Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Showing 4 responses by arafiq

@desltz -- thank you for serving on the front line. 

Back in April of this year, a good friend of mine lost his mother and brother (only 56) within 15 days of each other. Both were unvaccinated. 

I wish a speedy recovery for Ron and his family. I really appreciated the video. He never comes off as preachy but it's clear that he is using his own example to show what COVID can do. 


It's surprising and alarming how many people nowadays equate Google with research. When someone says, 'I've done my own research', all that means is I've spent a couple of hours on the internet. 

I’m now firmly convinced that this is a James Bond-scale conspiracy to rob us of our freedoms. The scope of this conspiracy is so sinister and massive that 90% of the medical professionals in the entire world, most governments, NGOs, scientists, and people living outside the US have been brainwashed by the evil of all evils ... Dr Fauci!

From now on I solemnly vow that I will shun any kind of information coming from medical professionals, PhDs, and scientists. If you have an actual degree in one of these fields, or have been practicing any kind of medicine or science for that matter, please do me a favor and shut your ignorant mouth. There are better sources of information available to me on Facebook, Youtube, and various credible websites. I also believe that anecdotal evidence is the best form of evidence there is. After all almost anything published in medical or scientific journals is financed by George Soros and his cronies. If you blindly believe in science or doctors, all you’re doing is letting Bill Gates get away with forcing MS Windows on all of us. And those in the know, know that Windows is the most fertile ground for all kinds of viruses. Why do you think Bill is so adamant that we all get the mark of the beast injected in our veins? Seriously, think about it.