Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I want to echo Whitestix for his praise of Don Sachs restored HK C-1 it is one of the best preamplifier ever, especially for analogue playback. Guys like Sachs, Jim McShane, Jeff Day (Positive Feedback/6 moons) and the like, have state-of-the-art systems, great hearing, know what they are doing when it comes to modding, restoring vintage gear, as well as listening to much of the latest, greatest, modern top shelf stuff. When they make statements of high praise for something like the Harmon Kardon restored C-1, or restored and modded ARC SPC 6B or 6C, or McIntosh MX110z, I wouldn't be so knee jerk dismissive. So, Whitestix, you have a stellar preamp; the Sachs modded HK C-1, that is a Wow! I'm on the hunt for one. Best, Rob

I forgot to mention the SR Black fuse is excellent, already about 200 hrs in my Coincident gear. Works well in my MiniMax DAC as well. More transparent, better, wider, deeper stage; really like the guitar tone, more relaxed, better flow of notes. Best, Rob

As much as I loved the HK C-I that Don fully modded for me, Don Sach's new preamp is much much better and much more simple in design.  The heart of the preamp is the octal tubes.  It is an unfathomably fine preamp, better than anything I have heard, and Don shared that view.  He sells his preamp for about $1800 with a fine custom-made wood base, which allows easy tube rolling.  Don is now also selling a KT88-based amp that, in his view, betters the HK-CII, an amp he also fully modded for me.  Don has worked on hundreds of tube amps and preamps and has both a great technical background, but also a very acute pair of ears.  In 45 years of having good gear, Don's new preamp is the finest piece of gear I have ever heard.   If you have great vintage tube gear in need of an rehab, Don can do wonders with it.  BTW, Don is the only guy recommended by Jim McShane and nobody has more credibility than Jim McShane in the tube audio space.  Cheers, Mark
The Novium Resonator is currently on sale at High End Electronics, Apple Vallet, Ca. Alfred also sells the Synergistic Research Black fuses. He is wonderful to work with.

I do like and use Marantz products - for me their SACD players are in two systems. Yep. They do like an audiograde fuse. I know you are enjoying the Hi-Fi fuse. I do hope some day you will have an audition of the Synergistic Research Black fuse. I found it to be a worth while listening experiment to compare fuses especially in an amplifier.

Some time back the sub topic of WA Chips and audio grade wall A/C outlets was discussed. The Cable Company, New Hope , Pa., has the WA Power Cord Chip at 50% off and the very Good Furutech GTX-D (Gold) wall outlets at $140 (original price $215).

The WA Chips can be returned for refund if their rules are followed.
I do not think the Furutech product can be returned - I have never seen this this return policy  for Furutech outlets.

I am listening to David Leisner (guitar) with Zuil Bailey (cello) as I type.
This is a fabulous Cd both musically and sonically. To me the balance between the instruments was recorded perfectly. The SR Black fuses really allow one to hear the rich decay of individual notes. Highest Rating!
"Arpeeggione" by David Leisner and Zuill Bailey on the Azica label.

Charles I am glad the Elrogs are behaving. Tube rolling Elrogs, Psvane-WE's, etc. is also rewarding for my Triode of Japan 845 amp. Not for the weak hearted though. That is why I thank you for your insightful posts. There tubes are expensive and no returns for sonic dissatisfaction!

I do hope this thread's participants have a meaningful Easter.
I am now on my way to visit with my 92 year old Mother, be reminded of the love see has for me, and YEP-listen to her beautiful music system that has a full complement of Synergistic Research Black fuses.

David Pritchard
I contritely apologize for posts suggesting that these pricey fuses make no difference in ones' system. If you like them, then that is what counts.  Maybe my aging ears can't discern the improvement you guys hear.   

I received a pair of Spatial Audio Hologram M4 speakers yesterday and am breaking them in.  This is my first foray into OB speakers and I must say that for $2K, they are quite amazing. Have a look at Clayton Shaw's new speakers.  

