Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


RFK Jr is opposed to all vaccinations and he also protests the innocence of his cousin in the murder of Martha Moxley. Glad that is cleared up. WTF?

I hope all the people that think vaccinations are not effective should not take them, they may get sick and die, thereby ridding the planet of the VERY DUMB. Humans have no natural predators, and therefore need to have some mechanism to cull the herd. Viruses are perfect for the job. You could argue that's what a virus is for. If you don't want to be vaccinated... please don't, thus improving the genome for the rest of us. Way too many stupid people in the world... they are bringing down all of us.


You are hoodwinked by calling it a Vax. 🤡🎪🤹‍♂️

Who says it a Vax?. The news, governments or Frankenstein doctors?

Terminologies must be correct. 



Hey Joe,


Go get another shot and a few more booster. You're so smart you know what is injected into you. You have the list of ingredients right in front of you on a piece of paper. Oh, you don't know? Trust the science and let them fill you up with whatever it is but it's not a Vax.

Here we have an example of the stupidest post ever made here... Alas! there exist other like this one...

I hope all the people that think vaccinations are not effective should not take them, they may get sick and die,



After that post, this one is benign...But....

Your claim is an half truth... And perhaps you know it or not, but half-truth may be worst than a lie...

He is an advocate who take the defense of vaccinated victims people in their legal right...HE SEE THE VICTIMS all day long...It is not like being an audiophile here typing against vaxx in an audio thread....

Defending victims right to be compensated , this is not the same thing that claiming that all vaxx are useless...Do you catch it?

Or perhaps for you vaccination exist without any risk calculus being  necessary ?

RFK Jr is opposed to all vaccinations

sterejoe may be onto something as some have proffered that Gaia has had it with us and the virus is the solution. I can envision the Earth shaking itself like a big, wet, hairy dog, shedding us off like droplets of water. After that, balance restored.

All the best,


You want to believe cranks and crackpots because they align with your chosen world view, have at it. It’s free country. But don’t drop your drawers in public, metaphorically, and expect people not to point you out and laugh. They/we live in a free country as well.



It is clear that you are UNABLE to produce arguments only strawman attack against all people i just listed because they dont think Kennedy is a crackpot...

you have probably not read a single articles by any of them...I read many none is an idiot... Assimilating them all to be crack pots is beyond any rationnality...

Your case is closed...

No conflict of interests in the worst greedy businees and the more corrupt on earth with bank business and you see nothing about conflict of interests?😊

Are you a failed stand-up comic?



By the way how do you know my world view?

You cannot, your brain is it seems divided in 2 : pro-vaxx or anti-vaxx...

i dont work with binary opposites and ready made explanations...



"Go get another shot and a few more booster. You're so smart you know what is injected into you. You have the list of ingredients right in front of you on a piece of paper. Oh, you don't know? Trust the science and let them fill you up with whatever it is but it's not a Vax."

LOL! I love this one, a truly ubiquitous classic - @Glory, hate to put pin to balloon, but you have no idea what's in any branded drug you get, or in any food you purchase. You don't know the sources of any of those materials, their purity or impurity profiles. You don't know what's in the water you drink everyday.  I doubt you're a toxicologist, and if not, you have no idea of the import of any of those materials, and couldn't assess them anyway since you don't know the concentrations so you can't calculate a maximum dose.

And you can holler "it's not a vax" all day, it is a vaccine, and you're continually trumpeting your ignorance.


Are you reading comprehension challenged? You cite a crank, and then cite a number of folks who's articles you've read - or claim to. You ignore that *I* have defined Kennedy as a crank, that informs *MY* opinion of your position and predilection. You can agree not not at your whim, makes no difference.

You ignore that when one, such as yourself IMO, reads to validate, not to educate, the conclusions drawn from such "research" are totally suspect.

You cant emulate a petulant child in declaring "Your case is closed..." as though you have some say in the matter, but sorry to disabuse, you have no such superpower.

Im not sure Maghister claims he read those articles, I believe he may have cut and pasted RFK Jr's bibliography. 

Post removed 

Moral question: So if a person decides to not take a vaccine (virus non-specific) because of personal reasons (again non-specific) and that person falls ill to the virus that vaccine would have provided proctection against, should that person be a priority for hospital care over another patient (typical emergency, i.e. heat attack, car crash, etc.) when bed availability is maxed out? Just curious. 

@femoore12 That's a difficult and deeply sad decision either way and even sadder healthcare providers have been pushed into it by a group that's largely selfish and entitled.

