Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
My Powercell does not radiate any heat and is cold to the touch with all the outlets in use.
just wondering if anyone has compared any SR's with Tel Wire's. I really like the latter and have heard nothing but good things about the SR's.
My PowerCell is at room temperature with every outlet in use including one to a QLS9 and all of its outlets are taken.

If you have any heat, something is seriously wrong.
Ok all, wrong context on my part(my bad!!) . I am going to purchase a Powercell and I am ordering custom wall shelves(resonant control...etc..) from Hifi Pyon. My power amp(87lbs) which runs warm-warmer will be on platform center floor, then Powercell on wall shelf above, then my center channel on shelf, then plasma. Blu Ray, Sat, Pre pro will be to left/right of powercell.

I am measuring up the wall and need to know how close can the speaker be from Powercell. Also, I don't want my Samsung 58" plasma too high up...thus the heat question...thx all for your quick responses and help....especially you Ted D.

Regards Bacardi
I have just placed my T3 on my CDP instead of T2 and I like much better. I have already an Apex XLR on the CDP to the preamp, a Precision Ref. IC XLR on the preamp to amp and Precision Ref. SC, I have also Galileo which I placed on my PR IC and obtained a better listening than on the Apex.

Anyone already compared the T3 to Hologram D on its CDP? Which are the differences? Is this a great improvement?

Jazz 59, not the T3, but the Hologram D versus the T2 was a jawdroping experience. With the Hologram D the sound is more encompassing, dynamic, deeper, quieter. I did this on a music server, several cdps and several sacd players, and on several dacs.
Tbg, thank you to report your experiment. It is one can what I thought following the reading of the reactions of the other owners of Hologram D. In my comparative between T2 and the T3, the T3 is above T2, but it is not the day and the night.

I will order 3 more Galileo and surely 1 Hologram D. After an Apex IC and 1 Galileo last month, my banker surely will kill me.
I agree the Hologram D is jawdroping as Tbg described. Wait to you hear Synergistic's new MIG footers under your CDP. I just got them today. WOW! Review soon... ;-) I also have a set under my integrated.

I've got two sets on the way to demo for my CDP and Pre. How did you set yours up? dome facing up or down? one in back and two at the front or other way around?

any tips for playing with these things?
Adwiegert, I got two sets of MIG's from The Cable Company to demo. They are really interesting to set up and pointing them up and down made a big difference in frequency response and soundstage. I decided I liked the pin-point position on my CDP because it extended the high frequency response with ultra clarity and I liked the ambient on my integrated amp. I have some more experimenting to do. These are very effective and fun to play around with because the differences are immediately noticeable.

TED, do you recommend a set to be used on my Powercell 10 SE?
So dome up is more pin-point and dome down is more ambient? Do they come with tuning and placement tips?

My demo's won't be here until the 4th :( stupid living all the way on the other side of the country. lol
If I recall correctly, at CES they used two in the front and one in back and the only one had the round end up. What really amazed me was that the components were already on a StillPoints rack and still the Migs made a big difference.
Could someone provide a link to buy these new MIG footers? Is there any information on their construction and what they are made of?
Sherod, their revised webpage was supposed to be up and running by now, but is not.

The MIGs look just like the cups in the ARTs and of the same iron, but I was told they are not identical to the ART cups.

They are definitely effective although I cannot imagine why. The demonstrations at CES were quite convincing. They should behave just like cones, I would think. Perhaps being hollow matters and have a higher resonant frequency matters.
Is there anything stating what material the Miggs are better used for? Ex: wood shelf, glass , plexi-glass , acrylic(which I've heard is best for S.R active sheilding).

Regards Bacardi
Barcardi, nope. I used them on my solid Cherry wood racks with great results. I assume they work on all shelves.
we shall soon see... I have old polycrystal shelves. I might try them on my amp too.. which is on an SRA Ohio-class xl2 stand.
Guys, as I said, at CES the demonstration was with the Migs on a StillPoint rack and still gave a dramatic improvement. I did not think they would have such a great impact, but they did.

It is an interesting question as to whether they perform better on some shelves than others. If they negate the impact of the shelves, would that not be great?
Ted previously mentioned that his speaker cables work best when they are lifted 4 inches by either wood or some sort of plexi-glass or acrylic elevators. Maybe this is why this question is being made. But Ted has never suggested that anyone has to go out and change their racks to any specific material for use with his MIG's. It was my understanding that the MIGS work under any shelf. Get a few and see for yourself before you go out and buy any new racks. Unless you are currently in the market for some, maybe Ted can give you his preference or suggestion.

The new Synergistic Research website is FINALLY up... Go and take a look. WOW!
I expected that the new Synergistic Research webpage would merely add the new products. Instead it is totally different and even introduces new products, or at least new to me, such as the Active Wall Plate, the Galileo BASIKs, and the Master File Project. Wow!

