Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
"I have a bunch of bottle caps from the dozens of Harp beers consumed at my home on St. Paddy’s day and I am gonna glue them all over the wall to simulate the effect of SR’s dots."

For even greater bass extension you might consider gluing the empty Harp bottles to the walls and perhaps the ceiling.  That would be cool.

I am all Irish so I might just take you up on this idea, as I still have a collection of two dozen bottles.  I am down with inexpensive tweaks!  

The link you posted is informative, but you missed the fact that I am Irish, cursed that I am.  Listening to music in a sober state of mind is not something we Irish do.  Others must choose what is best for them.  Cheers, Whitestix
David, I wish for your brother all that our modern science can offer and more! This time we have is indeed a very precious thing. And if that is the harmonia mundi, I too would concur, a wonderful piece.

Charles, thank you. I always appreciate your thoughts and respect a set of ears that sits in front of a kit like your’s.

The 24/7 burn clock is running on those newest babies and I truly look forward to the smoothness, collected flow, and voicing to come to full bloom. I really do appreciate what these little things bring to the "humanness" of vocals.

Happy Listening!
Thanks for the info. I ordered another SR BLACK 3.15A fuse today.

I see the labels now. I guess the coffee didn't kick in this morning. :-) I'm going to use SR BLACK in HDD live and move the SR RED from PS 9.0 to Mains Live. I replaced my full loom of SR REDs with SR BLACks. Since you didn't hear much improvement in Mains Live, no need wasting money on another SR BLACK.

I asked Dan Wright many questions too. He only mentioned the fuse in PS 9.0 so I thought none in HAPZ1. I'm glad we have forums to share info.

BTW, since PS 9.0 also uses a 3.15A, you can try SR BLACk in HDD live, stock in Mains Live and SR BLACk in PS 9.0. The correct fuse direction in PS 9.0 is rear to front.

knghifi, my PS 9.0 has a 1.6 A slo in it.  One of us better check with Dan. I don't know which fuse is correct.  I was about to refuse the 9.0 and would love to use a 3.15 in there if that is OK.

Mapman wrote,

"Well everyone can rest easier now that machina dynamica geoffkait is convinced these things kick arse.

Mopman out."

Mopman, you’re putting words in my mouth again. You know what that means? Strawman alert! Take the day off. Come back when you’re fresh. Lol

"People would generally be much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little."  PT Barnum
Geoffkait, if we believed in more, at least PT Barnum would have been better off! As for the rest of us, I feel that is still yet to be proven. :)

"Geoffkait, if we believed in more, at least PT Barnum would have been better off! As for the rest of us, I feel that is still yet to be proven. :)"

"All products must be marketed, even the really good ones. " - PT Barnum

"You can’t prove anything to someone who has his mind made up."  - GC Kait

brownsfan, I check the stock fuse and it's 1.6A.  I just took Dan's word and didn't bother checking before use.  

I've been using 3.15A since new without problems so not going to purchase another fuse.    PS 9.0 is relative inexpensive so taking my chances. :-)



    Has it> right on THE RED thins, it brighten everything.. Think about it

a little piece of 20ga wire +/- amps required inside a fuse capsule right out of the box!

REMEMBER >> these are tuning fuses that's what they are. If any of hunderd's of hunderd's audio gear Mfg could insert a Fuse that would make revelations in audio improvements they would.

There in a very competitive market place world wide. Do I use tuning fuse YES!.

 I've TRIED THE RED YES!. It took warmth from the cello & violin in my Wilson speakers.


Use them as for what the are. But if one knocks your socks off. Then its removing to much,

or adding to much.  Tubes444

brownsfan, I changed my mind and ordered a SR Black 1.6A.  Don't want to push my luck so will be using both SR Blacks 3.15A in the HAPZ1.
Thank you to for the encouragement for my brother. I posted his condition to gently remind myself and readers that the mortality clock is always ticking.