In closing, the fact of the matter that we are all looking for the supreme enjoyment of our musical experiences.  Nobody would spend time on this thread if they weren't music lovers and from what I can see, you guys have systems which I be delighted to hear, truly.  Man, we are all in search of the absolute sound.  My notion is that we have forum in which we can discuss our gear and our devotion to the music that such gear reproduces.  That is what it is all about.  Still, watch out for anything GK markets.   With good will, Mark

Hi Mikirob,
You seem to have a consistent  knack for sniffing out the excellent audio products. So no surprise that you have found the Black fuses to be terrific in your system. Congratulations you hound dog 😊
Whitesox wrote,

"In closing, the fact of the matter that we are all looking for the supreme enjoyment of our musical experiences. Nobody would spend time on this thread if they weren't music lovers and from what I can see, you guys have systems which I be delighted to hear, truly. Man, we are all in search of the absolute sound. My notion is that we have forum in which we can discuss our gear and our devotion to the music that such gear reproduces. That is what it is all about. Still, watch out for anything GK markets. With good will, Mark"

if you're pretending to be an audiophile you're doing an excellent job.  With good will, GK.
Hi Whitestix,
I appreciate your comments, we're all just  music lovers looking for effective tweaks to further the enjoyment of listening to our music. 
My fingers remain crossed regarding the Elrog 300bs. I hope they do prove to be durable long term. Their sound quality is sublime. I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your mother. 
Hi Charles1Dad,
Thanks for the kind words. As I age my nose seems get wider if not longer; but I must confess I try to read all your posts, likewise Brownsfan, Almarg. Trust all of you implicitly. Best, Rob

Thank you for the additional info on Don Sachs new products. I'm positive you are correct, they will likely be state-of-the-art, very musical. Best, Rob
Mark (Whitestix), I also apologize to you for my criticisms.  I've been a bit on edge with some of the content on this otherwise helpful thread. You have the makings of a fine system.  
Best Wishes,


Congratulations on the Clayton Shaw speakers. I have heard his products at several audio shows and they are high performing with a much greater sound quality/ cost ratio than many other products

I do hope as many as possible readers of this thread will available themselves to one of the upcoming audio shows in your area. Chicago in April, and Newport Beach, California in June. This is a wonderful way to meet the designers - builders -and users of this equipment we consider adding to our systems. I find them extremely educational. Many have good demonstrations of how their products will affect a system's sound. Synergistic Research demonstrates their products in a 30 minute demonstration. It allows you to hear (or not hear ) what and how much a device changes the sound. Nordost and Magnaplan have very good demonstrations. Other rooms are walk in or out at will. Different approaches abound.

I still think it was very neat to go to Newport Beach a few years ago and talk one on one with the lead designer of the Sennheiser 800 headphones, which I had just recently bought. Not designed by a German soulless committee in white coats.

So go to an audio show!


Getting nearer to the Type 45 tube shootout: NOS RCA versus EML solid plate. Both tubes at hand but I have to reconfigure the equipment rack to try the EML's which are taller. Maybe I should use Elvis with the RCA's and Frankie Yankovick (polka) with the Czech made EML's!

David Pritchard
David ...

Looking forward to meeting you at Newport. I'm planning on spending considerable time in the SR room. I want to hear all of their new products. Have you had the opportunity to here the effects of the XOT Carbon crossover transducers yet? That's a product I'm really curious about. 

I'm listening to the  David Leisner CD downloaded from Spotify as I write this. Two of my favorite instruments ... guitar & cello. Thanks for the recommendation David. It sounds really good through my Audioengine 2+ powered speakers via my computer.  Now I have to get an Audioengine subwoofer to fill things out a bit. *lol*  Does it ever end?

One of the things I'm really enjoying about this thread is all of the input and suggested material from music lovers posting here. I sincerely believe that love of music is what this hobby is all about. The more we improve our systems, the closer we get to the music. 

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter ...


I do have faith in tweaks that have worked for me, but in order for me even try something It has to pass a logic test with a basis in reality…there's a hyper promotion vibe in this thread that seems purchased, and that permeates and taints the whole thing…the "don't think about it, just send in your MONEY" just ain't enough to get me to part with 20 times what I think fuses should cost so I can join a club. Think about it…FUSES…come on now…think about it….
wolf-garcia  ....