Joeyboynj, what most impressed me was that Ted chose to use the StillPoints rack for his demonstration at CES. I think this is the best rack I have ever heard. Nevertheless, the MIGs made a dramatic improvement. I just got my 3 sets of MIGs in this morning. Most of my equipment is on a StillPoints rack. I have now installed two sets of the MIGs doing so one set at a time. I each case they ultimately greatly improved the linestage and Minerva dac under which they had been placed. I say ultimately as any disturbance of the SR cables takes time to settle down.

But my Powercell was not on the StillPoints rack. It was on my old Mana Stands with the original Aurio original feet underneath. When I replaced the Aurios with the MIGS, as many say, the room lit up! This may be some evidence that the MIGs make the rack less important or maybe not important. I suspect that MIGs under a Powercell may have the greatest impact on your sound.
I know!

I caught the site before it went live (yay google) and now I'm very very curious about those three things specifically.

I want to know all about the active wall plate and about the Galileo Basik cables! Where do they fall in the scheme of things? better than Apex but not quite full Galileo?

I also can't wait to download the master file project files.
Oh.. I also got my demo MIGs yesterday... but still haven't had a chance to start playing with them. Today I had laundry going and an afternoon apt and didn't want to do serious listening with all the dirty electronics running.
One additional comment on the MIGs. Tonight they were much, much better than five hours earlier. They sound stage was more plausible and the bass was more profound. Nothing else had been changed. Possibly they reveal the SR cables settling back once they have been disturbed. Or the MIGs break in???

Nobody will know what I'm talking about, but my H-Cat linestage has a control that is much like focusing a camera. I had to very substantially change its setting tonight from earlier today.

As totally implausible as the MIGs are, they certainly have a dramatic impact!

Which configurations did you end up preferring with your MIGs? I've just got the two sets in and ended up with them both in Ambient configuration. I'm going to let things settle and then play around with them again tomorrow. It's pretty easy to swap them in and out without having cables move once they are installed.

I think I'll try swapping the CDP to pinpoint and see how I like that.

I'm kicking myself for not getting 3 sets to demo.

I'm definitely buying two sets though, and going to demo a set on the amp.
Adwiegert. initially I tried everything in the pin-point position, but I moved the line stage back to ambient. The MIGs are changing so much that I think I am going to have to go back. If it is the cables protesting changes this may take a while.

I'm sad to tell you that you have something else you are going to have to buy from SR, the Galileo Universal Cable Cells for your speaker wires. I just got mine into the system about an hour ago. I don't know what they are going to be like tonight, but what they do is many magnitudes more than the MIGs already. The clarity, timbre of instruments, bass, namely all the attributes of the PowerCell further added to your sound. I am worn out tonight, but really thought of staying up listening so I could hear the improvement with each minute. It really wasn't easy putting these things on the Apex speaker wires. The Cells are light and the Apex stiff.
Tbg, can you give us a price for the Galileo Universal Cable Cells and the migs?

I am also curious how the migs are any different from
all the other isolation feet out there. They either
seem to increase sound staging and air at the expense
of diminished texture and added brightness, or the
other way around.
Scottmac62, the Galileo Universal Speaker Cell cost $2500 and Interconnect Cells, $1500, and the MIGs, $150.

I am trying to grasp exactly why they are so dramatically different. There is little question that the two ways they can be used differ. One with two cups round side up called ambient soundstage and the other with two down called pin point sound stage. Nothing is said about all down or all up. I have yet to decide which I prefer or which mix I prefer.

Last night with the linestage in ambient and the PowerCell and Minerva in pin-point, on a live recording of Willie Nelson and Wynton Marsalis, I had a greater sense of the audience and the instruments in the band were very precisely located with very natural timbre. The drum solos were very realistic and the bass very extended. Today may be different. I expect it will be better.

I really don't understand the MIGs. We know these metal bowls resonance in the case of the ARTS. SR's demonstration of them merely turns them over on a table round bottom up. With the MIGs can they resonate with their open side either against the shelf or the component?

No matter, however, they do change the sound and dramatically. I guess all of us will have to judge for ourselves whether we like what we hear.

The Cells will have to await further listening also. Mine only had an hour on them when I last listened.

There is nothing subtle about either the MIGs or the Cells. You will immediately know something is different.

How long are the leads for the Galileo Speaker Cell MPC? Does it come with only one Galileo MPC?

Splaskiin, the leads are about 2 feet long and the MPC charges both set of speaker wires. The kit comes with long extenders, so a centrally located MPC could charge speakers that are 15 feet apart.

Go to the new SR website. It has a great deal of information and many pictures.
It's nice/fun because the orientation is so system and listener preference dependent. My 1.6s are pinpoint spotlight masters. The ambient setting works well with them.

I'm on the list for demoing the Galileo cells. I'll be especially interested in how they do with my speaker cables which are still Audioquest bedrocks, one of the cheaper audioquest cables. That'd be a real test... not how they improve SRs own cables, but how they improve less expensive cables from other brands.
Adwiegert, the Basiks are for demonstration with the Galileo Universal Speaker Cells. You will probably get them when you are demonstrating the Cells.
I don't have the Miggs yet but impressions from all of you is they sound similar to these Silver Bullet tweeks that I owned way back that you put on corners of your speaker to wide deepen your soundstage. Simple but instantly affective. I also used Gingko Cloud 9 balls with acrylic base. Similar affects & similar price.

