Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Remember when some Trumpist had no arguments and was serving to you the same absence of reason and only mockery and insults with comic book video and images?

Do i need to remember to you the name of some and the way they acted at the time? You act exactly like them right now....


Hey, these guys may just be right and onto something. Those 3 microchips that were planted in me with the vaccine are rubbing together and making noises, or it’s my arthritis acting up.

All the best,


I just watched 6 testimonials today of people describing their vaxx injuries, and 3 others talking about their loved ones dying from it. This in in the last 30 minutes alone.

Laugh it up.....the joke is on you....you just don't know it yet. 


mahgister, you're probably about ready for some more Pat Martino. "Butterfly Dreams" - Stanley Clarke Children of Forever 👍




Pat Martino is indeed way more than one of the greatest guitarist i ever listen to...

His only peer for me is an unknown "god" here of the tanbur in Iranian music.. Ostad Elahi being also the greatest musician Yehudi Menuhin say he ever listen to...

The reason is Pat Martino plays like a composer and a musician, not just like the average guitar virtuoso, his unmistakable style, united melody, rythm, and harmony in an never ending unity, so much powerful that all the 20 albums i ownede already are like one single album , one piece of music only...

The reason is his music is so DENSE and DEEP, rythmically,melodically and harmonically that it is no more just guitar virtuoso but a NEW KIND of interpretation an creation with this instrument...And all musicians playing in his albums are heavily marked by his direction... They dont play their part only like in the most majority of jazz albums..He musicians playing around Martino plays under Martino melting steel musical flow, they seems disciples more than side partner...Thst speak a lot about his genius...

my best to you...


Hey, these guys may just be right and onto something. Those 3 microchips that were planted in me with the vaccine are rubbing together and making noises, or it's my arthritis acting up.

All the best,


mahgister, you're probably about ready for some more Pat Martino. "Butterfly Dreams" - Stanley Clarke Children of Forever 👍

Cartoon images, bad jokes and insults seems the way to some...

Nonoise you mimic the behaviour of people you just denounced and hated in the beginning of this pandemic...

This is the problem with a party line, you must turn the head where the party dictate ...

i hated crook Trump but i will say that i hate way much senile Biden vaxx forced stupidest politic ... But between a clown and an old fool i cannot and dont want to choose...

I thought I was on Audiogon; looks more like Q-Anon.... 

👍 😀👍

The anti-vaxx movement is so strong here that I may take you guys on as partners and open a nationwide chain of swimming pools that allow diarrhea.


Any piece of data must be used not like an argument in a war of insults but in a context..

This context crisis ask for relating each piece of data to others data...

But more important than data is common sense...

We cannot, being non experts, judge all data value by ourselves..

But we can read 2 opinions and reach a conclusion if the evidence is linked to others facts and others opinions than just only pure raw data...

For example Kary Mullis opinion about PCR use is of most value than Fauci opinion, he create this tech and never benefit from it...

For example Robert Malone opinion  creator of the mRNA vaccination is of most high value about this kind of vaxx or about this precise technology than Fauci...Who never practise medecine and was ONLY a bureaucrat commanding with Gates the most powerful research budget in medecine on earth... No scientist could say ill about Fauci and stay in the field .. NONE...

For example Luc Montagnier opinion about viruses is more credible than the opinion of Fauci the friend of the crook Robert Gallo in the aids fraud...

For example Michael Yeardon insider pfizer vice president of research opinion seems more valuable than Albert Bourla actual director of Pfizer...

And Sony Barger anyway the first Hells Angels president seems more credible than Albert Bourla discourse, guess why? but think before speaking....

For example we can awake ourself about the history of corruption in big pharma..

We can read the opinions of insiders from big pharma who are no more paid and confront what they are all saying...

We can think about the long history of epidemiology and see that there was never a confinement of the world population before INCLUDING the vast majority of healthy people at the cost to lost their livelyhood.....


The anti-vaxx movement is so strong here that I may take you guys on as partners and open a nationwide chain of swimming pools that allow diarrhea.


YUK, I mean I REALLY got a visual on that.. How on earth did you think up that one.

That's better than eatin' bugs.. I can almost remember feeding pigs at my Aunt Sarahs as a kid.. Pole cat or two in the background to add a little character to the already wonderful aroma. :-)

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Post removed 

It is very easy to repeat for our own use the post of an ... (pick the adjective)

The proof:

"The PRO-vaxx movement is so strong here that I may take you guys on as partners and open a nationwide chain of swimming pools that allow diarrhea."



