Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Hello Scott, 
The CSL and the Frankenstein  use the same 3 amp slo blo small size fuse. SR provides a 3.15 amp which have been fine for me. 

Which black fuse (specs) do you use in your Coincident Line Stage? Appreciate the help and all your contributions. I look forward to adding black fuses to my Franks as well. Will pipe in here when I have some feedback
^^^   And it continues on. These SR Black fuses do amazing things. One more to go in my system. I'll be ordering another SR Black fuse to replace the SR Red fuse now residing in the ARC REF-75se.  When I replaced the HiFi Tuning fuse in the amp for the SR Red fuse, it was really ear opening. The Black fuse in the amp should be another significant improvement. 
Was listening to some Rolling Stones SHM-SACDs on my Ayre C-5xeMP player, and decided to experiment a little just for the hell of it.  Pulled the SR Black fuse out of my Symphonic Line CDP and popped it into the Ayre (replacing Furutech fuse).  

The results were so pleasing I just ordered another Black for the Ayre.  

"Oppo 105 had a fuse that was easily accessible or worthwhile to upgrade....anyone had success with fuse change on the Oppo 105?"

My Oppo 95 had the fuse soldered in place inside the Oppo. Part of my mod included the installation of an external fuse holder.

The Oppo 105 is probably the same.

Hi Jond,
You are correct,  the Yamamoto DAC can process up to 192K. I only use 16/44.1 and thus exposing my own bias based on my listening habits.  It's good to know that it handles 96K " brilliantly ". Regarding the "Full House " the version of "Born To Be Blue " is just beautiful. 
Wes Montgomery + Black fuses = A great experience.

Charles and jond: I hope when your system changes slow down you will consider experimenting with the Synergistic Research ECT's. In the right locations they help to focus the music and enhance the emotion. They are a bit of trial and error but no 100 hr. break in to endure. They do come with the 30 day return policy. I found them to be a very rewarding experiment.

David Pritchard

Charles you inspired me to put that same Wes Montgomery CD on, well at least what they have on Tidal, Wes Montgomery Fullhouse Live- The Keepnews Collection and it does sound great. One clarification on the Yamamoto and I could be wrong but though it can handle sample rates up to 192k I believe. The Remedy reclocker I put in front of it outputs a 96k signal and the Yammie handles that brilliantly. I know that’s still Redbook but not straight 16/44.1. Or is my techno-ignorance causing me to miss something?
The Yamamoto YDA-01 a is a one trick pony as it is limited to 16/44.1 Redbook only. The good news is that it renders it so organically, it just sounds right. I'm listening to a live recording of Wes Montgomery "Full House " and it is  a joy.

Congratulations on acquiring the Miyajima,  I really look forward to hearing it and how it differs from the ZYX Universe cartridge. More Black fuses will be a genuine treat given what we've heard them do in your system thus far . You have a lot of listening to do.
Just received my brand new Miyajima Madake Cartridge. Now I can replace the four fuses in the Aesthetix Io Power supplies with four black SR fuses. I can’t wait. I have not received my four black SR fuses for my amplifiers, hopefully this week. Happy days are upon us. Charles,  Doug helped me remount my turntable wall mount above my cabinet so now the turntable is easy to reach.

The Yamamoto looks like a great DAC reading about it at the Six Moons review site. Nice that they showed a schematic and under the hood pictures. Congratulations on evaluating two different fuses. It is this type of persistance that elevates a system to a system taht is truly speclal.

The Synergistic Research Electronic Circuit Transducers (ECT) are worth considering on a product such as the Yamamoto. I have had good sucess using them with the Antelope DAC and the Marantz SACD players.

I hope everyone has a good week filled with beautiful music.

David Pritchard
Hey why not? This is the best  way to determine which fuse is better in your system. 
charles1dad thanks and just for fun I ordered a Hifi Tuning Supreme fuse just to see if I could tell the difference.
Jond, Yes,3.15 amp. I just rounded it off to "3" since it's so close in practical terms. 
@charles1dad  thanks for getting back to me and one more question you say it takes a small 3amp slo blow but when I check small fuse sizes, I looked at both the Synergistic and Hifi Tuning Fuse ads and both list only a 3.15A in the small 5x20mm. Is 3.15A what you meant?