Try a fuse - no risk involved- if you like the effect your musical enjoyment just increased. If you did not hear a change it was a (at least to me) a fun experiment to perform at no or little expense.There are more important things to ponder than why a fuse construction would make a sonic change.

David Pritchard
One can't help wondering why more audiophiles lack curiosity.  This is quite worrisome.  Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought hum back.  Curiosity is the backbone of scientific reason. 

Geoff Kait
machina Dramatica 
I was on another audiophile site last night and mentioned that I was getting good results now that my new SR power cords have broken in. As a result, I was subjected to ridicule with the members saying that I bought into snake oil and that there is no difference in cables. I asked the main culprit to list his equipment. He has his speakers up against the wall and driving everything with a Pioneer receiver. Mid-Fi at best. He said that he had visited this SR fuse thread and thought it was all BS too. I asked him if he had come to that assessment after trying the fuses in his system. As yet, he hasn't answered. "Crickets." 
Has anyone changed direction of fuse after going from red to black fuse....would seems that if one direction is better for red fuse that same direction would be better for black fuse.....

my amp is hard to switch fuses so would rather not switch several times

so far the amp when the black fuse is in same direction as red fuse seems to have better separation and air and soundstage but a little less wamth little less weight in bass weight....

Was reading about fuses and pulled out the fuse in my preamp but it was very hard to read, it definitely said 6.3A on one side the other side was much harder to make out but pretty sure it said 250ma. Do these numbers together make sense? Also how can I tell if the fuse is fast or slow blow? Sorry for the neophyte questions just never really looked at fuses before. Thanks!
Hi Jond,
6.3 amps is a very large value for a preamplifier  (must have a huge power supply ). My gut feeling would be slo blo. Are you able to get in touch with the manufacturer to answer your question?  
@charles1dad  I certainly can contact them in the meantime took another look and its F6.3A on one side and 250ma on the other. Guessing the F is for fast blow but the numbers are what's confusing me as 6.3A and 250ma are totally different values are they not? I may be misreading the 250ma part the engraving is incredibly hard to make out its a .75 inch fuse. Thanks.
Hi Jon,

It’s most probably a 6.3 amp 250 volt ("250v" rather than "250ma") fast blow fuse, in the common 5 x 20 mm size (the smaller of the two physical sizes SR offers, the other being 6.3 x 32 mm). If the internal filament is a straight piece of wire, rather than a spiral coil or a flat conductor having substantial width, that would provide added confidence in my assumption.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

Aha Al that makes perfect sense as I could make out the 250 and was just guessing ma but volt makes sense so that must be it and yes it is indeed a straight thin piece of wire. Thanks!

I have done the RED versus Black fuse orientation in the SACD player-seven fuses and the amp - one fuse. I found the Blackorientation to be the same as the Red. Those fuses were easy for me to get to and so I did the experiment for myself and other fuse users. Of course there could be exceptions. Some of the previous posts have given detailed sonic descriptions of a backward fuse. It is an out of phase- focus sound.


I look forward to your sonic impressions of a new fuse. You have already taken a step many audiophiles have never done- you removed a fuse!  You also now know how to read the fuse identification information. You are thinking for yourself. What a great experiment awaits you. You can try an audio product for 30 days and if not happy return it easily for your money back.

I congratulate all readers who have tried the Synergistic Research  Red or Black fuses for taking a liberating step forward. I also congratulate all who auditioned the fuses but for whatever reason sent them back. Returning products that do not meet expectations is also liberating!

Enjoy the music.
Enjoy the challenge of improving your music system.

David Pritchard
I decided to switch the direction on the black fuse on the dartzeel amp after all because lack of bass weight was bothering me.

The improvement was immediate with the bass weight slam back and the soundstage easily improved from the red fuse.

it goes to show that experimentation is always necessary and trust your ears ......
karmapolice94 posts03-21-2016 11:36amI decided to switch the direction on the black fuse on the dartzeel amp after all because lack of bass weight was bothering me.

