
Responses from williewonka

Speaker cable change??
@rms456 - I considered this and tried a quick test before using solid wire... Using pliers, I bent the wire 90 degrees I then bent the wire back on itself 180 degrees After several iterations (appox 15) the wire snapped This was the Neotec O... 
Advantage of separate Bi-wire runs
@rsjm80 - speakers with BI-wire terminals have a common flaw - that little jumper that connects the two sets of terminals. Generally, that are not made from the best matereal - e.g. copper alloy with gold plating so removing them in favou... 
Zavfino prima mk2 speaker cables
@classicrockfan - I design and develop (i.e. build) cables for my own use only in my basement Basically they are prototypes, since a single cable as published may go through several iterations before being posted Once I am happy with a cable’s p... 
Speaker cable change??
@rsjm80 - take a look at this thread What Makes A Good Cable It explains some of the current approaches to cable design - without getting into the science. There’s three brands mentioned... they are are all excellent performers with var... 
@jasbirnandra - Hijiri Cables are among the very finest cables available. But I would suggest you ask about them on the Hijiri thread. The guys on there can provide some guidance as to which model or combination might suit you the best. But to ... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@abolive - just to assure you further - If you make a cable using good solid copper wire, the cable will adopt a "natural. curve" once attached to components. You can of course use a tighter curve if space is a premium, but even a really tight be... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
@abolive - generally speaking - you are correct - i.e. for power cables. Those regulations are primarily to protect the consumer and guard against cable/component failure Any cable that connects a component to the mains for general sale has to c... 
Thinking of trying the new Schiit Skoll to replace my Rega MCFono
@thegreenline - take a look at 110LP v2 Phono Preamplifier. Priced at just a little more - it’s probably the last phonostage you will buy Moon 110LP v2 review: a cultured and well made phono stage | What Hi-Fi? (whathifi.com) Simaudio provide e... 
Cables for BW 805D4, JC5, Prima Luna 400
@jg7884  - Take a look at this link What Makes A Good Cable That way you will be able to make your decision based on cable science rather than the opinion of others For Commercial brands, take a look at Audio Envy or Zavfino = Both are very ... 
New cables...
@jaredw03 - I’m afraid it’s a bit late to ask qiestions after a purchase, because the answers may not contain good news. You’ve probably done some due dillicence in looking for cables based on reputation and price, but this is where the cable ind... 
Component contributions to “sound stage”
@dukebdevil , 1.3 is pretty good, getting closer to air at 1.1 is even better. The Helix AIR DIY cable geometry achieves this by inserting the bare signal  wire inside an oversize Teflon tube. Since the tube is larger than the diameter of the wir... 
Naim + Cardas
@audiotroy - From the Naim web site Naim power amps do not have extra inductance on their outputs (gives best sound), instead, in order to maintain stability, they rather elegantly use the speaker cable. They require a cable that provides a nomi... 
Naim + Cardas
@akg_ca - yup, NAIM is famous for its propagamda !!! NAIM recommends only NAIM’s own cables as a preferred pairing. This is part of the "NAIM Culture" and those on the NAIM forums adhere to this practice without question. It allows NAIM to sel... 
Naim + Cardas
@ticten - If you are looking for Speaker cables I would not recommend high end Cardas, because they have very high capacitance and under certain circumstances the cardas can cause the NAIM to oscilate and burn out components - this little detail ... 
if you had this system, what would you do to make it sound the best you can
@markley - start with cables. Once you have them n place it’s easier to discern improvements when changing components and speakers. A very good brand is Audio Envy - great cables at affordable prices. Next step up from there would be Zavfino He...