There’s a video of a husband who’s wife has stage 4 cancer and required a 4 day stay for treatment and recovery and she was discharged in the middle of the 2nd day due to an overflow of unvaccinated Covid patients. It was up for many news cycles.

To say he was pissed was an understatment. He said if one refuses to believe in the science and advice of medical professionals, then stick to your beliefs and stay at home and fend for yourself and leave hospitals free to treat those who need it and are vaccinated.

There are lots of stories like his and his wife as well as hospital staff that are burned out by the imbecility of others. We had this just about conquered and then it just exploded again thanks to them.

Right now, Europe is experiencing a big uptick in infections and we always follow the trend by a few weeks, at most. Again, from the imbecility of others. It’s like they want us to fail.

All the best,


Post removed 

Hmm? Thought this was an audiophile site? Not a pathetic pissing match. Wow. Some of you really need to get an f-ing life. Let's move it back to arguing if expensive fuses are worthless or not. 

We have had government mandated vaccines for years. What is the problem now?

Greedy bastards on tv, cable, radio, and the internet making money spouting nonsense about freedom and rights. They care nothing about Your freedom or rights. Your freedom ends when it threatens my existence. Continued covid cases increase the chances of variants. The Delta variant is nasty; maybe the next one will be even more virulent.

And what is irony of all ironies? The orange one fasttracked the vaccine and took pride in doing so. 

Mr. Hughes keep plugging away at the lies. Thanks.

Any vaccine used in the past, correct me if I'm wrong (🙄) required one shot. This they gave one ... THEN said a second is needed. Only AFTER that required a booster. Only AFTER that required a second booster. NOW Fauci on video says the vaccines are not working as well as first though and yearly (never ending) boosters will be required. Now Gates on video says a new vaccine and better delivery system is coming (paraphrased). THE VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE NOW!!! So after each shot THEY say JUST ONE MORE? What if in the very beginning "they" said this coming vaccine program will require two shots, then yearly boosters for the rest of your life, once you begin taking them? Or your other choice is just not begin? Would you choose yes or no? 🤔

First it was the Corona. Then it changed to Covid. All the while referred to as a Virus. Then it morphed into Delta, but still also Covid. Now it is sometimes referred to as the Disease. First Vaccinations. Next referred to as Boosters. Now (annual) it will be Inoculations. First was the Afgordable Health Care (it wasn't) which changed to Obama Care. First Global Warming ... changed to Climate Change. Russians were going to bomb USA. Then Middleast Terrotists. Now White men  domestic citizens are THE Terrorists. Hate speech is now including hate THOUGHTS . Since the realization of the many genders, odds are 70 to 1 i got it wrong, so I should figure out what I am. It turns out I'm one of the very rare ones. I'm a man who think's he's a man. 🤔

.......I must have missed something here while I was asleep. I thought this thread was for people who like music and stereo equipment. '' I must be Bugs Bunny taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque ''......had to spell check that one ! I am still looking for an answer on how good the Berkeley Alpha DAC Reference 3 is !!! I do wish Ron the best as this does stink and people are dying because of it. No matter which side of the fence you are on as that is our own choice ......but just be aware that if you do or don't get Jabbed, at least respect your choice as it does have consequences to others safety and health.

I'm with andysf on this one.  I wished Ron a speedy recovery for him and his family and also suggested that he seek out the medical professionals who have years of education and experience in dealing with infectious diseases for their advice.  I am also assuming that he and his eligible family members did not get the vaccines because that would've been the second thing out of his mouth, right after "We've been sick".  Giving so much information about the status of himself and his family but conspicuously leaving out any mention of vaccinations is a glaring omission that I'm sure no one missed.  His conscious decision to put his family in unnecessary jeopardy with all of the evidence staring him in the face every day proving that vaccines are safe, effective and offer the best chance of keeping you/your family/those around you alive and out of the ICU makes me less likely to want to take any advice from him on lesser matters, like audio. 

Any vaccine used in the past, correct me if I'm wrong (🙄) required one shot.