I had the red fuse and now the black great stuffs on both of my systems.

the synergistic dealer was unsure that my secondary system CD player Oppo 105 had a fuse that was easily accessible or worthwhile to upgrade....anyone had success with fuse change on the Oppo 105?
Hello Jond,
I replaced the stock fuse with the SR Quantum20  over 3 years ago with good result. That fuse was replaced by the Black fuse with definitely further improvement.  The fuse is located on the rear panel at the IEC  plug site. It requires a 3 amp slo blo small size. À very worthy tweak for the Yamamoto. 
@charles1dad  a question as I know you also own a Yamamoto YDA-1, actually two questions. Did you put a SR fuse in it and if so I assume positive results? And where exactly is the fuse located on the unit? Thanks!

Indeed the newest acoustic treatment - the UEF Panels have my interest. They are being demonstrating at the audio show in Chicago in two weeks.

My system became progressively better with each Black fuse and then an interesting type of total system harmony when it reach 100% Black.

I look forward to the amp upgrade impressions and the fuse impressions.

David Pritchard
nyame36 posts04-02-2016 7:02pmBefore this thread comes to an end I would like to personally thank Oregonpapa for starting probably the most informative, stimulating, and 
 successful posts I have yet seen on these forums. He has provided an economical upgrade path for thousands of audiophiles. But this thread has done something even more important: It has opened up the minds of many.
Thank you very much

The thread can't end until I share results of my 7 SR BLACKS.   Preamp upgrade is done and VAC scheduled to ship next week.  They ran out of signal transformers so was delayed.  After ~100 hours of breaking in, replacing 7 fuses all at once so will be interesting.   

I have success with SR HFTs and later replaced with Audio Magic Bells.   The new UEF Panels look interesting and probably next tweak.  Like I said before, it pays to be stupid and just trust my senses if a tweak works instead of handcuffed by a slide ruler.

nyame ...

Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. But ... all of the credit goes to the designers at Synergistic Research. All I did was put skepticism aside and took a chance based upon their 30 day return policy. I was so taken by the overall improvements in the system with just one Red fuse in my preamp that I felt compelled to share the outcome with the members here. 

These SR fuses have benefited so many now, for so little money in relation to what one would have to spend for similar results via other means, that its a bit mind boggling at this point. It's encouraging me to try other SR tweaks.

Based upon SR's Youtube videos, there are a lot more exciting things to come. As I try them, I'll be reporting the results here. Charles, David, and others have experienced some of the other offerings from SR with very positive results ... so I suspect they would like to share their experiences as well.

On ending this thread: Not yet ... I still have to replace a Red fuse in the amp for a Black fuse. I'm going to wait another week for that though. The system is sounding so good that I want to put off the 70 hours of break-in for the new fuse for a little bit.

My friend Robert came over last night and we listened to a whole variety of music. One thing we listened to was a jazz compilation of previously released material titled "Jazz Like You've Never Heard It Before." One cut features Mel Torme' singing "Too Close for Comfort."  It was "reach out and touch Mel Torme' ... so realistic. Another cut featured Sonny Rollins playing "Body and Soul." That tenor sax was right there in the room. So tonally correct.

Robert called me again this afternoon to compliment the system and its natural, realistic sound. His comments: "You've got the tonality of the piano just right."  "I've never heard a muted trumpet sound as real as that cut you played of Joe Gordon. It was right on." "Wow, Sonny Rollins was real!" 

These are truly great compliments coming from Robert. He has talented ears. If something isn't right he can nail it right away. He's been around the hobby for years. Robert works with one of the great mastering engineers helping to master some of the most well thought of vinyl reissues we enjoy so much today. Also, Robert has been instrumental in the choice of what records are to be reissued by a well respected audiophile reissue record company. And ... Robert is very critical of recordings that are not done right ... and systems that pretend to be high-end but that just don't cut the mustard. Bottom line ... if Robert says its right ... its right.

Stay tuned ... more fuse updates to come. 