The improvement was immediate with the bass weight slam back and the soundstage easily improved from the red fuse.

it goes to show that experimentation is always necessary and trust your ears ......

Direction change on an AC fuse for different sound???

Cheers George


I am glad you took the effort to change the fuse direction. When the Synergistic Research fuse is not in the optimum direction there is that "sense" of something not being right, for me not being in focus.
I really think to get a emotionally satisfying system it takes a lot of work and not just a big blank checkbook!

I hope you will try a Synergistic Research Black fuse in your system. But you will have to figure out the fuse orientation on your own since you are upside down to us living in the Northern Hemisphere.

Since you are down under- have you tried the Black Discus products from New Zealand. Interesting stuff. They also have a 30 day trial on their products. But no fuses.

David Pritchard


I empathize with your "Other Forum frustration". I hope you will tell us the name. No need to spend time at closed minded and uncivilized sites.

Lute music: I have a lot of Lute CD's. 
Nigel North- music of Robert Johnson "The Prince's Almain"
Shirley Rumsey- Music of the Italian Renaissance

Both on Naxos.

Rumsey's singing with the delicate lute or the renaissance guitar,when played on a Synergistic Research Black fuse based system is simply breathtaking.

David Pritchard

You have me curious, I'm going to get one of your  suggested Lute recordings.I have little exposure to that instrument and want to hear it.

In my friend's  (Jwm) system, fuse direction is profoundly  evident. 

Let us know how the Black fuse works out in your preamplifier,  I always appreciate your listening impressions and opinions. 
Just ordered a black fuse for my preamp I will find out if all the talk and hype about it is justified and let you guys know.
I've come to the realization that the most rewarding aspect to this site is the new friends that one makes ... and especially those who are in it for the love of music. 
I've been quietly enjoying this thread for a few days now - thanks all for taking the time to post your impressions.  It's refreshing to see a spirited discussion not devolve into sophomoric insults or innuendos about systems as a means to rationalize why some don't hear benefit.

I for was was a fuse skeptic until trying my first audiophile fuse couple of years ago - didn't take long to become a convert.  In fact, I just finished off my system with hifi tuning fuses in my crossover and in the PSU for my DAC (they were the last to get upgraded... caught the sale and figured why not).  I wasn't expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised.  I'll save the SR black fuses for another day...

OregonPapa - I assume you're also in the PNW?
Karma police wrote,

"I decided to switch the direction on the black fuse on the dartzeel amp after all because lack of bass weight was bothering me.

The improvement was immediate with the bass weight slam back and the soundstage easily improved from the red fuse.

it goes to show that experimentation is always necessary and trust your ears ......"

So, what about the S and R direction on the Black Fuse? Can we forget about that? Is that no longer valid, reliable, whatever?

I ordered your Paulo Dette suggestion and the Nigel North recommended by David.  I look forward to listening to both of these performances. 

Charles ...

Knowing your taste in music, you're going to love that CD. I have in on vinyl, but I have others by O'Dette on CDs. 

After reading David's post re: lute music, I got out a few lute CDs for my listening session last night. All of the ones I have are on the Harmoni Mundi label. What terrific recordings! In the room!

PNW ... Oh, okay I get it. Yep, I lived/worked in Oregon in 1999-2000. I acquired the handle "oregonpapa" while working there ... and communicating with my daughters via Email. Oregon is a very beautiful place; water everywhere ... including a lot falling from the sky. A LOT falling from the sky. I made the discovery while there as to why the Oregonians named the capital of the state "Salem." Its because people don't drive cars there .... they salem.  :-)

Charles the new black fuse arrives Thursday I will certainly update you guys on my impressions as I listen over the weekend.
Hi Jond,
If you discover that you like the Black fuse in your preamplifier,  strongly consider placing one in  the splendid  Yamamoto DAC. It's a  beautiful addition becoming even more nuanced, organic and dynamic  (already strengths ).

