Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Showing 50 responses by mahgister

Classifying people in "informed" and "misinformed" in this political health/economical/political world wide crisis make no sense...Save for bit and pieces of verifiable indiscutable facts but they are the exception...

There exist LEVELS of values and informations...

No science can replace our free decisions making, nor the values scale we will use to act...

Science has nothing to do with consensus , science is DIVIDED in DEBATES which are supposed to be rational BUT cannot ever erase some basic irrationality anyway...BUT science own an history with lessons to teach: in a pandemy for example ....

All human activity are based on "values"...

Science is a process not a common consensus...Then there is no way science can decide about our political action...

But science can dictate what history teach us about what to do in a pandemic...With a coronavirus...

Then it is the political will whom will decide what to do....

Facts demonstrate to anyone with a brain that the US takes all head on ass and all ass on head in his pandemic measures...proof: the best healthcare system in the world with the most casualties and deaths...WHY?

We wait for a vaccination to come was crying Trump claiming now that he was the creator of the vaxx......
All must be vaxx AT ALL COST even baby claims Biden after him....
If not, they act criminally and egoistically said some "informed" people here....

Science said so apparently they said...



I got a news for those who speak like that:

Corporate technological development has NOTHING to do with science but with money...

And science IS not technology...And science cannot govern us nor all our actions... They are and must be FREE choices...with no censorship at all...

There is no "informed" and "misinformed" people here, the first with a white shirt and the others with a black shirt...

We are not in a comic book here....


Then throw off dogmas and think....Together not against one another...




A note: this is not the time for a political debate bettween mask or anti mask...Like in TRump time
Only idiots go on pointing to a mouse before being crush by an elephant...

mahgister, you're probably about ready for some more Pat Martino. "Butterfly Dreams" - Stanley Clarke Children of Forever 👍




Pat Martino is indeed way more than one of the greatest guitarist i ever listen to...

His only peer for me is an unknown "god" here of the tanbur in Iranian music.. Ostad Elahi being also the greatest musician Yehudi Menuhin say he ever listen to...

The reason is Pat Martino plays like a composer and a musician, not just like the average guitar virtuoso, his unmistakable style, united melody, rythm, and harmony in an never ending unity, so much powerful that all the 20 albums i ownede already are like one single album , one piece of music only...

The reason is his music is so DENSE and DEEP, rythmically,melodically and harmonically that it is no more just guitar virtuoso but a NEW KIND of interpretation an creation with this instrument...And all musicians playing in his albums are heavily marked by his direction... They dont play their part only like in the most majority of jazz albums..He musicians playing around Martino plays under Martino melting steel musical flow, they seems disciples more than side partner...Thst speak a lot about his genius...

my best to you...


Remember when some Trumpist had no arguments and was serving to you the same absence of reason and only mockery and insults with comic book video and images?

Do i need to remember to you the name of some and the way they acted at the time? You act exactly like them right now....


Hey, these guys may just be right and onto something. Those 3 microchips that were planted in me with the vaccine are rubbing together and making noises, or it’s my arthritis acting up.

All the best,


Cartoon images, bad jokes and insults seems the way to some...

Nonoise you mimic the behaviour of people you just denounced and hated in the beginning of this pandemic...

This is the problem with a party line, you must turn the head where the party dictate ...

i hated crook Trump but i will say that i hate way much senile Biden vaxx forced stupidest politic ... But between a clown and an old fool i cannot and dont want to choose...

Any piece of data must be used not like an argument in a war of insults but in a context..

This context crisis ask for relating each piece of data to others data...

But more important than data is common sense...

We cannot, being non experts, judge all data value by ourselves..

But we can read 2 opinions and reach a conclusion if the evidence is linked to others facts and others opinions than just only pure raw data...

For example Kary Mullis opinion about PCR use is of most value than Fauci opinion, he create this tech and never benefit from it...

For example Robert Malone opinion  creator of the mRNA vaccination is of most high value about this kind of vaxx or about this precise technology than Fauci...Who never practise medecine and was ONLY a bureaucrat commanding with Gates the most powerful research budget in medecine on earth... No scientist could say ill about Fauci and stay in the field .. NONE...

For example Luc Montagnier opinion about viruses is more credible than the opinion of Fauci the friend of the crook Robert Gallo in the aids fraud...

For example Michael Yeardon insider pfizer vice president of research opinion seems more valuable than Albert Bourla actual director of Pfizer...

And Sony Barger anyway the first Hells Angels president seems more credible than Albert Bourla discourse, guess why? but think before speaking....

For example we can awake ourself about the history of corruption in big pharma..

We can read the opinions of insiders from big pharma who are no more paid and confront what they are all saying...

We can think about the long history of epidemiology and see that there was never a confinement of the world population before INCLUDING the vast majority of healthy people at the cost to lost their livelyhood.....


It is very easy to repeat for our own use the post of an ... (pick the adjective)

The proof:

"The PRO-vaxx movement is so strong here that I may take you guys on as partners and open a nationwide chain of swimming pools that allow diarrhea."



Save for idiot, sorry, unable to look for anything other than a good  nail or a bad nail in everything  with a hammer attached to their hand...


The anti-vaxx movement is so strong here that I may take you guys on as partners and open a nationwide chain of swimming pools that allow diarrhea.

I read the autobiography of Kary Mullis ...

The Nobel Prize winner for the PCR technique which is not a testing device, by the creator own denunciation of the way it was used because we can use it to spill any results we wanted to..


A character so charming, so surprizing, so unorthodox, and i was delighted...

A devoted scientist...Active against Fauci in the AIDS crisis by the way...A repetition by Fauci action at the times before the same actions repeated in this one crisis..( in a word promotion of pharma killing drugs interdiction of low cost treatment etc)


I read Luc Montagnier also a Nobel prize, who right or wrong, enter this public space to express his concerns courageously...And he talk to a few on the earth globe who are like him very competent in virology and related fields dont you think?

i read other scientists books... Didier Raoult a top scientist also...Save these 2 nobel prize winners...Geert van den Bossche seem more than competent read his bio...

But none is so astounding than the Robert Kennedy book about Fauci and about the crisis..

Anybody saying that all these characters are nuts because they oppose TV, Fauci, and the silent fearfull others scientists whose livehood depend of their alignement to the watchwords, anybody who say that without reading them, confronting their views with others before mocking, and matching all the knowledge these people UNPAID by corporations had to say seems himself nuttier to me...


