Think fast: What would you take?

I live in beautiful Portland, Oregon.
Pandemics, riots, rain, no rain, economic turmoil, comets...
Now we have devastating fires. 
One of my audio buddies is waiting in an evacuation center, awaiting the horrible news that he's lost his home. A couple others are at level 2 ready to abandon their homes. These guys are the best audiophile guys you could ever hope to have around. You probably know them.
With light rain in the forecast (Monday), I feel fairly safe.
But, I have collected one small suit case, just in case. My car will be loaded with camping gear. A photo album. Maybe a friend or 2.
Of the items in my listening room, I know I can't take any equipment. Maybe a couple Lps? No, I could replace those. 
So, I ask you: What would you take?
Hopefully, you'll never be in such a situation.
grannyring, I've went and done the same to you, which is the first time I've reported anyone. If you are ashamed of something, don't blame me.

All the best,
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.... and that flushing sound you hear is another a-gon thread going down the you know what...

let's just wish oregon best of luck

what is happening with the fires is horrible

this is the future we all looked forward to in our younger days?   ugh
anotherbob, you seem to live in a binary world. Only two sides, no nuance. You betray your limited world view by seeing anyone who disagrees with you as "liberal". You fail to see, let alone acknowledge, the steeped history of oppression and it's results, but complain about them as if they were the origins of the problem.

As for the bomb proof hood, it was a locking mechanism that made it impossible for anyone to install a bomb to the motor from above, with the hood open. I'd ask, how can you be so dense but I already know.

I had no idea how many knuckle dragging, kool-aid drinking, brainwashed, conspiracy theorists were here and I must admit, it's a bit unsettling. Now I'm certain that there are Qanon whackos here on A'gon, who truly believe the world is run by an elite cabal of cannibalistic pedophiles who drink the blood of children from the underground sex ring they run and that Trump knows of this and is presently fighting them.

That makes about as much sense as people and rural PDs issuing warnings of antifa going around starting fires and looting, resulting in armed idiots in fire zones setting up check points and accosting people.

All the best,
hilde45 is completely correct. 

Thank you for what you have done to help the citizens. I think your opinion on some of these issues perhaps could be the most pertinent as you have first hand experience. 

Pretty sure this thread blew past that point at about the second post.......
 I would not stop driving until I was out of the state to never return
Why stop there?

. No question I would take my guns and amo so I could Rittenhous any rioters I came across on the way.
My vote for most STUPID statement in this thread yet!!
Hope you are safe. No question I would take my guns and amo so I could Rittenhous any rioters I came across on the way. Then I would not stop driving until I was out of the state to never return.
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If you have the time to ask a ridiculous question in an emergency, it’s not an emergency 
I would try to get the irreplaceable/important items (family heirlooms, personal financial items for identity purposes, etc) rather than things that can be replaced by insurance. So sorry you're having to go through this. This year is definitely one for the books. Ugh!
Well, at least when miller started it all by going off on one of his ridiculous political rants, he forgot to post the link to his system!
When asked what 3 things he would rescue from a fire in his home, Ricky Gervais answered, "my cat!". When the interviewer repeated "3 things", Ricky replied "oh...ah, the twins..."
 We lost almost everything during hurricane Harvey and the floods in Houston Including a vintage Macintosh preamplifier and amplifier, Vandersteen’s and a fender blues junior. Fortunately I had insurance and was  able to buy some new gear that I’ve always wanted. It’s just stuff. I wish we would’ve saved all of the pictures of the kids and family that we collected over the years.
I hope you don’t suffer the same fate.
You are sitting and watching it burn.
Unless you're standing.
Then you're standing and watching it burn.
Or else you mean you've just turned off the television.
Im with Miller on this one. 
I would arm myself, however the hose would be my second choice if my first choice didn't keep the fire far enough away from my house.
This is America and I'm not going to sit and watch it burn!
Blaming specific races or political parties are ways to try to neatly dispense with complicated issues for one's own mental comfort. Some of us here are Republicans, some are Democrats, some are men, women, black, white, asian, etc. People are responsible as individuals for the specific things they do or fail to do, and blaming a group is scapegoating. And scapegoating is an individual act which is blameworthy. Those doing it need to look in the mirror and consider turning off the media and politicians feeding us these phrases. We must rid ourselves of anger and hate. 
Report! Report! Report!
Millercarbon has gotten under your skin.
Grow some balls and face the truth!
Peace out a**holes! (asterisks are mine, bimmer was kind enough to write it in its raw form)