All I'm thinking about at this point is your illogical  conclusions in your attempt at being logical and rational. 

If there is a "hyper promotion vibe" in this thread, its there because of the great things these fuses, especially the Black fuses, have done for the vast majority of those posting here.  What you are calling a "hyper promotion vibe," is nothing more than the overwhelming enthusiasm being expressed by appreciative users of these fuses. 

If you're looking for logic and a basis in reality, here's your logic and basis in reality for you .... 99 out of 100 users say that this product has worked for them. Many have said that the results have been outstanding. These are not Johnny-come-lately audiophiles saying this stuff. On the contrary, most of us posting here have been in the hobby for many years. Over 40 years for me. And, if you would take the time to read this thread from the beginning, you'll discover that we know our music and we know our sound systems. 

There is no "club." Just a bunch of happy customers spreading the word. And much to my delight, the thread has turned out to be a bunch of guys engaging enjoying a positive camaraderie with newly found friends, all pursuing a common interest, and that is better reproduced music in our homes.  

Are the fuses expensive? Well that depends upon one's perspective. Personally, for the results obtained in MY system, I'd say they are worth more than the asking price. Now then, they may cost a few pennies to produce ... but that's not the relevant issue here. The issue is, does the end consumer consider the product to be worth the $120.00 shelled out for the fuse ... and is the seller happy to part with the fuse for $120.00. As long as both parties (buyer and seller) feel they got a fair shake, then that's a fair deal. Its the way free markets work. 

On you "parting with money" .... So far you haven't spent a dime, nor would you have to if you're not satisfied with the product. That's what the 30 day trial is all about. 

Okay, at your suggestion I've thought about it ... it is a fuse ... just a fuse. But what if I told you that these fuses have given me more benefit relevant to improving the sound in my system than four Shatki Holograms at  $1,500 a pair? Or a bigger improvement than going from KT-120s to KT-150's in my amp at $100.00 each? Or a bigger improvement than upgrading my amp from a RE-75 to a REF-75-SE? Would you believe me? You should, because its true.

Please don't confuse anything I've written here as an attempt to get you to try the SR Fuses. What you try and what you don't try is of no interest to me at all at this point. Its very evident that when it comes to the fuses, you are in possession of a mind that is slammed shut. What a shame. You could be getting a hell of a benefit for the outlay of $120.00 for a tweak that if spent elsewhere in your system would COST YOU 20 TIMES AS MUCH.  
Take care ... 
Let’s do the math. Assume for the moment a good fuse like the Black fuse can double the performance of a well tuned system. Let’s also assume a good fuse might only provide a 10% improvement in a system that is not tweaked and tuned! but right out of the box. This is representative of what I like to call the Last Tweak Syndrome, why folks who have been tuning and tweaking a long time experience much greater results with fuses or any new tweak than those who might be trying a tweak for the first time, or may only have a limited number of tweaks in the system.

The Last Tweak Syndrome explains why audiophiles frequently get absolutely off the scale results with the latest thing they do. But the reason is not necessarily that the thing is that much better than an earlier tweak from many years before but because the system is now at a much higher level of performance. Thus the latest tweak is much more audible and much more effective. Because many of the problems with the system - problem that are inherent in any system - that were holding it back had been solved by all the tuning and tweaking that went before.

The Last Tweak Syndrome, however, can give the false impression that this is about as good as it’s going to get. What can possibly outdo the Latest Tweak? Have users of Black Fuse felt inclined to try the next big tweak? Probably not. That overwhelming feeling that there’s only 3-5% left until perfection is reached looms large with the last big tweak. Of course that’s not true, it’s only a psychological ceiling. Thus, if one had put in a good fuse BEFORE another tweak, say Shakti Hallographs, he might very well have reached a different conclusion. He might declare Shakti Hallographs the greatest thing ever. The Last Tweak Syndrome also explains why some folks have less than stellar results with fuses or any tweak; there are still too many problems in the system for the device under test to be effective, relatively speaking. It’s swamped out or masked by the noise and distortion.