By the way i was mocked here by ORTHODOX non creative people who are consumers mainly about my creative non consumers non upgrading stance in audio... The same people sometimes which are aligned to "watchword" in audio and dont experiments by themselves before speaking are now aligned to others "watchwords" in other crisis than the audiophile market...Why am i not surprized by this fact? 😁😊😊

Thanks for the read ! because they are always with humor and characterized by a non foldable will character which remind me of your post about your mother... It seems you are his son indeed... Thanks for the read it is always interesting...


I’m vaccinated, I’ve been all over the world. I’ve seen people resist malaria treatment. Malaria, SUCKS. I’ve seen countries with bad water and the nasty effects on the locals. Usually detergent, chemical and bio contamination.

SARS is very communicable so is hepatitus, I don’t want either, so I protect myself from both. I don’t swim in water unless it is LIVE, and NO water is consumed unless it is treated, below 2800 feet. I wear a mask and wash my hands, just like every doctor and nurse that hasen’t been vacinated and didn’t get sick..

It is HOW you treat YOURSELF not others.. My hands very seldom touch my face.

I agree there are a few animals that need to be put behind the fence. Unfortunality behind the fence in the US just means the OTHER side of the WALL.

Our prisons are jam packed full of people that need to be put to work, some to never see the light of day, and a WHOLE bunch that probably shouldn’t be there. They should be turned over to the families they harmed. There are a very few that just got railroaded.. General Tommy Franks was one "The Hurricane" was another and Ollie North was 25 cent’s shy of being a little Castro.. Say what you will.. Him and Rummie Ronnie Reagan were NUTS with power.. Voice of Americanisum my A$$.

Biggest crack pot to ever enter that office of the United States.. Obama was a close second.. I’ll bet he wished he didn’t know anyone with the last name of Clinton. He was a close 3rd, BUT I did make good money during the last 4 years of Clinton after 12 years nutty Ronnie and Poppa Bush (I really liked him) Baby Bush, NOT so much.. Dick Cheney. The most powerfull president of our time, that wasn’t a president. LOL Bunker Dick Cheney..

Who else stays in the ol buncker? Surely for a different reason, Can’t remember where the White House is.. LOL Walkin around eatin’ CBD that don’t get you loaded (YUK YUK) and start bumpin his head again. Poor Joey.


The discourse of intelligent people and stupid one is not evident from the content sometimes not even sometimes from the arguments used in the discussion,  but the discourse of intelligent people  is  ALWAYS evidence manifested by  the absence of insults...

These photos are old..

My audio dedicated room was the seat of my listening experiments in acoustic..

It is now finished..

My audio system only with HOMEMADE and peanuts costs materials is now with an S.Q. remarkable AT NO COST....And by the way I sell nothing save creativity then dont assimilate me with anyone for the sake of insulting me...

My main device is an idea born from Helmholtz research and method: a mechanical equalizer FOR ROOM/SPEAKERS INTERACTION fine tunable with modification of the dimensions of the different resonators or diffusers ( more than 40 helmholtz reraonators located at precise spot to control the room by a new distribution of zones pressure in accordance with my specific speakers which first frontwaves are GUIDED to each of my ears with asymmetric position of the resonators according to the first wave front law in psycho-acoustic).I tuned the resonators for my room like a piano tuner tune a piano...

Then i will appreciate you dont mock "wise" people labor to align with a blind consumer ,perhaps an idiot it seems to me with this first contact , who just mock my room past photos... it is called "straw man" argument to be polite here...

My room is sillier now anyway and will be easy to mock especially for people who walk with "no clue" in life...By the way...

Did you have " clue" in life or mocking other is a hobby? i think you are a very honest person...Dont apologize i will myself smile at the look of a room like that...But i will not use that to mock publicly the owner that is the difference...

Who laugh the last with my S.Q. results do you think?

In life circonstances only simple mind judge on appearance without thinking... If it become habits the simple mind become an idiot...



Thanks, and thanks for your comment in my other thread.

But, please excuse me: I’m still a bit in shock ;-)

Prof i know you are an honest dude and i really know four sure you have good heart..

But you intelligence level dont impress me sorry...

Insulting for the sake of insulting reveal severe limitation...

H-o-l-y...S.....T !

I never saw that before. He must be roomates with Geoff Kait.

I mean, to each his own, but suddenly, it explains so much....


prof you must know that classifying people in 2 groups labels like in audio war, subjectivist and objectivist is pure non sense...

You must know that speaking with people is possible when we act without personal attack, and putting labels on people like vaxx versus anti vaxx..

Even when people are wrong, we must suppose they search for truth, and we must not put them in a circus of 2 warring labels that made no sense at all..

my wife is vaxx and accept all flu viruses... I take none...

My goodness. This guy’s posts are right out of the anti-vaxxer/vaccine-resistant playbook. You’ll see exactly the same style of downplaying COVID posting leading up to the deaths of these poor people:

Thinking exclude labelling inflation...


For example , suppose i act like you just did saying that your post is pure exemple of PRO-VAXX at all cost for everyone at the cost of be fired from their jobs, and suppose i put in your mouth even the insane decision to try the vaxx on pregant woman...

Suppose i did that and mock you WITHOUT ARGUMENTS IN MY POST like if my position was PURE truth...

How to discuss with working brain after that labelling? Insults come second after that..like the idiot who insult me after your post...

Why not aligning sane arguments in favor of our own opinion and not attack others for their OWN FREE CHOICE...

Why not analyzing together the REAL SITUATION....

The reverse is true for me about you and  your personal attack post ..

how old are you to be thinking like a toddler in a schoolyard?


Just clicking on the thumbnails in mahgister’s system profile tell me everything I need to know about this dude....wtf!  😂🤣😳


I will re-state my position which is based in scientific history about natural virus emergency:

Look for a vaxx ONLY for the people at risk..

Look for cheap drugs protocols for the young and healthy...Dont ban them...

Test and confine ONLY the people who has virus and symptoms...



Any massive worldwide forced mandate vaccination, even for womans waiting for babies, which has been SERIOUSLY proposed, is science fiction stuff INSANE and OPPOSITE to all medical history with an air borne mutating virus like the flu... ( yes i know that it is not the flu)



I just discover the reason why Fauci just acted like he did...If you analyse the logic behind his gestures and opinions,( it is only my intuition here i can be wrong)


He acted like someone knowing perfectly well, what this NEW virus is, where it come from, and for example his changing of stances abour masks and his way to explain why we must not use mask in the beginning correspond to the experience of someone working in TOP LAB 4 virus tech engineering where masks are useless...He change his stance on mask saying that it was a " noble lie" to keep the amount of mask for doctors and nurses but this is not convincing for me...Lying and admitting to lie is NOT in the midst of a pandemy a very good WISE POLITICAL gesture to admit, it is a serious ethical error ....He must have deeper reason to lie and for me it was his complete knowledge of all there is to know from this virus which explasin logically all his gestures...