Save for idiot, sorry, unable to look for anything other than a good  nail or a bad nail in everything  with a hammer attached to their hand...


The anti-vaxx movement is so strong here that I may take you guys on as partners and open a nationwide chain of swimming pools that allow diarrhea.

Intelectual Dishonesty is simply the worst quality of an idealogue’s mind. It makes actual conversation and exchange of ideas impossible.


What you call dishonest, I call beatting a horse to death.. So do the rest of AG crew. Do you want to hear the other side or just rant about YOURS..

We get it. You said your peace to DEATH. That's Texas/California talk for Girls TALK, and Boys Fought.. Use it, how God intended. Two Ears, Two eyes, One mouth. Take the cotton out of your EARS and stuff it in your MOUTH. My fathers old words.

Time to fix to chicken coop.

Heavy Duty Master Mechanic RETIRED..

The anti-vaxx movement is so strong here that I may take you guys on as partners and open a nationwide chain of swimming pools that allow diarrhea.

I read the autobiography of Kary Mullis ...

The Nobel Prize winner for the PCR technique which is not a testing device, by the creator own denunciation of the way it was used because we can use it to spill any results we wanted to..


A character so charming, so surprizing, so unorthodox, and i was delighted...

A devoted scientist...Active against Fauci in the AIDS crisis by the way...A repetition by Fauci action at the times before the same actions repeated in this one crisis..( in a word promotion of pharma killing drugs interdiction of low cost treatment etc)


I read Luc Montagnier also a Nobel prize, who right or wrong, enter this public space to express his concerns courageously...And he talk to a few on the earth globe who are like him very competent in virology and related fields dont you think?

i read other scientists books... Didier Raoult a top scientist also...Save these 2 nobel prize winners...Geert van den Bossche seem more than competent read his bio...

But none is so astounding than the Robert Kennedy book about Fauci and about the crisis..

Anybody saying that all these characters are nuts because they oppose TV, Fauci, and the silent fearfull others scientists whose livehood depend of their alignement to the watchwords, anybody who say that without reading them, confronting their views with others before mocking, and matching all the knowledge these people UNPAID by corporations had to say seems himself nuttier to me...


By the way i was mocked here by ORTHODOX non creative people who are consumers mainly about my creative non consumers non upgrading stance in audio... The same people sometimes which are aligned to "watchword" in audio and dont experiments by themselves before speaking are now aligned to others "watchwords" in other crisis than the audiophile market...Why am i not surprized by this fact? 😁😊😊

@yuviarora most people are not interested in challenging their closely held beliefs. Intellectual honesty requires a lot of hard work 🤦‍♂️

Ollie North was 25 cent’s shy of being a little Castro.. 

Coincidentally,  I was just at the house of and speaking with Oliver North's former bodyguard the other day. Name is Allen. Nice, soft spoken fellow.


You folks know what a Joey is right... It hides in it’s momma pouch.. The Bunker..

AND his dummer than DIRT son.. What do you do with that one? Sellin' Art. Ok I'll bite.. Lanscapes of him breading with sheep. What a do do brain.

There is always a pattern to threads such as this one.....The complete silence when the pro vaxx side is confronted by indisputable facts.

Africa has a 6% vaccine rate, and the lowest mortality for covid.

If I beleived something different, and I came across that fact, I would have a come to Jesus moment, almost like a stop the presses revelation, I would have to get to the bottom on that glitch in the narrative.


But here, there is nothing but silence.

Intelectual Dishonesty is simply the worst quality of an idealogue’s mind. It makes actual conversation and exchange of ideas impossible.


Add to that: the most highly vaccinated countries have the worst covid outcomes and are going back into full totalitarian lockdowns. The problem is staring you right in the face. 

Thanks for the read ! because they are always with humor and characterized by a non foldable will character which remind me of your post about your mother... It seems you are his son indeed... Thanks for the read it is always interesting...


I’m vaccinated, I’ve been all over the world. I’ve seen people resist malaria treatment. Malaria, SUCKS. I’ve seen countries with bad water and the nasty effects on the locals. Usually detergent, chemical and bio contamination.