Even more important than your listening impressions that occur in five days, I and am interested in your thoughts after the Black fuse has played for a week. Hopefully you can leave it on 24/7 for five days and then two or three days of on and off cycles. Then some critical listening.
Gentlemen, I need your help.  I can't tell if I need a slo-blo or fast blo fuse for my Line Magnetic Dac and 518i integrated amp.  I had previously replaced the originals with Chinese AMR fuses.  Very cheap but quite effective.  I bought slo-blo fuses.  Now I ordered Synergistic
Research Black fuses.  I don't know for sure if I need fast or slo blo
fuses.  Jonathan at Tone Imports said it's important I get the right ones.  
The Dac is 1.6A and the integrated is a 10A.  Jonathan thinks the Dac is a fast slo fuse while the 518 is a slo blo.  How important is getting the 
correct fuse?  For lack of not knowing  for certain; it's probably safer to get the slo blo fuses.  Is there any difference in sound quality?  Maybe
someone out there owns either of these pieces with original fuses
that could help.

Having removed the WA fuse chip i had on for a week and now reinstalling them.

For believers of this little chip, which cost literally a bag of chips reveals that they fill up the mid regions on the black fuse adding more vividness, upfront  with slightly more apparent highlights of details. Well worth a shot if you have them laying around or even you you have'nt tried them.

This reveals how much change these chips make for an astonishingly low price point.

The black fuse shows it is leaner, less brilliant but well, more spread out or balanced sounding in my setup. With a less pronounced mid frequency balance does does allow more depth to come through. But it is now so clear that it does alone produce a dryer sound without the chip. 

The WA chip is greatly effective, but does seem to be an opposite character of what the black fuse produces. With the chip, you have a much greater midbass presence, richer and weighter (more tube like sound).The Black fuse alone, one hears and feels the lower bass  and a more neutral sound with less colour, this come with the expense of much less midbass. Anyone with a speaker with say 8 to 10" woofer might find a lightening of overall bass, any experiences from the testers here?

I guess it really depends on the sonic balance of ones setup, like any cable change, tweak from mars etc... one really needs to try to see if it fits their preferred sonic characteristic.

Justubes2 wrote,

"Having removed the WA fuse chip i had on for a week and now reinstalling them.

For believers of this little chip, which cost literally a bag of chips reveals that they fill up the mid regions on the BLACK fuse adding more vividness, upfront with slightly more apparent highlights of details. Well worth a shot if you have them laying around or even you you have’nt tried them."

I knew it! Good show.

geoff kait
machina dynamica
no goats no glory
Wa chips on the black fuse lightens down and makes more organic sound but in my system is better off without
Hi holydio,

I did mention in my setup, the WA chip seemingly is fighting the sonic characteristics of the Black fuse. It is just doing opposite and giving a different sonic perspective from what i gather the B.F is doing.

This may be counterproductive, but one needs to try, no risk or obligation if you already have the WA chips taken off your old fuses.  It is a very contrasting effect and , some may like that presentation better.

Some background that i decided to order the fuse about the same time the Oregonpapa actually had them. Mine took weeks to be ordered and have them for a month now. 

I was intrigued that tweaks i did not understand commanding an absurd profit margin over what i could figure the cost was,. In many, cases, some costing much more than just 1 B.F gave mindblowing results. When you consider that many of us may need in the region of over 10 fuses, even S.R was surprised that one poster here needed like a quite a number. It shows that the pricing was possible not commensurate with the typical expected number of fuses many of us require. It does add up quickly to a cost of a good cable.

Depending on where one would draw the line on expenditure, i would strongly recommend even the SR20 fuses, furutechs etc (i find these 2 are much better than stock fuses like bussman or littlefuse brand). However,  if many are needed and investment in a better powercord where the resale value  would still holds up better tweaks may make more sense as a starting.