For me that explain ALL his gestures: he act like someone who is CONSCIOUS and KNOW he is treating a virus escape from a laboratory. He never did act like a normal doctor in an NATURAL emergency epidemy...

In the case of a dangerous virus escape from a high tech laboratory all these measures make sense:

You circled all the city exposed and ISOLATED it hermetically( like in China)

You confine even the healthy which never occur in a natural virus epidemy coming from natural sources...

You vaxx all people in the city exposed to this risk ...Even asymptomatic and healthy..

You act like in a "war" more than in work field...Then you can push and make the vaxx obligation for the sake of all...

I can be wrong for sure...

It is my intuition, reading facts...And anyway the Chineese also was knowing where the virus comes from; a laboratory and act militarily not at all like normal doctors...

About Fauci imitating the Chineese method in virus escape, his way remind me strongly of someone who act like he knows something no other could know ...Like a criminal participating in his victim disparition traces search expressing some weird gesture...

Sad Story oldhvymec

My sincere sympathy...

But thanks for this instructive and moving story ...


My deepest respect to you....

Medecine is an ART....

Founded on science advances and progress...

But doctors exist in all cultures at all times...

Egyptian doctors were priests able to cure brain damage and dentistry...

Medecine being an ART and a craft, not reducible to technology or any other science, is a PRACTICE about the well being of all and between FREE humans in our society...

Medecine must be learned like an ART and a CRAFT and NEVER sold to corporates interest...

There is 2 facts to know about doctors: they vouch to do anything for the better of their patient, this is their sacred OATH ...And they must being doctors, be completely FREE to act and with the treatment they will think will be right...They must be free to chose the right drugs for us...We are free to change our doctors after all ....And it is a very good thing if there exist different schools of medecine: allopathic,chinese,vedic,natural,etc

Doctors can make human errors...We all did...No one can condemn...

But there exist also the great cause of errors : errors of the system which is in place by power, errors of the system imposed on doctors...

These are 2 different types or errors...This second source of errors must be CONDEMNED...For example the "totalitarian" so to speak technological attempt in the first decade of this century to reduce all schools of medecine to only one, so-called scientific...

WE must not attack doctors, but we must attack a wrong system and his promoters if it dont work...

And this system has FAILED totally in this pandemic...Not the heroic doctors but the system where they are captives or hostages has failed...



And in a word: Surgery is a miraculous craft in modern medecine but Surgery by itself cannot replace all other approaches, solutions and schools...

A surgeon is not a doctor treating a flu,

is not an hygienist,

is not a shaman,

is not every other fields of medecine by itself ,

Then varieties of practices must rule medecine, and freedom...

Future A.I. expert system could be tool but will not replace human doctors save in a HIVE...We are not bees...But spiritual being....

Alas! Some think humans must become a hive, interchangeable bees, with a little help for sure....


«We are not bees but honey is the best drug for sure, go figure»-Groucho Marx 🤓

When the ancient Egyptians suffered greatly or sometimes only hated a Pharaoh, they erased his name from statue, monument, and erased his cartouch from every corner of the country and the history...Akhnaten for example....


Language is sacred, and no linguist, being scientist, can vouch that language is sacred..But it is....The "sacred" exist even if James Randi think that the "sacred" is only a "placebo" for example....

And the founding fathers of any nations on Earth KNOW that the language we used is sacred when they founded a nation...

When people change the meaning of words, societies crumble...Words have a weight in human interaction...

All poets know that truth which is nowadays hidden or negated...

Words means...

Without meaning society turn to dust....

What is meaning?

The great Charles Sanders Peirce thought that he was knowing what it is... I dont know if he was right...Probably....


But meaning is meaning ONLY like a collective sacred possession...No robot can own meaning...Algorithms are not words... They are not sacred...


I begin to read the book of Robert Kennedy "the real Tony Fauci"...

Riveting, stunning, well documented...


I dont know but this writer has lived with 2 members of his family assassinated...His uncle first too well known to be named and after that his father... This let an indelible "stain" in the heart or/ and a "sensibility" at skin level i think....I am not a psychologist...Pick the qualitative that will suit him the most according to you ...

Anyway do you think he dont know by who was killed his family ? He certainly know one thing: they are criminals, and this was NOT AN ACCIDENT at all, and their names dont matters so much for him after that ....This man is afraid of nothing, balls of steel...He dream justice, eat justice, speak justice,walk justice married justice... Is he "nut"? Call him nut if you like to call  nut  all people  when they are passionnate lover in life, in science, or in religious matter...


One thing is sure he became an advocate, more than a lawyer, a real avenger, like in Hollywood movie , you know the heroic character, and he invested himself, body and soul, to defend ALL victims against the most powerful entreprise owned by the most powerful people on earth...For years and years... Then come covid-19...

Kennedy know everything about corporations...The book about Fauci is his crowning career achievement and his last justice war, the more important one, this time, there for all to see, the victims are all of us this time, because it is no more only separated, isolated, victims of Pharma Corporations, but the total population of the US who was the victim...And even of the world through Fauci and others...


Pulitzer prize stuff....Like the book about Nixon....



UNMASKED Ostriches negating the virus existence and waiting for Trump return and MASKED ostriches waiting for a chain of boosters and menacing non vaccinated, these 2 kind of ostriches must read this book...

Perhaps after all these ostriches are only blind sheeps...

I am not a zoologist...

Feel free to correct me...



I am flabbergasted by the way people adopt a position, a political stance, and call that science...

Nothing in the last 2 years in America was guided by what the history of medecine advice us to do in a pandemy with an airborne mutating virus...

We did the opposite...( we stop all activities with healthy people, we confine all people, the opposite of common medical stance; Confine only the people who are sick, vaxx the old or those immune compromised, and give cheap working drug and vitamin to the healthy or the young) we censored ANY treatment save the worst : remdesivir... WHY ?

Remind yourself of Fauci advice: You are sick, go on to your bed , THERE IS NO DRUG THAT WILL HELP YOU, wait and if it is too much and you cannot inspire air come in and we will give you remdesivir, and plug you on a machine...We will sell you a vaxx soon, wait it arrive very soon...

By the way hydroxychloroquine does not work said Fauci... Remember that ?

The horse paste does not work either...

Remember that?

If you want to understand what was working under all this events for the last 2 years...

Take a shortcut read about american health institutions  and their link with corporate america...




We are supposed to be all grown adults and some here defend the relation DOOR OPEN between corporations and Health institutiion ...

They probably will defend the fact that these institutions supposed to be defender of the public health sell also vaccines LIKE the drugs corporations..