SARS is very communicable so is hepatitus, I don’t want either, so I protect myself from both. I don’t swim in water unless it is LIVE, and NO water is consumed unless it is treated, below 2800 feet. I wear a mask and wash my hands, just like every doctor and nurse that hasen’t been vacinated and didn’t get sick..

It is HOW you treat YOURSELF not others.. My hands very seldom touch my face.

I agree there are a few animals that need to be put behind the fence. Unfortunality behind the fence in the US just means the OTHER side of the WALL.

Our prisons are jam packed full of people that need to be put to work, some to never see the light of day, and a WHOLE bunch that probably shouldn’t be there. They should be turned over to the families they harmed. There are a very few that just got railroaded.. General Tommy Franks was one "The Hurricane" was another and Ollie North was 25 cent’s shy of being a little Castro.. Say what you will.. Him and Rummie Ronnie Reagan were NUTS with power.. Voice of Americanisum my A$$.

Biggest crack pot to ever enter that office of the United States.. Obama was a close second.. I’ll bet he wished he didn’t know anyone with the last name of Clinton. He was a close 3rd, BUT I did make good money during the last 4 years of Clinton after 12 years nutty Ronnie and Poppa Bush (I really liked him) Baby Bush, NOT so much.. Dick Cheney. The most powerfull president of our time, that wasn’t a president. LOL Bunker Dick Cheney..

Who else stays in the ol buncker? Surely for a different reason, Can’t remember where the White House is.. LOL Walkin around eatin’ CBD that don’t get you loaded (YUK YUK) and start bumpin his head again. Poor Joey.



Below the belt and points deducted ... you might wanna look out for that TKO ....


Well said Master M. Well said..


No need to pee in the soup pot, that every one shares.. :-)



The discourse of intelligent people and stupid one is not evident from the content sometimes not even sometimes from the arguments used in the discussion,  but the discourse of intelligent people  is  ALWAYS evidence manifested by  the absence of insults...

I’m vaccinated, I’ve been all over the world. I’ve seen people resist malaria treatment. Malaria, SUCKS. I’ve seen countries with bad water and the nasty effects on the locals. Usually detergent, chemical and bio contamination.

SARS is very communicable so is hepatitus, I don’t want either, so I protect myself from both. I don’t swim in water unless it is LIVE, and NO water is consumed unless it is treated, below 2800 feet. I wear a mask and wash my hands, just like every doctor and nurse that hasen’t been vacinated and didn’t get sick..

It is HOW you treat YOURSELF not others.. My hands very seldom touch my face.

I agree there are a few animals that need to be put behind the fence. Unfortunality behind the fence in the US just means the OTHER side of the WALL.

Our prisons are jam packed full of people that need to be put to work, some to never see the light of day, and a WHOLE bunch that probably shouldn’t be there. They should be turned over to the families they harmed. There are a very few that just got railroaded.. General Tommy Franks was one "The Hurricane" was another and Ollie North was 25 cent’s shy of being a little Castro.. Say what you will.. Him and Rummie Ronnie Reagan were NUTS with power.. Voice of Americanisum my A$$.

Biggest crack pot to ever enter that office of the United States.. Obama was a close second.. I’ll bet he wished he didn’t know anyone with the last name of Clinton. He was a close 3rd, BUT I did make good money during the last 4 years of Clinton after 12 years nutty Ronnie and Poppa Bush (I really liked him) Baby Bush, NOT so much.. Dick Cheney. The most powerfull president of our time, that wasn’t a president. LOL Bunker Dick Cheney..

Who else stays in the ol buncker? Surely for a different reason, Can’t remember where the White House is.. LOL Walkin around eatin’ CBD that don’t get you loaded (YUK YUK) and start bumpin his head again. Poor Joey.


These photos are old..

My audio dedicated room was the seat of my listening experiments in acoustic..

It is now finished..

My audio system only with HOMEMADE and peanuts costs materials is now with an S.Q. remarkable AT NO COST....And by the way I sell nothing save creativity then dont assimilate me with anyone for the sake of insulting me...

My main device is an idea born from Helmholtz research and method: a mechanical equalizer FOR ROOM/SPEAKERS INTERACTION fine tunable with modification of the dimensions of the different resonators or diffusers ( more than 40 helmholtz reraonators located at precise spot to control the room by a new distribution of zones pressure in accordance with my specific speakers which first frontwaves are GUIDED to each of my ears with asymmetric position of the resonators according to the first wave front law in psycho-acoustic).I tuned the resonators for my room like a piano tuner tune a piano...