How cute, miller has a drinking buddy.
And I see you have both taken the same eloquence class.
Next time you feel the need to be so toxic, save your breath.
You'll need it tonight to blow up your girlfriend...
Nonoise, I believe you were partially (mis)quoting (partially misquoting is a liberal hallmark) this- “There is evil in one race constantly victimizing their own race, over and over.” Do you think I’m wrong? I watched black lives torn asunder by crimes committed against them and against those they love, over and over. The black mans biggest fear is another black man, not a white cop, even a casual look at the statistics would show that to be true. Hell, MOST black people living in an inner city would agree. Don’t for one second allude to me thinking that kneeling on someone’s neck until they die is in any way acceptable, don’t you dare take that liberty. I’ll have you know I was among the first in, what was then a new idea and unit, called community policing. In an official format it didn’t last long in any meaningful way because of the huge cost in terms of personnel needed to do the job correctly, in a hugely cash strapped city it didn’t last, but we loved it, and it made the population feel safer for a time. But of course because of my realistic views you couldn’t possibly think I’d do that, right?

Again, what part of what I originally posted is wrong or untruthful, you failed to address specifically what that was, instead deflecting with some inane amateur psycholgy? Oh, and you never touched on (you are touched) the fact that you blatantly lied (or your uncle did) about the ridiculous “bomb proof hood” you spoke of.

I’ve always been very upfront with my experience and the truths I’ve seen working in an urban setting, you’d have to be an idiot (of any race) not to notice. Then there’s the riots, murders, looting, and destruction carried out upon the very people the protests are supposed to be supporting, carried out by those same people, and you don’t see this, are you blind, ignorant, or both?

Try answering the questions I originally asked, for once without trying to deflect in some way, shape, or form!
"I may not agree with miller on some things audio but he raises some good points regarding some of your avoidable problems. I just scratch my head and wonder how things came to evolve in such a way. Shame on your elected officials! "

Not surprising you're scratching your head in non-comprehension, as you both fail to understand the biggest shame lies in utterly failing to address the overarching driver and existential threat of climate change and co2 levels. 
You've been at this way too long, anotherbob, and it's poisoned your mind. 25 years of policing a status quo created 250 years ago takes it toll on a person, hardening them. When you start out with your "there's one race...." that about summed it all up. Your truths are the rationalizations of a race that fears losing it's dominance on society. You think to share and be accountable threatens your standing, when nothing is farther from the truth. No one should need to kneel on someone's neck to feel superior.

I was wondering when the closet door would come off it's hinges. Feels good to be out in the light for all to see, doesn't it? 

All the best and all I'll say on this for awhile,
Plan ahead. Having had to evacuate here in n. California twice, now I keep records of everything in the house (spreadsheet) scanned receipt copies, pictures of everything, back up drives in a bank vault with important documents. Boxes of irreplacable family history in boxes in the garage ready to go. Many old photos and slides i got scanned and save digitally. I review my insurance at least annually.

So now I take the spouse, the dog,  laptop, the boxes, a week of clothing and the stash of cash. Blankets, because sleeping in the car is inevitable.  A go bag with water and first aid stuff and an n95 mask.  A portable battery/charger for the phone and If time any small things of value that fit in the car.

Since fires generally mean power outages I keep a battery powered radio and emergency battery packs. 

We lost over 5000 homes in my neck of the woods to fire these last few years. I should probably move!
As a CA native who was lucky enuf to live SoCal to NorCal, it's heartbreaking to watch it burn and threaten lives and what made them ones' lives.
To see it engulf OR as well makes one wonder when it'll stop.
To know it's effecting some of this company....*speechless*

Walk, no, Run and save your skin and that of whom you love...spouse, sig. other, children, pets....

