard Medical School (1963–1964), doctor of psychiatry, author of
more than 40 books

Dr. Meryl Nass, physician, vaccine-induced illnesses, toxicology, expert
delegate to the US Director of National Intelligence bio-threat study
program (2008)

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Medical Director Monsey Family Medical Center,

Dr. Charles Hoffe, physician

Dr. James Todaro, physician

Dr. Scott Jensen, University of Minnesota Medical School Clinical
Associate Professor, Minnesota State Senator (2016–2020), physician

Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist

Dr. Jacob Puliyel, Director Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, St.
Stephen’s Hospital (India), past member of India’s National Technical
Advisory Group on Immunization

Dr. Christiane Northrup, University of Vermont College of Medicine
Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology (1982–2001),
physician, three-time New York Times bestselling author

Dr. Richard Urso, MD Anderson Cancer Center assistant professor (1993–
2005), Chief of Orbital Oncology, scientist

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida, professor University of
Florida College of Medicine, associate professor at UCLA’s David
Geffen School of Medicine, assistant professor of Population Health and
Medicine at NYU School of Medicine

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Harvard University professor of medicine,
biostatistician, epidemiologist, expert in vaccine safety evaluations and
monitoring infectious disease outbreaks

Dr. Michael Levitt, Stanford University biophysicist and professor of
structural biology, 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Dr. Satoshi Ōmura, biochemist, 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine

Dr. Paul E. Alexander, US Department of Health & Human Services
Senior Covid Pandemic Advisor (2020), WHO Pan American Health
Organization (2020)

Dr. Clare Craig, UK National Health Service (2000–2015), pathologist,
Oxford University and Cambridge University trained

Dr. Lee Merritt, US Navy physician and surgeon (1980–1989), past
president Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Microbiologist, head of the Institute of Medical
Microbiology and Hygiene at University of Mainz (1991–2012)

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University Medical School professor,
physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy
expert focusing on infectious diseases

Dr. David Katz, Yale University, founder of Yale’s Prevention Research
Center, physician

John P.A. Ioannidis, Stanford University Professor of Medicine,
Epidemiology and Population Health, physician-scientist

Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Oxford University epidemiologist, immunology
expert, vaccine development, infectious disease mathematical modeling

Dr. Catherine L. Lawson, Rutgers University research professor, Institute
for Quantitative Biomedicine

Dr. Salmaan Keshavjee, Harvard Medical School professor of Global
Health and Social Medicine

Dr. Laura Lazzeroni, Stanford University professor of biomedical data
science, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences

Dr. Cody Meissner, Tufts University professor of pediatrics, expert on
vaccine development, efficacy, and safety

Dr. Lisa White, Oxford University professor of epidemiology and

Dr. Ariel Munitz, Tel Aviv University professor of clinical microbiology
and immunology

Dr. Motti Gerlic, Tel Aviv University, clinical microbiology and

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, University of London professor of infectious disease,

Dr. Helen Colhoun, University of Edinburg professor of medical
informatics and epidemiology, public health physician

Dr. Simon Thornley, University of Auckland epidemiologist and

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Senior
research scientist


From Robert Kennedy book : Who is the real Tony Fauci....



And i precise for the slow working brains here that my posts are not ABOUT being vaxx or not being vaxx... Each people are free and vaccines must be used in many cases anyway...

My posts here are about the completely insane political mandate to force vaccinations on a massive scale....It is scientifically insane...

All of those who persist to reduce this debate to vaxx versus anti-vaxx war parties are simply idiots... Sorry...

Vaccinations of people at risk is sane and good, massive indiscriminate forced vaccinations is INSANE...All these people above and me think the same...