Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Has anyone used powercell 6 what was the experience and what is the difference between PC 6 and 10SE
i am planning to install teslaplex in my dedicated power line for my tube amp and CD player with audience aR2p conditioner with QLS6 strip what audiogoners can recommend
I was using a Teslaplex with an ar2p to a QLS9 in my HT system. I removed the ar2p and the system sound just as good if not better with out the ar2p. I sold it and used the money toward more Tesla power cords for the system which proved to out perform the ar2p.
I got my T3 for the QLS today and did something I shouldn't have.... I decided to try it out on my amp first. Just jaw dropping! I really wanted to keep it there but the QLS needed the longer cord.

Still quite an improvement putting the T3 on the QLS as it powers my preamp and CDP... but the bad thing is.. I MUST get a T3 for my amp now


Can someone explain the difference between the T3 and the T3 UHC? the UHC isn't even listed on SR's website and all the info I can find on other sites just rehash the T3 info.

I did notice on thecableco that the UHC has a 20amp IEC only? yet there are options for 15amp and 20amp so I'm confused.
The T3 UHC is a 10 gauge version of the standard T3. If you do not need the extra gauge of the T3 UHC, I think a standard T3 sounds best but if you need the extra current the UHC is your best bet. The T3 UHC was invented as a lower cost option for the PowerCell.
Shellie... do you know if it's true that the T3 UHC has a 20 amp IEC only?

This would be for an Ayre V5X-e... which has a 15amp IEC
Danielle, Here is a QUATE from Ted_d from 8/8/08 in this tread. "The T3 is a very good power cord for power-line conditioners but, as you have discovered, it takes a loooooong time to break in and settle down in this application. An improvement over the standard T3 design is the T3 UHC which stands for "Ultra High Current" and though the T3 was engineered as a high current power cord (perfect for high current amplifiers), after the advent of the PowerCell, a line conditioner capable of handling an entire system's power needs- power amps, pre-amp, front ends and even mono blocks, I was looking for a way to take my basic T3 design to the next level given the unprecedented current demands the PowerCell places on any power cord; hence the T3 UHC was born. As such the T3 UHC is a heavier gauge version of the already high gauge T3 design. As a power cord for line conditioners it presents music with more weight and mid-range bloom when directly compared to the basic T3 especially when you have a full system connected to a line conditioner, and it does this at a reasonable price.

However by far our best sounding power cord from the Tesla series for the new PowerCell, is the Precision AC. This cord adds a level of refinement, air, and inner detail and nuance not found in the T3 or T3 UHC when used in conjunction with a power conditioner. In fact our top of the line PowerCell 10 SE comes standard with a Precision AC power cord along with a slightly higher performance internal electromagnetic cell. So for a little more then you would pay for a standard PowerCell 10 with a T3 UHC, you can get a PowerCell 10 SE with a Precision AC power cord and 32 AMP Powercon connection in place of the standard PowerCell's IEC connectors."
Also, Danielle, the T3 UHC does come in 15 amp IEC. Just call up Ted and ask him to make you one. I have one in my HT system on my QLS. But I would recommend you using a T3 on your QLS. I think that would be enough and you wont notice that much of a difference with a T3 UHC.

Shellie, I'm pretty sure the T3 is thicker than 10 gauge and the T3 UHC is even thicker. As mine is a noticeably heavier. Ted has also stated that the T3 UHC is his highest gauge cord.
Mehrakrishan- what do you mean:

"i am planning to install teslaplex in my dedicated power line for my tube amp and CD player with audience aR2p conditioner with QLS6 strip what audiogoners can recommend"

Are you asking for advice on power cords, the QLS6, line conditioners, the Teslaplex? I am sure we would love to help but I can't make heads or tails out of your last message. Sorry.

You may be right about the gauge of the T3's being greater then 10 however 20 amp in wall wiring is usually 10 gauge so I am not certain why or how going greater than 10 gauge in a power cord helps current delivery? Perhaps the heavier gauge T3 UHC just sounds better under high current demand compared to a standard T3?
I just received my T3 and installed it on my SVS PB13 Ultra. When I pulled it out of the box the male end had a rattle to it, sounded like a plastic rattle, all the 3 screws were tight. The led works and it powers so I will wait till breaks in & see from there...:)

Regards Bacardi
Will my used Tesla T3 need some time to break in to my sub??? Anybody, if so and how long???

Regards Bacardi
Yes... not sure how long but probaby not as long as a brand new one... unless it's been sitting unused forever.

I'd say a week at the most.
"Anyone here going to CES? Any pre show intel on Galileo?"