Fauci own personally many financial interests in the health politic which he is supposed to direct without interest conflicts...

These are proven facts a children can verify...Even google could not erase all information ...Only displace it....It is called an algorythm...It is better than erasing facts sometimes because it is more efficient toward the same goal....


Teo you are wiser than me...

I must quit also...

But i learned yesterday some news so frigthening that i am in fear for the first time really  ...It is the worst possible news about this vaxx, i hope the Nobel prize scientist is wrong or nut, like said some "enlightened" mind to me here yesterday....

I must wait to verify what has been said and it will takes weeks..

But the news come from a Nobel prize in medecine who was right all along with his affirmations about the pandemy then ...He is not known in american TV for sure...

No US media will ever report it at all...This is absolutely certain...

RT will report it  in weeks to come with his bias for sure... We will see...

It is better for me to pray for all than speak here...

my best to all....



The world change so deeply now at a speed which is near light speed...When the children of your children will ask you what have you seen Daddy? You will be in the obligation to say the truth: i was sleeping...

I am very dumbfounded that someone say RT is propaganda...

For sure it is propaganda and more than that, it is easy to spot the bias...it is not hidden, it is a general  orientation around the interest of Russia for suree...It is in PLAIN SIGHT and almost openly admitted... We will tell all thing but with our perspective included also... This is the BIAS...very visible...


But i am dumdfounded by something way more disturbing than this EVIDENCE..

All known US media in TV, those i know the best, are not biased not at all.. This is way worse than bias like RT which is bias..

US TV DONT GIVE ANY NEWS FROM THE WORLD save in exceptional inevitable case, simple...

The rest of the world dont exist then, simple, no need to present a fact with a bias, there is nothing about ANY EXTERNAL DEMOCRATIC DEBATES about the world crisis in US TV save internal news...With only 2 visible biases : republican Or democrat...

It is a tragedy, it is the only reason why i dont laugh my butt through my mouth ...

Then after having no news of the world external situation, american citizens are supposed to think and vote?

The system was 2 box, one named democrat, the other box republican that SEEMED separated but where working a bit together but not very much so ( guess why ? who said we must divide to conquer and stay in power ?) , but with Trump the 2 boxes were definitively separated officially...The US was always broken for decades now before him but Trump made it clear for all to see... The only point where Trump was right is that he is an outsider...For sure a false billionaire looking for attention and money...

With the pandemy crisis the SAME PEOPLE always behind these 2 boxes pushes the button "mass vaccinations"... After the WORST managing crisis of a pandemy in known history...Even a children reading few minutes about the way we must treat disease and healthy people would have understood that, after some time thinking about history...But the censorship is so heavy not only on TV but on social media that i am dumbfounded yes that ignorant s call RT biased... for sure RT is biased but at least they spoke EACH day about all world events without end with debates.... They are bias but how do we may call US TV ? You catch like me thetragi- comic of the situation?

To be biased someone MUST have an event to comment about with the idea to show his bias ....If there is no event there is no visible bias to show... Simple... american TV may mimic "objectivity" because she present NO EVENT at all, then american TV has no bias to show for sure...

There is world wide protest against all the corrupted and sleepwalking governments of the world so called democracies for months and months and against the health politic inherited from Fauci and Gates or WHO, all measures taken for corporations only, no health sane science and guess what : you see nothing of that on US TV...

Some here dont even see the censorship nor through it...

They say RT is bias... This the extent of their lucidity...

I am without words...

I will not go and spoke about corporations vaccinations contracts... Any mafia is a more human organization than these corporations.. If you think i exagerete you are beyond help... You need a nanny....


«Why dont we see you anymore in TV Groucho ? Because i am Russian »-Groucho Marx 🤓

IQ is really overrated...

Ask anybody with a truly high one...

From Socrates and Plato to Goethe and to Einstein, what is underrated if we read them is the taste for truth...

Take a test yourself: what do you like for neighbours and friends a great I. Q.only or a man with a less high score but who look for truth...Beware of your choice...

For myself i prefer the two in one when i encounter people but it is easy to discard raw intelligence in favor of the love for truth in all encounter... What is the use of an intelligence at his own service instead of the truth service ?

This is the reason why when i was young i so much loved the mystics of all religions and the mathematicians.. There is no I. Q. in these 2 fields that is not associated also with a more higher love for truth...

i never encounter a stupid mystic by the way... I dont speak about cheap guru here but the real saints... They are the only really intelligent people i ever read with the truly great mathematicians... Not the small fish...




And beware it is tempting to perceive political adversary with a low I.Q.

too much easy....

The only people who value I.Q. more than the "illusory" love for truth, because what is truth after all they say in choir, is the transhumanist cultist...

I am not one... for reason linked to my I.Q. and love for truth... ( i joke here about my I.Q. ) 😁😊

When i was young i really think that my intelligence was high... I lost my belief for a great part when reading true geniuses...



I forgot to say this: the sign indicating someone look for truth at all cost is HUMILITY...

You cannot fake it...

I know i am not very humble myself... I apologize for being so...

i was very moved by the way mathematician resemble so much to mystic and the reverse also how all true mystic speak a universal language akin to mathemathic...If it would not be so long for a post, i could explain it, because it is related to the use of their mind and reasoning power in the 2 cases being identical...The same "logic" so to speak...

Grothendieck work is an amazing proof of that and Ramanujan and Blaise Pascal and even Descartes or Newton.. Goedel, Kepler, Cantor, and many others...More intelligent they are more contemplative and ego-less they become...



Sad but true. I’m curious, mahgister: how do you envision this "conquest" occuring? What will it take???



Alas! I am not a seer...

But i think being optimist, that all these "end of the world" crisis with many aspects in all fields of life is good for the long term...

We must transform ourself ALL TOGETHER NOW...

Never in the past history a so much greater call has been given to all humanity at the same times ...

Save in the Atlantis period if you read myth and stories...i dont suppose here that Atlantis has ever exist, i just underline the fact that from Atlantis to this day this era where we live is unique ... Truly....

The choices are between the HIVE mind  and the technological transhumanism cult and power linked to it  or between a new way for humankind to develop our inner INDIVIDUAL  ability in relation to all living creatures..

I am optimist because i already see the seeds of the transformation of mankind perspective on reality...

For example i just discover for myself reading many scientists, that we dont know what "sound" is really... In spite of our extraordinary sound technology...And because of our technology which hide the other side of the sound story...

Discovering that is one of the great personal discovery in my life for me...I dont listen ANYMORE the way i listened music or sound just 1 year ago...i tried to make this interesting in my thread "viewing sound and music"

And just around the next corner i discovered this week a new perspective about what is a living system with the work of Karl Friston... It take me 5 minutes to know that i was reading a genius....This research confirm all my past studies with many other discoverers about the DEEP GROUNDING UNITY  of living organism and their environment... We humans and the Earth are ONE....No technology will ever erase or rewrote this UNITY... This is the good news...