Some childhood vaccinations require one shot to help the body build a defense. Other vaccinations have to be repeated so the body can maintain a defense (cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, etc.). My job/career requires me to carry the infamous yellow International Certificate of Vaccination issued by the WHO. I have received all these vaccines multiple times over the years. I have to admit the rabies vaccine (2 shots) was the worst. That one really hurt. Covid is just another vaccine on the yellow card to me. 

isochronism, very sorry if you can't keep up current events and progress, but that's on you. The ACA was never officially called Obamacare - that was a term that was meant to be derogatory but ended up to be an alternate reference by both supporters and nonsupporters. Whatever you call it, it is very popular in the US and you benefit from it yourself if you are a citizen, whether you realize it or not.  And, as no surprise to most people, viruses mutate and medical information/treatment protocols change and become more refined as more data is available.  So tired of the "I just don't know what to think" crowd who still want to pull out the mask recommendations from 2 years ago, or want to "agree to disagree" about undeniable truths and facts.  Keep up, do your research from official sources (and so you know, Facebook is not an official source) and stop being so lazy.  Now, back to debating the merits of cable risers and audiophile fuses.

bikerbw, I don't blame you for not reading every word of all five pages. Although, I previously stated that I've never so much at looked at Facebook once, no thanks. I made that statement because of being accused of recieving my info hence opinion from there. So here I go again. It is funny that those on either side are so fully sure they are correct. Obviously some are fully wrong. Research both sides well. Go with the one that make's sense. Good luck.

"Stop being so lazy". Actually, lazy is sitting on the  couch, with remote in hand, switching news program to news program. I dumped TV well over a decade ago. No 🍕 and 🍺 either. 😄👍

I have solution to all this arguing. Let's outlaw vaccine research and vaccines, get rid of public health altogether. The masses should simply accept idea of depopulation as way to solve many of the issues facing us on an earth. Let Darwinism rule as only the strongest humans and nations will survive future viruses that may be dispersed by adversaries. Or maybe we can pray it away, God will certainly take care of his favorites.


I don't mean this in jest, this may in fact be the way forward as the masses become more  innured to mass death. Wars have long been acceptable means to solve arguments, mass casulties simply the cost of winning, why not wars fought by introducing viruses the masses don't have access to or refuse to take. Funny that some of those blaming China for the virus may be the same people refusing to take vaccine, yep. China is winning.

More vaccines and more boosters more mutations, more variants, more spike protein more confusion and weakening of God given perfect natural immune system s.

It’s better to have more information before putting anything in the body.

It’s not fair to blame the people for the pandemic,who refuse to take vaccines, unvaccinated are the one who wears mask , how can they spread the virus then?when I watch sports I see many unmask spectators , my guest those are vaccinated people. That’s still very unsafe. My 0.3 cents.

Scenerio: Parent walking by small child's room hearing them talking. "Who are you talking to"? "My (invisible) friend". "There's no one there stop lying". Flash forward. That parent is now in bed dying (of old age, sharp mind) The adult child is now the care giver, hear's parent talking. "Are you talking to me"? "No, so and so (other parent) is here coming to get me". Walks out of the room shaking their head "Their mind is gone" 🙄 

ml, refer to your started thread - "Let’s make this a better community!? One final shot" - where you even state "I’ve not been perfect". Neither am I. Only a few here are, and they KNOW it. I DO enjoy this place!! 😄

"Any vaccine used in the past, correct me if I'm wrong (🙄) required one shot."

As pointed out previously, you are indeed wrong. Vaccines as common as Chickenpox (Varicella) are multi-dose, as are Hepatitus A and B, and many require annual boosters. Once again, if you had an understanding of what vaccines are, and what they do, you would understand why that is perfectly logical. People talk about vaccines "wearing out" or "stopping working" - but that is profoundly inaccurate. Vaccines are totally transitory in the body - they are destroyed by the body in short order, by the very same immune respose they provoke (except for mRNA vaccines which use the natural iintra-cellular mRNA post-use elimination mechanisms, the proteins produced are removed by the immune response), and after that its totally up to your natural immune system to "remember" the pattern for antibodies needed if that infection returns. Vaccines do not *create* any immunity, they trigger your own body to create its own immunity by *simulating* an infection with the particular pathogen.  Get it?

This is why vaccines are NOT drugs. They do not have any intrinsic therapeutic effect. They trigger your body to defend itself. They bear absolutely zero functional relationship to antibiotics or antivirals that do, on their own, destory infective agents. So please, if you do nothing else, learn the difference as it's key to understanding vaccines. And if you do get COVID, you can then refrain from asking for the vaccine once you hit the hospital, and if you do so anyway, and they laugh, you'll understand why.

"First it was the Corona. Then it changed to Covid. All the while referred to as a Virus. Then it morphed into Delta, but still also Covid. Now it is sometimes referred to as the Disease."