Did anyone see/ hear SR's next technology? If so what did you see and hear? So far I've yet to see any show reports on SR in forums or the MSM (Stereophile and their ilk)
Shellie, the SR room was one of the four best sounding rooms at CES or THE Show, quite in contrast to the RMAF. They were using YG speakers and Esoteric electronics unlike at the RMAF but otherwise largely their same components and wires. They did have their new MIGs or basically the orbs like the ARTs under components and did quick a/b comparisons with quite obvious benefit. They also showed new trickle-down technology Galileo couplers for the ends of speaker wires and interconnects but did not demonstrate them as only the full-blown Galileos were used.

If the show reports fail to mention this room, it would suggest they either did not visit or cannot hear.
I already know about the Galileo couplers... but what are these MIGs you speak of?

Oh and did you take any pictures? :)
Adwiegert, as I said they are like the cups in the ARTs system. You can use them opening up or round bottom up. I took pictures of the room but not the MIGs.
If you have any pictures of the galileo couplers could you send them to me? adwiegert @ gmail . com

I've found very few pictures of the SR room and they all just show the system with the full Galileo cables.. nothing of the trickle down stuff or anything else.

Adwiegert, SR said they would be on their webpage shortly. I did not really take any pictures of them, but I noted that the 4" x 6" x1" box for the speaker cables did have very long and sharp spikes on them. They were not demonstrated any time while I was there.
No I have not heard them yet but you did say that you were going to CES-did you get a chance to listen to the Galileo cables / system? If so what did you hear? Did you catch the demo where SR removed their new footers from underneath components?

Hope springs eternal but yea, I'm not holding my breath either.
Ozzy and Shellie, if they are going to sell the trickle-down boxes, they need to get them on their web page. When the ARTs came out they quickly added them. The MIGs demand being on a webpage also.

I had thought that Ted's experimenting with bowls like on the ARTs was a waste of time considering what I have experienced with the StillPoints, but the demonstration was striking. More so than turning the Galileos on and off.

Their room with the YGs and Esoteric electronics totally eclipsed the Avid and Luxman room at the RMAF. I could hardly stand to be in that room. This was one of the top four rooms at CES or THE Show and far superior to YG's own room.
I would like to hear from those of you how have
had a chance to compare the T3 UHC PC to the
Hologram A PC.
Hi Scottmac62, I own both. The T3 UHC retails for $1200 and it is very similar to the T3 that sell for $900. The only real difference is the T3 UHC is used for power conditioners because of its extra run of wire and higher gauge. The two T3's are both warm and lush in the midrange, have a holographic presence, great sound stage air and layering, detail, and low frequency control and extension and a relaxed and musical balance.

The Hologram A is total state of the art and costs $2600 retail. It is a night and day difference. The Hologram A is Synergistic reference power cord for amplifiers and pre-amplifiers. It blends pin-point imagining of precise image placement with holographic illumination that expands the boundaries of your sound-stage. It has rich harmonic texture and layering with amazing detail and air that is never fatiguing while low frequencies that are tight and deeply extended with realistic attack and control.

If you want the ultimate go with the Hologram A on Amp and Pre. Ultimate on power conditioner is the Precision AC. The T3 and T3 UHC are also to be audition and go with what sounds best in your system. Contact The Cable Company for a full compliment to try and compare.
scottmac62, I haven't tried a T3 UHC but I just put a T3 on my Sub. I had a Subwoofer AC Master Coupler Active on my SVS PB13 Ultra and it has been about 12 days and the T3 is simply amazing on it. I'd just say "bloomed the bass" in many aspects. Definition, pitch, tightness and very very smooth. I just bought a Hologram A for my power amp that replaced a T3 and after installing it I noticed a huge difference rite away. I will post more after it breaks into the system more....

Regards Bacardi
The sole exception I would make to the above is to say that my linestage did not like the Hologram A. The simple T2 was better.
Thanks for the info everyone.

I do have both the T3 and T3 UHC.
I really like the warmth
of these cables. So, if I go with a Hologram A
will I lose any of this warmth?
Scottmac62, demo the Hologram A. I say probably not as warm but more transparent and pin point and more detail and better airy clear highs. There is so much more with the Hologram A. Its a must demo if you are going all Tesla. Especially with the Hologram D on digital. They were designed to compliment wach other.
I have a question about securing my QLS. The PCs for the CDP and Pre make it tilt on it's side and unstable in it's position. So I zip tied it to the rack so it's held solidly down flat against the wood.