It is much more difficult when starting to compare good aftermarket fuses to even better ones. Foe example i have many years ago tried gold plated, pure silver fuses and platinum ones. From a first go, the sonic presentation was totally wrong for my preferences much preferring the SR20's and Rhodium Plated variants offered.

I have spent over these years, the equivalent of a good (read rather expensive) power cord.

The black fuse does things good, no real nasties i could not live with. But curious from day 1 reading about Graphene, and what or how S.R has incorporated it into the fuse. I guess for the asking price and cost involved, it was either a pure Graphene fusable element,  layer over the fusable element or Graphene fused to the endcaps. No mention of the black dot or substance on the fuse was ever made.

I concluded that the fuses are generic fuses as before, quantum tunneled and with a Graphene dot adhered. Photo of Graphene lead me to point to this black dot. A small 5ml bottle costs $75, but could still possibly treat a hundred fuses this way.

S.R has made reference to this thread, but never stepped in to clarify the real differences over their SR20 or red fuse which still remains in the product. Well, i do not blame them, it is proprietry what they did to the fuse, however simple and i respect that decision.

I might just pickup a bottle of Graphene mixture to play with :).

Disclaimer. I am a believer of Graphene (possibly because of its similarities with C-13 or 16 carbon isotopes (if i recall correctly) as i had a game changing set room tweaks which is said to be based this principle and was the reason why i gave these fuses a shot (mind you, no money back 30 day trial) or non-US customers. That was really one of the few transformational tweak i have used.

Justtubes2 wrote,

"The black fuse does things good, no real nasties i could not live with. But curious from day 1 reading about Graphene, and what or how S.R has incorporated it into the fuse. I guess for the asking price and cost involved, it was either a pure Graphene fusable element, layer over the fusable element or Graphene fused to the endcaps. No mention of the black dot or substance on the fuse was ever made."

The (primary) advantage of the extremely high conductivity of Graphene is undoubtedly that it makes a great absorber of RFI.  Besides making the fuse a super conductor as it were wouldn't actually do much good since the rest of the wires in the system are you know, copper. If one wishes to make a better contact on the end caps one can always use a contact enhancer like Quicksilver Gold or whatever. Also, since Graphene by definition is one atom in thickness most likely the black color you see on the Black fuse is some sort of tape or perhaps paint for protecting and capturing the Graphene, as it were. Someone else on this thread had mention a black dot but looking at a photo of the Black fuse it appears that the entire outer surface of the fuse is black.

So, like Audio Magic Super Fuse and perhaps others aftermarket fuse manufacturers, SR is hip to the whole RFI/EMI thing, with the fuse just sitting there, exposed. If one wishes to cut strips or dots or squares of Graphene, what with Graphene being one atom thick, one must use very small and delicate scissors. Lol

geoff kait
machina dramatica

Thank you for an excellent and descriptive post of the sonic changes with the Synergistic Research (SR) Black fuses and the WA Chips. I could not get the WA Chips to improve the sound in a system that had SR-20 fuses. But as you pointed out it is worth experimenting in each system.

In my fuse auditions I have found the Synergistic Research (SR) Black fuse to simply have the best effect. I previously rated the SR-20 fuse (the least expensive of the SR line) as the most effective in more locations than other fuses. These included Furutech, Isoclean, and Silver Hi-Fi and SR Red.

For those on a " Fuse Budget" I would strongly recommend the Synergistic Research SR-20 fuse. It does a lot of things right at a low cost.

I think many systems will sound fabulous with  SR Black fuses only located in the main fuse of the audio source, preamp and amp. After evaluating the sound at these locations, I then added Black fuses to my systems other fuses locations - for a total of 11 fuses. I continued to hear improvements with each fuse installed and broken in but the main power fuse location I think are the mandatory locations to upgrade.

As you pointed out the 30 day trial policy of the Synergistic Research fuses makes this audio upgrade experiment worth doing.

I would love to hear the Carbon 13- 16 based acoustic room modifier in my house! I am sure it is impressive.

David Pritchard