Think fast: What would you take?

I live in beautiful Portland, Oregon.
Pandemics, riots, rain, no rain, economic turmoil, comets...
Now we have devastating fires. 
One of my audio buddies is waiting in an evacuation center, awaiting the horrible news that he's lost his home. A couple others are at level 2 ready to abandon their homes. These guys are the best audiophile guys you could ever hope to have around. You probably know them.
With light rain in the forecast (Monday), I feel fairly safe.
But, I have collected one small suit case, just in case. My car will be loaded with camping gear. A photo album. Maybe a friend or 2.
Of the items in my listening room, I know I can't take any equipment. Maybe a couple Lps? No, I could replace those. 
So, I ask you: What would you take?
Hopefully, you'll never be in such a situation.

Showing 2 responses by daj

"I may not agree with miller on some things audio but he raises some good points regarding some of your avoidable problems. I just scratch my head and wonder how things came to evolve in such a way. Shame on your elected officials! "

Not surprising you're scratching your head in non-comprehension, as you both fail to understand the biggest shame lies in utterly failing to address the overarching driver and existential threat of climate change and co2 levels. 
thecarpathian1,751 posts09-11-2020 3:33pm"My explanation is miller is still drunk from last night....."

Mine is that he's damaged goods and needs help. It's a character structure that screams "I am miserable in my own skin." It's actually pain and suffering that drives that type of acting out. There's a sense of unworthiness that's being compensated for and evidenced by the need to be right, on top, occupying a position of superiority. It's a wearisome job to go through life like that. It grates on other people, but that's nothing compared to the burden he's carrying.