Robots are already obsolete... They will be ONLY tools not the next master...If we dont irreversibly modify our own past history  like the sorcerer apprentice to accomodate A.I. in our body... This is a big caveat...

The real intelligence is not A. I. it is all around us in trees and bees and dolphins elephants but we are too stupid to understand them speak..

My other discovery is the mammoth book of 1300 pages about mammals of Wolfgang Schad..

This book is miraculous... If you read it you will discover even if you are a zoologist that you have never SEE a mammal morphology BEFORE...Seeing something  like a lion call for much more than naming it because we recognize the form... Any animal form is a BOOK to read... After the great Goethe Schad train us to read...A miraculous book i just paid 120 buck... 😁😊

And this make me optimist...

thanks for you kind interest...

My best to you...

Many minds are susceptible to naivete and gullibility at times which makes sites like Bitchute extremely dangerous.



Yes we must ban the site definitively to protect the "toddler" in each of us...

Are you serious?

And we must also modify the "english language" to accomadate people to realitty and program then  paternally for trheor own good   out of their sleep perhaps? After that there will be no need of  banishing all free speech.....

Ahhhhhhh.... This is desesperate sometimes....



I will say to you what is EXACTLY dangerous...It is the only point i am ok with Trumpist motto...The official media are totally controlled and VOID of any news whatsoever....


Why do you think democracy is dead in America and in Canada it is going  on with this crisis ...

No sane debate is possible or very hard to maintain...Censorship is a disease incompatible with democracy...

Then all cranks of whatever orientations for sure go where an uncensored  "content" exist, any content, even the worst...Censorship is the way to put them all in the same basket the worst and the good...And it is the best way to extinbguish sane debating and the cleaning of the hating  scum....

Do you catch?

I totally concur with your post...

The sure sign that people are under a spell is their "watchword" communication and dividing propaganda in two opposite groups...

And living in "reality" anyway is a hard thing very few people want to...

When we encounter reality we lost our common place political stances, and filters... And it is hard to lost his certitudes....

Sometimes people make discoveries but it is always at the price of leaving the "common accepted reality"...

Sometimes the price paid is the suffering of watching others to make bad choice..

Anyway living in reality is not a free lunch at all....

What i just said appear untrue only to those who called reality the sleepwalk in the ball park they call their world and baptized "reality"...

"Reality" with a big "R" will be a common conquest by all humanity....For the moment we are all divided in virtual realities that appear real to us...And we accused others to be out of reality...left or right, Vaxx or not....


«Reality is not only the ground where we walk but the ceiling out of which we can fly»- Anonymus Smith

«What if we are flies stuck under a ceiling? »-Groucho Marx 🤓

Are you immune to naievete and gullability innately or by virtue of an elective political superior party ?

What right have you to put yourself above me on this matter and above all the others who dont speak the same "lingua franca" ?

i am naive and gullible for sure... Any open mind is at risk...And my mind is open...

But i dont need a watchword to be conscious of my own thinking consequences..

At least i restraint myself to call unknown people "nazi"...And i dont speak to people like if they were children ...

I know you are intelligent by the way and very conscious...

Then i apologize to you but sometimes we must speak our mind frankly...

Yes mother i promise to ban bitchute...

I feel less hate already...Thanks




My God! what a paternalistic advice to give to a man of 70 years old and other like me here...

If hate is already in me your watchword is useless, it is too late... If hate is not in me your watchword is useless either, i will not begin to hate someone because someone give me the right watchword for hating...

Keep your watchword for children or for your political party members...


Comical post ,sorry nonoise, but i could not resist....




But an advice to you: quit calling people nazi...

It is not a good idea in an audio thread between fellows member who spoke all weeks with one another...You remind me of the "other" party calling names in the last years...


I’ve already alerted you tools that Bitchute is a UK based site for white supremacist, Nazis, anti-Semites and terrorists who have the need to reach out and touch each other. Why you’d reference such a vile cesspool as that speaks volumes. Just who are we conversing with here on A’gon?

All the best,




Do you think that most people are not able to separate wheat and chaff ? they like children must be protected against "bad media" ?

We are not white supremacist or right wing fanatic or anti semites because we listen a video in bitchute sorry...


A medium so huge contains some interesting video and many stupid one innumerable one , easy to spot also...like other places...

And where do you think migrated some ratrional voices CENSORED totally from youtube and any official medium?

Do you think that an interview by "Epoch times" which is a politically very oriented group must be banned? or we must keep and pass the watchworld and command to all to quit listening to it ?

Then like usual, TAGGING people or media with left and right tags is not the more elevated strategy for a sound mind...

I dont like watchword....I will listen or not to which medium communicate time to times something valuable even if it is Tucker Carlson or Bernie Sanders...

I hate political polarization left/right, it is the way US lost his democracy and his mind....

I hate Biden blind political stance about the world  crisis  with the same hate i resent against Trumpism... 

left/right has no meaning at all in our times, save to select the tv show recommended by the opposing watchwords of these two without brain political factions...



Thanks mcondon very much, it seems very interesting...His discussion with Lex Fridman seems promising...

my best to you....

Dunning-Krueger is strong in you @mahgister


Insulting is more evident sign of stupidity than exhibiting the Dunning-Krueger syndrome...

You know why ?

Any free thinker move the boundary of sheep thinking at the risk to be in error yes but also with a great probability in some case to be right...

But being wrong is very different than being stupid...

Keep your hat, i will keep my Dunning--Krueger place with politeness with those who are able to speak their mind and CORRECT ME...

i dont think it will be you...


«The only idiot i keep near me is myself in the morning mirror»-Groucho Marx 🤓


I assume you’re referring to "Why do Covid-19 mass vaccination campaigns promote dominance of selective immune escape variants?"?

This is a *theory* propounded by some, rejected by most IME. He proposes a mechanism for selective pressure, without evidence of such adaptation taking place an a human population. This also presupposes that the "natural" immunological response would not be subject to the same selective pressures, which is unlikely to be true at all. His theory is an absolute fact when dealing with therapeutic agents (such as antibiotics, and we have all seen) but that model does not hold if the "natural" response functionally indistinguishable from the vaccine mediated response. In fact, one and postulate that drastically increase number of passages of the virus itself, through and infected patient, and the amount of time that person is infective, would place greater selective pressures in that more of the viral types resistant to the immune response would be generated and released. Thus the assumed amplification may work the opposite of his theory.