Everything else is just Stuff.
What's paramount is between your ears, driving your legs.
Nonoise, explain to me just what part of my post SPECIFICALLY you find worthy of internal affairs investigation! Bear in mind internal affairs ONLY investigates CRIMES committed by policemen. You may not agree with me, but you being the nephew of an officer certainly gives you FAR LESS “ground to stand on” than me, especially being jaded by the influence of an internal affairs uncle. Speaking of that, YES I DO HAVE FAR MORE GROUND TO STAND ON THAN MOST when it comes to this topic, I lived it every single day I worked, for over 25 year, retiring in 2015. The nerve of you to say I don’t! Buddy I earned the right to say the TRUTHS that I said. On that note, just what, in your nephewton wisdom, did I say that was wrong? What lie did I tell? There’s absolutely zero in my post that’s even a bit wrong. But go ahead, enlighten me...

‘’And by the way, you’re full of it, NOBODY has a bomb proof hood, that would keep the explosive force of a bomb planted under a car (which is where the overwhelming majority were planted back when that was a concern) from escaping upward, instead keeping it focused under and into the passenger compartment, where it would cause the most damage to someone in the car.  Seems the one accusing me of being untrue is himself the teller of tall tales.
And I thought MC was sick. Being a cop gives you no better ground to stand on than any other person. My uncle was a captain for Rampart, 66th St., Shootin' Newton, and a few others as well as being one of the lead investigators in the Charles Manson and Sirhan Sirhan cases and he worked Internal Affairs, busting cops that sound like you. 

One day while in my parents driveway, he showed me the bullet proof windows and bomb proof hood of his car. When I asked him if that was for the bad guys, he said, no, it was for the cops who wanted to kill him.

It's cops like you that help perpetuate the hate and dissent in this world so leave off with your special insight for it impresses no one.

All the best,

minorl, you are right, there is evil in this world.  There is evil in one race constantly victimizing their own race, over and over.  There is evil in victimizing our law enforcement over and over, far beyond their 13% of the population.  There is evil in false complaints about law enforcement victimizing them, when the true statistics don’t bear it out, yet the liberal media embraces in it, despite clear evidence to the contrary.  There is evil in taking advantage of those misguided souls who truly believe in their social justice protesting, in order to loot, burn, and vandalize to their hearts content, most often at the expense of the hard working people of their own race.  Yet heaven forbid someone point this out, because, of course, they will be labeled a racist, and not what their true moniker should be, and that is a REALIST.  It’s amazing to me how almost nobody mentioned taking their guns, because without those, you don’t stand a chance up against the true human predators of his world, who will take from you all that you value and laugh in your face as they do it.  After spending over 25 years a a big city cop in a democrat controlled urban center, I’ve seen, done, and experienced what I speak of.
Don’t underestimate fast moving monster fires, whatever you do.

Those who think they can sit there in front of their house and battle it with a hose have absolutely no clue. Take a few things and get the hell out of there early, Traffic!

Seeing what happened in Paradise CA two years ago, homes ground down to the ground for miles and miles. Some went back, grabbing one last thing or stayed - did not get out.

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thecarpathian1,751 posts09-11-2020 3:33pm"My explanation is miller is still drunk from last night....."

Mine is that he's damaged goods and needs help. It's a character structure that screams "I am miserable in my own skin." It's actually pain and suffering that drives that type of acting out. There's a sense of unworthiness that's being compensated for and evidenced by the need to be right, on top, occupying a position of superiority. It's a wearisome job to go through life like that. It grates on other people, but that's nothing compared to the burden he's carrying.
A friend here in north bay San Francisco lost his home a few years ago. He said he wished he'd taken Christmas ornaments with him.  I had original family artwork and heirlooms packed up, but we were fine.  So scary, so hard to figure things out on the spur of the moment. 
Stay safe.
It is when people don't care enough to even try to understand other's points of view or investigate why some are hurt or angry that causes many problems.

Kneeling, protesting, etc.  Before one gets angry, ask why they are doing it in the first place.  you then either agree or don't.  If you live your live having guns pulled on you by police on a routine basis, or beaten by police, for no reason and your friends and family suffer the same your entire life, then maybe you would understand the hurt and anger.  Simply kneeling to show protest does not dishonor the flag.  

Now we are in the age of video.  So, for good people to still deny that serious evil is happening, is mindblowing.  I have friend that are on the far right and also on the far left.  They are both talking past each other and not listening.  that is the problem.  But, if you think that what people are complaining about (abuse, killings, racism, etc.) isn't and hasn't been happening still, your head is in the sand.

