Unity in cable manufacturers?

Is it important in a high end system to have all interconnects and speaker cables from the same company, i.e. Transparent, Nordost, Audioquest, etc.?


Sure it is, you get to spend your money in one place. Sounds good to me.

Funny thing about "LOOM" thinking is different cable in the "LOOM" are made by different manufactures and (whoever) puts their name on it. 

Pretty simple to figure out, that printing can get pretty expensive. It is the WAY thing are built and the materials they use. No magic just technique and quality control.


I’ve never had all my cables from one manufacturer.  Close,but I just can’t. I think I have trust issues. 

@pianoconcert - I believe it depends on the brand of cable.

If you consider cables from manuifacturers like Hijiri, Zavfino and InAkustik then the various cables (Interconnect, speaker and power) within one of those brands will perform to similar levels, so buying all your cables from one of those brands will achieve a consistant level of performance across all cables

Thing is - just as with many other components in the Audio world, the wise buyer has to educated themselves in how a good cables are constructed e.g.

  • the geometry - how the cables is built
  • the wires used - e.g. UP-OCC copper or UP-OCC Silver
  • the insulation used - e.g. Foamed Teflon, Cotton Oil, Teflon
  • the connectors - e.g. materials and Low mass connectors (for IC’s)

Buying cables without understanding any of this, makes purchasing cables a bit hit and miss.

But asking on this forum is a good place to start.

My Current thoughts about those brands mentioned above

  1. Hijiri - one of the very best cables on the market today, but a little expensive
  2. In-Akustik - a little more affordable and still a very good performer
  3. Zavfino - they have the Best Bang for th Buck entry level cables with a nice progression to their top of the line "perfromance" models.

Cables from these brands deliver a noticeble perofrmance improvement, so staying with one brand will achieve great results without having to get too involved in the "minutiae"

Regards - Steve


At one time, I had all my cables from the same manufacturer.  My reason was the manufacturer also wired my amp and speakers with the same wire.  There was a good synergy with my equipment, cables, and speakers.   After I upgraded everything, all the same cables didn’t sound so great anymore.  

I found it very hard to mix cables. It was like having five different people in my listening room yelling at me…. Hi Sound brighter, no I’m brighter, you suck I’m brighter than you got to be like a fist fight between the brands. It got so bad I couldn’t hear the music anymore so I ripped everything out and replaced it with (No Name) now everything is nice and peaceful in my listening room, nobody is telling me what they do better than others anymore we finally can all just get along

Generally no, there is no reason to have all the same. But on the other hand I finally ended up with components of great sound quality from the same company which required neutral passing of the signal so, it pointed to the same neutral interconnects.


If you are able to get to a really high end series of components that are compatible… then the solution becomes transparent communication of the signal. In that case a single weave makes sense.


I have fooled around with interconnects and cables for many decades. When your components have different strengths or character you are trying to tune your system (make up for individual shortcomings), if your components are compatible and synergistic, then all you want is transparency.

I think you get a trust or comfort factor using a brand you like throughout your system. Except tonearm cable I have all Cardas Clear and love the results. 

I have two systems. One is all Audioquest and the other has three different brands. So I guess for me the answer is yes and no.

All the best.


I haven’t done any testing on this and I only have my system and common sense to go by. But here are my thoughts:

1. Yes. It is system dependent. 
2. But aside from that I think that it may not matter that all your cables are of the same maker and the same series within their lineup. 
3. But I do believe in the weakest link concept in that while your cables may be from different makers, they should all be of similar quality as your system (or my system) IMO, is only as good as the weakest link. 
Have a good weekend. 

Willy Wonka you forgot a couple cable companies, acoustic Zen Harmonic technology and Neotech all have cables that are OCC single Crystal, and all three of those companies have their cable made by Wan lung in Taiwan which is one of only three manufacturers in the world that make OCC single crystal wire, when lung also owns neotech and are also closely aligned with both acoustic Zen and Harmonic technology, and all three of those companies OCC wire is much cheaper than some of the other companies that are charging in the arm and a leg for it like audioquest and Clarus cables and a few others.

 I sold audio equipment in Retail, then Wholesale and Internationally for almost twenty years. Additionally, I played in a band and worked both full and part time in Radio and Recording Studios. It is no wonder I have countless bags, boxes and four large plastic tubs, full of wires, cords and connectors, representing varying degrees of technology and quality of construction to choose from, when hooking up my toys.

I have recently (over a period of three years) replaced all of the speaker wires, interconnects and power cords in my main 2 channel system, with new stock. All of those interconnects, shielded interconnects and speaker wires were purchased (on line) from the same manufacturer. All the new AC powercords are also from one (but a different) manufacturer. Included in those changes are several upgrades (from the same manufacturer) of interconnects and speaker wire from entry level to progressively higher end versions. Virtually every upgrade or change produced an improvement (of varying degree).

For what it is worth, sticking to one brand was not my original intention, it just worked out that way this time.

Happy For Now....

I can't see why. Makes no more sense than buying amps and speakers from the same company.

I would say technically no - you can use whatever works best for a given connection. That being said, I currently use Transparent Super for all analog connections and AudioQuest Carbon for HDMI and Optical connections.

The system is based around Linn (TT. and preamp), McIntosh (amps), Dynaudio (speakers)

I would say technically no - you can use whatever works best for a given connection. That being said, I currently use Transparent Super for all analog connections and AudioQuest Carbon for HDMI and Optical connections.

The system is based around Linn (TT. and preamp), McIntosh (amps), Dynaudio (speakers)