Do the math. No matter how much you have in the end you would have had even more if you had started out with more in the beginning. If you were striving to DOUBLE the performance wouldn’t it be better to double the performance of a system that was at 90% of it’s PEAK performance than if it was only at say 80% of it’s PEAK performance?

Geoff Kait
machina dynamica
advanced audio concepts

That's makes a lot of sense.  This is why I and others  have written that the higher the audio  system's resolution prowess the greater the impact of the Black fuses. As one addresses distortion and lowers the noise floor in their respective system /components there's less veiling/limiting of what the Black fuses have to offer. You explain this progressive tweak  improvement well IMO.

At Newport Beach:

I hope you will go to the Synergistic Research room more than once. Listen to the demo, go listen to a lot of other rooms and then revisit the SR room for a relisten. 

Lots of good things to experience at the headphone area. 

Give me a call when you get there on my cell phone or leave a contact message via the Hotel Irvine.
I hope to meet many of the posters at Newport Beach.

David Pritchard
Charles1dad wrote,

That’s makes a lot of sense. This is why I and others have written that the higher the audio system’s resolution prowess the greater the impact of the Black fuses. As one addresses distortion and lowers the noise floor in their respective system /components there’s less veiling/limiting of what the Black fuses have to offer. You explain this progressive tweak improvement well IMO.
Charles, "

Yes, but think of the FUTURE. Think of how you’re going to carry on when you try the next big tweak! And what will that next big tweak be? What will be on everyone’s lips? The other corollary of The Last Tweak Syndrome is that as audiophiles we tend to get carried away with the Last Big Tweak we try and hyper focus on it at the expense of everything else.  It's harder to hit a moving target.  A rolling stone gathers no moss.

The Black fuse can’t be the end of the game, or can it? Lol

geoff kait
machina dynamica


"Last Tweak Syndrome" is an interesting theory.  Who came up with that again? 

Its definitely what's best for business.
mapman ...

You are such a cynic. *lol*

Geoffkait ...

Interesting take on "the last tweak."   I've found myself asking the question many times after installing a tweak that works: is there anymore that can be had from those digits and grooves? When I first installed the Shatki Holograms, the effect was so profound, I thought that it had to be the end. The system went from a flat-screen presentation to one of 3-D. I've demonstrated this to friends many times by taking them out of the system, then putting them back in. Everyone hears the effects ... everyone. 

There have been many more improvements subsequent to placing the Holograms into the system, and many of those came before the first experiment with the very first SR Red fuse. 

As I listen to the system now, it is so good that it suspends disbelief.  And ... there is still a Red fuse lurking in my amp waiting to be replaced with another Black fuse. After that, based upon the success gotten from the fuses, there will be more SR tweaks to come. I'm torn as to what to try next. I'm thinking about the XOT Carbon filters for the speaker crossovers, the ECT's for the interior of the electronics or the PHT's for the phono cartridge and the turntable junction box. Maybe David or Charles can help me out here. 

David ...

I'm looking forward to meeting Ted Denny. I want to know what's on the horizon for his company. I've watched a youtube video about a new room treatment SR has using a material that sticks to the walls. I hope they demonstrate it at Newport. 

Robert and I will be checking in at Newport on Saturday, late morning. I'll give you a call as soon as we're done. Looking forward to meeting you. Anyone else want to meet up? 

Moopman wrote,

13,054 posts
03-28-2016 11:48am

"Last Tweak Syndrome" is an interesting theory. Who came up with that again?"

Three guesses. The first two don’t count.

Moopman also wrote,

"Its definitely what’s best for business."

I’m sure you’re just being paranoid. You know how I eschew tooting my own horn.

Geoff Kait
Machoman Dramatica
This might be a timely article I came across over at High Fidelity.
In it, the author points out that all common fuses are welded with nickel
elements and that is a bottleneck, or sorts, to good sound. Also, there is a vibrating element that needs to be addressed with the wire in the fuse as current is passed through it.

Maybe he’s onto something.