The eradication of polio and smallpox due to massive vaccination programs provide data directly controverting his restistance amplification theory. I choose to rely on the empirical data.



thanks for your answer...

your post reveal a good understanding in this matter and certainly better than mine...i am not a scientist..

BUT i can study and think,

and you forgot saying what you say,

that the evolutive pressure created by a rapidly mutating coronavirus is NOT the same as polio and NOT as smallpox , which are all slow mutating viruses which we can eradicate in one vaccination campaign WiTHOUT booster...There is no valid UNIVERSAL efficient vaccination for the flu nor for a coronavirus for this reason : mutation rates and high rate airborne contamination...

Then your objection to vanDen Bossche is void...

And remember that we have multidrug protocol cheap treatment that work at less risk than vaccinations for some designed group of the population..

After all, the basic fact of this virus and disease is the way it is focussed in targetting old and immunely compromise people..Not the young population at all...Save if we teach to the population of virus how to mutate to do so by an inappropriate vaccination on a the wrong group on a massive scale...

Then mass forced vaccination, without taking the difference between old and young people in consideration, in relation to other treatment more appropriate in some case, is probably the medical error of the century motivated by greed and ignorance....

If vanden Bossche was there ALONE, i will listen to your argument, but the problem is that he is not alone at all...Then i chose the position that seems rational to me and i am not alone...



Negating the disease and the virus existence is really foolish and pure ignorance..

Another political rant of simplistic mind.....

between this and imposing in a silly move by force mass vaccinations, we dance on a tight rope between 2 complete fools crowds of sheeps..

i feel alone at the bottom of the world...

i guess i must phone the only dude at the peak of the world right now ... 😁😁😁😁😊😊😊😊

it is a joke i hate phone ... I own only the most primitive species of phone possible and without sophisticated computer screen in it to keep with me...




« The problem seating at the top is everyone listen to you and by habit you gradually  dont listen to anyone»-Anonymus Smith

This post quoted above is erroneous if we think about this concept: " The dynamical sequences of mutating viruses evolutive pressure" between different human populations interactions in the course of a pandemic and the necessity to protect the old people and the young people with vaccinations or drugs, each corresponding to their specific immune status......

It is very important to maintain an unvaxx part of the population ,the very young, to act as a protective basin to control the UNILATERAL uprise domination by a swift mutating new kind of variant over the other main strain...

It is less simplistic you see than forced massive vaxx simplistic solution in simplistic preaching minds...

To learn more:

My reference are from Geert Vanden Bossche


He know a thing or 2 about that, if you dare to read his curriculum...And he is not paid by ANY corporations...

Then putting the load of culpabilitay on unvaxx people is plain IGNORANCE...It is political propaganda masquerading as science and wisefulness...


But no drug or vaccine is without some risk, and some side effects. It’s a risk/benefit calculation.



But This is right for sure..

But no drug or vaccine is without some risk, and some side effects. It’s a risk/benefit calculation.

I think my advice to read Karl Friston or think about what is a "sound" will not be listened to...

My quizz test is what is the relation between Friston hypothesis of the free energy variational principle and the relation to our understanding of what a sound and hearing are ...

This will change the tune here for the best....And will eliminate all simpletons from all sides of the vaxx war... And we will go back to audio....

no takers?

If not i quit to read Friston again...

I will wait for any questions though....


By the way for me being an audiophile is not about upgrading with a new amplifier but to understand what is a sound what is music and what are their link through acoustic and my own "seeing" of sounds and music...

By the way i created a thread about that but it seems nobody is interested about something which is not plain stupid propaganda from two warring sides...

At the present times we are at the crossroads of history, any thinking must be oriented toward peace and peaceful solutions and serious studies...

Any answers coming from "left" or "right" perspective is UNABLE to show any usefulness...

Because the ancient old answers were born in a world where divisions between people and nations could be preserved like they were in the past...

This fact exist no more...

No country is an island no more...

For the first time in history we are all brothers or we will all die...

Nothing of that comes from right or left political parties...

Nothing of that comes from communism versus capitalism...

Change your tagging habit or prepare yourself to die idiot....


To add a "smile"😊😊 to my too serious post i will add a piece of my new discovery about acoustic : we dont know what sound is, nevermind all the scientific research of the last millenia...

It is a thrilling discovery for me....Not knowing what sound is...But is it surprizing? no because all cultures has developed his own relation to basic phenomena and our occidental civilization history mutate under our eyes right now...Then even our own understanding of what "sound" is will change...Like ourunderstanding about the "human living body"....

Like will change our notion of what is a "human body"... What is "sound" and our idea about it will change...

The most important thinker i stumble into this week is Karl Friston... If the word genius apply, it apply for him... Read and think ....it is more easy to understand his point anyway than to dogmatically speak about vaxx or unvaxx politics...but anyway prepare yourself to think, he is supposed to be very deep and difficult... Test your brain and come back to me and explain to me what is your understanding... It will be more useful than speaking propaganda....


Another appeal, a rant, assimilating someone of the other group, be it a vaxx one or one who  dont take the vaxx, never mind, to be a political fanatic waiting for the death of the other party...

This post also illustrate fanaticism of someone in sleepwalking reaction to his foes imaginary or real...

Why could we not discuss with sane reasson instead of condemning in a dement tirade half of the population that think otherwise?

Is the world exist between right and left?

Not at all...


As I’ve stated before, there is a desire among some to see to it that this virus doesn’t go away.

Another unconscious sheep from the crowd will come to condemn someone who dont thimk the same that he is an assassin irresponsible because he does not take the vaxx? or He is an ignorant fool because he take it ?

Come on spill your COMMON stupidity, vaxx or unvaxx, i dont give a dam, i will listen...

My point of view is SANE THINKING.....VAX OR UNVAXX....

But in medecine any third party introduced between the free patient and the free doctor is a crime against the sacred link betwee you and your doctor...

Vaxx must be used, in the right population at the right time not forced...



I think that people who throw appeal like that to all in social media illustrate a sleepwalking dangerous behaviour appealing to scapegoating and violence...


Anti vaxxer’s are a threat to society. Keep it real and speak the truth about it.

I am not an anti vxx for sure, but any vaxx must be used in the right window of efficiency with a precise risk calculus.. Especxially new tech one called"vaccination" which is a complete new technology with an old name...

Especially unprooven, unverified, new tech vaxx, adopted speedily because the alleged lack of any treatment, which is a blatent lie...

this new vaccins must be reserved if we were wise to AT RISK PEOPLE ONLY...Not forced on all people with no recourse if they cause secondary negative effects...

This post illustrate the sheep character of people in a crowd and their incapacity to awake their brain to do real study...

