

Discussions srosenberg has started

RCA to XLR vs XLR to RCA... Converting Input or Output - Does It Matter??945911
Moving From USA Overseas... Looking For Advice re: Electrical Service and Gear455337
Raidho X-1128087
Kreisel Sound DXD-12012 Subwoofer18820
Amp to Add Dynamics & Detail to 'Polite' Speakers2563720
Small Speakers For A Large Room...2211931
Recommend An Electrician in Portland, Oregon24436
1.2k Output Impedance to 10k Input Impedance1461913
Looking For Someone To Make A Vandersteen X-230034
Sub Woofer Hum... This One Puzzles Me552018
Will An Attenuator Help Reduce This Hiss?2403817
What Else Sounds Like A Wilson Watt?27984
Processor Adjustments With 2 Channel Preamp18901
REL R-328... Anybody Heard One?134758
Power Cord for Wyred 4 Sound DAC264494