All the best,
Rave on fuse heads! Mass hysteria aside, I suppose I'll simply wait for a reasonable explanation as to WHY a fuse would make what ardent promotors feel is such a huge improvement…somehow, based on the artful (or not so much) dodging of any basic technical question along these lines, I think I'll be waiting a long time. So far the primary response has been to utterly ignore such questions and gesture wildly in the direction of astonishingly fabulous subjective results with seeming hyperbole like "the Black fuse can double the performance of a well tuned system"…well, a decent ear cleaning may do the same, and the reason is at least explainable.
Really no mystery here at all. As a modestly talented DIY guy I understand that fuses have always been a bottleneck in terms of sound quality. I learned several years ago to build amplifiers and preamplifiers without them. Use a high quality circuit breaker as your on/off switch and avoid fuses in the all important power supply. All that voltage/current going through a tiny, tiny wire connected with cheap fuse holder clamps does degrade the power supply. Seems straight forward in this particular fuse position.

I suppose these aftermarket fuses just limit the power supply less than the common fuse. That makes sense also.

Do one better and bypass those cheap fuse connectors and solder both ends. This makes it harder to swap fuses and direction, but it will certainly help the sound quality. 

In digital gear, I just bypass the fuse altogether with great results as fuses are in fact a bottleneck point in terms of sound quality. Many simply could not live with such a mod and I completely understand. The point is the sound quality of these pieces improves with the fuse bypassed as fuses degrade sound. 

I do not view fuses as a place where the voodoo claim can possibly reside, at least for the most part. Any fuse manufacturer using technology to improve the passing of voltage, current, and signal through this sound degrading devise is doing good to the component and music that flows out of it. This is no different than upgrading any other component such as a capacitor, resister, rectifier, rca jack, binding post, wire and on and on. 

No, this is not at all hard to understand. At least to this simple aphile. Goodness, I upgraded the wire and rca jacks in a passive preamp and  improved the sound. I think an upgraded fuse would also be a reasonable place to look for upgrades in performance.

" You are such a cynic."

Hmm, am I?

Well, in that case let's just all buy one of Geoff's hot rodded portable cd players and call it a day.    Won't run you much more than  black fuse.    :^)

Wolfman wrote,

"Rave on fuse heads! Mass hysteria aside, I suppose I'll simply wait for a reasonable explanation as to WHY a fuse would make what ardent promotors feel is such a huge improvement…somehow, based on the artful (or not so much) dodging of any basic technical question along these lines, I think I'll be waiting a long time."

Huh? We've discussed this over and over on this thread.  Did you sleep through class a lot in school? 

Geoff Kait
Geoff, note that Wolfie referred to a **reasonable** explanation. As I indicated in my post dated 3-25-2016 the explanations that have been cited are hypotheses at best. Unless the specific adverse effects of stock fuses that are claimed to be minimized or eliminated by the SR and other audiophile-oriented fuses are somehow shown to have a reasonable possibility of being great enough in degree to be audibly harmful (and across a broad range of components and systems), it is not unreasonable to consider those hypotheses to be unproven and/or unreasonable.

IMO, FWIW. Regards,
-- Al

Grannyring, thanks for your common-sense explanation. Improving a cheap fuse link is as valid as using purer copper in a hook-up, cord or cable.  
Wolf, I think you just enjoy disagreeing--very funny stuff.  Was I even close on the "Dire" and Jerry references? What are you listening to these days?   

mapman ...

What? you don't think this is a viable solution to getting the last bit of the corners of the sound stage:

 "The Frog Jump in Water Sound Room Acoustics Tweak entails the placement of 4 small plastic containers filled with ordinary water in strategic locations. Price includes four 12x8x6 plastic containers + instructions for use."

Al, are the fuse claims and explanations as much hypotheses as they are empirically driven--that is, a decision based on experience and without further evidence?  Those of us without your background are basing our fuse upgrading on experience rather than significant data as proof.  We are hearing new clarity as we progress through the various fuse offerings. My one foray into DIY audio has been to build several power cords using Furutech materials, i.e., their OOC copper wire.  My results in clarity and sound stage have been spectacular.  Furutech has a good explanation of their copper, found with search words "tough pitch copper, furutech, OOC".  This page makes good sense to me, and it leads me to believe there isn't a lot of high-purity, low-grain copper used by manufacturers, leaving a lot of room for improvement, just as stock fuses do.   