And it is a science proven fact that vaccinated population can transmit the virus like unvaccinated one then why staiyng so ignorant and appeal to segregation against free people which anyway had their own unknown history and reason to not attend to this  MULTIPLE series of successive vaxx world wide experiment?

 This appeal "anti-vaxx are a threat to society " like anyone who appealed to kill sorcerers in the past or to anyone in a crowd to lynch someone we dont like for sure, this appeal mimic murder cries all allong history...Scapegoating and lynching people of any designed traits is a well known habit by all crowds around the earth...


I will go on silent for the time being....


You want to believe cranks and crackpots because they align with your chosen world view, have at it. It’s free country. But don’t drop your drawers in public, metaphorically, and expect people not to point you out and laugh. They/we live in a free country as well.



It is clear that you are UNABLE to produce arguments only strawman attack against all people i just listed because they dont think Kennedy is a crackpot...

you have probably not read a single articles by any of them...I read many none is an idiot... Assimilating them all to be crack pots is beyond any rationnality...

Your case is closed...

No conflict of interests in the worst greedy businees and the more corrupt on earth with bank business and you see nothing about conflict of interests?😊

Are you a failed stand-up comic?



By the way how do you know my world view?

You cannot, your brain is it seems divided in 2 : pro-vaxx or anti-vaxx...

i dont work with binary opposites and ready made explanations...


Here we have an example of the stupidest post ever made here... Alas! there exist other like this one...

I hope all the people that think vaccinations are not effective should not take them, they may get sick and die,



After that post, this one is benign...But....

Your claim is an half truth... And perhaps you know it or not, but half-truth may be worst than a lie...

He is an advocate who take the defense of vaccinated victims people in their legal right...HE SEE THE VICTIMS all day long...It is not like being an audiophile here typing against vaxx in an audio thread....

Defending victims right to be compensated , this is not the same thing that claiming that all vaxx are useless...Do you catch it?

Or perhaps for you vaccination exist without any risk calculus being  necessary ?

RFK Jr is opposed to all vaccinations

I’ve spent 4 1/2 decades in the Pharma world - still in it - including many vaccines like Flu and Smallpox. There are no "conspiracies" that I’ve ever seen.

Not one of the people in this list will take your claim seriously and not me either...

If you never see any conflict of interest in your business i deduced you are an ostrich...Grow a brain out of the sand....


I read many of these researcher articles, by far most of them top scientists, or simply doctors, whom collaborated with Robert Kennedy in his book about Fauci...

Are they all, like me, in the eye of some here, DELUDED, about what is at stake in this crisis?

Some can war against each other in static political trenchs, i prefer to think OUT OF the political stupid box...left or right...Repeating like toddlers Trump or Biden mantra is not my hobby...I am canadian i already have my own clown to deal with...

I prefer to read this list of people opinions...And for a large part of them I READ THEM already...


Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale University Professor of Epidemiology, Editor,
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Board of Editors, American
Journal of Epidemiology (2014–2020), biostatistician

Dr. Robert Malone, original inventor mRNA and DNA vaccination
technologies, NIH Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventionsnd Vaccines (ACTIV) Clinical Working Group (2020), Editor-in-Chief,
Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines (2007–2012), Salk
Institute (1986–1989)

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Senior Ebola Program Manager, Global
Alliance for Vaccines & Immunization (2015), Head of Vaccine
Development for Germany’s Center for Infection Research (2017),
vaccine developer at GSK (1995–2006), Novartis (2006), virologist

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Chief Scientist and vice-president of Pfizer’s allergy
and respiratory research division (1995–2011), respiratory

Dr. Luc Montagnier, Virologist, 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Chair of the Parliamentary Assembly, Council of
Europe Heath Committee (1998–2010), member of German Parliament
(1994–2009), pulmonologist

Dr. Peter McCullough, clinical cardiologist, vice chief of internal
medicine at Baylor University Medical Center (2014–2021)

Peter Doshi, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy associate
professor pharmaceutical health services, and Associate Editor at The
British Medical Journal

Dr. Paul E. Marik, Founder, Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance,
Professor of Medicine, Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Eastern Virginia Medical School

Dr. Pierre Kory, President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front-Line
Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, Former Associate Professor, Chief of
Critical Care Service, Medical Director of Trauma and Life Support
Center at the University of Wisconsin (2015–2020)

Dr. Byram Bridle, University of Guelph associate professor of Viral

Dr. Tess Lawrie, World Health Organization consultant, physician

Dr. Didier Raoult, Director, Infectious and Tropical Emergent Diseases
Research Unit (France), physician and microbiologist

Dr. Peter Breggin, National Institute of Mental Health (1966–1968),
Harvard Medical School (1963–1964), doctor of psychiatry, author of
more than 40 books

Dr. Meryl Nass, physician, vaccine-induced illnesses, toxicology, expert
delegate to the US Director of National Intelligence bio-threat study
program (2008)

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Medical Director Monsey Family Medical Center,

Dr. Charles Hoffe, physician

Dr. James Todaro, physician

Dr. Scott Jensen, University of Minnesota Medical School Clinical
Associate Professor, Minnesota State Senator (2016–2020), physician

Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist

Dr. Jacob Puliyel, Director Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, St.
Stephen’s Hospital (India), past member of India’s National Technical
Advisory Group on Immunization

Dr. Christiane Northrup, University of Vermont College of Medicine
Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology (1982–2001),
physician, three-time New York Times bestselling author

Dr. Richard Urso, MD Anderson Cancer Center assistant professor (1993–
2005), Chief of Orbital Oncology, scientist

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida, professor University of
Florida College of Medicine, associate professor at UCLA’s David
Geffen School of Medicine, assistant professor of Population Health and
Medicine at NYU School of Medicine

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Harvard University professor of medicine,
biostatistician, epidemiologist, expert in vaccine safety evaluations and
monitoring infectious disease outbreaks

Dr. Michael Levitt, Stanford University biophysicist and professor of
structural biology, 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Dr. Satoshi Ōmura, biochemist, 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine

Dr. Paul E. Alexander, US Department of Health & Human Services
Senior Covid Pandemic Advisor (2020), WHO Pan American Health
Organization (2020)

Dr. Clare Craig, UK National Health Service (2000–2015), pathologist,
Oxford University and Cambridge University trained

Dr. Lee Merritt, US Navy physician and surgeon (1980–1989), past
president Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Microbiologist, head of the Institute of Medical
Microbiology and Hygiene at University of Mainz (1991–2012)

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford University Medical School professor,
physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy
expert focusing on infectious diseases

Dr. David Katz, Yale University, founder of Yale’s Prevention Research
Center, physician