On the subject of what to take, I worked in emergency operations for quite some time and remember insurance companies telling me that people have extreme difficulty in making claims after an event happened, because they have no records of what they owned.  They suggest taking pictures of everything, cars, furniture, clothing (yes clothing), stereo equipment, valuables.  making a detailed list, including copies of receipts, etc. and storing them somewhere else.  If you can't prove you owned it, they will probably not reimburse you.

Insurance companies are in the business to make money.  Period.

Have a box of things that you can take on short notice.  All of your belongings that you can't take should be documented and if you have not already provided that list to your insurance agent, then at least have that list and supporting documentation off site somewhere else.

You are already hurt, angry, upset on losing your belongings, it is worst, when the insurance company refuses to cover your loses because you can't prove you owned the items you claim to have lost.

Me?  I have a box with important documents that I would grab.  If I had advance notice and time, I would pack up other things.

Also, important, have a agreed upon contact method for friends and family.  Southern California has earthquakes, among other problems.  If a major earthquake happens and the power is out, well guess what?  so is the water pressure (takes electricity to power the pumps for water), phones will probably be out also.  So how will family and friends know how and where to contact you?  Hmmmm??

Sorry for the issues in Oregon, Washington, California, and other places. 
We should be listening to each other more and helping each other.

 be well.
Johnnysterebuyers advice seems good. If you’ve a minute to read your homeowners policy, you might find a few valuables listed the policy doesn’t or only partially covers, that you could fit into your car.

For instance our State Farm Homeowners policy only paid out fifty cents on the dollar for my late wife’s jewelry, when our home was robbed about a dozen years ago. If you’re married, you might want put your wife’s jewelry in the glove compartment, as that’s not a big item to take with you and might mean a lot to her. My wife felt the loss of jewelry pieces she’d gotten over the years as gifts, as well as her late Mom’s wedding ring and the like. Sentimental things like that are what you might feel bad about for years after. My wife’s jewelry was as important to her as my stereo is to me, which the insurance does cover, so can be left behind.

Take care, that’s the most important thing. Best of luck to you and yours. I hope things turn out well for you. And if you see Millercarbon on the side of the road as you’re escaping, please pick him up in spite of himself.

What an awful situation you find yourself in. I'm so sorry for your plight. So many people are being effected on a daily basis from so many challenges. Suspect it's too late for a controlled burn of everything surrounding your property. Besides, with embers flying everywhere and travelling long distances, difficult to keep off the roof etc... Family heirlooms, photographs, computers and artwork. Everything else can be replace. I hope this passes you, and many others by and that this is a hypothetical for you. Best of luck.

And WTF is MC's problem?
I can’t possibly imagine what you folks are going through. My wife and I watch the devastation in absolute horror.  I guess if I was put in that position,I grab my wife,and our dogs, and my meds. Which would probably take a small suitcase to fit them in. Other than that,that what insurance is for I suppose. Best of luck,and I hope you and your family come out unscathed.
Any living creature in this house that's cost me more than $1,000 in vet bills.

So both of them.
We recently evacuated for a week. The fire was a mile away, and coming our way. We had a half an hour to get out.  

I grabbed the wife, the 2 dogs, all of my guitars, valuable paperwork, all cash or jewelry, or small valuables, passports, licenses, documents, some clothing, some snack food only, dog food and bowls, some water, all computers, with mouse and keyboard, ALL pictures of friends, family, experiences, and all medications, and a couple flashlights. Cellphones.
All Covid gear. Masks. Wipes. Gloves.

I also took some empty Folgers or Costco plastic cashew containers and put some small plastic trash bags, and a roll of toilet paper in it. Instant port-potty.

If you have some time, start taking pictures or a video quickly of everything inside and outside the house. Be quick about it, and don't forget to take the camera with you. (My wife forgot it due to the fog of war). Insurance will want some type of proof. This is why taking your computers is so important.

Everything else can be repurchased or replaced, in most cases.

Synths can be replaced. Amps too. Most stereo gear as well, even though it hurts. Your favorite guitar, not so much. 

Also, consider putting all of your water sprinklers on and saturate the ground and trees all around the house with water right away. Let it run. 

Fires are finicky. And do not dally. Find out exactly how long you have.
There is a huge difference between a warning and a mandated immediate evacuation. But, take no chances.

Hope this helps. Stay safe.