Seriously, why you maintain such willful ignorance? This is akin to saying "well first it was AIDs then it was 'the gay plague', and then it was HIV, all while being called a virus". Well DUH! They all refer to the same infection and infective agent, one just being a pejorative.  Corona is a family of viruses (some of which are responsible for many common colds, and has been know for many decades), COVID is simply COronaVIrusDisease, the "-19" is simply an identifier of the year, 2019 it was characterized. You also hear it called SARS-COV-2, which is merely a generic term for the second SevereAcuteRespiratorySyndrome identified as caused by a Corona virus. All the same virus, all the same disease. None of this is hidden, none of it takes more than 2 minutes on Google if you have any curiousity. This is not hard.

Now Delta, ah yes, that's a good one. Here's where folks like you can step up and take FULL credit for the folks infected with the Delta (and subsequent) variant of COVID-19. Unlike bacteria, or parasites (like the Plasmodium that causes malaria for e.g.), viruses cannot do anything at all unless they can infect a host. They do not possess any "cellular machinery" to perform any metabolic processes. The ONLY WAY viruses can reproduce, and thus mutate, is to infect a host, let's say oh, gee, an unvaccinated human, and for subtle changes to be made to some of the viruses due to transcription errors during replication of the viral RNA (or DNA depending on the virus). That's it. The more infections, the higher the reproduction rate and the higher the number of viral mutations. Even with the vast majority of those mutations being detrimental to the virus, out of trillions and trillions of viral genetic material transcriptions, some of those are going to cause a small positive change (from the virus's point of view) in the virus allowing it to become more deadly, or to spread or infect more easily, or to remain viable outside of a host longer, or some combination of those and similar traits. Then even more people die, and at some point, it *can* mutate to the point where antibodies made in response to vaccines based on the wild type virus, no longer recognize the new one. And Death reigns once more.

So yes, Virginia, you really can endanger the lives of many, many others by sheltering in willful ignorance, refusing to be vaccinated, and thus volunteering to be host for the next viral mutation orgy. It's not just your life, your liberty, you're playing with here. So spin the wheel and see if you win a chance to become the next Typhoid Mary!!!


@jayctoy You seem to have that backwards typically those who get vaccinated are also more likely to wear masks, in public indoor settings at least.

Thank you. Although, it is agreed upon by experts that have anylized many sealed bottles that this IS NOT a "vaccine" and holds no therapeutic benefits. MSM report’s that differently. Good luck to all, sincerely.


"weakening of God given perfect natural immune system"

Well that's a load off my mind! Here I have been laboring under the assumption that humans have been dying from pathogens since time immemorial.

Had only those middle-ages millions in Europe known this when Yrsinnia pestis came a'knocking I reckon they'd all still be alive!  Learn somethin new every day.

Fact: if you take the vaccine you have a chance not to die from covid 19. 

If you choose not to take the vaccine because of right wing politics, religious beliefs, poor logic, etc, and infect your entire family with covid, you rolled the dice and lost. Decisions. 

What I don't get is these people make a decision that effects everyone they come in contact with. I don't dare to go to the store without wearing a 3M N95 mask. And I understand the store's policy of requiring everyone to wear a mask or don't enter. 

Anti vaxxer's are a threat to society. Keep it real and speak the truth about it. 


"Although, it is agreed upon by experts that have anylized many sealed bottles that this IS NOT a "vaccine" and holds no therapeutic benefits."

Really? Please cite some of those "expert" reports.  First, you cannont "analyze" an mRNA vaccine to determine it's "not a vaccine".  Period. You could sequence the RNA once you extract it from the vehicle matrix, but that would not tell you it immunogenicity/. You would have to perform In Vivo and In Vitro studies to determine whether it shows immunogenicity or not. I'd be more than happy to look at any of such studies you'd care to provide.

Had you read my last post you would know that it is fully recognized (by the fact permeable population) that vaccines are not therapeutic agents.They are not claimed as such, that is why they are not classed as drugs. This is not a semantic quibble, it determines the entire body of applicale laws, it determines the type and duration of tox, pre-clinical, and clinical data required to demonstrate safety and efficacy. It's a totally different regulatory framework that applies. Now I have seen the ignorant claim that it can't be a vaccine because there's no virus in it. That's simply stupid. IF there were ANY detectable viral particles in the mRNA vaccines they would be considered as contaminants, and the product would be discarded as adulterated.

Clearly your mind is made up, and nothing that doesn't agree with what you want to believe has relevance to you. Blinders are a poor way to explore the world, IMO, but its your choice. Hopefully you neither get COVID, nor spread it to others.

Good luck all, and Happy Holidays! Turkey day is almost upon us.