I think everyone has to find their own path. Pied Piper geoffkait will be happy to lead anyone in need and with some time and money to waste on their hands. You never know....maybe he’s on to something! His hot rod products could end up saving someone tons of money.  Until the "Last Tweak" syndrome kicks in of course.  Like fuses and a lot of high end audio, only one way to find out.

If I had to understand or require an explanation, I won’t be doing much and missing out in my life. I’m a simple person, use my ear to evaluate audio, eye to evaluate video, taste to evaluate food ... Sometimes it pays to be stupid! LOL!
Jafreeman, as I've said at various times during the course of the thread I don't question or even doubt the many positive experiences that have been reported with these fuses. I say that due to both the high degree of consistency of those reports, and to the considerable respect I have for the credibility of many of those providing the reports.

However for the reason I stated in my previous post I do consider the "explanations" that have been cited to not rise above the level of unproven and arguably dubious hypotheses. And one reason I attach significance to the lack of a confidence-inspiring explanation is that it lessens the predictability of whether a particular tweak will benefit a particular component in a particular system. And one reason I attach significance to a reduction in predictability, despite the existence of return privileges, is that as Wolf and Mapman have pointed out assessment of a tweak involves an investment of time even if it doesn't involve an investment of money.

Best regards,
-- Al

Al, you are such a fence sitter/pacifier, "you need to come out". We non voodooists, all know this fuse stuff is at best, bunch of psychological BS, especially with statements like.

"What? you don’t think this is a viable solution to getting the last bit of the corners of the sound stage:"

Cheers George

It's still the same old story: the doers do and the skeptics, well, yoooouuuu know......

geoff kait
Well, George, sometimes the view from the top of a fence can be an interesting one :-)

BTW, I'm sure OP's statement that you quoted was said with tongue firmly planted in cheek. :-)

Best regards,
-- Al
Al, what you need is a tweak intervention, whereby the principals of this thread would descend on your house with a bag full of cords, cables and fuses and transform your system. For his sins, GK would be made to dance, chant and shake rattles. When you are well entranced, everyone will sit down and Oregon will press "play".

Did you search that Furutech OCC page?

BTW, I’m sure OP’s statement that you quoted was said with tongue firmly planted in cheek. :-)

Best regards,
-- Al

I don’t know Al, he’s applauded things that left me shaking my head in wonder and fear for the gullible.

PS: maybe I should try sitting on your fence, this s**t is starting give me an ulcer.

Cheers George

"fear for the gullible"

If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t waste my time challenging anything one can read in these parts.

Does anyone doubt there are some who obviously and shamelessly prey on the gullible?

That’s a sin. No technology or science or 30 day guarantees will change that one.

We non voodooists, all know this fuse stuff is at best, bunch of psychological BS, ...

Let say it is a placebo effect.   Who cares how it works as long as it works.

Thank GOD I'm not as sophisticates as you. georgelofi. Handcuffed the need for technical explanations.  Like I said, it pays to be stupid!

Moopman wrote,

""fear for the gullible"

If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t waste my time challenging anything one can read in these parts.

Does anyone doubt there are some who obviously and shamelessly prey on the gullible?

That’s a sin. No technology or science or 30 day guarantees will change that one."

Your uh Amish upbringing is showing.  You probably just need to get out a little more.  You'll be OK.

"Keep an open mind.  Just not so open all your brains fall out." - Old Skeptics' expression

"Folks would probably be much better off generally speaking if they believed in too much rather than too little." - PT Barnum 


geoff kait

Almarg wrote,

6,255 posts
03-28-2016 2:01pm
"Geoff, note that Wolfie referred to a **reasonable** explanation. As I indicated in my post dated 3-25-2016 the explanations that have been cited are hypotheses at best. Unless the specific adverse effects of stock fuses that are claimed to be minimized or eliminated by the SR and other audiophile-oriented fuses are somehow shown to have a reasonable possibility of being great enough in degree to be audibly harmful (and across a broad range of components and systems), it is not unreasonable to consider those hypotheses to be unproven and/or unreasonable."