Then i will appreciate you dont mock "wise" people labor to align with a blind consumer ,perhaps an idiot it seems to me with this first contact , who just mock my room past photos... it is called "straw man" argument to be polite here...

My room is sillier now anyway and will be easy to mock especially for people who walk with "no clue" in life...By the way...

Did you have " clue" in life or mocking other is a hobby? i think you are a very honest person...Dont apologize i will myself smile at the look of a room like that...But i will not use that to mock publicly the owner that is the difference...

Who laugh the last with my S.Q. results do you think?

In life circonstances only simple mind judge on appearance without thinking... If it become habits the simple mind become an idiot...



Thanks, and thanks for your comment in my other thread.

But, please excuse me: I’m still a bit in shock ;-)


Thanks, and thanks for your comment in my other thread.

But, please excuse me:   I'm still a bit in shock ;-)

Prof i know you are an honest dude and i really know four sure you have good heart..

But you intelligence level dont impress me sorry...

Insulting for the sake of insulting reveal severe limitation...

H-o-l-y...S.....T !

I never saw that before. He must be roomates with Geoff Kait.

I mean, to each his own, but suddenly, it explains so much....




That’s as good a start as any.


Occaisionally an anti-vaxxer/resistant person in ICU or before dying of covid realize they made a dumb mistake. But given how far down the rabbit hole many go, plenty dig in their heels right to the end. And then instead of taking any lesson whatsoever from it, often their friends and family say something along the lines of "We all admire George. He made a Free Choice, so no one should judge him, and we all admire him sticking to his principles."

As if Dumb Choices are automatically glorified under the banner "Freedom!"

Don’t be George.



And to think this is an Audio forum?

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

My wife- 60 years old with serious asthma problems, a clear comirbidity, got tested after vaca in SC and before visiting anyone here, positive for Covid-19, zero symptoms, well past 10 day hiding period.

Me- 65 years old in an age group where Covid is most likely to pose a threat, got tested prior to going to a family event and a large indoor public event, positive for Covid, zero symptoms into my 7th day of the 10 day hiding period.

'Both of us fully vaccinated, including boosters.  Take it for what you will, I'm calling it success.


"I think Ron's video is a pretty strong argument for getting vaccinated, even though he does not explicitly state that."


Based strictly upon his words, Ron's message could be interpreted as " This terrible thing has happened, out of the blue, to our family and there was nothing we could've done about it", as if there had been no advance warning and no possible strategy for avoiding or minimizing the impacts.And the responses I've read on youtube have been largely in this same vein. 

I don't know the guy so I have no idea what he might be thinking but not saying. There was certainly no explicit acknowledgment that he could have handled it differently -- that he chose to ignore the advice of the great majority of health practitioners, world-wide and in so doing, brough this calamity down upon himself and his loved ones. 

Given that he's suffered significantly, one might think, for the sake of other families who are anti-vax, Ron might be inclined to make a far less ambivalent statement. Perhap he is still too "shell-shocked" to think of anyone else or perhaps he's still convinced he made the right decision, like the Covid patients dying in  ICU's who still refuse the vaccine. To say the degree to which he side-stepped the massive "elephant in the room" was "striking" would be, from my perspective, an understatement. 

I hope that what you suggest is indeed true-- that his video may serve as a "strong argument for getting vaccinated" -- but based upon the virulence and quantity of anti-vax posts on this thread, I have my doubts. 



@prof I will make sure to leave you my dying testimony about my changed vaccine views. How should it go??

I wish I took the vaccine, I repent.

Can I please take the vaccine now? Is it too late?

Please take the vaccine, don’t be me, I am a dumb evil antivaxxer, Russian disninformation is directly responsible for my death?


Is that good? If you have any suggestions, I can add other lines to the script.

Maybe we can turn this into an advertising campaign...... oh .....just like constantly bombard people with the same story over and over and over again......that might be good don’t you think?

Just clicking on the thumbnails in mahgister’s system profile tell me everything I need to know about this dude....wtf! 😂🤣😳


H-o-l-y...S.....T !

I never saw that before. He must be roomates with Geoff Kait.