I think that people who throw appeal like that to all in social media illustrate a sleepwalking dangerous behaviour appealing to scapegoating and violence...


Anti vaxxer’s are a threat to society. Keep it real and speak the truth about it.

I am not an anti vxx for sure, but any vaxx must be used in the right window of efficiency with a precise risk calculus.. Especxially new tech one called"vaccination" which is a complete new technology with an old name...

Especially unprooven, unverified, new tech vaxx, adopted speedily because the alleged lack of any treatment, which is a blatent lie...

this new vaccins must be reserved if we were wise to AT RISK PEOPLE ONLY...Not forced on all people with no recourse if they cause secondary negative effects...

This post illustrate the sheep character of people in a crowd and their incapacity to awake their brain to do real study...

And it is a science proven fact that vaccinated population can transmit the virus like unvaccinated one then why staiyng so ignorant and appeal to segregation against free people which anyway had their own unknown history and reason to not attend to this  MULTIPLE series of successive vaxx world wide experiment?

 This appeal "anti-vaxx are a threat to society " like anyone who appealed to kill sorcerers in the past or to anyone in a crowd to lynch someone we dont like for sure, this appeal mimic murder cries all allong history...Scapegoating and lynching people of any designed traits is a well known habit by all crowds around the earth...


I will go on silent for the time being....


As I’ve stated before, there is a desire among some to see to it that this virus doesn’t go away. These are demented people. They’ve gone from "owning" people with insults to phsyical intimidation to now knowing they’re really hurting and possibly killing others. The fact that they’re killing their own is incidental and of a collaterall nature.

For them, it’s all a natural progression but they hide that fact behind all their rhetoric and bluster. They’re enjoying this. Think about that and decide whether you still want to converse with them here and in the real world.

As anyone can see, they’re grasping at straws here in this thread and still won’t relent. They see themselves as on a mission.

All the best,


Another appeal, a rant, assimilating someone of the other group, be it a vaxx one or one who  dont take the vaxx, never mind, to be a political fanatic waiting for the death of the other party...

This post also illustrate fanaticism of someone in sleepwalking reaction to his foes imaginary or real...

Why could we not discuss with sane reasson instead of condemning in a dement tirade half of the population that think otherwise?

Is the world exist between right and left?

Not at all...


As I’ve stated before, there is a desire among some to see to it that this virus doesn’t go away.

Another unconscious sheep from the crowd will come to condemn someone who dont thimk the same that he is an assassin irresponsible because he does not take the vaxx? or He is an ignorant fool because he take it ?

Come on spill your COMMON stupidity, vaxx or unvaxx, i dont give a dam, i will listen...

My point of view is SANE THINKING.....VAX OR UNVAXX....

But in medecine any third party introduced between the free patient and the free doctor is a crime against the sacred link betwee you and your doctor...

Vaxx must be used, in the right population at the right time not forced...



i read that a vaccine should not be able to cross the blood stream, According to the scientist stated that the spike protein is able to cross the blood stream, then to the organs , according to them this is where the problem happen.

nonoise - "as anyone can see" 😂 The day to give thanks is soon upon us. Best wishes to all 🥂

At the present times we are at the crossroads of history, any thinking must be oriented toward peace and peaceful solutions and serious studies...

Any answers coming from "left" or "right" perspective is UNABLE to show any usefulness...

Because the ancient old answers were born in a world where divisions between people and nations could be preserved like they were in the past...

This fact exist no more...

No country is an island no more...

For the first time in history we are all brothers or we will all die...

Nothing of that comes from right or left political parties...

Nothing of that comes from communism versus capitalism...

Change your tagging habit or prepare yourself to die idiot....


To add a "smile"😊😊 to my too serious post i will add a piece of my new discovery about acoustic : we dont know what sound is, nevermind all the scientific research of the last millenia...

It is a thrilling discovery for me....Not knowing what sound is...But is it surprizing? no because all cultures has developed his own relation to basic phenomena and our occidental civilization history mutate under our eyes right now...Then even our own understanding of what "sound" is will change...Like ourunderstanding about the "human living body"....

Like will change our notion of what is a "human body"... What is "sound" and our idea about it will change...

The most important thinker i stumble into this week is Karl Friston... If the word genius apply, it apply for him... Read and think ....it is more easy to understand his point anyway than to dogmatically speak about vaxx or unvaxx politics...but anyway prepare yourself to think, he is supposed to be very deep and difficult... Test your brain and come back to me and explain to me what is your understanding... It will be more useful than speaking propaganda....