Well said! It's very gratifying to realize how many music lovers have discovered a wonderful affordable tweak as a result of this thread. The sharing of listening experiences,  information and goodwill is inspiring. The strong positive vibe this thread has maintained is also noteworthy. Many people have increased their enjoyment of music reproduction in their homes. What more could you want? 
Before this thread comes to an end I would like to personally thank Oregonpapa for starting probably the most informative, stimulating,  and
 successful  posts I have yet seen on these forums. He has provided an economical upgrade path for thousands of audiophiles. But this thread has done something even more important: It has opened up the minds of many.
Thank you very much

Logged my first impressions of SR Black fuses in the Atmosphere power cord thread by accident, - I had two, one in power amp and the other in my pre-amp and suitably impressed.
Got a load more a couple of days ago after having to wait for a few weeks while they were out of stock.
The new lot has gone into my cd player, Oppo Blu-ray player, a/v processor and sub woofer.
Additionally an internal one went into my PS Audio P10.
The waiting begins until I add the requisite 70 hours for burn in.
Already very happy with the audio side as the original Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits cd sounded superb, very 'live' recordings with no 'veils' sounding very much like the band was in my room.
Wife wanted to watch a movie last night so we watched Burlesque, (don't laugh), which she really enjoyed. Lots of musical numbers in the movie, two especially impressed, dialogue at nice room level, not loud but these two numbers really came through with unlimited dynamics.
Still early days for the fuses but don't regret buying them in any way.    
georgelofi1,376 posts04-01-2016 8:20pm

Just to who the voodoo'ist are, for a reference not to believe anything they say in future posts on any topic.

I agree 100% and have my list.   Their position or result is not surprising so why waste server disk space.
To t-ramey, jond, and the others who recently posted their observations on the sonic changes after installing the Synergistic Research Black fuse congratulations. It is a liberating experence to try something new - especially when a first thought  might  be " it just can't have an effect". It is interesting that many people are not able to overcome a prejudice to try something new, even if the cost to try is  only $3.00 for return postage.

The original poster Oregonpapa took the time to post about the Synergistic Research Red fuse, as to him it made a major difference in sound quality. Pretty simple statement. Also pretty simple statement- the SR fuses come with a 30 trial and refund if returned. Not just store credit. No restocking fee. Simply - money refunded.

I read this topic to see in what equipment these fuses work or do not work in. I also was reminded and proved to myself that the direction of  fuse can make a difference. In my systems it was worth the effort to try the fuses in both direction and to try the Black fuse.

I have made new friends on this thread and look forward to meeting some  at the upcoming Newport Beach audio show June 3-5.

I also have seen the ugly side of human nature in geoffkaitt, georgelofi,  and wolf_garcia's posts. Non of these persons have tried the Synergistic Research RED or Black fuse. They all seem driven to resort to childish name calling and worse.

Again I applaud all who try a non original fuse. Whether it is a Little Fuse brand, the earlier generation audiophile fuses, or this newest generation of fuses - the Synergistic Research Black fuse. I think it is a liberating experiment.

David Pritchard

Well George, at least you care. If you were apathetic you would just pass over this thread but you definitely show an interest. 

Just to who the voodoo'ist are, for a reference not to believe anything they say in future posts on any topic.

Cheers George

So do atheists attend religious services every week just to see what's going? It's funny that the people who think this thread is a farce continue to follow and read every post and then take the time and effort to write a comment...
I would say that given the number of new posters who continue to report such positive findings with use of the Black fuses, this thread is alive and doing quite well.

This thread has disintegrated to where it deserves to be, and is a total waste of the forums server hard drive space.

Cheers George


Unfortunately, I keep repeating my  mistake which is trying to ever have a rational discussion with you know who.  :^(
It’s getting so you can’t tell the skeptics from the trolls without a scorecard. I haven't made a mistake since 1985.

" it’s rhetoric or it’s hyperbole. I.e., that it MUST be an exaggeration "

That's a straight copy and paste.  No misquote.

Well I said that you would see your mistake, not admit it. :^)

You’re right about one thing. Someone is confused. Smile, you’re on Candid Camera. Incidentally, you misquoted me. 

There's a fine line between a Skeptic and Troll.
" it’s rhetoric or it’s hyperbole. I.e., that it MUST be an exaggeration "

Only if hyperbole.

Break out your logic book and you'll see your mistake.
There you go again generalizing and blurring things.