Regards Bacardi
The Galileo Universal Speaker Cells are revelatory. I doubt if anyone, on hearing them, will ever remove them. But the MIGs are driving me crazy. The two positionings–two up and one down or two down and one up, how long they take to settle in or break in, and where you position them yields hours and hours of experimentation.

Pin-Point positioning ( two down) on digital sources, yields sounds in the recording that you otherwise never hear-fingerings, coughs, noises in the background, such as telephones ringing, and even comments among the performers. It is realistic as well as disconcerting. It is also very upfront sound.

Ambient (two up) is more spacious and layback. You really need to mix them, but in what location to use each remains unknown. An every time you move the MIGs you need to wait for them to settle in. The MIGs are very powerful and promise massive improvements in your sound, but don't expect an easy introduction into your system. You have hours of experimentation ahead of you. I figure that I am about half way there.

There is a real question in my mind also as to whether the stand under the MIGs matters. My PowerCell sits on a double Mana stand (two stands one on top the other) while every other device sits on a StillPoint rack. Changes under the PowerCell are equally as great as under the other equipment.
Tbg, Pin-point position was obvious under my CDP, because Ambient destroyed the high frequencies. Ambient sounded so good under my integrated so I did not even try the pin-point under it.

Which position do you prefer for your Powercell? I'm getting a 3rd set this week.
Joeyboynj, I had it at ambient until last night. I changed it right at the end but have yet to listen today.
How would you guy's think the Migg'swould stand up to Symposium rollerblocks and shelves?Have any of you substituted the migs in place of rollerblocks?My curiousity has got the best of me.
I once had Rollerblocks, Moonguy, but it was years ago. As I said at CES SR was using and here I am using the MIGs on a StillPoint rack which is an outstanding rack.
For the Galileo Universal Speaker Cell, since it has its own MPC (I think), do you still need to use separate MPC for the speaker cables? I am also wondering if I can use Galileo MPC with 2 leads to power one Speaker Cell as well as one Speaker cable. This way, I can just get Speaker Cell with MPC with 2 leads then move my Galileo MPC from my speaker cables to use them elsewhere in the system.

Also, is there any listed maximum weight that the MIG can handle?
Suteetat, the Galileo Universal Speaker Cells come with one MPC double lead along with 5' extenders to hook them to the Cells at your speakers. I don't think you would want to do what you are thinking to do as the Cells go at the speakers and the wire charger attaching point is at the amp. I guess if you were to have monoblocks this would make sense.

I would imagine that there is some ultimate weight limit, but they should be good for heavy weight amps. I don't think they would be good with speaker or that SR intends them for this application.
So, do the migs placed under a powercell
provide enough clearance for the mpc's
plugged into the back? Currently, I am
using a book for clearance. I also have
shelving that is fairly thick glass so
would like to hear any input on the migs
compatibility with glass shelving.

Tbg, thanks for the information regarding MPC on speaker cells. My only concern is that the cells are at speaker end so if one pair comes with one MPC with double leads, placement of MPC may be a bit difficult as my wall sockets nor extension cords are located centrally. However, I should be able to figure something out for placement. MIGs sound interesting. I am using ASR Emitter 2. The main amp is sitting on Symposium Acoustic Ultra already but not the power supplies for the amp nor the battery units for preamp section. They are sitting on acrylic shelf of amp stands currently. They don't seem to like regular cones much but I wonder if MIGs might be better.
Scotttmac, no, I still have to have the PowerCell at the back of the shelf. This is an old Mana glass shelf rack. I really have not had any difficulty with the MIGs under it, except that the power cords pulled the PowerCell around slightly as the pcs all go to the left of the PowerCell. I still have not decided whether I prefer ambient or pin-point placement of the MIGs under the PowerCell.

Suteetat, with the probably 5' extension that comes with the Universal Cells and the 5' lead out of the MPC, you Universal Speaker Cells can be 10' from the MPC. My speakers are 10' apart, and I have no problem.

The Emitter is a great piece. All that I can really say is that given my experience, I would strongly suggest trying the MIGs in all locations. I must have 15 different isolation feet around here and have a similar experience as you. Don't jump too quickly when you hear the MIGs. They are very dramatic and do take some time to break in. I don't exactly understand why metal cups would break in, but they do.
Tbg, are there two 5 foot extensions with the Galileo Universal Power Cell and are the leads 5 foot form the MPC? Can one of the MPC leads be connected directly allowing me to double up on the extensions for one of the runs?

Splaskin- The leads on a standard (or Galileo) MPC are 1.5 meters. The extension leads included with Galileo Universal Cable Cells are 2.5 meters so you have 4 meters from MPC to Galileo Universal Cable cell. Of course additional length can be had from another 2.5 meter extension between MPC and Galileo Universal Speaker Cell.

By the way, Galileo Universal Cells come standard with standard MPC's- Galileo MPC's are an upgrade option.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.

PS. Post number 1000 :)