Thinking Hybrid Integrated.

Pathos, ModWright Instruments, Rogue Audio, McIntosh who else am I missing? Have to buy online.  No high end dealers where I am at, 



Sorry. Thought I’d answered your Heritage tube question before.  Replaced the Tung-sol EXC803S with NOS MULLARD mc1.  $$ and hard to find. More stability to the sound. More solid bass.  

I just bought a BAT VK3500 from MusicDirect. I scored an open box, but they are on sale for $9K if you are in the USA.

Very happy - if you have any interest check my virtual system - I'm moving from all tube, details are there - not updated with the BAT yet as I have 60 days to return it but I doubt that will happen. 

@cantorgale thanks for the information regarding the Heritage MK2 upgrade. I have one on order now and am getting excited.

As for the stock tubes, have you done anything or know of anyone using different tubes in the Heritage?

+ for Modwright.  No experience with Dan’s amps but he tube modded my OPPO Sonica DAC years ago. Does great work.  Stand up guy. 

My Heritage is in Italy now for the MKII upgrade.  This is Pathos to me on the mod:

“The InPoL2 MkII and the InPoL Legacy have an improved circuitry, so we introduced it in the Heritage as well; we replaced also some components with higher quality ones. The power remains the same and so the aesthetic design, but the performances have improved with a better dynamic. 
The unit will be longer than the old one, it will be provided with new VU meters and WBT speaker terminals.”

As to @astolfor’s comment re VU meter issues, I too had mine repaired. Apparently Pathos recognized the problem as the MKII will have different VU meters.  As to sound, I have gone from BHK 300’s and D’Agostino Progressive integrated and cannot imagine going back to either or SS in general.  However during that time I also transitioned from Focal Kanta IIIs and Rockport Atria ii’s to Tannoy Kensington GRs. As my preferences have clearly evolved toward a very different sound, I am perfectly content to stay with the Pathos/Tannoy and look forward to the MKII. 

@astolfor ​​​​@meloman69 @cantorgale 

So any of you hear about Pathos Heritage MkII (Q1 2024)?

I love kinda off the cuff integrated amps (own the Technics SU-R100). I wanted to foray into tube land and am demoing two Canor Virtus i2's in mono, but now hearing about the Pathos Heritage MKII I feel like maybe the Pathos is a better way to go.

All things being equal, the Canor I'm paying for two chassis and the integrated amp parts of a second unit I'm not using. As much as I love my SU-R1000 I feel like another gorgeous intergrated amp sporting less common circuitry in a hybrid tube fashion might be the way to go.

Any thoughts... Should I avoid Pathos, or get a second Integrated amp that's on the other end of the spectrum of the SU-R1000.

VK-90T is not better  than Heritage. Is different.

BAT is no such microdynamics, purity and melody. I use Heritage with Brimar and Reflector (both NOS). Absolutely brilliant sound!


@cantorgale although the sound of the amp is OK, it is abundantly clear that the Heritage VUs have a problem, as Pathos does with their Heritage controllers that reset themselves almost every time you either completely turn the power off following their procedures or by turning the amp using their remote control. 

I know of 6 people with a Heritage all of them have the exact same issues and one of them was out of commission for months.. 

Although I do not regret buying the Heritage, knowing what I know now I would not buy it, because there are significantly better amplifiers in the $15K-$25K range like the BAT VK-90T for example.

To some people a faulty VU might not be of  a big deal, to me it just annoys the hell out of me. I am glad that the Heritage is in my home in the USA which I do not use much.


A counterpoint to my friend @astolfor based on my experience with the Pathos Heritage InPol Integrated.   My shipped unit also has a non-functioning VU meter.  A mechanical glitch which did not affect sound output.  My experience was that my dealer Upscale Audio, Pathos US tech and Pathos in Italy were all over the problem.  They replaced my unit (from Upscale’s inventory) as soon as the problem was verified.  At $17K we’d hope to avoid such issues.  However, IMHO the true measure of a company is how it resolves product complaint issues.

I’m a Pathos fanboy.  Incredible with Tannoy Kensington GRs.  

@markmuse Thank you for the information.

Yes I am for part of the year in Michigan Spring, Summer, Fall and spend my Winters in Destin FL. 


@whitefishpoint1175 The pre section in the Pharaoh is probably the same or similar to the RP-7 pre. Here is a link I found to be useful in exploring replacement tubes. The stock JJ’s are not the best for me in my system.

