The best speaker cables you’ve had

Simply put, the best you’ve owned and/or heard.


Before you buy, get a schematic of your speaker. Some speakers, especially ESL's, have a resistor in series with the input. Solution: make up you own speaker cables with that specified resistance, and remove the resistor in the speaker. If you have mono blocks as I do, the speaker cable can be just short pieces of nichrome wire replacing that (probably garbage) resistor. Win + win.

Monster Cable I bought new in '86 for $30.  Still using them with my Dahlquists....  I think they are sufficiently 'burned in' 😉


Funny post.  Good luck sorting things out.

Audio Art AAC SC-5 ePlus Cryo. It's not an expensive cable but after it settled in (and it was all over the place while that happened) it's been a fantastic upgrade.


Blue jeans cables Deluxe - as they said they bring the goods to your speakers 

what more can be done ,even shielded  what more can you ask for $400 !!

they sound great  with my old ONKYO while working in my garage .

The best cable I have ever owned was the one that made me stop thinking about getting another one.

Audio Note Sogon (2 meters) is what I own.  It is among the best I’ve heard.  I have also heard great performance from NBS Black Label wires.