I actually happen to think there’s anything wrong with hypotheses or educated guesses. But there are also certain things that are not really in dispute, except perhaps only by someone who isn’t really prepare to argue seriously these issues. Some things we are more sure about. For example, we know that it can’t be used as the wire inside the fuse since it’s only one atom thick. Therefore we can safely assume Graphene is used in the Black fuse to combat RFI. We also know that all wire is directional including the wire in fuses. This is not really in doubt. We also know that end caps that are gold plated, silver plated or pure silver are better conductors than say nickel plate or whatever. We also know cryogenics improves the performance of many things, including metals, like the metals used in fuses. We also know that vibration is not good for the sound so any method of reducing vibration in the fuse is welcome, such as liquid filling in the Audio Magic fuse. Of course one can dispute these assertions, whatever, but it would be more rational to simply accept them and keep the ball moving down the court. You don’t really think audio forums require proof of assertions, do you, Al? Are you suggesting this is some sort of peer review we have here? Break me a give. Some people as we have actually seen here on this thread cannot be convinced of anything. That’s why there is such a term as pseudo skeptic. Skeptics in the real sense - not the sense you see here often - requires rational debate and inquiry and investigation, not some knee jerk response like, But you can’t prove it! That type of thing is straight out of 12 Angry Men. Even in a murder trial proof is not a requirement for conviction, only the preponderance of the evidence. And the evidence in this case is piling up. Besides, getting back to your point nobody has shown ANY PROOF OR EVIDENCE that any aftermarket fuse causes widespread harm to the sound in anything. Maybe widespread panic among certain uber skeptics. They don’t cause cancer either.

There is no joy in Mudville today.

geoff kait
machina dynamica

Moopman wrote,

"Yeah whatever.

Carry on...."

You cannot seem to mount an actual argument, only a lot of name calling.  Anything to push that number of posts higher, I guess.  13 thousand and whaaaaat? ;-)

Wow. Let me pry my tongue loose from my cheek so that I can more fully enjoy the popcorn. :-) 

You guys crack me up. There are some really funny, intelligent people posting in this thread.

I love it when someone takes what is meant as a complete joke literally. How you doin' George?? :-)

Geoff, since nothing apparently matters to you except to hear yourself talk, there is no purpose in anybody arguing with you. Anyone who can read can decide for themselves.
Jafreeman, it appears that this is the Furutech paper you were referring to. I read through it. It appears to me to be written more intelligently than a lot of the cable literature manufacturers provide. Although the quantitative significance of a lot of the things it discusses is debatable, and will certainly tend to be system-dependent. Also, keep in mind that the effects of most of the parameters it refers to, as with most cable effects, are proportional to length. That would include resistance, inductance, capacitance, skin effect, proximity effect, and several other parameters that they did and did not mention. Obviously an audio cable is typically far longer than the wire in a fuse.

That said, I don’t doubt that fine results can be obtained with that wire, just as I don’t doubt that fine results can be obtained with wire from other manufacturers whose design philosophies and approaches differ.

Geoff, in response to your latest post that was addressed to me I’ll say simply that various "explanations" have been offered in the thread for the benefits people have perceived to be provided by the SR fuses, and I stated my opinion concerning those explanations. I also stated a reason why in my opinion having a confidence-inspiring explanation can be valuable. Generalized discussions about the need or lack thereof for proof of assertions that are made in forums are irrelevant.

Also, regarding your (Geoff’s) comment that:
Skeptics in the real sense - not the sense you see here often - requires rational debate and inquiry and investigation, not some knee jerk response like, But you can’t prove it! That type of thing is straight out of 12 Angry Men. Even in a murder trial proof is not a requirement for conviction, only the preponderance of the evidence. And the evidence in this case is piling up.
The evidence that is piling up is that in most reported cases the fuses provide considerable benefit, not that the explanations of those benefits that have been cited are the reason(s). Also, for the record, the "preponderance of the evidence" standard applies to civil actions, not murder or other criminal trials (in the USA, at least). In those cases the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt." (I have a law degree in addition to my two EE degrees).

-- Al