With a name like WhitefishPoint I assumed you were somewhere in the Great Lakes region. Anyway, I might just check that out for myself.

I can't say enough good things about Rogue, their products, and their customer service. I had a problem with the first RP-7 that might or might not have been caused by a faulty subwoofer feeding DC back into the preamp. They replaced the pre - no questions asked, and even had the dealer I purchased from (The Listening Room - in Maryland) visit my home twice to help sort things out. 

@markmuse going to buy domestic and will be ordering a Rogue Audio Pharaoh II Integrated Amplifier.

I was down in Nashville this weekend and had the opportunity to hear the Pharaoh II matched with Sonus faber Maxima Amator. And the sound was exquisite. I have the Sf Electa Amator stand mounts and I think will be fine. 

I also had the chance to hear the Unison Research Unico 90 on the same speakers and was impressed but preferred the Pharaoh.

I also got to hear some great local musicians in Nashville. Love that town. 

Here’s a couple oldie's:

AMC CVT-3030

Ensemble B50 Tiger


I owned the AMC almost 30 years ago, a nice sounding unit, I always wanted to own the B50 Tiger.

If I am not wrong, It is tube in pre and SS in power, but integrated amp.

Tube pre + SS power amplifier and you still do not get the tube sound in my opinion.

The tube power is the must if you interested in tube sound.


My system is all Aesthetix hybrid - Atlas amp, Romulus DAC/CD & Janus Pre Eclipse models. I have rolled tubes to please my ear, and have nothing but good things to say about the sound, reliability and aesthetics (sorry, couldn't help myself).  Customer service is great and my interactions with Jim White & Glenn Buckley have been very helpful when asking for advice (no product service issues ever). Definitely worth a listen.   Good luck

Pathos makes best hybrid amolifiers imo. Very musical, intimate, engaing, astonishing micro dynamics. Very good at very low volume as well


Prima Luna has a new hybrid integrated that is receiving early positive reviews. You can check them out at Upscale Audio or google reviews. 


The Croft phono Integrated is a weird bird. Strange frequency response going on, phono was way to much bass and unusable in my setup. You need to listen carefully in your particular system. I sold mine not long after I got it.

I have a Pathos heritage, nice sounding amp.

Just Italian made… day one one of the VU did not work, the settings get rest all the time, no pre-in. When I posted in a Pathos forum asking for help, 
I was pointed over 10 different threads! All kinds of quality control issues in an amp that costs $17k.

I would avoid Pathos next time.

The Pathos Classic Remix, which is based on the Classic III, but with sonic tweaks, digital capability, and a built-in headphone amp. I've been auditioning it from Upscale Audio. It, at times, is an astonishingly musical amp, able to convey the smallest human impulses by the musicians. I'll say this, though, that it seems as if the 6922 Electro-Harmonic tubes which come with it (they're really cheap Russian tubes) create a slightly tubby sounding bass. I'm trying a different brand, some NOS Sylvanias. That may be fine for some, but I really need the bottom end to be absolutely tight. There's so much that this amp does really well. I'm hoping that the different tubes nail down that bottom end for me. 

I recently purchased a used Hegel H-160 for my office system. It is paired with B&W 686S2 speakers. I have to say I am quite impressed and would be open to Helge integrated amps, maybe the H390 or H590 for my main setup.

The Nain Uniti are excellent all in ones.

Amazon has the top Uniti Nova priced $1200 below normal. A mistake. It happens.

Using a Rogers now. Preowned ones too are certified.


Rogue Audio Hydra, just reviewed as the best amp under $3,000.  I’m using it to drive a pair of Maggie’s, plus a pair of REL subs, elegant sound !

Got a note from him today about how he’s missing it while he waits for the MA352 he has on order.

No he isn't.  Anything else would be a very sad and perhaps a cry for help.

I believe Peachtree Audio still makes some hybrid integrateds. They're good too.

You might need to buy used. I’m very happy with the MA252 I bought used here from a fellow member. He was too. Got a note from him today about how he’s missing it while he waits for the MA352 he has on order. 

You would do well to provide more info. Price?? System context? What are you looking for?

A few members, including myself, are quite happy with the Circle Labs A200. Similar topology to the above-mentioned Levante, at a fraction of the cost.

Croft integrated, though don't know if you need the phono section.

2 12ax7's for the phono section and a single 12ax7 drives the MOSFET's.



+1 to @rick2000 amazing amp. With efficient enough speakers the smaller Riviera Labs 10w headphone amp may do the job, in a smaller form factor. The Levante is quite large…