
Responses from tmalkki

My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000?
BAT VK300XSE. Very satisfied. Bought it used, original list was $6,495. Easy to contact the builder via email, Very helpful guy. Powering a pair of Odyessey Loreleis w/kismet upgrade. Full, detailed but not analytical, great presence.  
Thinking Hybrid Integrated.
I run a BAT VK300XSE, darn happy with the tube prestage and ss power stage.  
What combo would you choose and why
Thank you for the suggestion Spencer, probably the nudge I needed to reach out to Klaus for a chat! Timo  
What combo would you choose and why
Hmm, interesting observation, thank you. Given my budgetary limits, the Sim i3 is the best integrated I can do at this point in time. If you could choose an integrated around the $2k mark used, where would that take you? Cheers TM  
What combo would you choose and why
Ha! A very good "non-answer" answer nevertheless, and I thank you:-)   T   
What combo would you choose and why
Thank you for the response Spencer, appreciate it! For sure the Sim and Odyssey combo makes good musical sense in my opinion as well. Yes, it's all about enjoyment of the sounds and fun along the way for me. Good point about same manufacturer, b... 
What combo would you choose and why
Thank you for answering with a non-answer. And thank you for telling me what I should do, when I asked, with genuine curiosity, what you would do. Why do you assume I haven't rolled up my sleeves in the "experimentation quotient"? That's why I as... 
Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment
An Audioflow 4-way wifi speaker selector switch. Loving the differences in speakers now that it's convenient to swap. Between Odyssey Lorelei w kismet upgrades, engineering standard Revel M20's, Audio Nirvana 8" alnico FR's. Happy happy happy.  
Full Range comparison
I came across a pair of Audio Nirvana Super 8" with the alnico magnet. I run them in free air with a sub around 80. Amp is a Moon i3. I'm no expert, but I will say, for me, it's the best combination I've experienced thus far. The free air setup go... 
What Makes your System Special?
Full range drivers (alternating between Fostex FE208EZ and Audio Nirvana 8" alnico) in free air are my magic at the moment. ML Abyss off the speaker taps on my Primare SPA21. Volume around 55-60 db. For me, heaven. 
Single driver speakers. Are they worth considering ?
Currently running Fostex Fe208ESigma in free air with a NAD D3020 and sub. Also running Audio Nirvana 8" alnicos in free air, with a class D icepower ASX125 and sub. I listen at around 58-60db. Krall, Jones, Fagen, Lofgren, Davis, Clapton and simi... 
...bookshelf speakers that sound good at low volume...
Exactly what I was struggling with: enjoying music at low volume. Decided on Schiit Valhalla 2 as pre, icepower 125asx2 class D amp, Audio Nirvana 8" alnico full range drivers and a Martin Logan Abyss for sealed sub. Source is AmazonHD via Audioen... 
Low volume listening dynamics 2
Horns. Hmmmm. I like this suggestion :-)Correct, highs and mids are exceptionally clear, bass close to nonexistent, hence the light touch with the sub. Crystal clear without brittleness or sharpness 
Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers
What a great hobby this is. I am on a shoestring budget (thanks WAF), so only purchase used and only buy something after selling something else. Latest gig is AN 8" alnico drivers, and an Aragon Soundstage pre and Acurus A250 power. Listening volu... 
What do/did you do for a living?
Work in sales at a transportation provider. Been in the hobby since late 70s, with limited means. I've never bought a new component, I can afford the used market much easier, and makes it s ton of fun to search out something specific that I want t...