But then I wondered if vibrations from the rack would negatively affect the sound.

Should I isolate it from the rack? put some footers or spikes on it and then zip tie it down?
I would like to add that I have recently moved my Hologram A power cord from my Amp to my Preamp.
I also moved the Presicion Ref power cord from the Preamp to my Amp.
I have only listened to this switch for a few hours thus far, but so far, I like what I am hearing.
Better high Frequencies and better imaging.

I also have other power cords, a T2 on my Quattro, and a Hologram D On my CD Player. Along with Apex speaker cables and interconnects and my PowerCell SE
Adwiegert, my QLS 9 is just laying on the floor. It is such a snakes nest back there that I never even thought of vibrations having and effect. But prior experiences strongly says it will. There is also the problem of the SR cables being on the floor rather than supported on isolators. I am going to see whether I can do something about this today.
Yeah I've got all my cables supported with large Cardas V-blocks. I should get some extras... then I can put the QLS on the blocks to raise it above the rack (they are taller than the racks bottom frame if stood on their end) and still strap it enough to keep it falling over while avoiding direct vibrations.
Adwiegert, well the answer is isolating the QLS was a big improvement. I only had a Walker Audio isolation platform for use under his velocitor as shown on his webpage. I basically had to lean over my system holding on to the back wall to get it into place and then to raise the QLS-9 into position. The sound stage got noticeably more open and transient attacks improved.
Ozzy. Let me know how that switch with your Hologram A and your Precision A turns out. I just got my Hologram A on my power amp. I have my Precision AC on my QLS9 and T2 on Pre. I can switch the three around and see what happens. I have no Powercell yet so everything is plugged into the QLS9. The Precision really works best on the QLS in my setup now until I do purchase a P. Cell 10SE. If I take it off the QLS the soundstage, dynamics & definition just collapses. On the other hand, the Hologram A is really really defined, expansive, dynamic and immersive. It is an experience worth every penny.

Regards Bacardi
i am from ,india,i have been following all the threads about tesla products,which are not available here and i just have to depend on your threads and buy the products from manufacuterers or from SE Asia as most of these are not available here,first i was planning to put up Oyaide fittings for my dedicated line for my living voice speakers and leben amp,which i have bought slowly overtime but after reading your threads i decided to go for tesla recepctacle which i shall be getting from South east Asia with wires of romex from USA and as a member suggested instead of buying Audience aR2p conditioner i will buy a powercord to replace my stock powercord of my amp and CDP,actually i wanted to buy tesla powercell6,for which there is no review,all the audigoners have reviewed powercell 10SE,which at present i cannot afford and used available on audiogon does not suit 220v input
The Powercell 6 is very similar to the Powercell 10Se. It only have 6 outlets and used 20-amp powercords. It is a little warmer and only shades below the 10SE.
If you are planning on purchasing "Tesla" products from SE Asia for shipment into India you need to be VERY careful as this is a known market for counterfeit SR products. To date I am not certain that we have shipped any Teslaplexes into that market so again, be careful by contacting someone at the SR factory first. We will work with your distributor in Asia to first make certain he or she is legitimate and second, to make certain you get exactly the cables that will compliment your system best.

We also have Quantum Tunneled Romex for dedicated lines and this is an amazing improvement.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.

I had the exact experience that Tbg had with the Hologram A on my Ayre K-1xe pre. Total flop. It was way too full and warm (the bass slam was awesome though) and it lost a ton of image specificity vs the T2.

Based on Joeyboynj's opposite opinion, clearly the Hologram A needs to be auditioned in your system to see how it works out. You will know within minutes (after letting it settle in for a couple of days) whether it will work or not. The effect is not subtle.

Also keep in mind that the Hologram A is VERY thick and stiff and a bear to work with in tight spaces.

Good luck.
Guys, I need to mention the benefits of isolating QLSs from vibrations. Somehow I had ignored this in my use of SR cables. I had heard the benefits of isolating the Apex speaker wires, briefly tried the PowerCell 10SE on StillPoints component stand, and even isolated the vast majority of my SR power cords on Rightway Suspenders, but I never really gave much thought to the QLS, other than to wish I did not have the snakes nest behind my system. Then when Adwiegert inquired about the QLS, I finally thought about it.

