Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


@bigbrox I had a Raven Blackhawk for a month or two. Okay sound not the end all be all that Millercarbon claimed. Kinda clear since he is selling his.

Also your speakers would hate the raven.

Will say Raven builds some nice speakers and cables.

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@tubebuffer your post is offensive.  Maybe you should be put in time-out as well,

Those are usually the posts that bring a smile to my dial.
I have not seen that master-level of humour often.

Let's leave it to music. Yes, 30 Days In The Hole was one of the great songs by the great band Humble Pie and led by one of the great rock musicians and vocalists of our time Steve Marriott. May he Rest In Peace.

My only discovery in audio is vouching for a piece of gear so good it is is erroneous..

I vouch for the three embeddings controls and expecially after electrical and mechanical embeddings the acoustic treatment and control..

When you have a room under control no UPGRADE is a tentation any more..

Why? is it because my system is the best ? not at all...

It is because music is natural and living and vouching for a better amplifier will appear to me useless rant...

 Acoustic is key to audio nothing else...


Can anyone else vouch for Raven’s sound quality?

There were several Raven owners who did just that in the thread by Kevin Deal. They had owned both and chose Raven over the PL. Of course the anti MC group never paid any attention to that. But it was there. There are 2 sides to every story. Most of the dirt which was thrown at Raven was not new except to the uninformed. What research I did shows that The Raven owner had divulged this info  early on. he hadn't tried to hide it

I have not heard the Raven so I cannot say

Can anyone else vouch for Raven’s sound quality? I’m looking for an upgrade…

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I will only say that the overall IQ average of this place has slightly diminished since MC left. And of course everyone's entitled to my opinion. 🙄

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We're not doing too bad...only one post disparaging a bunch of members so far.
Time is on our side.

All the best,


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I much prefer the Government Mule cover of Thirty Days In the Hole ! Enjoy the music !!!!

I miss everyone able to put arguments...Anybody...

But nobody is perfect...

I dont miss some idiots for example posting one line post sarcasm without never giving articulated ONE argument ever...

What we miss and what we dont miss is only a reflection of our own ego...




I've been reading old Kenjit posts (and watching "Billions" reruns) to tide me over.


It's like he never left.



Our forum has become much less contentious and pleasant since MC is not posting.

Did you pay for the full hour argument? 

I don’t see why everyone is missing MC.  For myself, I am enjoying the quiet and no condescending attitudes. Good riddance. 

      I concur!

Our forum has become much less contentious and pleasant since MC is not posting. I do not miss him. Maybe he is embarrassed after touting  Raven products so Relentlessly and now some members have advised he’s selling that amp he thought was the greatest thing ever. He has no credibility with me

Is it just 30 days or a permanent suspension like georgehifi? We need to petition to reinstate georgehifi, his knowledge is truly missed.

I don’t see why everyone is missing MC.  For myself, I am enjoying the quiet and no condescending attitudes. Good riddance.