Rhetoric need not be hyperbole though hyperbole is one form of rhetoric.
Skeptics almost always think when someone says, "It was huge" or "it took my breath away" or "it was equivalent to a component change" it’s rhetoric or it’s hyperbole. I.e., that it MUST be an exaggeration, or perhaps a (gulp) shill. They NEVER think for a minute the statements might be true. This is especially true when the subject of controversial tweaks comes up, you know, tweaks like aftermarket fuses or tweaks that are very small - at least in the mind of the uber Skeptic way TOO small to do much of anything. That’s precisely why fuses have been controversial for twenty years. Along with Mpingo discs, tiny little bowl resonators, quantum chips, Marigo VTS dots, Silver Rainbow Foil, things of that nature. There is a fine line between being a skeptic and being overly suspicious. Lol

Simple Definition of rhetoric...

1: language that is intended to influence people and that may not be honest or "reasonable".
2: the art or skill of speaking or writing formally and effectively especially as a way to "persuade or influence" people.

Number one is what audio forums thrive on,or any subjective forum for that matter.

Number two is how the audio rags of the world make money of course.


I said interesting observation.

No need to put other words in my mouth.
Excellent observation.  I would have corrected Mapman and pointed out he meant to say hyperbole, confident he wouldn't take umbrage at that because he doesn't know what in the hell umbrage means. 

You may want to stay away from the term "rhetoric" unless you're happy with the misuse of the term due to a lack of understanding of its actual meaning. 
It took me some time to decide that I should pay $119.95 FOR A FUSE(!). Well, I have progressed in life to the point that my disposable income has shrunk and retirement has set in. So the days of spending large amounts of money on gear have all but ended. I am ok with that because I have put together a music system that I am quite happy with and expect / hope to stay that way for some time. I am still an audiophile with the insatiable desire to improve what I have. It has just downsized in cost. But, $120 bucks for a fuse? Worth every penny. The Synergistic Black Fuse is a marvel. From the first piece of favorite music I played until I shut things off last night I sat there hearing greater detail, fullness, and air on every recording. I didn't make wholesale changes. I changed the fuse in my Hegel H300 Integrated only. I can't wait til the damn thing breaks in. Well done SR. Well done, indeed.
Peter,I can understand your concern. But rhetoric is what this hobby is based on. The next best, greatest, and cant live without tweak is always just around the corner. I can remember when power cord nay-sayers would have a connipshit about the evil rhetoric in concern of power cord/conditioner benefits. I believe that has been put to rest.

I use an SR black in my tube pre and I can say in all honesty that most of the rhetoric here is true. I say most,not all,because some posts are over the top in wishful thinking from my viewpoint. Its a fantastic tweak that does have worth in a revealing system. Of course ymmv. Give one a shot and see what all the hoopla is about...
Wow. What rhetoric. 
I have invested in reference level audio equipment and am aware the fuses therein,as in other electrical products,are there to "protect the equipment". The parameters of that protection are well known to the designers. The designers of products at the level of Spectral Audio (a fairly well respected brand) are definitely looking to maximize sound quality-that is the basis of our high quality (high end) equipment, and they seem to take extreme engineering design,innovation and ever improving parts quality to the utmost levels to produce competitive gear. So,can we not assume they would want to supply a power cord, and fuses, that would best show off their products --i.e. "allow" them to operate at their maximum level?
In younger days I would have 'logically' thought so. However, the utterly basic power cords supplied with some of the very best reviewed equipment are certainly not worthy of the task. My experimentation (and now ownership) with all of the top of the line MIT Oracle p/c's has clearly proved to me my 'logic' was incorrect. It has proven continuously, with analogue and digital equipment, that "stock" power cords are inappropriate on serious equipment. I have not experimented with fuses,so far, as the cost of failure of any fuse has been an unacceptable risk. I am now retired and don't have the funds to replace the reference level equipment that provides me such enjoyment. I have found vast improvements in experimenting with ac power supply isolation and conditioning and would very much like to further optimize the sound I obtain. However, when I compare the websites of the vaunted "hi-fi fuses" herein, with the website for example of "LITTELFUSE"; I am more impressed with the engineering,research,quality control,pride of performance-and willingness to stand behind their products with very detailed data shown by LITTELFUSE.   How do I determine the "hi-fi marketed" fuses will perform similarly?  Most sincerely,long time member and avid enthusiast of musical reproduction, Peter.