I now have my QLS-9 isolated on a Walker butcher block base and have had it there for over a week. I also further assured that the power cords are all off the floor on isolation bases. This weekend with extended listening, I am in awe of the benefits of this. I, of course, have no experience with other vibration devices on the QLS, but I urge you all to try some. It is not subtle! The soundstage is strikingly wide and precise and the dynamics are frightening. On the last Chinese drum cut on the Burmester CD III, I clipped my amp. I have never heard that happen before.
Bacardi , Well I have played around with the Hologram A now on my Preamp and the Precision Ref now on my Amp for about a week and here it what I conclude so far.

There is definitly a better focused image and more presence in the Higher frequency.
But, something is lot different in the sound. Very hard to descibe. Perhaps it is because I have just been so used to the sound with the Power cables installed the other way around that this is now hard to get used to.
I am not sure if this change in total is a better sound than when the power cables were in there original position. I still need to evaluate for another week, then I will change them back and hear what happens.

I think it is something worth trying in your system though, let me know what you think.
Ozzy, I tried the Precision Ref on my amp versus the Hologram A and much preferred it, but Ted D says he cannot predict which will work best with amps. He was, however, shocked that I preferred the T2 to the Hologram A on my line stage. I suspect that these cables are very system dependent.
Ozzy. What I heard with the Hologram A on my pre amp and Precision AC on my amp was like everything sounded muffeled as if everything was behind a blanket but still listenable, like 80% of what should be there. Then when switched the other way everything opened up and dynamics, soundstage(width) , all frequencies came out and grabbed you in your seat.

Regards Bacardi
"What I heard with the Hologram A on my pre amp and Precision AC on my amp was like everything sounded muffeled as if everything was behind a blanket but still listenable"

Great description, Bacardi. I had the exact same experience with the Hologram A on my preamp. However, the Precision AC was very good on my amp, yet I ultimately preferred the slightly more rich and harmonically complete sound of the T3UHC there.
Seeing as though home theater is gaining immense popularity with plasma & LCD(led), why doesn't Synergistic Research experiment with an active HDMI? It does seem to be a standard with systems with 1080p. S.R does have a non-active HDMI Directors Cut but I would like to see something that would compare with say a Wireworld Silver Starlight which seems to be the one to beat on the market...The definite accompishments S.R has done with the Tesla series cords, powercells, acoustic room treatments, and now component coupling, let's see a stable, quantum tunneled high end kick but HDMI. Anybody agree/disagree?

Regards Bacardi
You are correct. It would be great to have an Active TESLA HDMI cable. In fact I have designed one and have it in my personal home theater system. Its performance is spectacular for an HDMI cable. The problem is, HDMI is for the most part a commodity product whereas the Active HDMI cable I have in my system was hand built in my factory at a cost in time (over one day to build), and materials, that would price it out of reach for 99.9997% of the Home Theater community and itÂ’s still not your best option for the vast majority of material.

In my home system I use a Pioneer PRO-141FD 60 inch plasma monitor. When viewing anything EXCEPT 1080p Blu-ray discs, the Tricon Active 1080i Component Video Cable has a more film like presentation that is more three-dimensional then any HDMI cable I have tried. And this includes 1080p DirecTV pay-per-view broadcasts. The way I see it, 99% of my viewing is of non Blu-ray material. Just last night I did a direct A/B comparison between my prototype Active HDMI cable vs. my production Tricon Active 1080i Component Video Cable on a 1080p pay-per-view broadcast on DirecTV of the film District9 and the Active Component Video cable was the clear winner. As such I see little reason to build a very expensive HDMI cable that is outperformed by our current Active Tesla Component Video cable for the majority of viewing options.

When the day comes that even 20% of my viewing is through our prototype Active HDMI cable I will revisit my decision.

Yours in music (and film),
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
I was visiting the SR factory today to see and hear the new Galileo cable cells (amazing). While I was there I asked Ted about Bacardi's idea for an Active HDMI cable and learned that Ted already has one at home. Long story short Ted went on to post the basic gist of our conversation to this thread not realizing that I was already logged in on his computer. I apologize for any problems this may cause and hope people will understand.
Ted or anyone else

what would be your choices for isolating the QLS? wood? carbon? metal? softer squishy stuff?

oh and I finally installed my teslaplex today.
Thx Ted. I am curious about the Active Component cord you have on the S.R site but if used with a D3(digital) they cannot pass lossless audio formats. Only HDMI can. I do want the 6x sound quality for home theater, not just the stellar video image. With all I have now with the Tesla series cords, accept for a Hologram D and Powercell 10SE(near future), the lossless audio formats would be just jaw-dropping. So your saying we are left to settle with less.....i've gone this far for my home theater I feel the HDMI would be the candles on the cake....I think HDMI is kicking off but will be a standard for home theaters...

Regards Bacardi