Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Showing 50 responses by isochronism

nonoise - "as anyone can see" 😂 The day to give thanks is soon upon us. Best wishes to all 🥂

The new theory coming out is that babies and children etc, with the now rising rates  of heart problems are being blamed on "climate change". I kid you not. But be prepared for the next coming "pandemic" called Marburg right around the corner, as vaccines are already made. That will be responsible for coming rash of deaths. I kid you not, guys. I truly wish everyone well!!

Bob, Might I suggest you check out "Bitchute". It is an uncensored video platform. Many experts, health care workers etc are speaking out, good luck with your search! 

 nonoise, YouTube just stopped showing "dislike" numbers on all videos, that is in itself sensorship. They don't allow videos that don't go along with their agenda. Bitchute allows TRUTHS and freedom. Your gifs of a demonic nature give you away in themselves. 🤔

The "vaccines" should prevent people from getting sick. That was the idea from the beginning. That is why people elected to take it. Now the story has changed. Why??

Zuckerberg's original name was Greenberg. Probably changed to throw people off that his Grandfather was David Rockefeller. CIA is behind Facebook. I've NEVER joined or even saw a Facebook page, no thanks.

I hear health care workers constantly say most all hospitalized "covid" patients are vaccinated. Oh well, I'm not disputing your experience. Hmmm

A whole "pandemic" then vaccine program happening was more than hinted about a number of different times many years ago, many clues given, insiders talking. The premise had been in movies a couple of times etc. This situation we are in now didn't just naturally happen or occur. I truly care about everyone here, even any scammers that may be here as well. Good luck.

Disclaimer: Where used the word "hear" I more accurately should have used "research". Btw, I got rid of Television in early 2006. Never missed it for a second.

tony, Facebook’s "fact checkers" are funded by vaccine companies. That is ALSO on the internet. So not EVERYTHING on the net is true. We ALL need to weed through the info carefully. Good luck! Btw, my name is Elmer J Fudd millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht. 😄👍

The line-dancing hospital workers routines .... all the while over-filled with dying patients, was a good one!! 😄👍

audioman, See this thread topic. You don't have to partake, but don't feel you can set the rules. Don’t be a 3itch. 😄👍 Otherwise I fully agree with you. We have ALL been played with much of what we've been taught growing up. Many just don't realize it yet. Some won't ever. I always wish all the best!!

Research "Fauci and HIV", Research his long association with Moderna. Research the many patent holders.

Research AZT for HIV. The problem with quick searchs, Google (CIA) example will bring up ... "Fact-checkers" .... He did NOT .... it's been DEBUNCKED...  and some people stop at that.    I got rid of Television in beginning 2006, never missed it for a second, and have been researching more and more ever since. And yes, I would keep tabs on the MSM. I seems to me that a couple members here are PURPOSELY playing a game, sad to say. 

Any vaccine used in the past, correct me if I'm wrong (🙄) required one shot. This they gave one ... THEN said a second is needed. Only AFTER that required a booster. Only AFTER that required a second booster. NOW Fauci on video says the vaccines are not working as well as first though and yearly (never ending) boosters will be required. Now Gates on video says a new vaccine and better delivery system is coming (paraphrased). THE VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE NOW!!! So after each shot THEY say JUST ONE MORE? What if in the very beginning "they" said this coming vaccine program will require two shots, then yearly boosters for the rest of your life, once you begin taking them? Or your other choice is just not begin? Would you choose yes or no? 🤔

First it was the Corona. Then it changed to Covid. All the while referred to as a Virus. Then it morphed into Delta, but still also Covid. Now it is sometimes referred to as the Disease. First Vaccinations. Next referred to as Boosters. Now (annual) it will be Inoculations. First was the Afgordable Health Care (it wasn't) which changed to Obama Care. First Global Warming ... changed to Climate Change. Russians were going to bomb USA. Then Middleast Terrotists. Now White men  domestic citizens are THE Terrorists. Hate speech is now including hate THOUGHTS . Since the realization of the many genders, odds are 70 to 1 i got it wrong, so I should figure out what I am. It turns out I'm one of the very rare ones. I'm a man who think's he's a man. 🤔

bikerbw, I don't blame you for not reading every word of all five pages. Although, I previously stated that I've never so much at looked at Facebook once, no thanks. I made that statement because of being accused of recieving my info hence opinion from there. So here I go again. It is funny that those on either side are so fully sure they are correct. Obviously some are fully wrong. Research both sides well. Go with the one that make's sense. Good luck.

"Stop being so lazy". Actually, lazy is sitting on the  couch, with remote in hand, switching news program to news program. I dumped TV well over a decade ago. No 🍕 and 🍺 either. 😄👍

ml, refer to your started thread - "Let’s make this a better community!? One final shot" - where you even state "I’ve not been perfect". Neither am I. Only a few here are, and they KNOW it. I DO enjoy this place!! 😄

Scenerio: Parent walking by small child's room hearing them talking. "Who are you talking to"? "My (invisible) friend". "There's no one there stop lying". Flash forward. That parent is now in bed dying (of old age, sharp mind) The adult child is now the care giver, hear's parent talking. "Are you talking to me"? "No, so and so (other parent) is here coming to get me". Walks out of the room shaking their head "Their mind is gone" 🙄 

Thank you. Although, it is agreed upon by experts that have anylized many sealed bottles that this IS NOT a "vaccine" and holds no therapeutic benefits. MSM report’s that differently. Good luck to all, sincerely.

tweak1, Good reference you offer. Smart phones are in almost everyone's pocket. Some don't WANT to know. You can only LEAD a horse to water ...

Bitchute allows videos featuring medical experts and healthcare workers and whistleblowers that have been censored elsewhere. These people are risking their jobs and careers to speak out. nonoise freaks-out whenever the "B" word is mentioned. 😂

nonoise: "If its BS you want then by all means go there". I go here for BS, your's. 😄

Bitchute does not censor (not show) the number of viewer's dislikes of videos like YouTube now does. 🤔

Corruption and Deception for financial gain? When our health is at stake?? 🤔

"It's your immune system overreacting". Does that also explain blood clots? Heart enlargements? Actually I believe immune systems are becomming compromised.

noise, There are many straightforward truthful videos with up to date uncensored information on BITCHUTE.

Read Klaus Schwab "The Great Reset". That Globalist Plan (has been and) is in full effect currently. It is what we are seeing now. I truly wish everyone the very best!

Some vaccinated are showing sickness already, who knows what is to come? With what I have been reading for some time, more and more Doctors and Health Care workers etc, are warning DO NOT VACCINATE!!  Ofcourse research both sides as the DR who is the PAID Authority is still pushing them! 🤔

noise,  You know exactly what the truth is. I see you stopped posting your Demonic looking gifs after I called you on them. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. All truths will be uncovered. Time will tell. Always my best to everyone. 

Why are MANY healthcare professionals coming out with claims very opposite of your position on the matter? No disrespect.

why would they refuse the vaccinations if the hospitals were filled with NON vaccinated?? They SEE the vaccine injuries. That is what they are reporting more and more.

Yea, this whole situation is a mess, goose. This "may" be a bit important than audio. Blasphemy?

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived - 2 Timothy 3:13