I mean, to each his own, but suddenly, it explains so much....

I think it must be the racist Doctors/Nurses in the US, hating that black man. God Damn white supremacy, we should poll all the doctors on audiogon...how many have a personal collection of KKK Hoods.


The coronavirus pandemic is having an impact all over the world, but a disturbing trend is evident in the U.S.: People of color, particularly African Americans, are experiencing more serious illness and death due to COVID-19 than white people.


 COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide, with high numbers of fatalities reported first in China, followed by even higher numbers in Italy, Spain, the UK, the USA, and other advanced countries. Most African countries, even with their less advanced healthcare systems, continue to experience lower COVID-19 mortality rates. This was the case as the pandemic reached its first peak, plateaued, and declined. It is currently rising again in some countries, though not as rapidly as before. This study aimed to determine the predictors of COVID-19 mortality rate. This may help explain why Africa's COVID-19 mortality rate is, ironically, lower than that of more advanced countries with better health systems. This will also assist various governments in balancing their COVID-19 restrictive and socioeconomic measures.

Whereas Africa, with it's witch doctors,  has the lowest mortality overall.

Anyone care to park this one in the cheap seats?


prof you must know that classifying people in 2 groups labels like in audio war, subjectivist and objectivist is pure non sense...

You must know that speaking with people is possible when we act without personal attack, and putting labels on people like vaxx versus anti vaxx..

Even when people are wrong, we must suppose they search for truth, and we must not put them in a circus of 2 warring labels that made no sense at all..

my wife is vaxx and accept all flu viruses... I take none...

My goodness. This guy’s posts are right out of the anti-vaxxer/vaccine-resistant playbook. You’ll see exactly the same style of downplaying COVID posting leading up to the deaths of these poor people:

Thinking exclude labelling inflation...


For example , suppose i act like you just did saying that your post is pure exemple of PRO-VAXX at all cost for everyone at the cost of be fired from their jobs, and suppose i put in your mouth even the insane decision to try the vaxx on pregant woman...

Suppose i did that and mock you WITHOUT ARGUMENTS IN MY POST like if my position was PURE truth...

How to discuss with working brain after that labelling? Insults come second after that..like the idiot who insult me after your post...

Why not aligning sane arguments in favor of our own opinion and not attack others for their OWN FREE CHOICE...

Why not analyzing together the REAL SITUATION....

@prof  Citing real facts about covid is definitely downplaying it. How dare that antivaxxer tell the non exxagerated truth. Stuff like that should be illegal.

Thank you for letting us know that he is an evil realist 😱😱

Now i will go hide under my blanket and only come out after I get my 5th booster 💉💉💉💉💉

The reverse is true for me about you and  your personal attack post ..

how old are you to be thinking like a toddler in a schoolyard?


Just clicking on the thumbnails in mahgister’s system profile tell me everything I need to know about this dude....wtf!  😂🤣😳


@tweak1 Wake me up in 7 days when these "secret documents" are shared. BTW you ever notice documents like these will be shared in the future not right now?

Nothing to see here, after all it's Bitchute. How ignorant of the facts people are posting such nonsense about its newsworthiness. Yes there are SOME wackos posting there, but the truth is there too. If you're trying to stop watchin nonsense reporting  stop watching TV news channels


A stunning 5 minute death compilation of Athletes from the vaccine. Safe and effective my ass.


Dude....Rate of hospitalization for Covid is .87%...add in the number of co morbidities to that, and it is only the very sick and old that have bad reactions to it.

You guys out here acting like you are fighting Ebola or the Bubonic plague.

I have a higher chance of getting hit by Lightning, than I do of ending up in your hospitals because of Covid.. So please peddle your rhetoric to someone that isn’t paying attention to the statistics.

Calm down with the Fear Porn...I thought you were supposed to be a medical professional.


Also the 3rd leading cause of Death being a Dumb Doctor, is straight from John Hopkins...Don’t attack the Messenger.


My goodness. This guy’s posts are right out of the anti-vaxxer/vaccine-resistant playbook. You’ll see exactly the same style of downplaying COVID posting leading up to the deaths of these poor people:




Yale... really? Home of Skull and Bones. And you think they are reporting the truth?

Just clicking on the thumbnails in mahgister’s system profile tell me everything I need to know about this dude....wtf!  😂🤣😳


Totally normal stuff