John P.A. Ioannidis, Stanford University Professor of Medicine,
Epidemiology and Population Health, physician-scientist

Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Oxford University epidemiologist, immunology
expert, vaccine development, infectious disease mathematical modeling

Dr. Catherine L. Lawson, Rutgers University research professor, Institute
for Quantitative Biomedicine

Dr. Salmaan Keshavjee, Harvard Medical School professor of Global
Health and Social Medicine

Dr. Laura Lazzeroni, Stanford University professor of biomedical data
science, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences

Dr. Cody Meissner, Tufts University professor of pediatrics, expert on
vaccine development, efficacy, and safety

Dr. Lisa White, Oxford University professor of epidemiology and

Dr. Ariel Munitz, Tel Aviv University professor of clinical microbiology
and immunology

Dr. Motti Gerlic, Tel Aviv University, clinical microbiology and

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, University of London professor of infectious disease,

Dr. Helen Colhoun, University of Edinburg professor of medical
informatics and epidemiology, public health physician

Dr. Simon Thornley, University of Auckland epidemiologist and

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Senior
research scientist


From Robert Kennedy book : Who is the real Tony Fauci....



And i precise for the slow working brains here that my posts are not ABOUT being vaxx or not being vaxx... Each people are free and vaccines must be used in many cases anyway...

My posts here are about the completely insane political mandate to force vaccinations on a massive scale....It is scientifically insane...

All of those who persist to reduce this debate to vaxx versus anti-vaxx war parties are simply idiots... Sorry...

Vaccinations of people at risk is sane and good, massive indiscriminate forced vaccinations is INSANE...All these people above and me think the same...


rvpiano i know for a fact that you are an honest person in all meaning of the words..

Please dont be offended if i dont want to answer a very complex question with only few words that will be only sources of misunderstanding between irrational warring political groups here...

By the way i am not in conspiracy theory...No need for that to explain and understand why technological power and greed has steward humanity in a crisis...

i read philosophy and science and i can assure you without conspiracies facts ,true or wrong, that i could for example describe why all history of philo and science through the nominalism phase in the 13 century lead us to this crisis...No need for right wing or left wing american propaganda...pure historical science teach us WHY there exist a worldwide crisis... This was already partially explained by thinker like Goethe and Cassirer after him...

This health crisis is not different than the crisis in our understanding of acoustic for example... What is a sound? What is human body health? Why we forgot or hide what it is and what it was...Why do we change our idea about sound and body and what are the consequences?

But i hope that you will understand that a 10 pages post explaining the parallel between the "sound" question in science and the health crisis now, will be a useless enterprise here..

In a word no, Biden dont conspire to kill Americans or to control americans, it is an old man thats all... .... For the rest i cannot go further here about that crisis for the time being especially in this insane thread...


My deepest respects for you....



I’m still not clear.

Is vaxxing a means that the government has to exert control over the population?

To what end besides saving lives?

First Fauci control is a fact...useless to debate about a fact...

Second i dont negate Russian and chinese propaganda EXISTENCE..

I claim to be insane the way you use this fact in your post frantically like mcCarthy used the REAL communist propaganda in america to DIVIDE people in 2 groups: vaxx anti vaxx......

you catch it?

America political choices are not directed now by Russian and Chineese propaganda save for reader of comic books..

Communist propaganda exist but dont explain corporate greed and control in america and world wide...save in super heroes book...

My best to all i quit this thread...


I’m asking questions to find out your opinions.

I’ll rephrase less pointedly:

Do you believe mass vaccinations have saved lives on a massive scale?

if you don’t we can stop there.

if you do, then how do you balance the loss of freedom incurred?


First i apologize to you...

i misread your intention sorry...


Yes vaccinations have saved life...

but vaccination on a massive scale in the actual conditions is not science it is political control...

Especially with a very mutating viruses..A non mutating viruses can be adressed by  massive vaccination of a precise designed population yes but a mutating  reoccuring virus like flu is not... vaccination of ld people and some other people at risk yes and preventive solutions for others are the way...

We then need with vaccination for at risk people on all earth low cost drugs for the non immune compromised majority of people..


This is in a word my position...



A large portion of the garbage being pushed out is nothing more than Russian and Chinese propaganda. You don’t think they’re busily taking notes on how easy it would be to effect a massively successfuly biological attack on America, do you? Hell, now they see how easy it would be to kill off hundreds of thousands of Americans because...................."freedom".




Insane....Too much insanities claims to rectify...

No comment ....

I go back to Pat Martino guitar....


is your freedom threatened by mass Covid vaccinations?

Do you not believe they’ve saved lives? (Perhaps you don’t .)

Or do you believe massive loss of life is worth it for your freedom?



Another accusation resembling a fact put in my mouth...

I never contested the usefulness of vaccine i contested the MASS INSANE forced politic mandates obligation...my refusal of mandates is based on mass evolution  dynamic  of mutating viruses in epidemiology first, then on democratic freedom second, yes...Not on Trump or Biden clowns politic...

Vaxx are tools like any drug( ivermectin and others)

Dividing people between "vaxxer" and "horse paste" user is insanity...

Dont put me in these 2 groups of people with words you put in my mouth...

It seems someone who dont take for cash all the " black or white" opinions by these 2 insane group: mass vaxxers and fools " who think Mullis was assassinated" is no more understood...

count me out...

In a schoolyard where there exist two groups of foes ANYBODY is compel to choose.. Sorry i am not one children in your ball park...i think then i am with no groups of extremists: insane political vaxx mass action is not for me nor is negation of the existence of this virus...



Some are putting words in my mouth i never said i will not answer and repeat what i just said above...



Other false non sense about medecine  and the drug observed efficacy in observational studies worldwide  and random trials ...

There exist studies about the value of observationnal studies versus random trials studies and their very different function ...

I will not go further because it will serve no purpose at all you dont want to think... You want to be right ...


The opinion of many ...and among them of 2 Nobel winner prize who know this man are not a proof but they had more value than your opinion about Fauci promoting him here...

Then read my opinion like you read your own...

You dont know who is Fauci, these 2 guys know him professionnaly ...

Call me an idiot but keep your hypocrital acusation for yourself...

you have only post political motivated attacks here...


There is no attempt at wisdom by the way....Wisdom is wisdom...

Even a crook could spoke and mimic a wisdom seer...

Wisdom is simple for sure; for example "dont insult" maxim ...

if a crook say "dont insult" ; the fact that a crook say it, substract nothing to the value of the advice itself ...

Then accusing me of "faking" wisdom speak about you not about me...


You are completely ignorant of facts about the power and greed implication of corporations in Fauci business control...Easy to verify...